Xiao Yun is impressed by Miss Wu.

I even think this girl is very talented. If you teach her well and give her enough opportunities, the future will be unlimited!

He felt like he had found a treasure.

Then he reached out and rubbed her head again, which made her hair messy.

Miss Wu was also embarrassed. She blushed, pushed his hand, and looked at a group of people laughing at thieves.

Childe Lin thought about it for a while. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that these two sage words were really scary!

It's too heavy. It can suppress all the popular words of saints, and even become the words of a family!

He couldn't help shaking at the thought.

It's horrible!

So he couldn't help asking, "what's the third kind, which can do anything?"

Xiao Yun doesn't want to say much.

Then he saw the three girls around him with curious eyes and sighed, Some spoiled said: "When it comes to governing a country, governing a big country is like cooking small delicacies. A simple sentence is enough for you to understand. When it comes to humanities, there is no sentence that can compare with the inhumanity of heaven and earth, and taking all things as a ruminant dog. When it comes to dealing with the world, the road is simple, and it is a sentence that is good as water, which is enough for people to use all their lives. Anything can be done. Cultivating self-cultivation, governing the family, governing the country, and even pursuing some illusory goals The great road is also a common thing. As for medical wonders, they can also be included. Therefore, it is not just talk to say that everything is feasible. "

As soon as these remarks were finished, the whole audience was silent.

Someone's mind turned quickly, immediately squatted down, recorded the words spoken by Xiao Yun on the ground, and then recited them as much as possible.

Xiao Yun looked at the strange appearance of a group of people around him and couldn't help laughing.

He was a killer in his previous life and had no culture, because to complete some latent tasks, he needs to perfectly integrate himself into them, and he needs to master a lot of knowledge, otherwise he will reveal his secret when he talks on weekdays.

So I remember these contents clearly.

And I don't feel ashamed to steal other people's knowledge.

In fact, today, on the one hand, Miss Wu is really talented. Xiao Yun wants to try her foundation.

On the other hand, he also revealed these on purpose.

If they can only let them live here, now don't look at their respect, but when things are over, they will just think Xiao Yun is a good wild survivor, and their respect for him will gradually decrease and disappear.

That's why I made the sage's words and let them know that they have real skills!

In this way, the respect will be extended for a period of time.

As for whether or not to get the whole sage's words out, Xiao Yun thinks it's still not right now.

He's too young!

Looking at the people's studied expression, Xiao Yun said to Shangguan qinger, "what about you? What do you think? What do you think will be better for your young master? It will be better for the state of Qin."

How can Shangguan qinger know this? After thinking for a while, he said: "First, he is too gentle and always feels a little hypocritical. We martial arts people don't understand the detours of your cultural people, so we just don't think it is affordable. Second, some are too fierce. Before, there were some famous generals who were clearly rewarded and punished. The trained team was very effective, but he also died on the battlefield. At the most critical time, everyone was selfish, but no one He gave his life to save him. So I think the third is better. After all, there are many. "

Xiao Yun was stunned for a moment, then laughed and said, "yes, the first two are really too extreme. Only the third one is more in line with people's hearts, but the third one is not good for your young master's future."

Helpless shook his head.

But the heart also settled down.

Sometimes it's Shangguan qinger who can give the most appropriate answer.

This night, for many people, is destined not to be ordinary.

Many people are sleepless all night, thinking about all kinds of things, the future of the state of Qin, their own future, the current situation in the capital and their families.

But more, I think of the three sage words said by Xiao Yun.

To tell you the truth, they are a little jealous.

While lamenting Xiao Yuntian's wizards, there are other voices. For example, these knowledge comes from an unknown inheritance. Xiao Yun just shows it, not original.

With this in mind, many people are more balanced.

But there are still some imbalances, such as why the inheritance was given to Xiao Yun and not obtained by them.

After a few days of silence, the party finally saw the official road.

Close to mountains and rivers, in an excellent place, predecessors built a post station.

After the earthquake and mud flow, although the post station was a little messy, it was not damaged.

There were some livestock behind the yard, most of them dead.

It's not empty here. On the contrary, there are many people here.

Many of them are familiar to Xiao Yun.

The great beauty is also among them.

The two teams finally met. Even if there was no intersection in the past, they all saw joy at this time.

One of the most exciting is the condensation double.

She ran over for the first time, but the normally domineering little girl rushed into the arms of the great beauty like an ordinary little girl.

"Aunt! I knew you would be fine!"

His voice trembled and hoarse, as if he were crying.

Xiao Yun was stunned.


He really didn't expect that condensate Shuang and great beauty had such a relationship.

The great beauty gently stroked Cong Shuang's head, then looked up at Xiao Yun and nodded at him.

Xiao Yun also saluted back, and then went to politely respond to others.

Many people gathered around him after seeing him, expressed their gratitude, and marveled that he really saved so many people, which made them very moved one by one.

Just saving people excited them like this. If they knew that Xiao Yun alone scared away 3000 Northern Wei cavalry, they wouldn't know what they would think.

When there are many people, you can feel at ease.

And this can be regarded as escape from life, and people's mood immediately gets better.

After the noise, Xiao Yun finds the great beauty.

"Why stay here? The post station here should not be far from the capital?"

The great beauty sighed and said, "there were too many people before. Some words were hard to say. I wanted to find you."

"What happened?"

Xiao Yun is a little nervous. Did the Zhao family know the news that they killed Zhao Fengxi and his party?

"When we found this post station and rested here, we met reinforcements from the capital."

"Reinforcements? Did you happen to meet them?"

The great beauty shook her head.

"They divided their troops into several routes, especially at these post stations. They left hands in order to inform us of a message."

Xiao Yun smiled bitterly, "I'm afraid it's not good news."

"Hey." The great beauty sighed: "on the other side of the capital, it is more serious than we thought. The earthquake and mud flow scour have overturned many villages and towns and displaced tens of thousands of people. They fled along the road, and the target is the capital naturally."

"Yes, in the eyes of ordinary people, the capital is a place of eternal health."

"But it's not. It's not easy in the capital. They have differences over these refugees. Some people suggest that they be put into the city, while others disagree. They think it's a very dangerous thing to let the victims into the city."

"It's all right."

"Finally, your majesty compromised, that is, to build some refugee camps in the north of the city. Although they are only simple bedding, they can always provide shelter for the victims, and at the same time, open the granary and provide some porridge and rice every day."

That's a good thing.

But Xiao Yun frowned and didn't look good.

The great beauty wanted to continue. Seeing his expression, she asked, "what's the matter? Do you think there's something wrong?"

Xiao Yun sighed and said: "Compared with other natural disasters, this earthquake disaster can make people panic. At the same time, it also cuts off some transportation between the capital and the outside world. After this incident, rich and noble people naturally lock their granaries, and how much grain can there be in the Treasury? Merchants take the opportunity to raise grain prices. There will be constant contradictions in the capital. Porridge outside the city? I'm afraid there will be great trouble."

The great beauty blinked blankly and asked in surprise, "you can know these without looking?"

Xiao Yun said with a smile, "many things don't need to be seen to understand."

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