Chapter 1329 ends

Although Daofather Hong Jun’s competition has stopped, Yuan Tianyang’s behavior is still a disruptive to the competition.

If Dean Mister is pursued, Yuan Tianyang can’t imagine what he will end up with.

“Yes, I’m sorry, Dean Mister, the villain has no intention of disrupting the competition.” Yuan Tianyang was terrified and hurriedly explained, “The villain just saw them look down on Spirit Treasure in this time and space, so he couldn’t help telling them. “

Above the towering building in the distance, Zhang Yu watched Yuan Tianyang calmly. After a long time, his voice slowly sounded: “just this once.”

Yuan Tianyang breathed a sigh of relief. Unconsciously, his back was soaked with cold sweat.

In the field.

After listening to Yuan Tianyang’s words, Daofather Hong Jun also had a more intuitive understanding of the value of identity tokens.

Spirit Treasure, the top space-time!

“Dean Mister actually gave us the Spirit Treasure of the top time and space…” Feng Wuchang was excited and unbelievable.

It’s hard to imagine that this small token in their hands turned out to be the top time and space Spirit Treasure of many legendary masters of time and space yearn for something even in dreams. It is rumored that people with top time and space Spirit Treasure, none It is not the powerhouse of the Pinnacle of Endless Time and Space, such as the seven presiding judges Mister, and Saint Court Dean Yuan Tianji and other Middle grade masters of time and space at Peak Level.

And now, they have obtained such a Supreme Treasure!

Take a deep breath, Feng Wuchang suddenly turned around, bowed deeply in the direction where Zhang Yu was, and his voice was full of gratitude and respect: “Thank you Dean Mister for giving us the Supreme Treasure!”

Qin Hu and Luo Qingyun looked at each other and bowed together: “Thank you Dean Mister!”

If they just hoped to climb a big tree before and find a place to shelter themselves from wind and rain, now they are truly loyal to Dean Mister.

Dean Mister treats them so kindly, how can they disappoint Dean Mister?

Not to mention anything else, just these few top-level time and space Spirit Treasures, even if they are sold, it is not worth the accident.

“Seriously doing things for Sky Academy, I will naturally not treat you badly.” Zhang Yu watched them with a gentle voice, which was like a spring breeze.

The impermanence of the wind did not say much, they secretly vowed in their hearts that they will never leave in this life, even if their bodies are broken and their gods are destroyed, they will never let anyone hurt Sky Academy!

At this time, Daofather Hong Jun asked, “Are you still fighting?”

Feng Wuchang glanced at each other, and then they shook their heads: “Don’t fight.”

“I abstain.” Feng Wuchang said.

Qin Hu and Luo Qingyun also said in unison: “We also abstained.”

Although they have time and space Spirit Treasure, they have not had time to refining, and they cannot be used in battle.

The most watched Tier 9 immortal team competition, the final decisive battle, so tiger’s head, snake’s tail ended, no one expected that Hongjun Daozu, the lowest person in the Cultivation Base, turned out to be the last The big winner, won the first place in the Ninth Tier Immortal Group!

A time-space Spirit Treasure, unexpectedly determines the final outcome of the competition, this is what everyone didn’t expect.

“Is it over?” Off-field millions and millions of creatures all felt that the competition ended too suddenly, and they were not prepared for it.

“No, it’s not over yet.” Long Zu suddenly said: “Although Hongjun Mister won the first place, the other Misters have not yet been ranked.”

When everyone heard this, they immediately eyes shined.

What disappoints everyone is that Luo Qingyun without the slightest hesitation said: “Qin Hu’s big brother battle strength is stronger than me, I give up.”

“My Cultivation Base is lower than yours, and there is a slight gap in battle strength. I will rank fourth.” Feng Wuchang glanced at Qin Hu and Luo Qingyun and said.

They are eager to refining the Spirit Treasure of Time and Space, how can they still be in the mood to continue the competition?

Regarding the ranking of the competition, they don’t care at all. The most precious Supreme Treasure has already been obtained. Do they still need to care about the competition reward?

“Okay, if that’s the case, then I will rank second.” Qin Hu was nodded and did not care.

“I am third.” Luo Qingyun also has no objection to this.

Everyone stared at them dumbfounded, the focal point of ten thousands contest, the Peak’s immortal duel, just in their three words, so trivially set the ranking?

Daofather Hong Jun’s mouth twitched slightly, and his face without emotional fluctuations was almost frozen.

Feng Wuchang ignored the almost dumbfounded Dao Zu Hongjun. They turned their eyes to the direction where everyone in Sky Academy was, and fell on Zhang Haoran.

I saw Feng Wuchang and said: “Vice Dean, we don’t need to compare anymore. In the final ranking, Hongjun Elder is the first, Qin Hu big brother is second, Qing Big Brother Yun is third, and I am fourth Row it.”

He speaks quickly, as if he is anxious.

As for what is in a hurry, Qin Hu and Luo Qingyun must know better than anyone else.

Zhang Haoran looked at them weirdly: “Are you sure?”

“OK!” Qin Hu, Luo Qingyun, and Feng Wuchang said in unison.

They just want to end the competition earlier, find a secluded place earlier, and refining the Spirit Treasure of time and space at the fastest speed.

Even if they stay for another quarter of an hour, they are not willing.

“That’s good, as you wish.”

Zhang Haoran was silent for a moment, and then said loudly: “I announce that the final ranking of the 9th-order immortal group, Hongjun Elder is the first, Qin Hu is the second, Luo Qingyun is the third, and the third is not recorded. .”

