Chapter 1353 Ghost Time and Space (Part 1)

System wisely chose to ignore Zhang Yu’s ostentatious feelings.

“When does the host plan to leave the time and space of Shenxu?” system asked: “Does the host want to stay in the time and space of Shenxu forever?”

For Zhang Yu, the host, the system is generally very satisfied. In terms of talent, Zhang Yu is the worst of the hosts, but its moldability is the strongest, and it has the imagination of pegasus. At the same stage, the first two hosts are far inferior to Zhang Yu. More importantly, Zhang Yu, who created Dantian World, has an unpredictable horror potential. In the future, he hopes to achieve achievements beyond Old Master An advantage that neither host had in the past.

Zhang Yu’s achievements in many aspects have surpassed the initial expectations of the system, and even exceeded its Old Master, but the only thing is that this host is too hesitated to say it, and it is too embarrassing. , Didn’t want to bear even the slightest danger, unless he had a ten-percent certainty, this host would never end easily.

The system followed the Old Master to fight, and then followed two hosts. What kind of people have not seen?

However, this is the first time I have seen a person like Zhang Yu who is so pitiful and counseling!

Even the presiding judges are stationed in the most dangerous front line to fight Nightmare!

Zhang Yu can faintly feel the contempt in system’s words, but he doesn’t care.

He didn’t care: “Don’t worry, when the Academy has the power to shake the time and space of the sky, it is when I walk out of the time and space of the Shenxu.” Speaking of walking out of the time and space of the Shenxu, in fact Zhang Yu is more than system Urgent, after all, only by stepping out of the time and space of Shenxu and setting foot in the void can the last task be triggered, and after the task is completed, can you get the ultimate reward and figure out what the system Old Master is.

Zhang Yu is eager to know the truth more than anyone.

However, he did not dare to take risks!

If he is alone and widowed, with his current strength, coupled with the protection of the Supreme Treasure of Time and Space, he can still hide in the Dantian World in times of danger. He is not afraid to face the Lords of Time and Space outside of Chenxu Time and Space. Even if he faces the presiding judge, he is not without a chance to escape, but what about the teachers and students of the Academy? What about the relatives and friends of the teachers and students of Cangqiong Academy?

The current Cangqiong Academy is still too weak. Any time and space master can sweep the Cangqiong Academy. Daofather Hong Jun and Fengwuchang with the golden token can barely support it for a while, but the rest ?

Even if Zhang Yu grants each person a golden identity token, their cultivation base can’t exert the power of golden identity token at all!

Not to mention the many teachers and students, even the impermanence of the wind, and they are far from playing the power of the golden identity token. In theory, only the presiding judge, standing on the top of this endless time and space, can fully Exerting the power of the golden identity token, under the control of the presiding judge, even if all the masters of time and space in this endless time and space attack together, I am afraid that it will not be able to break the defense of the golden identity token. can.

Daofather Hong Jun is only the fur of the golden identity token in the competition in the heavens. Under the Lord of Time and Space, no one can break its defenses, but if you encounter the Lord of Lower Time and Space, I’m not sure, and if it’s the lord of medium time and space, Zhang Yu is almost certain that the golden identity token will definitely not be able to withstand its attacks. It is not that the defense of the golden identity token is not strong enough, but Daofather Hong Jun cannot play it yet The strongest power.

Not only Hongjun Daozu, but also impermanence, Qin Hu, and Luo Qingyun.

Even Zhang Yu himself dare not say that he can fully exert his power, but even so, Zhang Yu is confident to compete with the master of medium time and space. After all, his own strength is far better than the impermanence of the wind, Yu The power of the city is more terrifying than the highest time and space Spirit Treasure, which can be called the time and space Supreme Treasure.

Shaking his head, Zhang Yu said to the system: “I don’t know why you are so eager to let me out of the Shenxu time and space, but I believe you should have no malice…Wait, it can take a hundred years, and a short five. In ten years, I will come out of the time and space of Shenxu sooner or later!” With the development speed of Cangqiong Academy, at most a few years, a large number of Legendary heroes and immortals will be born. By then, Cangqiong Academy will no longer rely on Zhang Yu. Asylum.

