Martial King’s Retired Life

Vol 6 Chapter 35: .Dragon Bird Major League Causes [Part1 / 2]

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"I feel that after entering Nanjiang from here, the number of our personnel can be increased by a factor of two. The command system can also be refined again. After all, after being in a foreign country, just after doing business, you have money to ask for guards. It's also human nature and won't cause much speculation.

After making a gambling contract with Sima Huai, another night passed.

The next day, the emperor-the pedestrian set out directly, the content of the gambling agreement has not yet been drawn up, and we will meet at noon to discuss the follow-up. Anyway, Sima Huai has done a great job, and he can't run out of his tracking range.

In the carriage, Shen Yiren spread out the map, holding Ming Feizhen in his left hand, and left the emperor. On that strategy, I discussed with Dugu and Alan the next route change and what to do after entering southern Xinjiang. What kind of characters should be noticed. Dugu has the highest official position and is also the head of the spy intelligence system. Alan is the person most familiar with southern Xinjiang. So they asked all three to discuss together.

As for the emperor being robbed of the Raiders, the little daughter-in-law felt like a grievance, and after a few fingers, she was really bored and had to stay-playing chess with the teacher. The teacher who was killed came to the **** and his head sweated coldly. Calling Albania to catch a fight again, the battlefield turned out to be a result, known to the original Saint. The chess skill is so superb. It can be called the Holy Saint in chess.

Everything looks incredibly natural, only-point.

The healed dragon took over the work of the driver of Alples in Tian—while driving the carriage, he once again shouted into the inside: "Miss Shen! Howling you many times.

Shen Yiren raised his hand to stop the meeting and returned a terrible look.

"Call Mrs. Treasurer."

"Yes, Mrs. Treasurer."

SF Light Novel

Dragon was scared and almost jumped out of the car and forcibly resisted.

"Since the name has been set, it should be carried out to the end. This is true of even Li Xia, and others dare to expose themselves." Shen Yiren replied: "Fang

Long was trained in the sky--every time, before he was authentic.

"Should you also think about the countermeasures of that gambling agreement? I haven't heard you mention it since yesterday. What should I do if I lose?

Shen Yiren frowned: "It's not a bet, it's not a big deal. How to win and how to lose, if you are idle, if you are interested, think for yourself." After the meeting was reopened, like He didn't take Sima Huai's two troublemakers in his eyes.

Dragon turned around in the sky and continued to hurry, -the brain was confused. Why does Miss Shen seem to bet on the deal-not at all. Sima Huai's merits were so high that Alples did not catch up. This is a strong enemy.

Thinking about it-for a while, an idea emerged-the two were real students.

Suddenly realized. Because he is a true brother-in-law, even if Sima Huai's command is in the hands of his own.

Ms. Shen is trapped by personal love !!! How could the wise Miss Ms. Shen be so confused !!

Suddenly a voice whispered in excitement.

"Yiren is confused, it's all that plague!


The dragon turned his head in the sky, and Song Ou beside him turned his head.

The dragon is in the sky--the feet are stomped!

"Mom, I didn't talk to you and you turned your fart! I almost hurt Lao Tzu to kiss you !!"

Naturally, Song Ou's skill could not be taken seriously by him, and he hurriedly avoided it.

But when I looked back, I met my sight again and suddenly understood what the other person was thinking.

Song Ou trembled and stretched out his hand: "It turns out you understand my heart.

The dragon kicked up again in the sky!

"Mom is so basic than you !!" Song Ou gave a big heel.

Song Ou angered: "What nonsense! I mean to deal with Ming Feizhen and his students!

Dragon in the sky-怔, the first time in his life-Song Ou looks pretty pleasing to the eye-although Song Ou still feels that the dragon is ugly in heaven.

It is just that the two are enemies and enemies. They have the same strong revenge on the Death Plague God who can occupy the weight of Shen Yi people even though he is not there. Based on this, the two enemies who fought for several years (Song Ou was bullied unilaterally), from the moment their eyes wiped out the spark, they reached an agreement and reached a conclusion.

On the fourth day of the thirtieth of March, the Dragon Bird Alliance was formally established.

"Mrs. Treasurer just said that we can take care of the betting contract. It proves that she is not particularly concerned about this matter. But how can we let the command power fall into the hands of outsiders? Anyway, there are so many under the hands of the old dragon Brothers. Li Daxia or Mrs. Treasurer will direct us. It ’s okay to give a command to a young boy who does n’t know where to play. It ’s a firm gamble to win.

Long Zaitian turned his head and asked in a low voice, "What do you think, Brother Dalang?" Wen Bazhi

Song Ou groaned his chin, and said rationally, "Wei people think-who do you call?"

Long Zaitian was very reasonable and said: "Oh, look. The lady in the shop just now has to implement it-what a proper title is. It makes sense. Li Daxia is so strict with himself, how dare I be special to you?

Song Ou dummy eats Huanglian

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