There are seven people in the Ninth Tier Immortal Group. In addition to Que Hongjun, Qin Hu, Luo Qingyun, and Feng Wuchang, there are Supreme Taoist, Hongmeng, and Lin Meng who have been promoted from the Legendary hero group.

However, only Hongjun, Qin Hu, and Luo Qingyun were finally included in the ranking.

Daofather Hong Jun has no joy or sorrow for his final first place, and he is always calm, which seems to have been his expectation.

That’s right, he who refining the Spirit Treasure of Time and Space, from the very beginning, is destined to not lose.

Qin Hu, Luo Qingyun, and Feng Wuchang also don’t care about the ranking of Wuchang. They just want to end quickly and seize the time to refining the Spirit Treasure of Time and Space.

Supreme Taoist, Hongmeng, and Lin Meng have a glimmer of expectation in their eyes. They suffer untold hardships and are promoted to the ninth-order immortal group. They are not here to play!

Although they didn’t get any rankings, they shouldn’t come home empty-handed.

Just when everyone thought that the competition was completely over and was about to disperse, Zhang Haoran’s voice sounded again: “The competition is officially over, and the rewards for the competition will begin to be issued next, first is Hongjun Elder.” p>

For a while, everyone’s eyes focused on Daofather Hong Jun.

Yuan Tianyang is also very curious, I don’t know what the reward for this competition will be?

Qin Hu, Luo Qingyun, and Feng Wuchang, who were just about to leave, stopped immediately and looked at Zhang Haoran in amazement.


There are rewards for this competition?

They simply don’t know about it, and they haven’t had time to understand it.

Of course, even if they know that there are rewards for competitions, I am afraid they will not care. After all, they have already got the best things.

On the side of the street, the Zhang Haoran silhouette flickered and entered the field.

Standing in the sky, he slowly said: “The first place in the Tier 9 Immortal Group, Hongjun Elder, rewards a Spirit Treasure attacking time and space, two Good-Fortune Pill time and space, and three time and space feasts.”

The voice fell, and Zhang Haoran appeared in front of a tower out of thin air, as well as the Good-Fortune Pill of Time and Space, and the Banquet of Time and Space.

Next moment, they flew directly to Daofather Hong Jun, and finally stopped in front of Daofather Hong Jun.

“Time and Space Spirit Treasure, Time and Space Good-Fortune Pill, Time and Space Feast…” Yuan Tianyang’s eyes straightened, and his breathing became quick.

This reward is simply heinous!

In this endless time and space, I am afraid that no one can remain calm in front of these Supreme Treasures, even the presiding judge Mister!

If this incident spreads out, I am afraid that all the masters of time and space will be swarming over, setting off a foul wind and bloody rain!

“This is the reward for competition?” Qin Hu, Luo Qingyun, and Feng Wuchang were dumbfounded.

Off-site millions and millions of creatures are incredibly hot, and there is a strong desire in their eyes. Although they don’t know the specific value of these things, they can guess how these things are when they think about them with their toes. The preciousness, that is the Supreme Treasure that even Tier 9 immortality longs for!

At this moment, no one can remain calm.

Even Daofather Hong Jun’s heartbeat speeded up a little bit, and there was a little excitement in his eyes.

He extended the hand, cautiously accepted the reward, then opened up a small space and deposited it in it, only to breathe a sigh of relief.

He was eager to refining the identity token, and even won the first place by not very bright means. Isn’t that what he did?

“The second place in the Ninth Tier Immortal Group, enshrined by Qin Hu, rewards a Spirit Treasure for attacking time and space, a Good-Fortune Pill for time and space, and a feast of time and space.” Zhang Haoran moved his gaze to Qin Hu and spoke slowly .

Compared with the reward for the first place, the reward for the second place is also very rich, but there is also a considerable gap.

Qin Hu’s mind is completely deceived. He just instinctively accepted the rewards, looked at them blankly, and felt that he was dreaming.

“The third place in the Tier Nine Immortal Group, dedicated to Luo Qingyun, rewards a Spirit Treasure attacking time and space, and a feast of time and space.” Zhang Haoran continued to issue rewards for the competition.

Luo Qingyun’s state is not much different from Qin Hu, until the reward is received, he is still in a trance, as if in a dream.

After distributing the top three competition rewards, Zhang Haoran began to distribute the rewards for the remaining people, and he said loudly: “The rest of the ninth-order immortal group will uniformly reward a Good-Fortune Pill in time and space.”


Supreme Taoist, Hongmeng, and Lin Meng breathed a sigh of relief. It was worthwhile for them to advance to the Tier 9 Immortal Group. This reward is worth it!

For them, Time and Space Spirit Treasure is not available for the time being. Even if it is given to them, it is difficult to use its power. On the contrary, Time and Space Good-Fortune Pill and Time and Space Feast can help them tremendously. It is the most suitable reward for them. At this stage, they really need the Good-Fortune Pill and the Banquet of Time and Space.

“Time and Space Good-Fortune Pill…” Feng Wuchang looked at Qin Hu and Luo Qingyun, and then at the Time and Space Good-Fortune Pill suspended in front of him. For some reason, he felt a sore nose. Want to cry.

His mouth trembled slightly, and there was an urge to slap himself: “What the hell did I do!”

That’s Spirit Treasure, Time and Space Feast, Time and Space Good-Fortune Pill!

Except for the poor Good-Fortune Pill, nothing else has anything to do with him!

And this, he launched it all by himself!

It was he who took the initiative to give up the reward that made the masters of time and space go crazy! ?

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