Chapter 1443 Strange Nothingness

In the direction of Tianyu time and space, several senior judges and a dozen judges at the trial meeting saw Yuan Tianyang, and their hearts were all about to move.

They can’t beat Yuan Tianji, even if Yuan Tianji is seriously injured, they can’t beat him.

But they can beat Yuan Tianyang!

If you can catch Yuan Tianyang and use it as a threat, Yuan Tianji will not be afraid!

Almost everyone in these heavens and spaces knows that the two brothers have deep feelings. As long as you catch one of them, you will catch the other.

A group of people at the trial meeting are ready to move, but they are afraid of Yuan Tianji and dare not take it lightly.

To deal with Yuan Tianyang in front of Yuan Tianji, no one in the time and space dared to do this. Even if the people in the trial have ideas, they dare not implement it easily.

Just as they were entangled and hesitated, Yuan Tianyang and Yuan Tianji’s conversation seemed to have ended, and they were about to turn around and leave.

“Can’t wait any longer!” A senior judge gritted his teeth and said: “Let’s do it together!”

As long as you catch Yuan Tianyang, you will be able to lift the crisis of the trial meeting, and even have a chance to get rid of the enemy of Yuan Tianji.

Several other senior judges and many judges also held their breath and made an offensive posture.

They are very clear in their hearts that if they don’t do it now, it may be difficult to meet such a good opportunity in the future!

Although this is risky, it is definitely worth it!

They made up their minds, even if Yuan Tianji shot them, they must catch Yuan Tianyang. As long as they caught Yuan Tianyang, it would be worth sacrificing half of the manpower present!

Everyone is ready to sacrifice themselves. Their only goal is to catch Yuan Tianyang!

In an instant, a group of high-ranking judges and judges passed through the barriers of time and space in the universe, and they looked like they were determined to die. Everyone was determined to die. If they didn’t succeed, they would become benevolent!

But, as soon as they passed through the empty barrier at that time, Yuan Tianji’s gaze swept over them, but his plain gaze was like the gaze from Deep Abyss.

Almost instinctively, a group of high-ranking judges, the soles of the judges’ feet that had just stepped out, swept back.

The silhouette who had just passed through the time-space barrier also returned to the time-space barrier in an instant.

“Hey…something seems to have flashed across Tianyu Time and Space just now.” There are great influence spies in the void, or purely watching the lively crowd, their attention is on Yuan Tian’s body and they are not aware When Yuan Tianji glanced at Tianyu Time and Space, they also looked at it subconsciously, but only saw a fleeting shadow, and there was no time to see what it was.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay: “What just happened?” In the direction of Tianyu Time and Space, apart from a group of senior judges and judges in the empty barrier at that time, there seemed to be no other who Thing out.

Yuan Tianyang also looked towards Yuan Tianji with incomprehension: “Brother, what’s the matter?”

Yuan Tianji retracted his eyes and shook his head: “Nothing.”

“Oh, then I’m leaving.” Yuan Tianyang didn’t care too much, turned around and left.

Within the space-time barrier of Tianyu.

A group of high-ranking judges and judges looked at each other, all in cold sweat, as if to go to the gates of hell for a while, and the whole person almost collapsed.

A few breaths before the bold words and lofty ambitions, the mortal determination and belief, and the courage that was finally gathered up, all disappeared in an instant with Yuan Tianji’s indifferent eyes.


The members of the trial committee were almost completely blocked by Yuan Tianji within the time and space of the universe, so they did not know at all that on the edge of the extreme north of the time and space of the heavens, in the distant emptiness, that life withered and deserted area appeared A strange, huge space-time, at that time the space was extremely vast, it quietly docked in nothingness, all around halo haunting, except for a few life-dead time-space, almost no other time-space exists, so It looks beautiful and lonely.

This is a special time and space no less than the time and space of Shenxu and Tianyu!

Although its breath fluctuates far less than those seven special time and space, it still makes people feel trembling.

And this unfamiliar and huge space-time, just like Transcendent Shenxu time-space time and time is not long before the wasteland time-space!

From the moment of Transcendent, the time and space of the wasteland disappeared from the time and space of the Shenxu, and with that, the true God World of the wilderness also crossed the endless nothingness and came to the peripheral zone of the time and space of the heavens. The location is now blank, except for the gray turbulence of time and space, there is nothing else.

In other words, God World, together with the entire Sky Academy, came to a strange place along with the Transcendent of the wasteland time and space.

The time and space of Shenxu and the time and space of the wasteland have become two completely independent entities, and there is almost no connection between them except for the time node.

The time node is the only link between the two.

Originally Longzu Aozhen, Yuwa Emperor Jade Butterfly, and the others wanted to take a trip to the fairyland to deal with personal affairs, but when they passed through the time and space of the wasteland, the river of rebirth came to no end After the emptiness, I couldn’t help being dumbfounded. Unprepared, they were caught off guard, almost eroded by nothingness and slightly injured.

When they returned to the wasteland time and space in embarrassment, their brains were still a little confused.

