Chapter 1411 The Invincible Dean (Part I)

Dean Avatar “No” challenged Shrouding the Heavens to divide Dean Wine Sword Immortal. This explosive news spread all over All Heavens Myriad Realms in an instant.

The teachers and students of the Sky Academy rushed to Shrouding the Heavens Great World immediately, and the powerhouses of the heavens also gathered in Shrouding the Heavens Great World, wanting to witness this heaven-shaking, earth-shattering battle.

Before the war started, it has already caused a huge sensation!

This is definitely the most eye-catching battle since the establishment of Sky Academy!

One side is the deep and unmeasurable member Dean, and the other side is Dean Mister’s Avatar, and he is also the master of the fairyland!

The identities of both parties have unusual meanings!

Three generations of students came to Shrouding the Heavens Great World early, and their eyes stayed on the silhouette standing in the sky.

Everyone is waiting, waiting for Dean Wine Sword Immortal’s response!

“Will he challenge?” Everyone was nervous and expected, as if they were the ones who challenged Wine Sword Immortal.

Wu Kun is the person most looking forward to this battle. He couldn’t help but ask: “You said, Dean Mister’s Avatar and Dean, stronger and weaker?”

While cooking Asura, Ao Wuyan said: “Wu is the lord of the immortal realm. Now that he has set foot in immortality, the time and space of the immortal realm may also grow into a complete time and space. An immortal master of medium time and space, the battle strength must be amazing. In addition, Wu itself is Dean’s Avatar. I am afraid that the battle strength is much stronger than the powerhouse of the same level. Those inferior masters of time and space may not be Wu’s opponents. Senior Wine Sword Immortal, just like Dean, has always been hiding. His true strength is still a mystery, so no one knows the answer whether it is stronger or weaker.”

Wu Mo said: “I think there should be no better, after all, that is the teacher’s Avatar!”

Ye Fan retorted: “Not necessarily! Although Wu is the teacher’s Avatar, but he and the teacher are not at all too deeply involved, and they are more like an independent individual… And Dean, even the teacher Communicating with them with an equal attitude shows that Dean’s strength is also surprisingly strong.”

“Except for a few occasions, who does the teacher communicate with is not an equal attitude?” Deng Qiuchan asked.

Bai Ling looked at Xiao Xie: “Xiao Xie, what do you think?”

Xiaoxie is the only one who has been beaten by Dean too much and who has been beaten by Dean. He should have more experience than others.

“Hiss…hiss…” Xiao Xie swallowed Qi of Evil, his body swayed with joy. Hearing Bai Ling’s question, Xiao Xie became a little sober, and said intermittently: “Hiss… …If it is…his…the master and Wine Sword Immortal are better than…his…that must be Master…his…but if it is…the master’s Avatar and Wine Sword Immortal are better than…his…then me too I don’t know.”

Everyone is speechless, isn’t this nonsense?

Everyone knows that Dean is invincible, and Dean is definitely not Dean’s rival, but they are asking Dean’s Avatar and Dean who is better…

Above the Shrouding the Heavens branch, standing alone in the sky, Wine Sword Immortal didn’t seem to hear his voice, and there was no movement.

“Could it be…Fen Dean refuses to challenge because he thinks he is not an opponent?” Everyone couldn’t help but guess.

Nothing is very calm, and there is no slightest impatience. He seems to expect Wine Sword Immortal to play, and he is very patient.

At this time, many people from Shrouding the Heavens branch came here, among which is included Hongjun, Supreme Taoist, etc. It is worth mentioning that Supreme Taoist, Hongmeng, etc. are all in time and space Good-Fortune Pill With his help, he successfully stepped into immortality and became a part of Sky Academy Peak battle strength.

“Mister Wu Kun!” Suddenly, a surprised voice sounded, “It’s really you? Did I admit it?”

