Chapter 1346 Pride

Barron and Zhang Sheng eyes opened wide: “How is it possible!”

Yuan Tianyang’s previous remarks only made them feel that the Void Breaker is powerful, while the latter remarks subverted their perceptions.

It should be said that the Void Breakers are disdainful of the Lord of Time and Space, and they can barely accept it, but the Void Breakers don’t even look at the presiding judge?

Is this possible?

The seven presiding judges stand in the pinnacle of endless time and space, representing eternity and the end of power!

For the creatures of the ten thousand races, the seven presiding judges are like the seven great Spiritual Gods and cannot be profaned!

From the moment the hell was born, the seven presiding judges have existed. They are ancient incarnations and insurmountable monuments. They will always stand on the top of the mountain, for all peoples to look up!

If Wu Kun is the spiritual pillar of Beilun Time and Space, then the seven presiding judges are the beliefs of the creatures of this endless time and space.

“These breakers are too mad!” Barron shook his head, somewhat unable to accept their pride.

Zhang Sheng is young and energetic, and he is not convinced. Even Yuan Tianyang dares to be hard-headed, but he is in awe of the presiding judge. Therefore, he cannot understand the pride of those who break the void.

“Crazy?” Yuan Tianyang haha ​​smiled, “Yes, they are too crazy!”

At this point, Yuan Tianyang changed his voice: “But they have arrogant capital!”

He set his sights on Wu Kun and said: “Because they control the Power of Fortune, that is the power that overrides Time and Space Strength! This power is not even mastered by the presiding judge!”


Wu Kun didn’t speak from start to finish, but through Yuan Tianyang’s many words, he also faintly felt how proud the Shattered people are.

He couldn’t help but look forward to something, even some yearning, what would that circle of people who break the void look like?

“It’s not right.” Barron didn’t know what he thought of, and he was puzzled: “As far as I know, the presiding judge is the most powerful existence in this endless time and space. The void breaker is so proud that even the presiding judge is not afraid The presiding judge punishes them?”

Even if the breaker masters Power of Fortune, it is difficult to bridge the gap between Cultivation Base and power.

If the presiding judge really wants to deal with them, it may not be so difficult.

“That’s because you don’t know the irreplaceable role of the Void Breakers.” Yuan Tianyang said: “The Void Breakers are probably composed of two groups, one of which is composed of nine-star professionals. This endless time and space, all time and space Spirit Treasure, Time and Space Good-Fortune Pill, etc., are all made by them. Their status is no one can replace. Without them, endless time and space would be devastated.”

“The other group is composed of extreme warriors like Wu Kun. They have extreme battle strength and can even leapfrog in a special environment, but this is not the point. What really makes them irreplaceable is, Their power has great lethality on Asura and even Nightmare. If it weren’t for their guardianship, this endless time and space would have been broken by Asura and turned into ashes.”

“This is the fundamental reason for the unshakable status of the breaker!”

Barron’s eyes are incredible, saying: “Didn’t Asura be wiped out by the Misters of the trial?”

The information he understands is completely different from what Yuan Tianyang said.

“The Trial Conference did kill a lot of Asura, even Asura King killed a lot. Compared with the number of Asura killed by the Void Breakers, there is still a gap.” Yuan Tianyang shook his head. He did not deny the merits of the Judgment Council, including the patrolling of the temple. Strictly speaking, it was also under the jurisdiction of the Judgment Council. No one could obliterate the credits, but he must also admit that the merits of those who break the void are greater.

Looking at Wu Kun and listening curiously, Yuan Tianyang spoke more strongly.

“The trial meeting, including the Great Influence under its jurisdiction, such as the Guardian Temple, and other forces, jointly killed asuras, only half of the number of Asuras killed by the Void Breakers group.” Yuan Tianyang said this endless The secret of time and space, “The Void Breaker has an extremely rare number, but it is twice the Asura of the Slaying Judgment Society… acting as the main force in killing Asura! You can imagine that if there is no Void Breaker, this endless time will be What it’s like.”

Now Endless Space-time is still barely able to withstand Asura’s invasion. Although it is at an absolute disadvantage, it will not be completely destroyed in a short time. But if there is no main force against Asura-the Void Breaker, then this Endless Space-time will probably be In a very short period of time, he fell completely and became the Asura hell.

“Then why haven’t we heard of the Shatterer?” Barron asked.

In the past, he didn’t dare to ask so many questions one after another, but now Yuan Tianyang is obviously in a good mood, so he doesn’t have that many worries.

Yuan Tianyang smiled faintly: “It’s very simple, because of the existence of the Void Breaker, only the Lord of Time and Space is qualified to know. Moreover, they kill Asura in the name of the Trial Council. In critical moments, the Trial Council will also request They help… and usually, they just put a name in the trial meeting and ignore the decisions of the trial meeting at all. It can be said that they are the most special group of the trial meeting. They are both members of the trial meeting and drifting away In addition, the trial committee has no right to order them.”

What is a big name?

This is the big name!

For a cultivator, is there anything more desirable than this?

Zhang Sheng heard a burst of enthusiasm, and shouted in his heart: “What a breaker!”

They are proud, strong, and willful.

The trial committee has no right to order them, and the presiding judge must rely on their power!

This kind of life is truly Peak!

