Chapter 1306 Entering the City

After taking out Yucheng, Zhang Yu said to Zhang Haoran: “Father, you can start.”

He is not worried about Feng Wuchang and Yuan Tianyang thinking too much, because this kind of thing is simply impossible to hide.

As long as he always maintains the image of profound mystery, even if Yuan Tianyang and the others know his relationship with Zhang Haoran and know that he is less than 30 years old, he dare not have any ambitions.

In fact, the impermanence of the wind and the others did not care about what Zhang Yu calls Zhang Haoran.

At the level of immortality, it is not difficult to separate a Divine Soul reincarnation and create an Avatar, but for most people, it is meaningless and it is thankless.

Even if Zhang Yu personally told them that according to the time of the turbulent flow of time and space, his deity Age is less than 30 years old, it is estimated that they will not believe it.

They only think that Zhang Yu is a super Old Monster, the identity of the son of Zhang Haoran is just a means to hide his identity.

After all, Zhang Yu’s demonstrated strength is too terrifying, and even the presiding judge is not his opponent.

Zhang Haoran heard Zhang Yu’s words and came back to his senses from the shock. He suppressed the shock in his heart, his eyes swept across the Sky Academy, and his voice slowly sounded: “True God lower realm, all get out!”

Next moment, most of the second-generation students have walked out of the crowd, including many branch students, such as Xiaoyixian of Doupo Great World, Queen Medusa, Lin Yueru of Great World of Immortal Sword, Chen of Great World of Shentou South wait.

Although their talents are not bad, some people can even compete with their respective Great World Child of Destiny, but they joined Sky Academy late and started late, so they suffered a little bit, but even so, they are still Reaching the True God lower realm, relying on its own strength, it can also cross the turbulent flow of time and space, and there are few rivals.

Seeing this scene, millions and millions of creatures held their breath.

Today, they have only deeply felt the terrifying strength of Sky Academy!

True God powerhouse, which one is not the Old Monster of cultivation millions and millions years?

Even if it is a Legendary seed that is so young and famous, it is also a cultivation for countless years to achieve True God!

Looking at the turbulence of time and space, True God is definitely considered an expert, and it can be said that it has entered the ranks of the top powerhouse!

What can shock everyone is that the top powerhouse with turbulent time and space is placed in the Sky Academy, and the Cultivation Base is actually at the bottom level. Even the Lu Family, Dragon Race and Wa Imperial that rule the fairyland millions and millions of years Palace’s True Gods, thrown in the Sky Academy, can’t splash a spray.

“A group of True God lower realm powerhouses are just the lowest level of students?” Millions and millions of creatures could not help but suffocate.

Those who originally had great self-confidence in themselves and believed that they would definitely be able to pass the Sky Academy admissions assessment, suddenly lost their confidence and were shocked to doubt their lives.

Those geniuses with high self-esteem are also eclipsed by the comparison of Sky Academy students.

“They shouldn’t be a hundred years old yet?” Long Zu, Lu Di, and the others also felt like they were dreaming and couldn’t believe it.

They can clearly feel that these True God students are too immature. Their eyes are as pure as babies. They don’t have the feeling that they have experienced years of tempering, even if they don’t deliberately explore the roots of these students. It can be easily seen that the Age of these students is definitely not big, even very immature.

If it weren’t for worrying that everyone at Sky Academy would be angry, Long Zu and the others would even like to explore the roots of these students and see how many years they have gone through.

Everyone was stunned by the Sky Academy students, and their hearts trembled: “Monsters, a bunch of demons!”

Barking Kun was even more irritated, and his eyes were red: “I don’t believe it, this is impossible!”

He fixed his eyes on the Sky Academy students. Every student looked so immature and showed an extremely enchanting talent. Compared with them, he, who always calls himself a super genius, looks no matter what It’s like a waste. After all, it took him countless years to achieve True God, and there is also Old Ancestor inheritance.

“Young Master.” Huotian cautiously said: “Calm down.”

Hearing this, Huo Kun suddenly woke up, and then shed cold sweat.