Wu Kun turned his head to look, and it was Feng Wuchang, Qin Hu, and Luo Qingyun who came into his sight. It was Qin Hu who had just spoken.

“Qin Hu, you also joined Sky Academy?” Wu Kun was a little surprised.

“Yes, the three of us have joined the Sky Academy.” Qin Hu said, “This is Luo Qingyun, next to him is Wind Impermanence. It used to be Captain of the ordinary patrol team. You should have an impression of Luo Qingyun. As for the impermanence of the wind, he joined later…” paused, he said to the impermanence of the wind again: “This is the Wu Kun Mister I often mention to you!”

Wu Kun waved his hand: “Just call me by my name. There is only Sky Academy student Wu Kun, and there is no senior guard Wu Kun.”

“You participated in the enrollment assessment and became a student?” Qin Hu was surprised.

“That’s right.” Wu Kun slightly smiled, “The specific situation, I will tell you later, let’s leave the past, I don’t want to miss this wonderful matchup.”

Qin Hu was nodded and stopped talking.

Everyone’s attention is once again transferred to the lonely silhouette in the sky.

But there are also many people who secretly look at Wu Kun. After all, this is also an immortal, the most powerful existence under the Lord of Time and Space, although everyone does not know that Wu Kun is a breaker who controls the Power of Fortune, but even if he is just an ordinary rank nine immortal, it is still enough to make people look at him.

Just when everyone was looking forward to it, Wine Sword Immortal finally responded.

The head of the branch, Wine Sword Immortal did not show up, but everyone can hear his silhouette: “Are you sure you want to fight?”

The voice is indifferent and free and easy, and a subconsciously unruly image emerges in people’s mind.

“I need to verify my strength, and you are the first…” No not at all said the whole thing, but he believes that Wine Sword Immortal can understand it.

Wine Sword Immortal is the first Avatar constructed by Zhang Yu. From Wu’s point of view, its strength should be the strongest.

Wine Sword Immortal didn’t explain anything. His silhouette appeared in the sky without warning, opposing Wuyao: “That’s as you wish.”

As soon as this word came out, everyone below was boiling.

It can be followed by a word of nothing, but it makes most people seem to be splashed with cold water, and their mood instantly becomes depressed: “Let’s go, change a place, here, I can’t stand us Toss.” Although Shrouding the Heavens Great World has grown into Peak’s Great World and even has some of the characteristics of true God World, it has not fully grown and transformed into a true God World. What’s more, even if it’s a true God World, Can’t stand the impact of their power.

“Then go to the turbulence of time and space.” Wine Sword Immortal suddenly tore a huge crack in front of him, and then went straight through the crack, the silhouette sinking into nothingness.

Yes, after the crack, there is nothingness.

Wine Sword Immortal is obviously a type that doesn’t talk harshly, and such a character makes Wu very satisfied.

It was Wine Sword Immortal that created a Space Crack casually, which made a look ruthlessly dignified. He found that Wine Sword Immortal’s method was exactly the same as the deity, but he had long been disconnected from the deity, so it was not clear What kind of connection is there? I don’t know how powerful the many Avatars such as Wine Sword Immortal are.

No did not hesitate, as soon as he stepped on the sole of his foot, he stepped into nothingness.

Most of the people below are dumbfounded. They want to witness this eye-catching battle, but in the end it is a sad discovery that they are not even qualified to watch the battle.

If you want to watch the battle, you must at least have the ability not to be corroded by nothingness. This is something that is difficult to achieve even if it is immortal. Although the scope of this piece of nothingness outside Shrouding the Heavens Great World is limited, it is not like the time and space of the heavens. Nothingness is as boundless, but at least it takes a turn of the immortal Cultivation Base to be able to barely pass through, and even a turn of immortality is in danger.

Wu Kun, Qin Hu and others looked at each other, and immediately followed by without the slightest hesitation: “Go!”

Hongjun, Supreme Taoist and others are also close behind.

