Martial Mythology

Chapter 1341: Initial results

   Chapter 1341 Initial results

   shook his head, Feng Wuchang cast his eyes on Niu Xinghai again, in addition to being amazed, he was still amazed.

Judging from the attitude of Wu Mo and others towards Niu Xinghai, Niu Xinghai should be about the same age as them, that is to say, this Niu Xinghai is probably less than thirty years old. , How did you cultivate to immortality, when did the ninth-order immortality become so cheap?

   At this age, he has just come into contact with the most basic Five Elements Law!

   "Come on, little guy, I believe that there will be a place for you in the Sky Academy in the future." Feng Wuchang encouraged.

  Qin Hu and Luo Qingyun are also convinced that they can achieve immortality in their twenties. Who knows where Niu Xinghai will go in the future?

  Perhaps Nine Revolutions Immortality is not difficult for Niu Xinghai!

   As for the master of time and space, what is needed is luck. Whether Niu Xinghai has such luck, they do not know.

"Okay, let's continue to celebrate, I won't disturb you." Feng Wuchang didn't want to stay here, because every time he saw Niu Xinghai's young and immature face, he was shocked, and, except for Niu Xinghai, as well as Wu Mo, Xiao Yan, and others, are also enchanting geniuses, possessing the mysterious power of creation, and they may achieve even more remarkable achievements in the future than Niu Xinghai.

   There are also Ye Fan, Xiao Yan, Sun Wukong and others, the mysterious halo will is even more daunting.

The more he came into contact with these young people from Cang Qiong Academy, the more Feng Wuchang was hit. He felt that if any student from Cang Qiong Academy was pulled out, he could be called the arrogance of endless time and space, but he could compete with the top geniuses. It seems too mediocre, only because they are older than them, relying on immortal cultivation, can barely stand.

  Feng Wuchang has a sense of urgency in their hearts, eager to improve their cultivation.

   Before that, though, they had one more problem to solve.

  The problem is...their cultivation has plummeted!

After cultivating the extreme martial arts, their power of time and space became more condensed, and their power increased greatly, but... they also discovered a problem that made them panic. Their cultivation level actually dropped a lot, and the more they became Cultivating extreme martial arts, the cultivation base will drop more and more. In just a few days, Feng Wuchang directly fell from the fourth rank immortal to the third rank immortal, and Qin Hu and Luo Qingyun's cultivation base also fell to the fourth rank immortal, and It may fall back to the three-turn immortality at any time.

   This terrifying discovery almost terrified them, thinking that there was something wrong with their cultivation.

   They stopped cultivating and studied for a long time, but they couldn't think of the reason. In desperation, they had to look for Ou Shenfeng, hoping to find out the reason for the plummeting cultivation base.

When they found Ou Shenfeng, Ou Shenfeng was in the process of refining. Compared with the improvement of his cultivation, Ou Shenfeng seemed to care more about his refining skills. His apprentice Xiao Yan, at least not too far behind.

   "Feng Zong, Qin Zong, Luo Zong, I don't know if the three are here, what advice do you have?" Ou Shenfeng stopped practicing and asked Feng Wuchang several people.

  Feng Wuchang, Qin Hu, and Luo Qingyun looked at each other, and finally Luo Qingyun came forward and asked, "Does Master Ou remember the extreme martial arts you taught us before?"

  O Kamikaze nodded: "Is there any problem?"

"Don't hide it from Master Ou, after we practiced extreme martial arts, our cultivation bases all plummeted to varying degrees." Luo Qingyun took a deep breath and looked solemn, "My cultivation base with Brother Qin has fallen to the fourth level of immortality, Brother Feng's cultivation base has fallen to rank four. The cultivation base has fallen to the third rank of immortality, I want to ask, what is the reason for this? Is there something wrong with our cultivation?"

  Feng Wuchang and Qin Hu looked at Ou Shenfeng nervously and looked nervous.

  Cultivation is the foundation of their foothold, and they cannot afford to be nervous.

Ou Shenfeng didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said: "Sorry, I forgot to remind the three worshippers. Although this extreme martial arts has the effect of turning corruption into magic, it also has a side effect. Those who cultivate it, in the initial stage of cultivation, cultivate Because there will be a certain degree of decline, it is not that there is a problem with your cultivation."

   "This..." Feng Wuchang's eyes widened, feeling incredible.

  Cultivation of the exercises, the cultivation level not only does not rise, but plummets, the world is so big, it is really amazing.

  Feng Wuchang and several people are well-informed, but they have never heard of such a thing.

   "Why is this happening?" Luo Qingyun asked.

"That's because after cultivating extreme martial arts, the power in our bodies will become unprecedentedly pure and condensed, the quantity will be reduced, but the quality will be improved. The reduction in quantity will cause the cultivation base to drop, but don't you realize that, Is your power stronger?" Ou Shenfeng asked back.

   "Indeed." Luo Qingyun nodded and said: "Although our cultivation base has fallen, the power of time and space has become unprecedentedly pure and concise, and the power is more than doubled than before!"

In general, their combat power has not been greatly affected, only the wind is impermanent, the cultivation base has fallen from the immortal middle realm to the immortal lower realm, the combat power has been lost too much, and the transformation of the power of time and space is also difficult to fill the battle. The loss of strength, but even so, his combat power is limited.

