Young master Leng led them to the palace gate in a muddle headed manner.

Standing here, he was afraid again.

"Well... Why don't you tell me what the credit is? Why is my heart a little weak?"

Xiao Yun rolled his eyes and said, "even if my credit is false, you have no sin. What are you doing?"

"How can you be innocent? After all, I brought you here."

"Address! Why did you forget the address again?"


Young master Leng gnashed his teeth and said, "uncle, just give me a solid foundation!"

"That's not good. Besides, Ben Shao is Xiao shengpin. You can be excused even if you are cheated. Where will you be punished? Even a stupid sentence can't hang on you!"

The young master of the cold family was stunned for a moment and nodded: "it seems so."

"Hum! By the way, all I know is that you are just a childe of the cold family. I don't even know your name."

"Ben will be cold front."


"Oh, nephew Leng Feng!"

"Uh huh, Leng Feng, if you want to understand something, you won't always be so frightened. What can you do? If you are afraid of tigers and wolves, the safest way is to live honestly, but you can't say that life is wonderful, right?"

Leng Feng bit his teeth, nodded and said, "OK, i... cough, nephew, I'll report it now!"

Today's palace gate is easier to open than in the past.

The rebels are outside the city. There are too many important military affairs. If you report them layer by layer, I'm afraid the cauliflower will be cold when the news reaches your Majesty's ears.

For the requirements of entering the Imperial Palace, it is OK to be above the commander level of 100 people, especially the forbidden army.

The cold front also accounts for this.

So even with the two people, there was no obstacle.

The imperial palace is always so majestic, but it is most suitable to use rotten words.

Which generation, or which world is the same.

This creates a momentum. Even hob meat like fox face is cautious here.

But Xiao Yun, just like wandering in his own back garden, strolled around, went to some places, and had to make comments. For example, some places did not do well, or even directly scolded the street, and said that his majesty had no taste.

This frightened Leng Feng and they even wanted to turn around and block Xiao Yun's mouth.

But they dare not.

Listen to the announcement outside the imperial study. It's a boring process. You have to let eunuchs in here and report a few times. They won't be allowed in until your majesty agrees.

After all, several people didn't bring any emergency military information. They just said it was an extremely important object that your majesty had to see in person.

It sounds suspicious anyway.

It's not easy for everyone to ask, and no one dares to make a decision. Your majesty has to make his own decision.

Xiao Yun stood there. Compared with the tension of others, he was not in a hurry.

He went to the side to see the flowers and plants, so that the eunuchs couldn't help looking up at him for fear that this guy would make some moths.

These flowers and plants are not just flowers and plants for Xiao Yun.

It's bloody outside. The state here represents your Majesty's state of mind.

Not metaphysics.

But these things need people's careful care to grow well. If your majesty is in a bad mood and always gets angry or makes a mess, these eunuchs and maids will be affected. Naturally, they won't take care of these flowers.

So when Xiao Yun saw that these flowers and plants were obviously depressed, he couldn't help but be happy.

It seems that your majesty is very upset!

The more distressed he was, the more precious his gift became!

But while he was watching, someone was watching him.

On a tall building nearby, a woman stood there and asked the people around her, "who is this man? Why can he enter the palace? And what's he doing with a box in his hand? Does he want to present a gift?"

The woman dressed up as a maid next to her glanced and said, "when is it? It's definitely not a good thing to think of flattery!"

"Yes, do you know who he is?"

"It looks a little like Xiao Yun," said a man next to him

"Xiao Yun? That Xiao holy product?"

The woman asked gently, her face full of doubts.

The person next to him said, "I'm afraid it's him! Yes, I've seen him far before. He's right!"

Another sneered and said, "when the country is in crisis, do you want to give gifts? I'm afraid it's not the name of this holy product, but also gifts."

The woman in the middle tooted her mouth. She just looked at Xiao Yun squatting there fiddling with flowers and plants. She didn't know what she thought in her heart.

Xiao Yun naturally didn't know that he was being talked about like this at this time.

