Martial Mythology

Chapter 1357: recovery?

   Chapter 1357 Recovery?

   "If Sir Yuan doesn't believe it, you can go to Beilun Time and Space to have a look." Wu Kun said calmly.

  Yuan Tianyang hesitated for a moment, but finally shook his head: "No, the agreement between you and me has not been completed, and I cannot lift the seal of cultivation without authorization."

  Wu Kun was a little helpless, what time was it, Yuan Tianyang was still thinking about the agreed thing.

He took a deep breath and said, "Let's cancel the agreement. Compared with the agreement, I hope that Sir Yuan can go to see the ghost time and space to ensure the safety of Beilun time and space. If Master Yuan protects Beilun time and space without worry, you My past grievances and grievances will be written off."

   Yuan Tianyang's eyes lit up: "Really?"

   "Really!" Wu Kun nodded cautiously.

   He no longer has any hatred for Yuan Tianyang, and his heart knot has been untied. If Yuan Tianyang can protect Beilun Time and Space and ensure the safety of Beilun Time and Space, he will not hate Yuan Tianyang, but will be grateful to Yuan Tianyang.

   "Okay, I'll go right now." Yuan Tianyang smiled.

   He doesn't mind staying in Shenwu City for a month, but if he can lift the seal of cultivation in advance, he certainly won't refuse.

No one likes the feeling of being sealed by Xiuwei, let alone being bullied. After Yuan Tianyang experienced being bullied by a group of local ruffians, he knew what it was like. Fortunately, the old woman appeared in time, otherwise. , Yuan Tianyang may have taken the initiative to lift the cultivation base and send the gangsters to hell. In this way, it means that he violated the agreement with Wu Kun.

I saw Yuan Tianyang's hands forming a handprint on his chest. The next moment, the seal of his cultivation was instantly disintegrated. The terrifying energy that had been suppressed for a long time surged in his body. The vast breath made the entire Beilun time and space tremble slightly. .

  Yuan Tianyang quickly restrained his breath, and in just a moment, he all restrained, becoming like a real mortal.

   "You go first, I'll come right away." Yuan Tianyang said to Wu Kun.

  Wu Kun nodded: "I am waiting for you in the patrol hall."

   I saw his figure flickering for a moment, then entered the long river of time and quickly rushed to the patrol hall.

  Yuan Tianyang turned around, opened the door and walked into the dilapidated old house again.

   At this time, the old woman was propping on the edge of a large vat with one hand and holding a gourd in the other hand, bending her back with difficulty, trying to scoop out some rice from the vat.

  Yuan Tianyang hurried forward, snatched the gourd from the old woman's hand, scooped out the rice, and put it on the big jar.

After pouring the rice into an iron basin, Yuan Tianyang put down the gourd and said solemnly to the old woman: "Mother Shang, thank you for taking care of you these days, I will be leaving in a while, and I don't know when I will be able to go. Come back, maybe a moment, maybe a few days, maybe longer..." At the end, Yuan Tianyang's voice became lower and lower, and there was a hint of shame in his words.

   The ghost time and space have undergone a sudden change, involving this endless time and space, and he can't be immune to such a big thing.

   "You're leaving?" The old woman's body stiffened, and her already cloudy eyes became even more gloomy.

In fact, when Wu Kun came to find Yuan Tianyang before, she had a vague hunch that Yuan Tianyang might not live here for long, because Yuan Tianyang claimed that Wu Kun was his friend. Don't stay here any longer.

To say that she regards Yuan Tianyang as a close relative, it is not enough, but after getting along for many days, she is still a little bit reluctant to part, and after Yuan Tianyang left, she also has no one to chat with, no one to accompany her, become lonely again.

  The older you are, the more you need someone to accompany you, and the more you are afraid of being alone. The same is true for old women.

She took in Yuan Tianyang and let Yuan Tianyang stay here. In addition to pity Yuan Tianyang, she was also a little more angry because she felt that there was one more person in the family. She was too lonely, and hoped to find someone to talk to, so that she would not be idle every day and open her eyes. When I closed my eyes, I couldn't consciously recall those things when I was young.

However, the old woman is very considerate of Yuan Tianyang. Although she hopes that Yuan Tianyang can accompany her, she also understands the truth and will not force Yuan Tianyang to stay there. She shows a kind smile and says, "It's okay, young people have their own affairs, especially men. Children, you should fight for your career even more, go, Laoshen sincerely wishes that one day in the future, you can become a big man in Shenwu City!"

   "I will be back, and by then, I will definitely honor my promise!" Yuan Tianyang said seriously.

   He has great respect for the old woman. This respect has nothing to do with strength, age, or identity.

  The old woman smiled and said, "Well, the old man will be waiting for you to fulfill your promise."

But she felt in her heart that she might not live to that day, because she clearly felt that in the past few years, her body was not as good as the day, and at the age of 50, she seemed to be seventy or eighty more than the rich. People who are old are still getting old, and she faintly feels that her time is running out, and in less than ten years at most, she may be buried in the ground.

   Of course, for ordinary families, there are not many people who can live to the age of sixty. Seventy is already considered a long life.

  Yuan Tianyang saw the old woman's insincere words, he smiled slightly: "Do you remember what I said before?"

   "What?" The old woman was startled.

"I am a cultivator, and my strength is a thousand times or ten thousand times stronger than the city lord of this Shenwu City! It was only because of an agreement with a friend that I sealed my own cultivation and came here to spend a month. " Yuan Tianyang repeated.

  The old woman smiled helplessly: "I believe, I believe in you."

   said the letter, but in her heart she thought that Yuan Tianyang was coaxing herself to be happy.

