Chapter 1449 Accepted

Although Xiao Xie is not reliable in doing things, it seems to be doing well this time. Of course, this has to rule out the period when it almost killed the five evil kings.

If you count that paragraph, Zhang Yu may want to strangle it even more.

In general, although Xiaoxie’s words have lost the majesty and domineering of Evil God, they still touched the five evil kings.

“Mister Yuan Tianyang really took refuge in Sky Academy?” Evil Wang Hao asked.

Asking these words actually means that his heart is moved.

They are not afraid of death, but if they can become stronger and become a powerful existence like Xiaoxie, they are willing to give up what they insist on until now.

Xiaoxie said indifferently: “He wants to take refuge in Sky Academy, but the master doesn’t accept him! Sky Academy is not accepted by everyone, it depends on his qualifications! Unless he can wash away some evil karma and improve Good karma, otherwise, he would have knocked his head and his master would not agree! Of course, although he is not a member of Sky Academy, he is really doing things for Sky Academy.”

Only assume obligations and do not enjoy power.

This is Yuan Tianyang’s treatment at Sky Academy.

“Don’t talk about him, it’s you, the same.” Xiaoxie said: “Don’t think that you acknowledge allegiance to Sky Academy, even Sky Academy members. To Sky Academy, you are just slaves, you can give up at any time , Replacement tools. If you want to really join Sky Academy, it depends on your future performance. The acknowledge allegiance in Sky Academy is an opportunity, and it is an opportunity to join Sky Academy in the future.”

“This…” The five evil kings are somewhat difficult to accept.

They are great evil kings!

Are you going to be like a slave now?

“Why, is this shrinking?” Xiaoxie said with a sneer: “Is your ambition so fragile?”

The evil king said: “But we are the evil king! How, how can we be that servant…”

“Come on, you are already considered good luck.” Xiaoxie snorted, and said: “You don’t know how much suffering the king suffered and how much torture he suffered before he joined Sky Academy as he wished. This king dare to say , For you, you absolutely can’t hold on for a long time. Now just letting you guard the wormhole is already a preferential treatment for you.”

Paused, Xiaoxie continued: “It is your honor to let you be slaves! You are believing or not, then Yuan Tianyang, even if you want to be a slave of Sky Academy, the master will not accept him!”

Hearing this, the five evil kings all looked at Xiaoxie incredulously.

“It will save you trouble if the king said, kill you directly. The deputy Dean Mister sees you are still useful, so that you can save your life, and even save you with a ninth-tier medicine pill. You don’t be fool enough to reject a face-saving offer.” Xiaoxie said unceremoniously: “The opportunity has already been given to you. If you still don’t know how to cherish, don’t blame this king for being so harsh!”

The five evil kings have no doubt whether Xiao Xie can do it. The latter has almost killed them once just now. If it weren’t for the deputy Dean to save them, they would never have a chance to stand here and speak.

“Do we really have a chance to be an existence like you in the future?” asked the evil king.

They are both excited and entangled.

Xiao Xie said: “It is not difficult to become an existence like this king! It is not even an illusion to become an existence like your former master! The premise is…you can obediently and honestly do things for Sky Academy!”

The five evil kings become more and more excited, but they are still uncertain.

After all, their acknowledge allegiance in Sky Academy is tantamount to betraying the original owner and betraying the Supreme Existence. This undoubtedly requires courage.

Just when the evil king was about to say and so on, Xiaoxie was already impatient, and said in an unkind tone: “Okay, don’t be long-winded, this king will ask you whether the minister acknowledges allegiance , As long as you say half a word, this king promises to send you to hell immediately!”

These words are like the last straw that overwhelms the camel, making the five evil kings completely determined.

The five evil kings glanced at each other, and then one after another said: “I am willing to acknowledge allegiance to Sky Academy!”

“That’s right!” Xiaoxie smiled with satisfaction, “Follow this king to ensure that you will be well-rounded in the future. No one dares to disrespect you in the heavens and time. People dare to bully you. Even if your former masters are here, you have to talk to the king politely, otherwise, you will upset the king…”

Just when Xiao Xie couldn’t reach the margin, Zhang Haoran said with a black face: “It’s almost done! Anyway, is the entire Sky Academy yours?”

Xiaoxie smiled: “That’s not it.”

“Let’s go, it’s time to return to Dean.” Zhang Haoran said to Xiao Xie.

“Yes!” Xiaoxie immediately replied respectfully.

“Let’s go, what are you still doing.” Xiaoxie urged the five evil kings: “The master is still waiting in Sky Academy!”

The five evil kings looked at each other and then flew to the wormhole a little nervously. They don’t know where the wormhole leads, but they know that once they pass through the wormhole, their fate will be complete change.

Take a deep breath, the evil king has courage to take the lead through the wormhole, the evil king Xi, the evil king Yi, the evil king Wei, the evil king follow closely from behind.

In an instant, as the world turned around, the five evil kings instantly arrived in the wasteland time and space, and the surrounding space and time were still gray and boundless, and nothing seemed to have changed.

It’s just that the five evil kings are very clear that this place is definitely not the same place as the time and space turbulence they are familiar with, because they are so familiar with time and space turbulence, they are familiar with every realm and every world. Knowing the palm, except for those newly born worlds, they can be said to know everything, even if every river in those ancient worlds, they remember clearly.