He took a deep breath, controlled his emotions, and then looked at the Sky Academy students in the distance, said with a sneer: “Even if their Cultivation Base reaches True God lower realm, what about it? Both are True God. Lower realm, I can definitely crush them easily!” Huo Kun is very confident in his battle strength. After all, he has seriously injured a True God Middle Realm powerhouse and successfully escaped from the opponent. How dazzling is such a record?

Moreover, after so long of cultivation, his Cultivation Base has also improved. It is only one step away from True God Middle Realm, and the battle strength has reached an unprecedented peak. If you fight with that True God Middle Realm again , He has the confidence to hurt him more severely and escape from the opponent more easily.

“Yes, Young Master’s battle strength is so strong in the whole world, maybe only that Nianyue can match you.” Huo Tian respectfully said.

Although there is a suspicion of flattery, Huotian’s words also have a sincere meaning. He really feels that at this time and space turbulence, no one can have such a terrifying battle strength as barking kun, except Nianyue. Those Legendary heroes, when they were young, were not necessarily able to match the battle strength of Nianyue or Nianyue, which battle strength is stronger, although the truth is unacceptable, but Nianyue has to admit that Nianyue’s battle strength It is stronger than Barking Kun, and the gap is obvious.

It’s just that there is no need to say this, lest the Young Master is unhappy.

“Okay, you don’t need to shoot my flattery. Nianyue’s battle strength, I admit that I can’t match it.” Barking Kun indifferently said: “But I believe that one day, I will surpass him!”

His eyes are full of pride, pride in the bones.

Even though his self-esteem has been hit by the Cultivation Base of Sky Academy students, he is still confident in his battle strength.

Although Sky Academy True Gods caused quite a stir in the Battlefield of Gods and Demons, they were once regarded as a legendary myth, but in the eyes of Wei Kun, they are just relying on the magical defense and enchanting truth. Divine Item, based on actual battle strength, Wei Kun feels that he will not lose to them!

“Although my Cultivation Base is not high, but as long as I show outstanding battle strength, Sky Academy will never refuse me to join!” Wei Kun is extremely confident, he believes that no one can refuse a battle strength Genius, and he also awakened the powerful bloodline of the dog Human Race, the potential is definitely stronger than those of Sky Academy students, “Unless they are fools, otherwise, absolutely impossible to reject me!”

The restlessness of off-site millions and millions of creatures has never affected everyone at Sky Academy.

The competition in the sky of ten thousand realms is still going on smoothly.

When the Sky Academy True God lower realm powerhouses came out collectively, the Zhang Haoran silhouette flickered and came to the edge of Yucheng, standing beside Zhang Yu.

He hesitated for a while and asked: “Yu’er, are you sure that this city can really withstand the impact of the real divine force?”

Although this city is astonishingly large, it is like an independent world, but because its breath is shielded, no one can feel the terrifying power of its built-in terrifying power. Those seemingly ancient buildings give people a kind of oneness. It’s hard to believe that they can withstand the power of True God powerhouse, let alone immortal.

“Haha, father, you are too small to look at Yucheng.” Zhang Yu couldn’t help but smile, “This endless time and space, there are very few people who can hurt it…”

Zhang Haoran did not doubt Zhang Yu’s words. After confirming that Yucheng was strong enough, he turned his attention to the second-generation students of the General Hospital, as well as Chen Nan, Lin Yueru, Medusa Queen and the others, slowly saying: “All True God lower realm, please prepare for admission!”

As Zhang Haoran’s voice fell, many True God lower realm students, their silhouettes flickered in the turbulence of the wasteland, quickly came to the edge of Yucheng, and then entered Yucheng in the eyes of millions and millions of creatures. .

“en?” At the moment when she passed the city gate, Queen Medusa paused slightly. She felt that walking into the city gate was like entering another world, the already huge Yucheng. In an instant, it seemed to have increased thousands of times. Even if she released divine sense, she could only perceive a street in Yucheng. No matter how far away, she would exceed her limit.

The students of Sky Academy opened their eyes wide, and they were shocked to each other.

“Those who want to visit the Ten Thousand Realms Tournament in the sky can also enter the arena.” Zhang Yu indifferently said.

Suddenly, millions and millions of creatures swarmed towards Yucheng, hiding the sky and covering the earth, as if there was no end.

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