They just caught up, and Shrouding the Heavens Great World ushered in another group of people, Dean of the major branches!

“How can such a lively thing miss us?” Tian Ji Old Man haha ​​smiled, “Go, let’s go and see together.”

Regarding the Avatar of Wu, they have heard of it too many times, and they have regarded Wu as their goal. Now that the Lord has appeared, they naturally want to take a look and see if they have Dantian. With the blessing of World’s Creator’s might, there is so much difference from nothing.

Dantian World is turbulent in time and space.

Wine Sword Immortal arrived first. He looked relaxed and free, not at all as if he had just passed through nothingness.

“You can recover first.” Wine Sword Immortal said with a slight smile.

In this Dantian World, he is absolutely invincible. As long as the deity does not deprive him of his authority, then, under the blessing of the Creator’s might, even the presiding judge is not his one-one enemy. Not only him, Dean Avatar, Tian Ji Old Man, Wolf Dog, Swallowing Heaven Beast, Nightmare Horse, etc. Except for nothing, all Avatars of Zhang Yu have invincible power in Dantian World.

No, I don’t know this. He shook his head and said: “No need. Let’s start.”

He is a little impatient.

Wine Sword Immortal raised eyebrows, and then haha ​​smiled: “Okay, let’s get started.”

Wu Kun, Feng Wuchang, Qin Hu, Luo Qingyun, Hong Jun, Supreme Taoist, and many other immortals are standing on the edge of nothingness, with expectations, curiosity, and a bit of excitement in their eyes. One is Dean’s Avatar and one It is Dean that Dean communicates with him on an equal footing. This is a duel of pinnacle besides Dean in Sky Academy!

In the turbulence of time and space, the imposing manner suddenly erupted, a terrifying storm, centered on nothing, towards all directions swept away, that terrifying airflow contained monstrous power, which was unique to the Lord of Time and Space can!

“Dean Mister’s Avatar really just set foot in immortality?” Wu Kun was a little shocked. He knew that nothing was the lord of Xianyu, and Xianyu was a medium time and space that had not yet grown up, and now it is immortal. Xianyu has also grown into a true medium-time space, Wu Kun’s strength will surely increase to an astonishing level, and may even be higher or lower than the immortal high realm, but when he truly feels the terrifying power, Wu Kun is still suppressed In addition, the terrifying power is even no less than the inferior master of time and space in the Peak period.

You know, Wucai has just set foot in immortality!

For a moment, Wu Kun even suspected that Xianyu was not a medium time and space, but a special time and space like the time and space of Shenxu!

Otherwise, it is difficult to explain, there is no reason why such a terrifying power can erupt.

Feng Impermanence, Qin Hu, and Luo Qingyun also have similar ideas, and their inner shock is no less than Wu Kun.

On the contrary, it is Hongjun, Supreme Taoist, Hongmeng, Lin Meng and others. Since they have never seen the power of the Lord of Time and Space, they do not have a clear understanding of the power of the Lord of Time and Space, and they also have a long way to go. The battle strength of the Cultivation Base is super-equivalent, so not at all is shocked because of the terrifying power without breaking out. Instead, I think this is normal.

In the turbulence of time and space, the terrifying storm is centered on nothingness and swept away to Wine Sword Immortal. But what is surprising is that when the storm arrives in front of Wine Sword Immortal, it is like encountering a Locking Wind Bead, automatically Dissipation has not had any impact on Wine Sword Immortal. The imposing manner that contains terrifying pressure also has no impact on Wine Sword Immortal.

There was a little bit of dignity without expression, and there was a little surprise in his eyes.

Next moment, his silhouette flickered, brought a hurricane, his five fingers together, and then he slammed a punch. With the blessing of the entire fairyland time and space, his source strength with amazing power, more It soared to the point of bursting instantly! The turbulence of time and space with a radius of billions of light years trembled fiercely, as if the sky was about to fall! ?

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