Martial King’s Retired Life

Vol 7 Chapter 148: . Dragon Bird Major League Reappearance [Part1 / 2]

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Dragon reacted quickly in the sky, rubbing his hands hippie and approached with a smile.

"Master Ming, why is this noble man here busy? Hey, really, I can run into you everywhere. Would you like to drink tea?

Song Ou also-abnormally piled up-Zhang smiley.

"The new Biluochun comes from the Central Plains.

I was wary of a sudden rise in heart. Dedicate yourself to nothing and ask for my money, that is, my life or my elbow or woman.

I squinted and patrolled around the two of them-circled, both of them were indifferent-shivering, and both showed nervous expressions.

"Hey, are you two ...

They both waved their hands at the same time: "" No, no, how can this happen!

"Do you think I'm handsome and want to be friends with me?"

"" Go to your mother, I hate to kill you! ""

After a moment, the two faced each other aggressively, one after another showing remorse.

It's so simple to come out, there is almost no sense of accomplishment.

But will their response be a bit too intense ...

Seeing my treacherous plot, Long Zaitian directly exposed a ugly face that was as naked as Zhou Bapi.

"Since you found it, I won't hide from you, or it seems that the old dragon is not a manly husband. We just want to overcast you!" Then he lifted his head with his toes.

What's going on, this guy said so refreshingly that I actually didn't think I could hate it anymore.

Song Ou whispered nervously: "Hey, why did you tell him all this, aren't we going to act in secret? Say good dragon bird league?"

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Long disdained in the sky, "If it's time to pretend to be with him, wouldn't he have made a ugly sale in front of him? Lao Tzu won't show this ugly.

I'll tell you what, if it's true, we're going to deal with you, but it's not against you.

"That you....

"We are jealous of you !!

Well, it's the first time I've been so disgustingly outspoken, and I really can't get angry.

"But what are you jealous of me?"

I glanced at Governor Song. Suddenly he stood upright, straightened his hips, gathered his gaze, and didn't squint. He looked at me, and I looked at him, and he punched me in the head with a -0 sputum.

Thankfully I flashed fast!

Brother Bird, you have become wild recently!

"I don't compare my two with each other. I am the governor of the six doors and the first of the three divisions of Wulin. Who wants to be jealous of you?


"Then you are in the sky with the dragon. Although I have a title, but the land is far away in the southern Xinjiang, and it is useless to return to the Central Plains. It is too jealous to be jealous.

"Well, who cares about your big turnip."

Hey, hey! Okay, so am I-waiting for Bo!

"Your boy is relying on the emperor to believe in you. Recently, it has become more and more lawless. During the day, he hooked up with all the big girls and daughters-in-law, and in the night, he went into other girls' rooms one night and one night.

Our Dragon Bird League is to punish and eradicate evil, to destroy your enviable .... No, scornful traitor!

I changed my mouth halfway but the last word was still exposed! Are you still jealous?

Besides, it ’s not that I go to someone ’s girl ’s room at all, is it my little aunt ’s room?

"I'm talking about the Yiren room!

"Oh, it did go ...

"Are you looking for a pump!"

The three sputum sets of Governor Song's anger, I rolled a lazy donkey, and hit two of three.

Dragon laughed in Tianhaha: "Brother Bird is so good at it!"

The bird brother's head was soaring into the sky, he was very proud.

Long Zaidian said: "I also want to supervise the banquet place, and I want to invite the emperor to show me the limelight. There is no way. You just wait to be scolded and deduct money. Hahahaha.

Well, you're a dragon! My eyes are really amazing. Actually, I wanted to reduce my image in the eyes of the emperor from these small places, so as to achieve the purpose of deducting my wages and disgusting me. If it weren't for the boss to remind me, I really did follow your word.

I think the two are laughing and trying to ask.

"What are you going to do?

Song Ou proudly said: "Let ’s you first-arrange this place first, so that you have nothing to do at that time. The emperor knows that you will not be treated by you-a negligence?

The dragon rounded his hands in Tianchao and had a big mouth, hitting the head of this cargo.


"You're out of stock! You don't need to answer this period!" SF Light Novel

I raised my arms, it turned out to be so authentic.

"You have been thinking about it for a long time. But I am here now, what do you do? \ '

"Hehe." Long Zaitian said: "What about you coming? What can you do? This place, we have already arranged for you already !! Wow ha ha ha ha!

"Why, what, what !?

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