Chapter 1408 The Ownership of Qi of Evil, Xiaoxie’s Spring

“Big brother Xiaoxie, are you okay?” Xiaoqiang was already looking through his eyes, and the tangy fragrance made him begin to stir.

He already has some impatients enjoying this peerless delicacy.

“Hiss…hiss…” Xiaoxie took a big breath and swallowed all the remaining Qi of Evil. Its breath has been significantly improved. Unconsciously, it is already not in the second rank of immortality. far away.

When Qi of Evil was completely swallowed and there were no more drops left, Xiao Xie said: “Okay, it should be familiar now.”

In fact, the immortal poultry meat has already been roasted, and the essence of Shura has also been incorporated into it, but the little evil is reluctant to waste the Qi of Evil, which has been delayed until now. After all, for it, the nourishing effect of Qi of Evil It is several times stronger than the essence of Shura. It can be said that Qi of Evil is the main source of the cultivation progress.

Hearing Xiaoxie’s words, Xiaoqiang suddenly became excited.

But before he had time to act, a group of people suddenly appeared in his sight.

His movements became stiff, with a bad feeling.

At the same time, Xiaoxie also noticed Xiaoqiang’s abnormality, and turned around to look around. When she saw the crowd suddenly appeared on the side, Xiaoxie couldn’t help but chuckle: “It’s over!”

The people here are Xiao Yan, Zhou Xiner, and Zhang Yu Sect’s Disciples.

Apart from this, there are also the two people Xiaoxie is most reluctant to meet…Ao Xiaoao, Ao Wuyan!

After seeing Ao Xiaoan and Ao Wuyan, Xiaoxie was almost desperate: “It’s over, this Shura can’t be kept!”

Despite this, Xiaoxie will not give up easily.

Seeing its silhouette flashed, it quickly stopped in front of the barbecue, watching everyone warily, glanced at Ao Xiaoao and Ao Wuyan, and finally said to Xiao Yan: “Xiao Yan, I have not borrowed Did you give you the seven-headed Shura? What are you doing?” It angrily said: “I tell you, don’t try to hit me Shura’s idea!”

Xiao Yan touched his nose, a little embarrassed.

He really didn’t expect Xiaoxie actually grilled Shura again so quickly!

In the absence of a pot, this guy thought of another way and directly baked Shura…

“Don’t look at me like that, I don’t know you grilled another Shura so quickly.” Xiao Yan gave a dry cough and tried to explain, “I didn’t have the idea of ​​hitting you Shura.”

Ao Xiaoan and Ao Wuyan directly ignored Xiaoxie. They only had the tangy fragrance in their eyes, the scent that made people want to stop, and they didn’t care about anything else.

Looking at the fiery eyes of Ao Xiaoan and Ao Wuyan, Xiaoxie’s heart slammed, and the ominous premonition became stronger.

Sure enough, I saw Ao Wuyan haha ​​smile: “Come early is not as good as you come. Since Xiaoxie is kindly invited, then we are disrespectful. Xiaoyou, come on.”

While speaking, Ao Wuyan teleported directly behind Xiao Xie.

At the same time, Ao Xiaoao also teleported over without the slightest hesitation.

The two big foodies came behind Xiaoxie almost in no particular order, their eyes seemed to glow, making Xiaoxie scared.

“no!” Xiaoxie roared desperately, “That’s my Shura!”

Koao Xiaoan and Ao Wuyan seem to have not heard its voice at all, their movements are clean and neat, without hesitation, in the blink of an eye, two pieces of fairy poultry meat fall into their hands, one for each, then The proficient movement seems to have been practiced countless times.

After eating the first bite, the two of them were instantly conquered by the ultimate deliciousness!

The taste of food is more critical than ordinary people, and Ao Xiaoao and Ao Wuyan are among the foodies. The taste is naturally more critical. However, in front of Shura’s deliciousness, the two of them have no resistance, and they fell instantly .


“Super delicious!”

Ao Xiao An ate happily, with a happy smile on his face. For foodies, it is naturally a happy thing to be able to eat such an extreme deliciousness.

