Chapter 1370 Wiping Ass

Seeing Yuan Tianji no longer questioning the matter of Ghost Time and Space, Yuan Tianyang breathed a sigh of relief.

He is not afraid of the trial meeting, he is just a little confused about his big brother.

“The trial meeting…It shouldn’t be embarrassing you?” Yuan Tianyang hesitated and asked.

Yuan Tianji calmly said: “They dare not.”

A very simple answer, but it contains strong confidence.

Seeing this, Yuan Tianyang is also relieved: “That’s good.”

“Brother, there is nothing wrong, I will leave first.” Yuan Tianyang seemed to be anxious to leave the holy courtyard.

Yuan Tianji frowned: “You finally came to the holy courtyard, are you leaving now?”

He wanted to scold Yuan Tianyang, but suddenly thought of Teacher, and the reprimanding words reached his lips and swallowed back.

“Okay, since you have your own business, then hurry up.” Yuan Tianji waved his hand and said: “Remember, be alert at all times and don’t let people follow.”

Yuan Tianyang laughed: “Although my strength is not great, but with the life sensor you gave me, no one wants to follow me.”

The life-sensing stone is the handwriting of the presiding judge. Unless the presiding judge arrives, no one can conceal its feelings in this universe.

As for the presiding judge, the presiding judge is too busy with his own affairs, but he has no time to follow Yuan Tianyang.

“It seems that I gave you the right sense of life.” Yuan Tianji said with a smile: “In this case, I won’t talk nonsense, you are careful.”

Yuan Tianyang moved towards Yuan Tianji waved his hand and said: “Then, brother, I will go first.”

However, as soon as he got to the door, Yuan Tianyang stopped again and turned back to Yuan Tianji and said, “Yes, brother, Dong Shuungong’s investigation results, please help me pay attention.”

“Good.” Yuan Tianyang is nodded.

Yuan Tianyang then left without concern.

It was not until Yuan Tianyang left that Yuan Tianji condensed his expression and sat back in the purple wooden soft chair.

“Trial meeting?” Yuan Tianji shook his head, “Just going to the trial meeting is probably not enough.”

He cast his gaze out of the great hall and sighed: “Tianyang is still so frivolous in doing things for so many years. The idea is still too simple. He really thought that with the life sensor, others would not know his movements?”

Indeed, there is a life sensor. As long as someone is close to a certain range, the life sensor will feed back abnormal information. Under the presiding judge, no one can hide the life sensor, but… if others really want to investigate him You don’t need to follow his movements, you just need to go to the patrol hall and get his whereabouts soon.

Patrolling the Temple is the largest intelligence agency!

In the time and space of these heavens, there are people who patrol the temple in every time and space, and there are patrollers in every time and space. No matter which time and space they go to, they can’t hide the patrol of the temple. It is easy to find out Yuan Tianyang’s whereabouts. As a power under the Judgment Association, the Patrolling Hall, if the Court of Justice proposes to investigate Yuan Tianyang’s whereabouts, the Patrolling Hall is impossible to conceal.

How meticulous is Yuan Tianji’s mind?

He thought of this loophole in an instant!

Fortunately, Yuan Tianyang gave some information that made Yuan Tianji mistakenly believe that Lord Dean is his Teacher who disappeared for countless rounds of time and space. Otherwise, even if Yuan Tianyang keeps the secret and does not say a word, Yuan Tianji can still follow the tour. Keeping the hands of His Royal Highness, following the vines, find out the time and space of Shenxu and Beilun, and then send someone to investigate, and he can get all the secrets he wants to know.

He even thought of many ways to detect secrets in an instant.

However, he has not thought about implementing these methods, because he has already determined that the dean is his Teacher!


Outside the superior grade wormhole of the Holy Hospital.

Yuan Tianyang rides an Ark of Nothingness in the Holy Court, passes through the super black hole, and then disappears into the vast nothingness.

