Chapter 1363 Subpoena from Saint Court

When Zhang Yu finished setting up the illusion, Yuan Tianyang had already crossed the void and came to Beilun time and space again.

“Master Yuan.” Wu Kun noticed Yuan Tianyang’s arrival and greeted him.

Yuan Tianyang asked: “I have been away this time, there is nothing wrong with Ghost Space, right?”

He only cares about whether there is anything wrong with the ghost time and space itself, and does not worry about whether the ghost time and space will harm others.

Wu Kun misunderstood what he meant, thinking that he was caring about Beilun Time and Space, so he shook his head and said, “Except for it became clearer again, nothing else has changed. In addition, I let people seal this neighborhood To prevent some unknowing people from entering by mistake, what is wrong with It shouldn’t be temporarily. But after a long time, maybe it will be.”

“Don’t worry, as long as you don’t take the initiative to enter this area, there is no danger in this ghost time and space.” Yuan Tianyang looked very relaxed, “You don’t need to stay here, go back to Desolate God domain.”


Wu Kun startled, some do not understand, where is Yuan Tianyang’s self-confidence, and why does he think that ghost time and space is not dangerous?

“Does Lord Yuan know something?” Wu Kun asked: “If Lord Yuan knows, please tell the truth.”

Yuan Tianyang stagnated, and then haha ​​smiled, to cover up, he shook his head, and said: “You look at me high, I am just a low-level master of time and space, and I am not a role in the trial, even Liu People like deacon are not clear, how can I know?”

“Then why do you think ghost time and space are not dangerous?”

“If it was really dangerous, Beilun Time and Space would have had an accident.” Yuan Tianyang explained: “And, didn’t Liu Deacon also say, as long as you don’t enter this area, there will be no problem.” Although this explanation is somewhat far-fetched. , But it barely makes sense.

Before Wu Kun could speak, Yuan Tianyang said again: “Well, if you are really worried, I will stay here with you. If there is any danger, I promise to be the first to take the shot and kill the danger in the bud. In. I assure you that as long as I am not dead, Beilun Time and Space will not be threatened at all!”

Wu Kun was very surprised. He couldn’t believe it. This was actually what Yuan Tianyang said.

When did the overbearing and very ruthless Yuan Old Hu become so selfless?

“Why, don’t you believe it?” Yuan Tianyang looked at Wu Kun.

He doesn’t care about the survival of Beilun time and space. In the entire Beilun time and space, he only cares about a few people, the grandmother’s family, apart from this, he doesn’t care about anyone, what danger is really going to happen, he can completely treat grandmother’s family When he received his own time and space, he dared to say this because he was sure that there was no danger in the ghost time and space, otherwise, he really wouldn’t dare to boast such a sea.

“Does Master Yuan think I should believe it?” Wu Kun did not hide his doubts.

“Haha, it’s okay, I will stay here with you and prove it with actual actions.” Yuan Tianyang was not angry either.

Wu Kun took a deep look at Yuan Tianyang and said: “If the adults are really willing to stay here until the threat is removed from the ghost time and space, I Wu Kun promises that you and I will be wiped out. And, I will always See you as a benefactor!”

At this time, Beilun Time and Space needs an expert to sit in. Although Wu Kun’s strength is not weak, he still feels a little powerless. If there is a real master of time and space, safety will undoubtedly be greatly improved.

“This is what you said.” Yuan Tianyang was very happy, “it’s a deal!”

Wu Kun seriously said: “it’s a deal!”

“There is nothing in this nothingness, which is a bit boring, so if you don’t dislike it, you can sit in my Ark of Nothingness. Inside the Ark, you can clearly understand the outside world at any time.” Yuan Tianyang invited. .

While speaking, his palm upside down, an Ark of Void appeared out of thin air, and quickly enlarged, quickly occupying most of the space between Beilun time and space and that ghost time and space.

Wu Kun eyes shined, he is not bored, and he does not envy Yuan Tianyang owning the Ark of Nothingness. What makes him happy is that the Ark of Nothingness is large enough and its defenses are amazing. It lies between Beilun time and space and ghost time and space. , Even if there is any danger in the ghost time and space, with the Ark of Void as a buffer, Beilun time and space will not be destroyed instantly.