When the eunuch summoned him, he slowly stood up from the ground, moved his limbs, raised the box, and then gently said, "I've been waiting for less than half an hour this time. When I want to come here next time, I don't have to wait for a cup of tea."

Leng Feng heard this and smiled bitterly: "young master Xiao... No, uncle, even if you are the third Duke of the dynasty, you don't mean to see your majesty right away. It's been a short time since you boarded the throne. Do you want to wait for even a cup of tea?"

"What do you know?"

Xiao Yun said with a smile, "how can Sangong compare with me?"


This sentence, Leng Feng really has no way to answer.

He sighed and led Xiao Yun and the fox face into the imperial study.

It's not as big as you think.

But it's not small.

Open the door is the middle hall, with incense curling on the left and right sides, and a small pond in the middle, swaying with all kinds of fish.

There is a huge screen behind.

Behind the screen is your Majesty's usual office.

It's sunny here on weekdays, but today, it seems a little depressed.


With a cold hum, a scroll was thrown out from behind the screen.

This proves that your Majesty's anger was not directed at Lengfeng and them.

But it still scares them.

On the contrary, Xiao Yun, the only white Ding in the room, stretched out his hand and patted Leng Feng on the shoulder. He smiled and said, "take it easy. We're here to give gifts. We should have more confidence."

"Is that so?"

Leng Feng whispered, and then immediately covered his mouth.

What's this place?

Royal study!

Your majesty is behind the screen and is still angry. Aren't they trying to die if they speak here without permission?!

With a plop, Leng Feng quickly knelt on the ground and said in a high voice: "Leng Feng, commander of the Imperial Guard's hundred horses, meet your majesty!"

Then he pulled Xiao Yun to kneel together.

It is reasonable to say that this is his majesty of the state of Qin, the highest figure on the mainland. It doesn't hurt Xiao Yun to kneel down.

In his previous life, he was not the first nature of the heavenly king Lao Tzu.

But there is a natural resistance to kneeling.

Do you maintain the so-called dignity, or do you think the relationship between people should be equal?

I can't say. I don't think so anyway.

Since it's wrong, don't do it.

As for the reason, he can naturally think of one at will.

"Cao min Xiao Yun, please see your majesty. Because of this gift, Cao min's leg was injured. It's really difficult to kneel down. I hope your majesty can understand."

His majesty took a deep breath and asked curiously, "Xiao Yun? Oh, it's Xiao shengpin. Come in and see me."

With this order, the people walked through the screen with uneasy mood and came to the Yujia.

There are a lot of memorials in front of your majesty, some of which have been read, some have not been read, and some have been torn and thrown aside.

At this time, he was dressed in a loose robe and his beard was a little messy.

However, from the face, it still gives people a natural sense of oppression.

Is this the king of a country?

Xiao Yun was obviously stunned.

People with this momentum are rare.

No, to be exact, he lived two lives. This is the first time he has seen such a person.

Only those eyes, like the night sky, are deep and ruthless!

"I heard you came to see me to give me a present by yourself?"

His Majesty's voice was full of banter.

And there was anger.

For Xiao Yun, his impression is excellent!

But at such a critical moment, it seems absurd for him to do such a thing as "offering treasure".

Xiao Yun heard the hidden emotion in his Majesty's tone, but he just smiled gently.

Then he arched his hand and said, "Your Majesty, this thing will never disappoint your majesty. As for the grass people..."

"Hey, there's no need for the grass people to claim that you are a holy product from evaluation. Although you don't have an official position, your grade is still there. Without a word, it's like I treated you badly."

Xiao Yun grinned and said, "the boy has surpassed. The main purpose of coming here is to use this treasure to give advice to your majesty. Your Majesty's most anxious thing now should be the rebellion of the victims, but in the boy's opinion, this is not what your majesty should worry about most."

"Oh? Are you teaching me to do things?"

His Majesty's tone became gloomy for a moment.

Leng Feng nearly fainted.

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