Soon after Yuan Tianyang left, Yuan Tianji also passed through the super black hole. However, the first place he went was not the trial meeting, but the patrol hall. Now that he knew this loophole, he must fill it as quickly as possible Go up, before the trial meeting reacts, plug the mouth of the guard hall.

For Yuan Tianji, this is not difficult.

As long as he is willing, he can make the Patrol Palace change ownership instantly, and even the entire Patrol Palace can collapse in a very short time.

After staying in the guard hall for less than a quarter of an hour, Yuan Tianji left.

As soon as Yuan Tianji left forefoot, the headquarters of the Patrol Palace immediately issued orders according to what Yuan Tianji said, which was passed on layer by layer, and the efficiency was high, even more effective than the orders sent by the trial meeting.

After leaving the patrol hall, Yuan Tianji rushed to the trial meeting neither fast nor slow. He was alone, roaming in the void, but as a leisurely travel.

What he didn’t know was that Yuan Tianyang just left the trial meeting when he was about to arrive at the trial meeting.

The arrival of Yuan Tianji caused a lot of shock in the trial meeting. No one thought that Yuan Tianji would come to the trial meeting in person. This one faintly has the title of Number One Person under the presiding judge. Who dares to ignore his arrival?

The expressions of the three directors changed slightly, and their silhouettes flashed in an instant. Many deacons were also immediately put down the affairs of their hands. Except for those who went out to do business, almost none of them were absent. All of them rushed to the trial meeting great in the shortest time. hall, welcome this invincible powerhouse in the time and space of Megatron!

“President Yuan!” Many trial deacons and senior judges all salute respectfully.

The three major trial directors also solemnly bowed their hands, courtesy, and no fault.

“I don’t know what President Yuan is coming to the trial meeting?” a trial director asked.

Everyone’s eyes are on Yuan Tian’s body, his expression is very solemn.

Yuan Tianji said with a slight smile: “Not long ago, Liu Deacon sent someone to tell me that they discovered that Yuan Tianyang suspected of knowing the secrets of the ghost time and space, and had some involvement with the ghost time and space. I hope I will investigate this matter. I visited the trial meeting this time to answer Dong Deacon, or to answer the trial meeting.”

Hearing this, everyone sighed in relief.

Although they are not afraid of Yuan Tianji, the latter’s methods are endless. Their strength and wisdom are both daunting. If not necessary, they never want to be an enemy of Yuan Tianji.

“It turned out to be for this.” Liu Weiyang said with a smile: “Dean Yuan only needs to send someone to tell me to wait, why do I have to go there in person?”

Yuan Tianji shook his head: “It matters a lot, how can it be so rash?”

Liu Weiyang did not dare to refute, he lowered his head and said: “Yes, I have been taught.”

Although he is much older than Yuan Tianji, he became famous earlier than Yuan Tianji, but in front of Yuan Tianji, he is like a Junior, with a very low attitude, but what is surprising is that everyone treats Liu Weiyang. The attitude of Liu Weiyang is not strange, it seems that Liu Weiyang should be like this.

“It happens to be that I just heard that just before Dean Yuan came, Ling brother left the trial meeting and took away dozens of sealed Asura.” Liu Weiyang said, “Since Dean Yuan is here. Now, it just happens to be able to help me wait.”

Yuan Tianji was shocked, but his expression remained unchanged.

Liu Weiyang saw that Yuan Tianji had no response, so he could not help but said solemnly: “Although people usually use Asura for research, they only use two or three at most. It is really puzzling for my brother to take away dozens of them at once.” Although he was afraid of Yuan Tianji, there were some things that should be clarified. After all, Asura was not an ordinary thing, but it harmed the existence of the heavens and time and space. Liu Weiyang had to pay attention to such abnormal behavior as Yuan Tianyang.

“Since President Yuan is here, please ask President Yuan to explain to me.” A trial director said.

Yuan Tianyang feels a little helpless in his heart, this younger brother, it’s not easy to worry about.

The ghost time and space matter has not been resolved yet, and another problem has arisen.

His big brother is broken.

