Chapter 1311 Shock

Looking at the bitter look of the golden wings Little Peng King fighting intent, Chen Nan is also fighting intent like a rainbow, and the blood within the body seems to have been ignited. The originally calm eyes also have mood swings.

Chennan’s opponent has never been a True God lower realm student. Although his Cultivation Base only has True God lower realm, he targets those True God Middle Realm, which is one of his most aspirations. However, among the students of the True God lower realm group, a few of them are regarded as half opponents by him. If he can fight against one of them, he is also very happy. These few people are Predator Star Great World. Luo Feng, Great World Wind and Cloud Wuji after Ascension, Fights Break Great World Medusa Queen, Shrouding the Heavens Great World golden wings Little Peng King, etc.

Among these people, what Chennan values ​​most is Luo Feng and Feng Yun Wuji. These two people are not only the Child of Destiny of their respective worlds, but also have a keen sense of fighting that is almost innate, and their battle strength is surprisingly strong.

Compared to Luo Feng and Feng Yun Wuji, the golden wings Little Peng King is a bit worse, but it is still a worthy opponent.

Chennan gently put out a breath and said: “Please!”

“Be careful, I’m going to take action.” Golden wings Little Peng King hopes that dignified will defeat Chennan rightly, instead of taking advantage of it to win by accident. If it is the latter way to win, golden wings Little Peng King would rather lose himself.

Suddenly, the space around Chennan was frozen, and the silhouette of the golden wings Little Peng King, like a streamer, under Time Acceleration, almost instantly reached the top of Chennan’s head, Space Law and Time Law were covered by golden wings The combination of Little Peng King is almost perfect. Although everyone’s understanding of Law Comprehension is almost the same, the application of the law varies from person to person. The golden wings Little Peng King is undoubtedly the outstanding one among True God lower realm students. People, who can be comparable in this respect, can be counted on one’s fingers.

Unfortunately, Chennan is one of them.

Almost at the moment when the golden wings Little Peng King burst into power, Chen Nan’s silhouette suddenly disappeared.

The golden wings Little Peng King’s pupils shrank slightly, and then he felt a dangerous breath coming to him, and then he moved away without the slightest hesitation. Also at the moment he moved away, a cyan ray glow flashed past where he was originally. , That’s…blade light!

Off-site millions and millions of creatures are all shocked by this scene. Compared with the first round competition, the students who have advanced to the second round show more terrifying battle strength. This battle strength does not only refer to themselves The attack, speed, defense, etc. also include battle awareness, combat experience, etc. In the face of more powerful opponents, almost all the students gradually showed their true abilities, showing their strongest state. This is the strongest state they have never shown when facing a first round opponent.

“Really strong.” Everyone was shocked.

What they were shocked was that these students were terrifying in attacking the formidable power, the speed was amazing, and the defense was impeccable, as well as their battle awareness, that kind of amazing battle awareness, even Long Zu, Legendary heroes such as Emperor Lu, as well as many fairyland True Gods, all sigh.

Watching their battles, you can’t help but fall into it, or applaud or worry about it.

The battle between Chennan and Golden Wings Little Peng King was just one of many wonderful duels. Fengyun Wuji, Luo Feng and the others performed no less than them.

If all True God lower realm students are peerless genius, then Chennan, Fengyun Wuji, and the others are geniuses among geniuses. Even among a group of dazzling geniuses, they still exude more attention Their brilliance, so that no one can conceal their brilliance, that invincible demeanor makes people fascinated.

The second round game ended faster than everyone expected. In a short period of time, some people were eliminated, and then one after another, more and more people were eliminated. After a while, only a few people were left in the field. Ten people, and Chen Nan, Feng Yun Wuji, Luo Feng and the others also advanced without surprise.

It’s the golden wings Little Peng King, which makes many people a pity for him.

On the battle strength, the golden wings Little Peng King is better than most of the students who advanced on the field, but because he chose Chennan as his opponent, he was unfortunately defeated, so that the second round of the game would be eliminated. If he changes An opponent, not to mention qualifying for the True God Middle Realm group, at least, will not be eliminated so early.

“The third match of the True God lower realm group begins.” After the trainees recovered, Zhang Haoran’s voice sounded in the street.

As Zhang Haoran’s voice fell, the students in the field looked towards each other. According to the rules, they need to choose their opponents. If it is in the first round, they will naturally not care who the opponent is, because they They have confidence in themselves to win, but as the game progressed, they knew that Chennan and the others were out of the ordinary, so naturally they didn’t want to be Chennan and the others opponents.

Around Chennan, Fengyun Wuji, and Luo Feng, a vacuum zone appeared. The rest of the students were subconsciously far away from them, which made them appear a crane in a flock of chickens more and more.

