Chapter 1394 The Death of Asura

Ordinary Asuras are very low in wisdom, they can’t even speak. Their behavior is driven by instinct, just like wild beasts without wisdom. The only difference is that they have the power to make immortals fearful, and because of their form It’s so special and difficult to deal with.

Asura is an aggregation of evil thoughts, and therefore, even without wisdom, their instincts still drive them to do something that is very evil in the eyes of the creatures of all races. They are greedy, cruel, bloodthirsty, and full of destruction. Sex, where they appear, they will bring disaster wherever they are.

However, the Asuras brought by Yuan Tianyang have been sealed, and Yuan Tianyang has also specially strengthened the seal to avoid any trouble. Therefore, even if these Asuras wake up, they cannot release their power.

Although Asura cannot release its power, its hideous appearance still makes people feel an instinctive fear. Under immortality, they don’t even have the courage to look at it.

Just as Xiaoxie was bragging about her cooking skills, the awakened Asura felt the threat of death, and could not help getting up to face Xiaoxie and Xiaoqiang roar. The roar sound was a bit like the roar of a tiger, and the sound was crystal-like The cabinet was trembling slightly, and it felt scared instinctively, especially when Xiaoxie was staring at it, the feeling of death enveloped was stronger.

“Boom.” The crystal cabinet suddenly shook, and Asura, who was roaring non-stop, was frightened.

I saw Xiaoxie fiercely pat the crystal cabinet, and reprimanded the hideous Asura inside: “Well, what do you say, right?”

Changing to another Legendary hero, Asura’s hideous appearance alone can scare him to have one’s hair stand on end, but Xiaoxie is not affected at all. In his eyes, Asura can be compared with food. No., and it’s not ordinary food, but Dabu delicacies. For Dabu delicacies, it only has longing for it, how can it be afraid?

Asura was a little confused, and there was no response for a while.

With its immature IQ, I can’t figure out why this happened.

In the past, wherever it went, people of all races were all scared. Everyone was afraid of it. When they saw it, they fled madly. Even the immortals were extremely jealous of it. No one dared It was reprimanded as fiercely as Xiaoxie, as if it had reversed its identity with the creatures of the ten thousand races.

With its simple mind, I’m afraid I can’t figure it out for a lifetime.

Asura was quiet for a few seconds, and then became restless again. It struggled hard, but couldn’t break the seal. Its black misty eyes glowed with red light, and its mouth began to roar again: ” roar! “The crystal cabinet trembled slightly because of its roar.

“Just you will roar, right?” Xiaoxie’s eyes widened, that transparent body changed rapidly, and its body became more hideous than Asura, more frightening, like a prehistoric ominous beast, it opened With a big mouth, a huge roar suddenly came out: “Roar…”

That roar is not louder than Asura’s roar, nor is it as loud as Asura’s imposing manner. What is surprising is that when the roar came out, Asura shuddered with fright. Asura, who was already extremely weak, seemed to be affected by that. The voice shook, and he appeared weaker, as if he was happily frightened to death by that voice.

Asura instinctively shrinks into a ball, trembling with fear, like a frightened little sheep.

Xiaoxie transformed into a human form and said to Asura: “Roar, why don’t you keep roaring?”

Asura doesn’t understand what it’s talking about. It has only instinctive fear. It retreats continuously but is blocked by the crystal cabinet and has nowhere to escape.

This is the first Asura to be frightened since the birth of the Asura family. They never fear death. No matter what kind of powerhouse they encounter, they will not be afraid, let alone retreat. But this time, this Asura is afraid I was shocked by an existence far weaker than it. The other party didn’t even do anything. Just a loud roar made it feel like Divine Soul trembling.

Seeing that Asura is honest, Xiaoxie is only satisfied: “This Asura is a scumbag. You have to teach you to be honest.”

“Big brother Xiaoxie, hurry up, I want to taste Asura too.” Xiaoqiang urged with some expectation.

“Haha, okay, here’s the beginning.” Xiaoxie haha ​​smiled, and then conjured a giant pot like a trick. The giant pot was as big as a mountain, almost completely blocking the entrance of the wilderness God World, but next At the moment, the giant pan shrank rapidly and finally became the size of a house, “This should be about the same.”

While choosing some ingredients, it said: “I specially asked Xiao Yan to refine this pot for me. There are also these fairy poultry meats, which I asked for from my childhood. I usually don’t want to eat it myself. This time, it’s cheaper for you.” It took a little bit from a large pile of fairy poultry meat, then secretly glanced at all around, and after making sure that there was no one, it poured scarlet liquid into the pot again, “This dragon blood, I secretly went to Panlongzhen God World not long ago to get it, you must not disclose it, otherwise, Lin Lei may come to trouble me.”

Xiaoqiang looked at Xiaoxie suspiciously, and he began to wonder, does Xiaoxie’s big brother really know how to cook?