Outside the wasteland time and space, the emptiness of vast and boundless is undoubtedly very shocking, it is a spectacle they have never seen before!

But the unfamiliar landscape made it difficult for them to accept this fact for a while. Without their awareness, they were forced to become homeless wandering abroad.

Where is the time and space of Shenxu?

Where is the turbulence of time and space?

Where did those familiar worlds go?

Dragon Emperor, Yuwa Emperor, Lu Fan, Su Rui and the others are all lost in confusion, some not knowing what to do.

Although they are not afraid of nothingness and can travel through the nothingness, they have no coordinate map of the nothingness at all, do not know their current location, nor the location of Shenxu time and space, and there is no way to go to Shenxu time and space.

With confusion and hesitation, a group of people returned to God World in the wilderness and asked to see Dean, but they didn’t see Dean’s silhouette at Champs House, and no one knew where Dean had gone.

They didn’t see Dean, and they were not surprised, because Dean has always been Sees The Head Of The Divine Dragon But Not The Tail, and his whereabouts are mysterious.

Just as they were about to leave, they happened to ran into Zhang Haoran.

“Vice Dean.” Everyone one after another saluted.

“What’s the matter with you?” Zhang Haoran asked.

“I’m waiting to see Dean, but Dean doesn’t know where he is.” Long Zu said.

Zhang Haoran looked towards Xiangxie Xiaoju, seeing that there was no one in the small garden, and said: “If things are not urgent, just wait for a while, he should be back soon.” Generally speaking, Zhang Yu disappeared It will not disappear for too long, otherwise, he will definitely inform Zhang Haoran in advance.

“Yes!” Long Zu’s entire group nodded.

“By the way, you are all here, I have something to tell you.” Zhang Haoran said.

Everyone looked at Zhang Haoran.

“The wasteland has been Transcendent for a long time, and it has grown into a real time and space. This also means that the wasteland time and space has separated from the original time and space of the ruins and rises to the dimension of nothingness. The time and space of the market is no longer the turbulent flow of time and space, but the vast nothingness.” Zhang Haoran said: “For this, you have to be psychologically prepared.”

Long Zu immediately said: “It is for this reason that we asked to see Dean.”

He asked: “Dare to ask Deputy Dean, if we want to return to the time and space of Shenxu, how should we go?”

“This is simple. Although the wasteland time and space have been Transcendent for a long time, there is still a time node connected to the Shenxu time and space. As long as the space node creates a wormhole at that time, you can go back and forth between the two time and space at will.” Zhang Haoran said with a smile: “I will place the wormhole in the center of the wasteland time and space, and the wormhole on the side of Shenxu time and space will be placed in the original wasteland time and space.”

The transmission between the two time and space is just like the transmission between the worlds in the turbulent flow of time and space.

However, there is an important prerequisite for creating a wormhole and connecting two space-times!

One of the time and space must be Transcendent from another time and space!

The time-space node must be used as a link between the two time-spaces to create a wormhole connecting each other.

For this reason, wormholes that can travel between the two time and space are extremely rare.

“You go down first, and come again after one hour. At that time, you can pass through the wormhole and return to the time and space of Shenxu.” Zhang Haoran waved his hand.

It is the first time to create a wormhole, and it is a wormhole that connects two major time and space. Zhang Haoran naturally needs to be stable.

“Yes!” Long Zu and the others retired.


Shenxu Time and Space, Northern Plains boundary.

At the moment of Transcendent in the wasteland time and space, the creatures of countless worlds around were awakened. Those Transcendentists and True Gods who failed in the admissions assessment but had not had time to leave, all felt the vastness and weight. The breath, that breath is like the fairyland from Divine Kingdom, holy, vast and awe-inspiring.

When the True God and Transcendentists searched for the source of the breath, they were surprised to find that the wasteland that originally stood in the Northern Plains boundary has disappeared, and there is nothing but the gray turbulence of time and space. Stay.

Even the wild God World, which was originally located in that place, has disappeared.

Everyone was shocked, puzzled, and didn’t understand what happened.

Tens of thousands of Transcendentists, as well as many True Gods, were attracted by the breath. They gathered in the Northern Plains realm and searched the area where the wasteland time and space were originally located, but they ended up with nothing. It can be found, just like the time and space of Xianyu disappeared not long ago, and no one understands the reason, and no one can find the trace of the time and space of Xianyu.

There was a fairyland time and space in the front, and a wasteland time and space in the back. They disappeared so bizarrely, causing the turbulent time and space to panic, and many places became chaotic and turbulent.

Without the fairyland and the wasteland, who will suppress the five evil kings and the evil spirits?

I am afraid that it will not be long before the five great evil kings and the evil spirits and the five races will return in a swirl of dust. The creatures of all races have only been calm for a few years. Are they going back to the days when they could be Predator at any time?

Among Dihe, Xihe, Yihe, and Weihe, the five evil kings seem to be faintly aware of something. The whole evil spirits and five clans are all about to move around. They have been dormant for a long time, as if they smelled those insects again The tempting smell, but they are not sure if this is a conspiracy by the creatures of the ten thousand races, so they dare not move in a short time. ?

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