"Although the three worshipers can cultivate with confidence, the decline in their cultivation is the inevitable result of the initial stage of cultivating extreme martial arts. As long as you pass this stage, your cultivation will not drop again, but will be beyond your imagination. Speed ​​increase." Ou Shenfeng said: "After all, your cultivation base has only fallen, and your understanding of the laws of time and space will not be affected. You only need to accumulate strength again, and you can easily restore your cultivation base at the peak period. This process does not matter. will be too long."

   Hearing Ou Shenfeng say this, the three Feng Wuchang breathed a sigh of relief.

   "Thank you Master Ou for clearing your doubts!" ​​The three Feng Wuchang thanked them solemnly.

   They didn't think it would be shameful to ask Ou Shenfeng for advice. This would involve their future lives. In comparison, what was the face?

For Ou Shenfeng, they naturally give enough respect. After all, this is the master of the dean's appointed teacher. As for the understanding of the extreme martial arts, in the entire sky college, except for the dean, I am afraid that no one can come out. its right.

   "This is my duty, why should I thank you?" Ou Shenfeng shook his head and said, "Is there any problem with the three offerings?"

  Feng Wuchang shook his head and said, "I'm fine."

   Qin Hu didn't say anything more.

  Luo Qingyun thought for a while and asked, "I dare to ask Master Ou, is the amazing combat power of the teachers and students of Cangqiong College related to the extreme martial arts?"

   As soon as these words came out, Feng Wuchang and Qin Hu suddenly looked at Luo Qingyun, and then they all looked at Ou Shenfeng.

After Ou Shenfeng's explanation, they also understood the magic of Jiwujue, and they had already experienced it personally, and knew that cultivating Jiwujue would make their own power extremely pure and concise, and the power would increase tenfold. , If you thoroughly practice the extreme martial arts, the combat power will only be raised to an extremely amazing height...

  Ou Shenfeng looked at Luo Qingyun in surprise. Obviously, he didn't expect that Luo Qingyun had guessed the secret just after cultivating extreme martial arts.

He nodded and said: "Luo Zongfeng guessed well, the reason why the teachers and students of Cangqiong College are extraordinary, mainly depends on the extreme martial arts, except for the external power bonuses such as weapons and identity tokens, the extreme martial arts is the The main source of their combat power!" Speaking of this, Ou Shenfeng couldn't help showing a touch of pride, "You must know that Ji Wu Jue is a practice created by the dean himself, how can it be confused with those ordinary skills?"

   In Ou Shenfeng's view, those so-called god-level exercises are like **** compared to extreme martial arts, and they are not worth mentioning.

"Extreme martial arts is the foundation of our Cang Qiong Academy, and it is the main source of the strength of the teachers and students of Cang Qiong Academy. As for the fighting consciousness, combat experience, etc. of the teachers and students, they are all secondary." Speaking of this, Ou Shenfeng After a pause, "Of course, with the exception of the dean's disciples. In addition to cultivating extreme martial arts, they also have more extraordinary powers, which are different from ordinary teachers and students."

  Luo Qingyun nodded, he had already seen this.

   "So, after I practice extreme martial arts, will I be able to have such combat power?" Luo Qingyun asked with some anticipation.

Ou Shenfeng thought for a while and said, "If you want to have the combat power of the teachers and students of Cangqiong Academy, it is not enough to practice extreme martial arts. Only by practicing extreme martial arts for a long time, you can hone your strength to the extreme pure and concise. Only then can we reach such a level." Seeing Luo Qingyun's expressions gloomy, Ou Shenfeng suddenly changed his voice, "However, as long as you practice extreme martial arts, your combat power will definitely increase dramatically, although it will not reach the current level of the teachers and students of Cang Qiong College. As long as they persist in cultivating extreme martial arts for a long time, it will not take long for this gap to be closed.”

   After all, the teachers and students of Cang Qiong College have not spent a long time cultivating extreme martial arts, and Feng Wuchang can completely catch up with everyone's footsteps.

   "I understand." Luo Qingyun's eyes had a gleam of light, and he solemnly said to Ou Shenfeng: "Thank you Master Ou for clarifying the confusion!"

   paused, Luo Qingyun said: "I have nothing to ask, Master Ou, farewell."


   Soon, Luo Qingyun and the others said goodbye to Ou Shenfeng and returned to the place where they retreated and practiced.

As soon as the three of them came back, they couldn't wait to retreat and concentrate on cultivating extreme martial arts. With Ou Shenfeng's words, they were not worried that their cultivation would drop. On the contrary, they were very much looking forward to practicing extreme martial arts. One day, as long as they practice extreme martial arts, they will hopefully become like the teachers and students of Cang Qiong Academy, with the ability to leapfrog battles.

   This is definitely an irresistible temptation for Feng Wuchang, Qin Hu, and Luo Qingyun!

   Once upon a time, they could only envy those geniuses, watching them dominate the same territory and shine in all directions.

   They never dreamed that they would have the opportunity to be like that!

  Extreme martial arts, this is a practice that can change their destiny!

   "I don't know if I can compete with the adults of the senior patrol team after I have practiced extreme martial arts and recovered my cultivation?" Feng Wuchang thought to himself.

The weakest in the advanced patrol team is Rank 6 Immortal, which is enough to sweep the ordinary patrol team. Feng Wuchang, Qin Hu, and Luo Qingyun in the past are not the opponents of any one in the advanced patrol team, but now , but they have a faint hunch that maybe, in the near future, they will have hope to compete with the sixth-rank immortal in the senior patrol team.

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