He doesn’t know much about cooking, but he also knows that after doing the preparatory work, shouldn’t the first step be Mr. Fire?

But when it comes to Xiaoxie, the steps of making a fire are directly omitted?

“Weird…why there is no response when things go down?” Xiaoxie touched his head, some wondering, but it didn’t want to lose face in front of Xiaoqiang, it wanted to maintain its majesty, so even though Understand, but it still brace oneself waiting, like a everything is under control.

A quarter of an hour passed, the wind blew, nothing changed in the pot, Xiaoxie began to panic a little, and couldn’t hold it any longer.

“That…” Xiao strong and weak said: “Little evil big brother, did you forget to make a fire?”

Xiaoxie suddenly remembered, yes, make a fire!

But it never admits that it has forgotten this step. It calmly said: “No, I’m just adjusting the state. After all, the top ingredients should be cooked with the most religious attitude… Otherwise, it would be blasphemy. Gift.”

Asura should be happy because Xiaoxie’s evaluation of it has risen from delicious ingredients to top-notch ingredients.

“Oh.” Xiaoqiang believed it was true and waited silly.

After another quarter of an hour in the meaningless waiting, Xiaoxie felt that the acting was almost done, and then he coughed and said: “Okay, I have adjusted to the best condition now, and can start!” The voice fell. It immediately separated a wisp of transparent aerosol, the transparent aerosol stayed at the bottom of the pot, and then burned without warning, and the surrounding temperature began to rise sharply.

Xiaoxie is essentially Heavenly Dao. To it, manipulating flames is like controlling its own body, like swinging an arm.

Even the highest medicated diet chefs may not be as precise in their control of flames.

In the giant pot, under the flames, the dragon’s blood began to boil, and a lot of bubbles appeared.

Cooking in the turbulent flow of time and space in the wasteland, looking at the time and time of the ruins, I am afraid Xiaoxie is also the first.

Fortunately, the quality of the giant pot is excellent, even comparable to the real Divine Item. The violent space-time energy does no harm to it.

After a while, Xiaoxie estimated that the contents in the pot were almost ready. At this time, as the highest ingredient, Asura should also be cooked.

It pulled the crystal cabinet directly over. At this moment, Asura was still shiver coldly. He hadn’t recovered from the fear just now. Seeing Xiaoxie’s movements, it was frightened and trembling more severely, although it was not Knowing what Xiaoxie is going to do, but instinctively it feels scared and feels death enveloping itself.

Next moment, Xiaoxie directly opened the crystal cabinet, pulled Asura out of it, and threw it directly into the pot under Asura’s horrified eyes.

“Bang!” As Asura stepped down the pot, the dragon blood in the pot splashed and it boiled even harder.

“Roar…Roar…” Asura let out a tragic roar, which was harsh and harsh.

Xiao Qiang watched this scene dumbfounded. He couldn’t turn his head a little bit, so he cooked the live Asura?

“Should you kill it first, remove the inedible parts, then wash it, and then put it in the pot?” Even if Xiaoqiang doesn’t know how to cook, he also knows a little common sense, like Xiaoxie, just throw the living things directly Xiaoqiang’s behavior in the pot was the first time he saw him. He was confused, “Is it because Asura is special, so the approach is different?”

As time passed, the sound of Asura and mournful scream in the pot became weaker and weaker, and finally disappeared.

In order to prevent Asura from breaking the seal and causing any accidents, each Asura will be put into the weakest state, or near death, after being subdued by the trial meeting. In this state, it is impossible to withstand secondary damage. Now being so devastated by Xiaoxie, Asura, who was only left with a breath, completely lost his life aura.

With the fall of Asura, an astonishing black gas began to emerge from the pot, and the turbulence around time and space seemed to be plunged into endless darkness.

At the same time, a trembling and palpitating evil aura diverges from the giant pot as its center.

Asura, comparable to the immortal of rank three, made the existence of fear and trembling in the heavens and space, so it was boiled to death!

“These breaths are also an item of great nourishment!” Xiao Xie sniffed a few mouthfuls, only to feel that his strength had improved a bit. It was more ferocious than swallowing a hundred evil spirits. Its eyes were bright and transparent. The body grew rapidly, and he said excitedly: “Come over to this king!”

Next moment, it has grown up with a huge mouth and inhaled suddenly, the endless black air, the trembling evil aura, all moved towards it.

Accompanied by violent storms, all of them were swallowed into the abdomen by it, just a few breaths, the surrounding black air and the evil aura were swallowed cleanly by it, and the pot kept surging and leaking black Qi and evil aura were swallowed by it before they could diverge.

Feeling the increase in strength and the increasing breath, Xiao Xie let out a hearty laugh: “hahaha…good!”

It has a hunch, this time, it will take off completely!

“Smelly old way, wait for this king to set foot in immortality, and then go to you to avenge that slap!” Xiaoxie thought in her heart. ?

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