   Lord City Lord, that is a big man who can reach the sky, the most sacred and noble powerhouse in the knowledge of the old woman, his power can make the sky change color, and the situation will retreat, what kind of person is that? Are there really people in this world who are a thousand times or ten thousand times stronger than the Lord of the City?

  In the eyes of the old woman, perhaps only the legendary hero, the immortal God of War, has such power!

   Not to mention that Yuan Tianyang is a thousand times or 10,000 times stronger than the city lord of Shenwu City, even if Yuan Tianyang is a cultivator, the old woman is full of doubts.

   "I know you don't believe it, but it doesn't matter, you will soon believe it." Yuan Tianyang smiled confidently.

The voice fell, and I saw his breath surging, his body slowly lift into the sky, and a dazzling divine light was released from his body, illuminating the whole world, and even penetrating the world, illuminating the turbulent flow of time and space, and even the long river of time could not stop him. Power.

  The old woman seemed to have been hit by a body-fixing spell, and a look of shock appeared in her cloudy eyes.

  Yuan Tianyang smiled and said: "Wait for me, I will come back soon to fulfill my promise!"

   After saying this, his figure flickered slightly, and then disappeared suddenly. The breath that made the world tremble also disappeared in an instant, as if it had never appeared.

   He didn't lie, he really has a power a thousand times, ten thousand times stronger than Shenwu City!

The old woman's eyes were lost, as if she was in a dream. She never imagined that the young man she kindly took in was such a remarkable person, and Yuan Tianyang's words reappeared in her mind: "I am a cultivator. And the strength is a thousand times, ten thousand times stronger than the city lord of this Shenwu City!" She now began to believe that Yuan Tianyang might not lie.

   "Old Lin, have you seen it? The Lin family, maybe they are going to flourish!" The old woman murmured in a low voice, her eyes slightly red.

After delaying for some time in Shenwu City, Yuan Tianyang traveled through the layers of time and space at the fastest speed, and traveled the long river of time, which was faster than Wu Kun's speed. In just a moment, he had already crossed the long river of time and came to The Patrol Hall outside Beilun time and space.

  As soon as Yuan Tianyang appeared, Wu Kun and the people in the patrol hall gathered around.

"Look, Sir Yuan." Barron pointed to the more solid and clear ghost time and space in the distance, with worry in his eyes, "Just now, it solidified and became clearer, we dare not dare Get closer."

  Yuan Tianyang cast his eyes on the ghost time and space, observed it carefully, and frowned slightly: "No, this is not the same as the description of the ghost time and space in the legend..."

   He had some doubts, whether he was wrong, maybe this is not the ghost time and space, but some other strange existence.

"It wasn't like this yesterday." Barron said: "Yesterday it was just a phantom, very blurry, even the outline could not be seen clearly, and it had no effect on reality, but today, it has begun to change, compared to Yesterday, it was more solid and much clearer, but the biggest change is the spatial restraint. In that area, there is a restraining force that makes it difficult for ordinary immortals to break free. If Lord Wu Kun arrived in time, the two of our patrol team I'm afraid the team members are already deep in it..."

   After a pause, Barron continued: "Just before you came, it changed again, more solid and clear."

  Wu Kun nodded and said: "Barron is right, just now, the restraint force in that area is stronger, as if there is a strong pulling force, pulling people to unknown places..."

"I'll try it first." Yuan Tianyang said solemnly: "You guys are waiting here. If something happens to me, you can go to the Holy Court to find Yuan Tianji, the dean, and he will have a way to save me." Of course, with his strength , Even if this ghost time and space has the power of space restraint, it will not threaten him temporarily, but to explain, it is always necessary to be safe.

   He, Yuan Tianyang, is not a great man. If it is really confirmed that there is a great danger, he will never go to die.

   The reason why he dared to go is because he has the confidence that he will not be trapped by that restraining force.

   turned around, Yuan Tianyang flashed directly to the edge of the ghost time and space, then took a deep breath, took a step, and his body submerged into the ghost time and space.

  Barron, Zhang Sheng and the others all looked at Yuan Tianyang nervously, and in the event of any accident, they would immediately ask someone for help.

  Wu Kun had to calm down a little bit. With his understanding of Yuan Tianyang's strength, this restraint force could not help Yuan Tianyang for the time being.

   Sure enough, after a breath, Yuan Tianyang walked out of the ghost time and space. Obviously, the ghost time and space couldn't trap him for the time being.

   I saw that his face was even more solemn, and his brows were wrinkled even more deeply.

"What a strong restraint force!" Yuan Tianyang was a little scared. Although the restraint force didn't trap him, he could feel that if the restraint force was stronger, it wouldn't need too much. It is difficult for him to break free, and according to the changes in ghost time and space, I am afraid that it will not take too long for the binding force to reach that level.

   "Master Yuan, how is it? Did you find anything?" Barron asked nervously.

  The rest also looked at Yuan Tianyang.

Yuan Tianyang shook his head and said, "I haven't found anything yet, but I can be sure that this thing may not be ghost time and space, but it looks very similar to ghost time and space..." According to legend, ghost time and space do not have any danger, it is a pure phantom, It is a will projection that has no effect on reality, but this thing has such a powerful binding force in reality, which is inconsistent with the rumors, "Report to the headquarters of the patrol hall and tell them the details here... This situation, only The Tribunal can handle it."

   In such a situation, no matter how many low-level masters of time and space come, even the masters of medium time and space may not be able to do anything about it.

  What Yuan Tianyang didn't tell them was that he had a terrifying guess in his heart, but the guess was too frightening, and he couldn't believe it himself.

   He faintly felt that this existence was like a ghost time and space, like a real time and space reviving!

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