Looking at the two gorgeous oneself, completely ignoring herself, Xiao Xie wanted to cry without tears.

It wanted to beat them up and vent the depression in its heart, but it looked around and found sadly that there is no one here that it can afford!

The proud little sister, who is generally held in the palm of the hand by everyone as a Princess, is the master’s contract god, and the identity of the master’s sister, she is definitely a taboo figure not to be provoked!

Ao Wuyan, the son of Chang Aokun of the Cangqiong Academy’s main faculty, and has gained the inheritance of a master of time and space, setting foot on immortality.

Other people, either is Master’s dísciple, or is Master’s highly valued Tianjiao, even Zhou Xiner, because it is Xiao Yan’s fiancee, should not be offended.

When realizing this cruel fact, Xiaoxie almost shut himself down.

Ye Fan, Wu Mo, Bai Ling and the others were hesitant at first, but after seeing Ao Xiaoan and Ao Wuyan’s actions, they began to stir in their hearts, struggling for a second, and saw that fairy Qin Xianzhen reduced at the speed visible to naked eye, after all, they failed to restrain themselves and swarmed around.

Seeing that the rest of the people were on board, Xiao Yan and Zhou Xin’er did not hesitate anymore and immediately followed.

In just a dozen breaths, many immortal birds and immortal treasures combined with the essence of Shura were swallowed up. The place that was originally filled with immortal birds and immortal treasures became empty…

Everyone has an expression of unsatisfactory meaning. With their appetite, if they deliberately digest it, even a mountain can be swallowed easily, not to mention the trifling?

Obviously, they have not enjoyed it yet, or even if they eat ten or a hundred Shura, they will not be too much.

Their eyes are on Xiao Xie. They really want Xiao Xie to contribute another Shura, but looking at Xiao Xie’s shocked and almost desperate appearance, they are a bit sorry. After all, they have eaten Xiao Xie for nothing. One is Shura, if Xiaoxie is allowed to contribute another Shura, is it a bit unsatisfied?

“Sura, my Shura…” Xiaoxie whispered, looking sluggish.

Everyone looked at each other, and they all could see each other’s embarrassment.

“By the way, why are we here for?”

“Qi of Evil, yes, we came here to clarify the problem of Qi of Evil!”

Until then, everyone remembered that they came here to find Xiaoxie.

Xiao Yan took a deep breath, suppressed the embarrassment, and said to Xiaoxie: “That, Xiaoxie, we have a question to ask you.”

Xiaoxie is still dumbfounded, as if he has lost his soul, and has no response to Xiao Yan’s words.

“Are we a bit too much? Look at it like this, it seems to be very irritated.” Lin Lei whispered.

Hearing this, Ye Fan also smiled bitterly: “I just couldn’t hold back it for a while…”

Ao Xiaoan and Ao Wuyan were the culprits who took the lead in eating Shura, but they didn’t realize it and didn’t care about Xiaoxie’s emotions.

“What’s too much? Don’t be fooled by the pitiful way this guy puts on.” Ao Xiaoyu twitched his lips, “Don’t forget, it’s evil Heavenly Dao! Even if it turns into a human appearance, even if it is It looks pitiful, but it can’t change its essence! We eat it as a Shura, and treat it as revenge for the creatures who have been killed by it! Besides, that Shura was given by Yuan Tianyang Senior, and it didn’t pay for one. Spirit Stone, we just ate that’s all, which is too much?”

Speaking of this, Ao Xiao’s fiercely stared at Xiao Xie fiercely: “Hey, don’t pretend, I’m going to punch someone before pretending to be!”

Xiaoxie immediately shuddered and looked at Ao Xiaoan in horror.

Ao Xiaoan is right. It is indeed not as pitiful as it seems, but its sadness is by no means disguised.

“Look, I’ll just say, this guy is pretending!” Ao Xiaoan laughed.

It’s just that smile that fell in Xiao Xie’s eyes, but it made him terrified and terrified.

The dignified evil Heavenly Dao, in front of Xiaoao Ao, is reduced to a harmless to humans and animals little sheep.

