Martial King’s Retired Life

Vol 6 Chapter 72: Meet each other [Part1 / 2]

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Hesnabersang, no, long before he didn't call the name, the man's time stopped.

He was only seventeen at that time.

Forever calm and fair, white and thin, hope can never think of a boy so brave on the battlefield and lost his lord.

The tribe who knew that he was from sin did not keep it in his heart. He looked ugly and funny, but his serious look was like an eagle-like king.

"Let Natsukura Anji live." He always said that. While talking, I stood on the city wall and looked at the vast and long-lasting land where ignorance and lies spread, and the military disaster never stopped. The far-sighted look is like flying above the sky.

Now I want to come, he really doesn't care.

The king who dreamed of the reunification of the land of the sun god, revived the king of Besang, probably did not really take the so-called 'sin' to heart.

He did not believe the rumors of five hundred years, and reused the Hessina tribe.

It's as if he didn't believe in the terrible legend and took over the city of Nie Yaocheng.

His unbelief ultimately killed him and caused the kingdom to rupture. Sinister Scourge-Xi destroyed the Moya royal family and all courtiers. As if it were an appointment, even the lieutenant general did not stay-one, the extreme of evil.

King Moya became a laughing stock of many countries after his death. It is simply a demonstration of his stupidity and arrogance with practical actions.

The rumors and sarcasm are pervasive, in their words, as if walking through a storm. The sound of wind and rain filled the ears, but the young man could only hear the phrase "Let Xiacang Anji live".

Twenty years later, the wind and rain finally stopped in the ears of a man named Hesna Bessang.

"Princess, where are you, you

The emperor looked with contempt, and his old man hadn't slowed down the drive to drive the corpses from Xiangxi. But when he saw the word ‘Alan’ at first glance, the heat and red appearing on the pale face, the light blooming in his eyes, lightened his alertness.

When Besang saw the man suddenly and regretted a few steps, he seemed unwilling to ignore him, immediately flew off the horse, but did not dare to push too far.

"Wait !! I was rude just now, please tell me where the princess is, wait-down! Please don't close the door!"

Feeling his sleeves pulled up, the emperor whispered.

"This is not the place to speak. Hurry up with your horse!


A dark shadow lurked silently on the page of the house without making any noise.

He is not wearing that heavy armor today. -Coming is too gullible and easy to be found. Secondly, the armor that attaches importance to defense and rigid attacks is not suitable for assassination.


This person is a hundred eyes.

(o) pTQFZ Xiaozhi

He sneaked into the area following the news, and learned that the dog thief of Hessin should have entered this place. But this yard is too big. Baekmu and his subordinates spent a lot of time in a small circle. Can't help sighing who is the owner of this shop? Can have such a large courtyard in Xiuyu.

That great rebellion is not weak. It will take some effort to clean up even a hundred eyes, let alone his ghosts. So he sent out the ten ghosts to find Besang's whereabouts, and when he found any, he turned back to inform him.

It's just that they have gone too long. Why haven't you come back yet?

What he didn't know was.

In this manor, there are dark whistle and lurking master who is + times his manpower. As good as his master there are two. His ten ghosts acted separately, going-side by side, and-each by a trap. Ten Kirin guards were robbed and taken away. Now in the small black room, Xia Er's hot hand forced a confession. It is only a matter of time before the information of his ambassador is given.

But Master Baimu didn't know this, so he waited quietly, like an old hunter.


It was noticed that someone was coming, but the next-instant, but realized that it was not a ghost. Because that's the footsteps of three people ... ah no four people, ah no still ......... It's really difficult to tell how many people are, and I looked up quietly.

Sure enough, there were four people, one woman and three men, Q three 4;

Among them-a person's martial arts should be extraordinary, so Baimu failed to accurately capture his footsteps. It seems that this shop is really not simple, although one hundred eyes also want to-find out, the desire to cross the master is an instant occupation peak. But the task is at this time, not the time to provoke such masters. Desperate with all eyes,-determined not to be touched by his own thoughts, and then thought of leaving this place to find another place to hide.

He should just leave here.

If he left like this, maybe everything after that would be different. He just noticed it.

Among the three women, the woman is charming and charming, a man is magnificent, and a tall bamboo-like figure is like a zombie. These three are not important. This is his most deadly misjudgment --- And the rest, how he saw it, was the rebel Thief Hesnabersang he couldn't find!

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