The Ark of Nothingness, plus the seal arranged by Liu Weiyang, has two layers of insurance, and the security of Beilun time and space is immediately guaranteed.

Wu Kun thanked him, and then boarded the Ark of Nothingness. In the center of the Ark, there is a mysterious formation diagram on which a large number of Spirit Stones are piled up. Wu Kun can clearly see that the Spirit Stone is like a hill. There are ten thousand Spirit Stones, but at this moment, those ten thousand Spirit Stones are actually consumed at a rate visible to naked eye, and it is estimated that they will be consumed within 5-6 days at most.


Wu Kun was secretly speechless.

Yuan Tianyang dared to play like this, and for someone else, even those inferior time and space masters could not withstand such burning.

But then again, there are not many other low-level masters of time and space who can own the Ark of Nothingness. Even if they want to burn money like this, they have no chance.

“How about, my Ark of Nothingness, isn’t it good?” Yuan Tianyang’s words have a hint of ostentation.

Wu Kun nodded very seriously, saying: “When I went to the time and space of Shenxu and returned to the time and space of Beilun, I also took the Ark of Nothingness that patrolled the temple, but that Ark of Nothingness was compared with Master Yuan’s Ark of Nothingness. It’s a lot inferior.” There is a saying that although Yuan Tianyang, the Ark of Nothingness, is not very advanced, it is definitely considered high grade among ordinary goods.

Hearing this, Yuan Tianyang’s smile became brighter.

“You still know the goods.” Yuan Tianyang gave a thumbs up.

He suddenly felt that Wu Kun is actually a good person. He didn’t understand. Why did he seal Wu Kun’s cultivation base because of Wu Kun’s words?

For the rest of the time, Yuan Tianyang and Wu Kun both stayed in the Ark of Nothingness, always paying attention to the ghost time and space, but their goals were different.

Yuan Tianyang originally planned to stay here until the ghost time and space were completely born and turned into real time and space, but the sky failed to meet people’s wishes. On the 2nd day, that is, the day before the entrance examination of the Cangqiong Academy, a middle age came to the headquarters of the patrol hall person, a low-level master of time and space.

“Dong Shuungong begging to see Master Yuan at the northwest deacon of the patrol hall!” Standing outside the Ark of Nothingness, Dong Shuungong’s tone was slightly respectful.

It is also the lord of the lower time and space, but Yuan Tianyang’s status is higher than that of Dong Shuungong. Even if there is no relationship with Yuan Tianji, Dong Shuungong must obey Yuan Tianyang’s orders, because Yuan Tianyang is a member of the trial committee and the same cultivation base In the case of circumstance, the members of the trial meeting see the official level 1, only those of the level of the Vice Palace Lord can sit on an equal footing with Yuan Tianyang, and the Palace Lord can be compared with Liu Weiyang.

Yuan Tianyang and Wu Kun walked out of the Ark of Nothingness at the same time.

“Dong deacon, hello.” Yuan Tianyang was slightly nodded, trying to restrain his arrogant temper as much as possible.

“I have seen Dong Deacon.” Wu Kun said neither overbearing nor overbearing.

Dong Shuungong was a little surprised. In his impression, Yuan Tianyang had never been so polite to others, which even made him a little flattered. After all, Yuan Tianyang is famous for being arrogant, domineering, arrogant, very ruthless, arrogant, etc. Wait, it can be said that Yuan Tianyang has many bad labels on his body. Before coming, Dong Shuungong was ready to be angry, but didn’t expect that Yuan Tianyang seemed to be a different person, completely gone. Although there is still a hint of arrogance in the faint habit, it is completely within the acceptable range.

It wasn’t until Wu Kun spoke out that he was awakened, and he looked at Wu Kun: “This is…”

The fact that Wu Kun became a breaker is not known to many people and has not spread on a large scale.

“He is Wu Kun, a person from Beilun time and space. In addition, he is a breaker.” Yuan Tianyang said.