“Xiao Xie, let me ask you, how did your Shura cook?” Ao Xiaoyu asked, “How did Qi of Evil handle it?”

Their power also has a restraining effect on Qi of Evil. If you do not consider the cost, you can also eliminate Qi of Evil, but the efficiency is too low, it takes a lot of time, and it takes amazing power. The most important thing is , They had no time to eliminate Qi of Evil, and some Qi of Evil overflowed and spread to other places, causing many creatures to be affected.

Everyone is watching Xiaoxie one after another, hoping to find a solution to Qi of Evil from Xiaoxie.

Xiaoxie lowered his head, as if angered, and said nothing.

“After eating my Shura, I still want to ask me questions, these guys are too bullying!” Xiaoxie was very upset, “Is it true that I don’t want face, Xiaoxie?”

Although it is afraid of Xiaoxiao, but it clenches its teeth and does not let go.

Refusal to answer questions is its last stubbornness!

“Hurry up!” Ao Xiaoan has never been a patient person. She stared at Xiao Xie fiercely, and suddenly loudly said: “How on earth did you deal with Qi of Evil! Believing or not? Say, I will cook you like Shura and eat it!”

Xiaoxie suddenly became frightened, and it could no longer be stabilized, and he immediately confessed: “Qi of Evil was swallowed by me!”

Everyone startedled.

Ao Xiaoan also stared at Xiao Xie dumbfounded, a little confused.

Swallow Qi of Evil?

What Divine Immortal operation is this?

Seeing Ao Xiao An’s appearance, Xiao Xie thought she didn’t believe it and was anxious to brow beaded with sweat, and said anxiously: “It’s true! I swallowed all those Qi of Evil! Qi of Evil’s cultivation progress on me! There are great benefits, and the effect is several times stronger than Shura itself! If you don’t believe it, you can ask Xiaoqiang and he has been watching.”

“Xiaoqiang, is what it says is true?” Ao Xiaoao came back to his senses and asked.

“The big brother Xiaoxie didn’t lie to you.” In the face of everyone’s eyes, Xiaoqiang didn’t have time to be sad about Shura being eaten. It was weak and weak: “Those Qi of Evil were all swallowed by the big brother Xiaoxie. “

Everyone look at each other in blank dismay, what the hell is that way?

They thought Xiaoxie had used some good way to get rid of Qi of Evil. Now that they know the truth, they are all speechless.

They really can’t learn this method!

“What to do, if you don’t dispose of Qi of Evil, you can’t cook it at all!” Xiao Yan sighed, helplessly said.

Everyone was silent.

“Maybe we don’t need to deal with Qi of Evil by ourselves…” Ao Wuyan’s gaze paused on Xiao Xie’s body, and that gaze made Xiao Xie feel a little hairy, “Isn’t there a ready-made helper?”


Hearing this, everyone immediately eyes shined.

Xiaoxie is a little bit unbelievable: “You…will you let me swallow Qi of Evil?”

In its view, Qi of Evil is the most valuable thing in Shura, and it is several times better than the essence of Shura!

Xiao Yan turned his eyes and laughed: “It’s so decided, we will cook Shura in the future, and Qi of Evil will be handled by Xiao Xie.” Paused, he said to Xiao Xie: “We just ate you A Shura, so if you hand over Qi of Evil to you, it will be considered to compensate you. How about it, are you satisfied now?”

“Satisfied, so satisfied!” For Xiaoxie, it was like a pie from the sky. It was almost stunned by this huge surprise, “Thank you, thank you!”

It is grateful, and thinks that these dísciples of the dean, including Ao Xiaoan, Ao Wuyan, and Xiao Yan, are all great people!

“What are you polite? You are also a member of Cangqiong Academy after all. We don’t take care of you, who do we take care of?” Xiao Yan said devotion to righteousness that inspires reverence.

Ye Fan and the others are also smiling, very satisfied with this result.

Only Xiaoqiang’s eyes are confused and his mind is a little confused: “It seems that something is wrong.”?

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