“However, before that, the second enrollment assessment must be held first.” Zhang Yu said.

The time of the Cangqi Ten Thousand Realms Tournament is very close to the time of the second enrollment assessment. Now, several days have passed since the Cangqi Ten Thousand Realms Tournament, and the second admissions evaluation is coming soon. This time the admissions evaluation is also the first time for the entire time and space turbulence. Openness, grand scale, unprecedented, can be described as the most sensational feast since the fairyland era!

Zhang Yu attaches great importance to the enrollment assessment this time and will never allow the slightest error.

A moment later.

God World, Cangqi Academy.

“Yuer!” Shen Lulu suddenly stood up with joy.

When Zhang Haoran saw the silhouette that appeared suddenly, the worries between his eyebrows were gone, and a relaxed smile appeared on his face: “You are finally back. You are still required to plan during the enrollment assessment.”


“Father, mother, you have worked hard.” Zhang Yu said softly.

Zhang Haoran waved his hand: “I am the founder of Cangqiong Academy anyway, and now I can contribute a little more to the Cangqiong Academy. It’s too late to be happy, so how can I work hard?”

While speaking, Zhang Haoran flew towards the office building and said: “Let’s go, go to the office building for detailed planning.”


Beilun Time and Space.

Yuan Tianyang’s life is very comfortable. He helps the old lady to do some work during the day. In the evening, after dinner, he walks out of the old house and goes for a stroll. If you exclude the unpleasant experience of the first few days, he is more like coming here On vacation, it is leisure, cozy, relaxing, and has a kind of warm feeling of home.

He even gave birth to a single thought. From now on, he will come here to stay for a while. Compared with the disputes outside, life here is too leisurely and comfortable.

Wu Kun observed Yuan Tianyang secretly in the first few days, and saw that even though Yuan Tianyang was bullied by the street ruffians, he never lifted the seal of the cultivation base. Wu Kun was a little surprised. His impression of Yuan Tianyang also changed. Later, Yuan Tianyang lived After entering the old lady’s house, Wu Kun stopped paying attention to Yuan Tianyang. Not surprisingly, Yuan Tianyang should be able to complete the agreement between them.

“It seems that he really wants to change himself.” Wu Kun no longer doubted.

Actually, from the moment of cultivation base breakthrough, Wu Kun’s hatred for Yuan Tianyang has dissipated. It’s just that he forgave Yuan Tianyang. It was too cheap for Yuan Tianyang. He couldn’t accept it in his heart and his thoughts were inaccessible, so he Will stick to that agreement, the meaning of that agreement, not must be in order to make Yuan Tianyang difficult, but to persuade him.

Just when Wu Kun was preparing to enter the deep-level cultivation, outside of Divine Martial World, the turbulent flow at that time projected a long river of projection without warning. Then, the long river of time reflected reality, and the two exuded a terrifying atmosphere. The fluctuating silhouette came out of the long river of time.

These two people, Wu Kun is very familiar with, one is the time and space guard Captain Barun of Beilun, and the other is the time and space guard Zhang Sheng.

“What are they here for?” Wu Kun wondered.

Next moment, the silhouettes of Barron and Zhang Sheng flashed, and they appeared beside Wu Kun in a flash.

“Master Wu Kun, a major event!” Zhang Sheng looked anxious and spoke extremely fast.

Barron is a little calmer, but his face is very dignified: “Beilun time and space, I am afraid there will be trouble.”

Wu Kun frowned, asked: “What happened?”

“One or two sentences are unclear, please come with us, Master Wu Kun, you will understand when you leave Beilun time and space.” Barron said, he didn’t want to explain, but things were too strange and bizarre , Unless Wu Kun saw it with his own eyes, even if he said it, Wu Kun might not believe it.

“That line, I will go first, and you will follow.” Wu Kun’s silhouette flashed, and he entered the long river of time instantly.