It’s no wonder Yuan Tianyang looked towards Wu Kun’s eyes full of envy, that’s the one who breaks the void, who doesn’t envy?

Nine Ranks of Immortality and Nine Ranks of Immortal Breakers are completely two concepts.

The former, any inferior master of time and space regards it as a tiny ant, come with my call and go away. If you dare to resist, you can suppress it by flipping your hand, while the latter, even the most powerful Middle grade time and space The Lord, and even a great figure like the presiding judge, must face his existence squarely and not be insulted.

Wu Kun, this is the real ascending to the skies with a single leap!

Hearing this, Wu Kun and several people have a deep understanding of those who break the void.

“putting it that way, I should thank you instead.” Wu Kun expression looked at Yuan Tianyang complicatedly, with a hint of sorrow and emotion in his tone.

Without the precipitation of these eight rounds of time and space, he would not think that he could clearly understand the profound mystery of time and space and set foot in the ranks of those who break the void.

At the beginning, he was proud and arrogant, only thinking about cutting Asura, fighting Heaven’s Chosen, competing with others, and fundamentally impossible to realize the profound mystery of time and space. Yuan Tianyang Sealed his Cultivation Base, but instead achieved him.

“I don’t dare to be greedy.” Yuan Tianyang shook his head, “After all, I sealed your Cultivation Base at the beginning, just to breathe out for myself.”

Although he is not a breaker, he also has his own pride, and he does not bother to take credit for what is not his own.

Wu Kun smiled dumbly. He suddenly felt that Yuan Tianyang was not completely useless. At least, Yuan Tianyang did not tell lies.

“Wu Kun Mister, do you think what Yuan Old Hu said is really credible?” Barron asked at the sound transmission.

Wu Kun glanced at Barron and sound transmission replied: “It doesn’t matter if it is true or not. I won’t comment on other breakers, I just need to be myself.”

Hearing this, Barron’s gaze looking towards Wu Kun suddenly became more respectful. It is hard to imagine that after learning about the Void Breaker, Wu Kun could still maintain such calmness and rationality.

“By the way, there is one thing, I need to ask your opinion.” Yuan Tianyang said suddenly.

If he hadn’t heard it in person, Barron could not believe that a low-level master of time and space, and also the legendary Yuan Old Hu, would be so polite to a Nine-Rank Immortal, and he would even have to consult him.

Those who break the void, are they really so powerful?

Wu Kun looked at Yuan Tianyang in surprise and asked, “What’s the matter?”

“Regarding your control of Power of Fortune, I will personally report to the trial meeting. I wonder if you mind?” Yuan Tianyang asked.

Discover a newly born Void Breaker and report it to the trial meeting. He will receive a generous reward. This reward is of great value to Yuan Tianyang.

Wu Kun pondered for a few breaths, and then nodded: “Yes.”

This kind of thing cannot be concealed, and there is no need to conceal it. Moreover, he is also very much looking forward to it, hoping to get in touch with the circle of Void Breakers as soon as possible, to see what the group of Void Breakers in Yuan Tianyang’s mouth looks like, is it really like Yuan Tianyang said, so proud that even the chief judge does not care?

Seeing Wu Kun nodded, Yuan Tianyang breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Wu Kun did not ask, otherwise, he would really not be able to explain.

Of course, with Wu Kun’s wisdom, I might have guessed it, but I didn’t explain that’s all.

Turning his head, Yuan Tianyang cast his gaze on Barron and Zhang Sheng, indifferently said: “Did you choose to erase that part of the memory yourself, or let me erase it for you?” It is the secret of the trial meeting, and only the Lord of Time and Space is qualified to know that Barron and Zhang Sheng are just ordinary immortals, guarding the middle and lower levels of the hall, and related memories are not allowed to be retained.

“This…” Barron was a little dumbfounded, and squatted: “Yuan Mister, can’t we keep that part of the memory?”

He said very anxiously: “I swear, I will never say it!”

Although Zhang Sheng did not speak, he was not willing to erase that part of his memory.

Yuan Tianyang looked at them indifferently: “This is the rule of the trial meeting. All the memories related to the broken people must be erased. Otherwise, not only will I be bad luck, you will also be subject to the trial meeting. Punishment, believe me, that is definitely not a consequence that you can bear!” His explanation is based on Wu Kun’s face, otherwise, he will do it directly. Why do you need to explain?

Barron’s expression changed slightly, and his face suddenly became pale. He did not dare to violate the rules of the trial meeting.

“If this is the case, please do it yourself.” Barron directly releases the ocean of memories, presenting the memories of those who break the void. As for other memories, they are hidden by him. After all, every Individuals deep in one’s heart have secrets that they don’t want to be known, and the reason why Yuan Tianyang is allowed to do it himself is because he feels it will be more at ease.

Zhang Sheng struggled a bit and let go of that part of his memory.

“Calculate your interest.” Yuan Tianyang hummed, then erased their memories.

Wu Kun not at all interrupted and did not stop Yuan Tianyang. It was not until Yuan Tianyang erased the memory of the two that he said: “Yuan Mister, it is time for you to fulfill your promise.”

Yuan Tianyang didn’t care: “Don’t worry, after a long time, I will be Seal Cultivation Base.”

Barron and Zhang Sheng are at a loss. What happened just now?

By the way, why is Wu Kun Mister’s speed so fast? ?

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