Here, without those worlds, the surroundings are extremely empty, and there are faint fluctuations of Life Aura in some places, as if something is being bred, there are signs of the birth of the world, but at least there is no world yet.

“Where is this?” The five evil kings are a little at a loss, and the strange environment makes people nervous.

“This is…the wasteland time and space!” Zhang Haoran’s silhouette appeared beside them, indifferently said: “You can understand it as…another time and space turbulence!”

Of course, a complete time and space, including endless turbulence, each time node, is an independent space, but for the five evil kings, these words are somewhat profound, but Zhang Haoran’s explanation, it seems It’s much simpler, and it’s easy to understand.

“Vice Dean Mister is the master of this wasteland time and space.” Xiaoxie said proudly.

Seeing the five evil kings did not respond, Xiaoxie suddenly felt like he was playing the lute for a cow, and said: “Forget it, you don’t understand it after all. Go to pay respects to Master first.”

Xiaoxie immediately took the five evil kings and went to the wilderness of God World.

After a while, Xiao Xie and the five great evil kings passed through the entrance of the wild true God World, shrunk their bodies, and came to Sky Academy.

The five evil kings finally met the master who was praised by the evil spirits.

“Master.” Xiao Xie respectfully said: “They have bowed their heads to acknowledge allegiance. Xiao Xie has completed the task you confessed.”

Hearing Xiaoxie’s claim in front of his owner, the corners of the five evil kings couldn’t help but twitch slightly.

“He, we meet again.” In the awe of the five evil kings, Zhang Yu turned around and looked at the evil king with a smile.

Evil King Xi, Evil King Yi, Evil King Wei, Evil King Xing saw Zhang Yu, all mouth opened wide in amazement: “How could you die, nothing!”

“He is not Wu.” The evil king said with a bitter smile: “He is Sky Academy Dean! The Wu we know is just his Avatar…” He was fortunate to have fought against this Dean, and Once suspected, this Dean had already taken that step, but he didn’t expect it in his dreams. Not only did this Dean take that step, but in the Ninth Tier, I am afraid that it was extremely terrifying existence.

The Evil King Di has been feeling a little bit of his good fortune so far, fighting against such a great person, he can still live safely until now.

Zhang Yu calmly said: “Since you have acknowledged allegiance in Sky Academy, the past events will not be mentioned. From now on, you will be under the command of Xiao Xie, and will be sent by Xiao Xie… and temporarily stationed at Shenxu Time and Space. Do you have any comments on the space-time wormhole leading to the wasteland time-space?”

Although this is the first time I have heard the name Shenxu Time and Space, it does not prevent the five evil kings from understanding the meaning of Zhang Yu this remark.

Regarding Zhang Yu’s arrangement, they did not resist, because they had this consciousness from the moment they passed through the wormhole of time and space, and it was easier for them to follow Xiaoxie’s dispatch Accept, after all, Xiao Xie is Evil God at any rate. Regardless of the relationship between Sky Academy, they are also willing to obey the will of Evil God.

“I’ll wait to obey!” The five evil kings said in unison.

Zhang Yu nodded with satisfaction, and then cast his eyes on Xiaoxie.

Xiaoxie suddenly became nervous.

“Father, how does this guy behave? Is there any mess?” Zhang Yu asked Zhang Haoran.

“In general, it should be fine.” Zhang Haoran commented objectively, “Except for one point.”

Xiaoxie’s heart suddenly burst.

“Which point?” Zhang Yu asked.

“This guy almost wiped out Hu, Xi, Yi, Wei and Xing together.” Zhang Haoran didn’t care about Xiao Xie’s begging for mercy, and shook Xiao Xie’s affairs.

“en?” The smile on Zhang Yu’s face disappeared, and his eyes moved to Xiao Xie, “I just released you, and you are not honest?”

When the voice fell, Zhang Yu slapped it over with a slap. The small evil that shrank countless times was so dumbfounded that he didn’t dare to hide. Let the slap fall on his head. What’s more terrifying is that The surface of the palm is covered with a layer of Source Power. When it is slapped on Xiao Xie’s head, it is like a flame burning its body, causing its terrifying Qi of Evil to melt quickly, and one after another black smoke emerges.

“Ah!” The majestic and inviolable Evil God in the eyes of the five evil kings uttered a mournful scream.

The five evil kings looked at each other in blank dismay, some can’t believe this scene.

Xiaoxie doesn’t care about maintaining his majesty in front of the five evil kings. It wailes in pain, shiver coldly, and dares not do anything except continuously begging for mercy and screaming.

In fact, if it wants to hide, it is completely capable of avoiding it. With its current strength, if it really wants to escape, Zhang Yu cannot catch up. Although Zhang Yu’s Source Power completely overcomes it, even if it becomes a normal existence of Evil God, it cannot resist the sanctions from Source Power, but if it hides fast enough, Source Power simply cannot touch it, so how can it hurt it? ?

However, Zhang Yu has already left a shadow in its heart, so that it can only accept the beating obediently and honestly, not even the idea of ​​hiding, let alone running away.

“Isn’t it said that you can follow it to ensure that you will be able to mix well?” The five evil kings were a little dumbfounded.

Do you call this a mix of wind and water?

Do you have any misunderstandings about Feng Sheng Shui Qi?

The five evil kings suddenly felt that they were on a thief boat.

This Evil God Mister seems to be unreliable! ?

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