Barun and Zhang Sheng could not help but breathe a sigh of relief when Wu Kun came out in person. Fortunately, there is Master Wu Kun in Beilun Time and Space. Fortunately, Master Wu Kun’s cultivation base seal was lifted, and he went further and became immortal at the rank of nine, otherwise , They really don’t know who to turn to for help, it happened too suddenly, and now they are going to inform the high-level guarding hall, it is simply too late.

A moment later, Wu Kun took the lead to walk out of Beilun time and space and enter the boundless nothingness.

Next moment, his pupils can’t help but shrink: “This is…”

In the emptiness not far from Beilun time and space, there is a huge vague illusory shadow. The volume of that illusory shadow is even close to the special time and space that Wu Kun once saw—Shenxu time and space, under the illusory shadow , The entire Beilun time and space is like a young baby. This kind of weird situation has never been seen in Wu Kun’s long career.

“Master Wu Kun.” Barron came gasping for breath and stopped beside Wu Kun, “Do you know what this is?”

Paused, he continued: “When we were patrolling Beilun time and space, this thing suddenly appeared. I asked the rest of the people, but no one knew what it was. What kind of existence.” In the ethereal emptiness, apart from time and space, what else can exist independently?

Wu Kun did not speak, and continued to stare at the huge illusory shadow, as if trying to distinguish what the illusory shadow was.

“We have tried to get close to the illusory shadow, even attack it…” Barron said: “But everything is useless, no matter what we do, it has no response, even we can directly from the illusory shadow Pass through without any hindrance, as if it simply doesn’t exist.”

This is where they feel weird.

The illusory shadow and naked eye can be seen, but the divine sense cannot capture or touch, as if they exist in another dimension, as if they are at different time and space nodes.

However, nothingness does not even exist for a long time. Where is the time and space node?

“When did it appear? How did it appear?” Wu Kun asked.

“It’s probably been a quarter of an hour.” Barron answered truthfully: “As for how it appeared, we don’t know how it appeared. It seems to have appeared suddenly, the feeling… how to say…like It’s normal to exit from the invisibility state. Anyway, it didn’t float from another place, because it hasn’t moved, and it’s been like this since it appeared.”

Listening to Barron’s narrative, Wu Kun’s brows became more frowning. With his insight, he couldn’t tell what it was.

Took a deep breath, Wu Kun solemnly said: “You guys stay here first, I will go to Master Yuan to ask.”

It happened that Yuan Tianyang was in Beilun time and space. As Yuan Tianyang, he might know the situation of this illusory shadow.

Before Barron could answer, Wu Kun’s silhouette flashed and disappeared instantly. After learning about the existence of this illusory shadow, he couldn’t calm down. He had to figure out what exactly this illusory shadow was. There is no harm. After all, this illusory shadow is too close to Beilun time and space. If there is any danger in this illusory shadow, Beilun time and space must bear the brunt.

Soon, Wu Kun came to the god Martial City, that dilapidated old house.

“Master Yuan.” Wu Kun called in a deep voice, standing outside the door of the old house.

The old woman was taken aback, feeling that Wu Kun was a bit familiar, but she couldn’t remember it for a moment, she looked towards Yuan Tianyang: “This is Xiaoyang, your friend?”

Yuan Tianyang nodded, said: “Grandma Shang, you should be busy, I will come when I go.”

After finishing speaking, Yuan Tianyang walked out of the old house and looked at Wu Kun strangely: “Why are you here?”

“Master Yuan, there is something, I would like to ask.” Wu Kun immediately described the natural phenomenon outside Beilun time and space, and asked: “Do you know what the illusory shadow is?”

Yuan Tianyang did not answer immediately, but fell into deep thought. He vaguely remembered that he seemed to have heard people mention it, but the specific situation, because it was too long, wanted to do not raise.

After a while, Yuan Tianyang slowly lifts the head, eyes slightly narrowed: “If I guess right, then the illusory shadow should be the legendary ghost time and space.”

“Phantom Time and Space?” Wu Kun started, it was the first time he heard of Ghost Time and Space. ?

There is still a chapter around one o’clock in the morning

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