Xiao Yun is very nervous these days.

I'm afraid that after the living conditions get better, they will become relapsed.

He understood that the correct way of ruling was to let them continue to have a demand for something, and this demand was not easy to meet. It was easiest to control between gain and loss.

It can be water, it can be food, it can be a house.

But these are temporary, not so lasting, at least not a means once and for all.

Is there such a means?

yes , we have!

Life is almost everyone's need and spiritual sustenance. The same is true, such as being recognized, having companions, and so on.

The ruling method bred from this point is called religion!

Xiao Yun certainly doesn't want to create a religion.

After all, in a world with imperfect laws, the person in power will immediately be destroyed by thunder if he crosses the minefield.

He must grasp enough yardsticks.

Then, an academic is enough to replace it.

Coincidentally, he now has the status of a saint, and the only guy in the state of Qin who has hope to become a saint in the future.

It seems that it is not impossible to launch one's own theory, form a family's words and control the heart of the world. It can even be said that it is a matter of course.

As for what family words to launch?

Confucianism, Dharma and Taoism are always the first to jump into my mind, and farmers do not consider them.

In terms of political strategists, they are too thick and dark. They can't have too many preachers. Too many are easy to mess up.

Yin Yang family? Xuanmen's secret arts are mostly small-scale and are not easily accepted by those in power. After all, they are not conducive to rule.

As for doctors, they can't escape the four categories of "living in the house, protecting life; immortals and integrity". They run counter to their official career, and they are too ethereal. Thousands of people are involved in the world. Who is successful? Not yet!

Strategist? If you are famous, there will be no good results. It is the best ownership for a big husband to wrap his body in a suit. Naturally, you don't consider it.

Xiao Yunzi thought about the rest, but he didn't think of a suitable one.

Finally, it will fall into the three schools of Confucianism, France and Taoism.

Confucianism is a doctrine of the mean, but it is actually ingenious.

It was originally the favorite of the rulers and the one that all the people wanted to abide by.

Legalists, famous people also have bad endings.

It's not that it's bad. It's that anyone who studies this thing too thoroughly will inevitably be arrogant!

Proud! The arrogance of seeing the world as a grass mustard is always inadvertently distributed on such people. Even if they are correct, they will inevitably be angry and resentful. To put it bluntly, they are too rational, complete others and finally pit themselves.

Taoism is different.

There are wise people who can protect themselves, settle down and live a life, have skillful names, and govern the country and the world.

To put it bluntly, it has been involved from managing itself to governing the world.

From moral goodness, sage's trip, to conspiracy game, careful calculation, it is also well understood.

It also has clear knowledge and profound knowledge. For example, a sentence governing a big country like cooking a small dish can make you think for a long time, and a sentence of kindness like water can deepen countless ideas.

What is more profound is that Zhuang Zhou Mengdie is involved in the realm of philosophy, and then go inside is metaphysics.

From shallow to deep, broad and vast.

When you think about it carefully, it seems that everything in the world can have something to do with Taoism.

There are also provocative statements such as "Tao generates all things" and "only Tao inherits".


Xiao Yun thought about his previous life for a long time. He thought again at this time. Because he was outside his previous life, he suddenly saw it!

Actually, it's changing!

Different times, different countries, different environments and different people.

"It varies from time to time and from person to person, regardless of inheritance, it is all inclusive!", These are the 16 big characters summarized by Xiao Yun.

In short, if Xiao Yun wrote an encyclopedia with a total of 130 million words, including all the accurate information known in the world, then he pointed to his nose and said he was a Taoist, pointed to the encyclopedia and said it was a Taoist classic.

Therefore, Encyclopedia has become a branch of Taoism, which can be called "Tao of placing things".

With such a thought, he found that Taoism was really suitable for his implementation in this world!

When the time comes, he will regard the Tao as holy, and then get some official positions, which can not only affect the world, but also save his life. Isn't it happy?

But... He thought of another problem, that is, those famous Taoist guys are either ignored, or die miserably, or criticized. It seems that there are not many guys with good results!

"Young master, it seems that you are worried about something."

Shangguan qinger came in and asked with bright eyes.

Xiao Yun raised his head and said in amazement, "why do you suddenly become literate?"

"I learned something from Miss Wu. Cough, don't say that, young master. I saw your eyebrows locked just now. What's on your mind?"

Shangguan qinger looked embarrassed and hurried to change the topic.

Xiao Yun sighed, suddenly sat up straight and said, "I have three sets of sage words here, but I can only use one. I'm struggling with which one to use."

"Three sets... Sage's words?"

Shangguan qinger was stunned for a moment, and then opened her mouth in surprise.

Sage's words?

She has heard of this.

That's a sage's speech. You can write a book, put it in the school and read it by scholars all over the world!

Even in private schools, in addition to the necessary knowledge, they learn the words of sages.

Today, our young master is the product of saints. Before becoming a saint, we began to introduce the words of saints?

She was both amazed and suspicious.

She meditated in her heart.

On the contrary, he said it directly.

"Sage's speech? You are the sage's product. It's a little early to think about this?"

On the contrary, Miss Wu said very seriously: "But it's not too early. The words of a saint are the words and deeds of a saint, including allusions, experience, behavior, doing things, and many other things. They often don't come out after becoming a saint, but the whole life before becoming a saint. I'm afraid they have to be put into them. At least let the students all over the world know why a saint becomes a saint and why he becomes a saint, not his words and deeds after becoming a saint."

She was stunned and blushed. She really didn't know much about such a literary thing.

It seems that I was a little abrupt when I suddenly spoke before.

The three women discussed here and immediately attracted the young ladies and gentlemen of the surrounding families.

A group of people had just finished their work. When they heard what was said here, they thought Xiao Yun was telling them some allusions, or interesting stories, so they all came together immediately.

As a result, I heard that Xiao Yun was going to make a sage's speech.

They don't object to this. Although it's a little arrogant, who is qualified to make sage words in the Qin Dynasty? There is only Xiao Yun, a saint.

This is real.

Not even your majesty, not one of the civil and military in the Manchu Dynasty.

However, I heard that Xiao Yun had three sage words and had to choose one of them. Now he is struggling... This is a little too much!

Is that cabbage? Just get one? One doesn't work. Three? Damn it!

What is sage's word? They all learned.

From time immemorial, there are only 108 kinds of sage's words in the whole world, including 72 kinds of trails that do not need to be learned, and more than a dozen of the other 36 kinds have long been lost as fragments. There are only about 20 kinds that really need to be learned.

That is, thousands of years of civilization, there are only 20 sage words of real significance.

The closest thing to now is the "Baise examination heritage" written by Lu Jin, the flower saint of the Northern Wei Dynasty 120 years ago!

So they were naturally shocked by Xiao Yun's words.

I didn't believe it at all.

Even if there is one at most, that is, the genus of the path, there is no need to go to school at all.

Or Miss Wu.

She has a little too much trust.

"Young master Xiao, are there any differences between these three sage words?"

Xiao Yun sighed and said in a deep voice, "there are differences in nature. First, it can calm the people all over the world and become the orthodoxy of a country. Second, it is strong, the muscles and bones of the country, the foundation of the country. Third..."

Xiao Yun hesitated here.

As for the people around, they are all stupid.

But the first two have made people feel that Xiao Yun's words are too big!

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