“The Void Breaker…” Dong Shuungong’s eyes suddenly changed. The original inattentive eyes became very serious, with a trace of respect, “Mr. Wu, disrespect and disrespect!”

Dong Shuungong also wanted to make a few words with Wu Kun and make friends with this person, but Yuan Tianyang directly asked: “Okay, let’s talk, what can you do with me?”

“Master Yuan, I have received a message from the dean, and I came here to spread the message.” Dong Shuungong said seriously.

Yuan Tianyang’s face suddenly showed a touch of shock: “Do you know the dean? How could it be…”

Dong Shuungong wondered: “What does Master Yuan say? Master Yuan is in charge of Saint Court, ordering the world to not be under the leadership of the Board of Directors of the Tribunal, but also to be entrusted by the presiding judge. Who doesn’t know that Dao Academy grew up? Does Mrs. Yuan think that I live in the northwest, behind closed doors, and don’t even know the great and famous dean?”

“Uh…” Hearing Dong Shuungong’s words, Yuan Tianyang suddenly became speechless.

It turned out that this guy was talking about the dean of Saint Court, his big brother Yuan Tianji, not the invincible dean.

A false alarm!

Yuan Tianyang gently put out a breath, and then looked at Dong Shuungong angrily: “Can you just call him Lord Yuan Tianji? You have to call him Lord Dean…” He decided in his heart to take some time to Saint Court, let the big brother Yuan Tianji quickly pick off the name of the dean, so that the real dean will not aim the bayonet at the big brother when the real dean will rule the universe.

“Is there anything wrong with this name?” Dong Shuungong puzzled.

“Anyway, don’t call him that in the future.” Yuan Tianyang said earnestly: “I didn’t joking with you. You can’t bark at this name, otherwise, you will probably die!”

Dong Shuungong was taken aback.

Wu Kun was also surprised.

Yuan Tianyang didn’t say much, but instead asked: “Let’s talk, what is my big brother asking you to bring?”

Dong Shuungong reacted and immediately said resolutely: “The Dean… Master Yuan Tianji called for you to go to Saint Court. He has important things to ask you.”

“What will the big brother want to ask me?” Yuan Tianyang was a little puzzled, “Is it about nothingness?” The nothingness he said refers to the Venerable Nothingness, not the real nothingness.

He did not connect this matter to Cangqiong Academy, let alone know that Liu Weiyang had clearly understood his anomaly.

After thinking for a long time, I couldn’t come up with an answer. Yuan Tianyang simply stopped thinking about it. He said to Dong Shuungong: “Okay, you send me a message and tell me my big brother, so I’ll be there later.” He was still waiting for Ghost Space Time Transformation, after knowing that Ghost Space-time is Master Master’s masterpiece, he is looking forward to witnessing the moment when Ghost Space-time becomes a real space-time.

Dong Shun Gong is motionless and said: “Master Yuan Tianji told you to go to Saint Court immediately.”

Yuan Tianyang frowned: “Immediately?”

“Yes, immediately.” Dong Shuungong confirmed.

“Is there something urgent that I have to let me go now?” Yuan Tianyang was a little irritated, and his brows were deeply squeezed together, “Okay, just go, I want to ask, what’s the matter with him, so Urgently call me over.”

He turned his head and looked towards Wu Kun: “Wu Kun, this Ark of Nothingness is here for the time being. With it, it doesn’t matter whether I am or not.” Paused, he sighed: “I’m sorry, I said yes. You guarded together, but Dong Deacon’s words, you also heard…”

“It doesn’t matter, there is an Ark of Nothingness here, just like Master Yuan is here, I still said that, when the ghost time and space crisis is resolved, you and I will be wiped out.” Wu Kun said.

Yuan Tianyang was nodded, and then said to Dong Shuungong: “Dong Deacon, can you borrow the Ark of Nothingness that you patrolled the temple?”

“Where is Lord Yuan, you are going to Saint Court, of course I will be responsible for sending you, so why bother you to go there.” Dong Shuungong is responsible for sending the message, but he doesn’t mind sending it personally. Yuan Tianyang went over, “Master Yuan, please here.”?

The second update is being written, and it will be updated after 12 o’clock

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