“Phantom Time and Space, as well as this Asura matter, I hope President Yuan will wait for me to solve my doubts.” Another trial director said.

“It’s about time and space, I hope President Yuan will tell the truth and don’t hide it.” The last trial director spoke.

Everyone is watching Yuan Tianji, waiting for Yuan Tianji to give an answer.

If in the Holy Court, naturally no one would dare to talk to Yuan Tianji like this, but here is the trial meeting. The three trial directors can compete with Yuan Tianji. Together, even Yuan Tianji can only escape. Numerous deacons and senior judges are also a force that cannot be underestimated.

“You don’t need to investigate the matter of ghost time and space anymore.” Yuan Tianji calmly said: “It was made by one of my… elders. It will not harm the time and space of the universe.”

Before getting the Teacher’s approval, he will not pretend that it is his own Teacher.

Everyone in the trial meeting was a little shocked, Yuan Tianji’s elders?

What kind of elders?

Elders in generations and ages, or are they… more terrifying existence than Yuan Tianji?

They were shocked and puzzled, because in the confidential files of their trial meeting, Yuan Tianji had only one relative of Yuan Tianyang, apart from this, Yuan Tianji did not have any close people, the eyeliner of the trial meeting could almost be said to be with no opportunity , But they didn’t find anyone close to Yuan Tianji.

“Please also Dean Yuan tell me, who is the elder in your mouth, and what is the purpose of creating this ghost time and space?” Among the three trial directors, the youngest middle-aged director asked .

Next to him, a white hair and youthful face Elderly said: “This is the responsibility of the trial committee. Please also President Yuan to cooperate.”

In the middle of the two, the oldest trial director is watching Yuan Tianji quietly.

“Who my elders are… you are not qualified to know.” Yuan Tianji calmly said: “I can’t tell him his purpose. You only need to know that Ghost Time and Space is not dangerous.” When he said this remark , The look is very natural, not at all arrogant and arrogant, as if things should have been.

“We are not qualified to know?” The middle-aged director complexion sank said in a very dissatisfied tone, “In these days and spaces, in addition to the seven presiding judges, there are people we are not qualified to know?”

The other two directors are also frowned and are a little dissatisfied with Yuan Tianji’s words.

Liu Weiyang saw that the posture was wrong, and immediately said, “The three councillors are also pleased to calm down their anger. Dean Yuan should just make a slip of the tongue. He definitely didn’t mean to offend you.” He was not helping Yuan Tianji to speak. But the trial will be against Yuan Tianji, which is really unwise.

Yuan Tianji shook his head and said, “No, I’m serious. You guys are really not qualified to know the existence of my elder.”

“Your elder, is it possible that is a certain presiding judge?” The middle-aged director coldly snorted and said.

“This is not true.” Yuan Tianji denied honestly. He still looked serious. “However, although he is not the presiding judge, he is no less than the presiding judge…”

“Yuan Tianji!” The middle-aged director suddenly exclaimed, “How dare you insult the presiding judge!”

The other two trial directors, as well as many deacons and senior judges, all glared at Yuan Tianji. You should know that the trial meeting was founded by the seven presiding judges. In the eyes of everyone in the trial meeting, the presiding judge is God is faith, a sacred existence that must never be insulted.

Yuan Tianji sighed and said: “What I said is the truth, why are you so angry?”

“It seems that it doesn’t make sense to tell you…” Yuan Tianji raised his hand, and his palm appeared out of thin air. A piece of mysterious jade pendant appeared. As soon as that mysterious jade pendant appeared, the people in the trial congregation were complexion greatly changed. , But Yuan Tianji ignored them at all, but released a weak force in his palm. Next moment, the mysterious jade pendant suddenly released a dazzling rays of light, “If you don’t believe it, let the presiding judge rule!”

At the moment when the mysterious jade pendant rays of light erupted, a mighty power as if the will of the heavens enveloped the entire trial meeting without warning, and the law seemed to disappear instantly, retreating. ?

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