Off-site millions and millions of creatures are also looking at the Chen Nan trio with admiration.

Many True God Middle Realm powerhouses are also full of shock in their eyes, and they calculate in their hearts, if they are against these three, how many win rates they will have, but the answer they get is that they will not be Believe it, because the answer is… they are likely to lose!

The Chennan trio, even without the Divine Item enchanted defense, can definitely compete with the veteran True God Middle Realm powerhouse, and even have a greater winning rate!

“But speaking of which, Sky Academy is really extravagant. Every student has a real Divine Item of Defense Enchantment… and every real Divine Item of Defense Enchantment has an incredible defense power.” Secretly speaking, Sky Academy’s handwriting also shocked them.

One or two hundred True God lower realm students is equivalent to one or two hundred Divine Items of Defense Enchantments.

What makes the ancient influence of Xianyu who claim to have millions and millions years inheritance so embarrassing?

It is estimated that the total defense enchantment of the entire space-time turbulence is less than 10% of Sky Academy’s, right?

When everyone was amazed, the competition in the field began again. No one took the initiative to choose Chennan as their opponent, but if Chennan and the others took the initiative to find them, they could not refuse, even if they were afraid of Chennan. , You must also brace oneself, otherwise, you will lose not only your own face, but also the face of your branch or the general hospital.

Time is passing slowly, and the competition is in full swing. However, those who can advance to the third round are not the weak, and the gap between them is only a few millimeters. If you want to compete with opponents at this level, It’s not that easy. The time spent in the competition is far better than the previous two rounds. It can be predicted that the later the competition will take longer.

It wasn’t until one hour later that the third round competition ended completely.

There is only a small part of the number of students in the field. It is estimated that in another two or three rounds, the final winner will be determined!

Millions and millions of creatures After experiencing the initial shock, they have gradually become numb. It is not surprising that these talented students of Sky Academy exist, and they even talked about the students in the field in a low voice. Some are optimistic about Chennan, some are more optimistic about Fengyun Wuji, and some are more optimistic about Luo Feng, and many female cultivators support Queen Medusa. The latter’s queen style has made countless female Cultivation Base yearning.

Chen Nan, Feng Yun Wuji, Luo Feng, Medusa Queen, became the four Mister Qi students of the True God lower realm group, and they have attracted much attention!

The battle strength of the Queen of Medusa is inferior to the first three, but among the many True God lower realm students, it is still a well-know figure. The glamorous queen style has made countless people obsessed. Admired by countless female cultivators, her popularity is even better than Chen Nan’s trio.

In this way, the competition was repeated. The fourth and fifth rounds of competition. When the competition reached the sixth round, there were only four players left in the field. Coincidentally, these four were True Four Mister Qi students in the God lower realm group: Chen Nan, Feng Yun Wuji, Luo Feng, Medusa Queen.

“There are only three places for promotion.” Zhang Haoran calmly said: “So you still need to compete in rankings and decide the top three!”

Just when Zhang Haoran tone barely fell, Queen Medusa suddenly said: “No need.”

Everyone’s eyes are on Queen Medusa.

“I abstained.” Queen Medusa said, neither humble nor overbearing: “The battle strength of the three of them is obviously stronger than mine, so there is no need to waste time.” Queen Medusa is already very satisfied with being able to advance to the sixth round. There is even no lack of luck, because among those who are eliminated, there are several battle strengths who are not weaker than her, and she also knows very well in her heart that with her own strength, the impossible will be Chen Nan’s opponent, and then continue to fight. It is inviting humiliation to oneself.

Zhang Haoran asked in confirmation: “Are you sure?”

The Queen of Medusa definitely nodded: “OK.”

Off-site millions and millions of creatures can’t help but feel sorry for Queen Medusa, but they also agree with Queen Medusa’s decision. At this time, the rapid retreat is the smart way. This glamorous queen has more than just perfection. His looks and body are also very clever.

Zhang Haoran respects the choice of Queen Medusa, and there is also a hint of appreciation in his eyes. He swept across Chen Nan and said with a slight smile: “In that case, I announce that the True God lower realm competition is over. Shen Tomb Great World Chennan, Great World Fengyun Wuji, Predator Star Great World, and Luo Feng advanced to the True God Middle Realm group.”

All three of them are Child of Destiny from Great World. They can stand out from many students. It is not surprising that everyone at Sky Academy.

The Chennan trio were looking at the many students in the True God Middle Realm group. The originally calm emotions burned like flames, and a thick fighting intent rose up.

Watching this scene of millions and millions of creatures off the field, I couldn’t help holding my breath. Three enchanting True God lower realm battling True God Middle Realm. I can imagine that this will be a top-level duel. An extremely exciting visual feast!

The length of the True God lower realm group has been cut by almost 80%. Are you satisfied?

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