Martial Mythology

Chapter 1590: boiling!

   Chapter 1590 Boiling!

  Earth human beings are panicking.

   Despair spreads rapidly and breeds in the hearts of every human being on earth.

  Unexpectedly, the worst result has appeared!

   Their expectations for things were too optimistic before, and no one thought that the angry Dogan would not let the human civilization on earth go.

   "It's over."

   "Is our human civilization on Earth doomed to perish?"

   "No, I don't want to die!"

   "Why is this happening!"

   "Is Doan-sama crazy!"

   "Doesn't he know that he destroyed our human civilization on Earth, what kind of pressure will the entire Tercos family bear?"

   A cloud of death hangs over the human civilization on Earth, and everyone is overwhelmed by the pressure of death.

  Many people are very dissatisfied with Dogan, but even if they are dissatisfied, they dare not show it.

   In their opinion, Doan is really crazy, because the cost of destroying human civilization on earth is too great, but he doesn't care at all!

   "I'm really not reconciled!" The members of the elders group felt heavy and felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

   They worked hard, and finally waited for a genius who could lead the earth's human civilization to achieve the initial revival. As a result, the earth's human civilization had not even had time to revive, and had to face the anger of the most powerful existence in the entire original universe.

   They pin their hopes on Huo Yan, and hope that Huo Yan can change the living status of human civilization on earth in the future. However, Huo Yan did not bring them hope, but instead caused human civilization on earth to face extinction.

   All their efforts, all their fantasies, will vanish.

  Some people are angry, some are unwilling, some are in pain, some are afraid, some are desperate, but more people blame Huo Yan.

  If it wasn't for Huo Yan's willfulness, the human civilization on earth would not be in danger!

They blamed Huo Yan, blamed Huo Yan, and even wished for Huo Yan to die, but they forgot that Huo Yan was just a seventeen-year-old boy, let a seventeen-year-old boy do things rationally like an adult, and put everything into consideration. Is it too high a requirement to handle it without leakage?

  Perhaps they know this, but in the face of the threat of death, in the face of the crisis of the demise of civilization, how can they stay sane?

   Dull, depressing!

  The entire human civilization on earth has fallen into an unknown panic, and there is too much anxiety in the heart.

It didn't take long for people to leave the ruins of the Fuxing Palace one after another, and the elders began to think of a way to send a group of people away from the big dwarf star and continue the fire of civilization. Although this is very difficult, if it is to exhaust the human beings on earth The foundation of civilization, at all costs, still has hope.

   It is very unrealistic to send the entire human civilization on Earth away from the big dwarf, but it is still very hopeful to send dozens of people away.

   Huo Yan lost his soul and sat at the door of the net house. People came in and out of the net house from time to time, but no one spoke to him. Everyone seemed to have discussed it well and ignored him.

   Their undisguised blame and even hatred in their eyes made Huo Yan extremely heartbroken.

   "Huo Yan." Instructor Yan Luo's voice suddenly sounded in Huo Yan's ear.

  Huo Yan raised his head dazedly, his eyes were empty, as if his soul had been extracted.

Instructor Yan Luo was silent for a while, and said: "You don't have to blame yourself too much, you are not at fault for this matter, if you want to blame, you can only blame the bad luck of our human civilization on Earth, maybe, this is what the human civilization on Earth should have. Destiny."

   Huo Yan, who has always been strong on the surface, his eyes turned red instantly, and tears came out of his eyes: "I'm sorry, Instructor Yama, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

It is impossible to say that Instructor Yan Luo did not complain about Huo Yan at all, but seeing Huo Yan's tender face full of tears, Instructor Yan Luo couldn't hate it at all, he sighed lightly and said, "Actually, It's us who should really say sorry, it's us old guys who failed to make any substantial contribution to civilization, failed to give you an equal status with other civilizations, failed to prop up a blue sky of freedom for you. If you can't do it, you have to impose responsibility on you young people..."

   Instructor Yama laughed at himself: "What right do we have to blame you?"

He turned his head, patted Huo Yan's shoulder lightly, and said, "Maybe we should be more optimistic, maybe Cocowei can pass the trial? After all, there is still hope for a three-in-10,000 success rate, isn't it? Maybe? We should give Kekewei a little more trust, as long as she passes the test, all dangers will cease to exist, and our human civilization on Earth may even get on the big ship of the Tercos family and restore its former glory."

With a success rate of   3 in 10,000, Kekewei does have the possibility of success, but that possibility is infinitely close to zero.

"Yes, Ke Kewei, she will definitely succeed!" Huo Yan's figure of Ke Kewei appeared in his mind, as if cheering for Ke Kewei, "She is the daughter of a cosmos-level warrior, and her father is the greatest in the original universe. One of her fighters, she has no reason to fail."

  The vast majority of human beings on earth are complaining and even hating him, but how many people can understand the pain in his heart?

   The death of his beloved is unknown, and the fate of human civilization on earth is unknown. Under the double pressure, he suffers more than anyone else!

   "Cocovi, are you okay?"

"God Pangu, Empress Nuwa, Taiyi, Sage of Sanqing, Emperor of Humanity... Great sages, where are you? If you really exist, please save your people! Save Ke Kewei. , save the human civilization on earth!" Huo Yan shouted and prayed in his heart, like a desperate person who could only pin his hopes on the ethereal gods.

   As if sensing Huo Yan's prayer, rumblings suddenly sounded in all directions around the big dwarf star.

   A spaceship suddenly appeared, and the huge movement attracted everyone's attention.

The major civilizations and countless creatures on the big dwarf star raised their heads to look at the sky. The densely packed spaceships and battleships surrounded the big dwarf star. Soon, many spaceships and battleships were approaching the territory of human civilization on Earth. A large number of space warriors walked out of those spaceships and battleships, flocking to the ruins of the Renaissance Palace like locusts.

   All the creatures of the great dwarf star were stunned!

Those terrifying breaths, those figures that are so strong that people palpitate, the planet-level warriors and stellar-level warriors in their eyes are like cheap grass and trees, and there is even a black hole-level warrior among them. The existence that can dominate the fate of a planet, a galaxy, and even a group of galaxies on weekdays actually goes hand in hand with the big dwarf stars.

   Huo Yan's heart trembled, could it be that the great sages of the earth heard their prayers?

   But as those cosmic warriors arrived at Fuxing Palace and respectfully greeted Duoan, Huo Yan's heart sank to the bottom.

  The miracle did not happen after all.

  Everyone is here for Doan. Those who were high above the others in the past, those who they looked up to, are without exception, wanting to please Doan.

  The deterrent power of the eighth-ranked universe-level warrior in the original universe is fully reflected in this moment!

  Unfortunately, their flattery did not get Doan's favor, and only one word responded to them: "Go away!"

With a cold drink, everyone was in a cold sweat, tremblingly left the great dwarf star, and stopped in the space outside the great dwarf star. For the first time in many years, I have the opportunity to get up close and personal with a cosmic warrior.

   Just as many warriors were thinking about how to please this great cosmos-level warrior, several terrifying breaths suddenly swept over them, causing everyone to tremble.

   "This breath..."

   "Cosmic Warrior!"

   "God, another cosmic warrior has come!"

   "What exactly exists in the great dwarf?"

   Everyone boiled.

  Three breaths means three cosmos-level warriors!

   If you add Dogan, that's four cosmic warriors!

   The warriors of every civilization are almost going crazy!

   Inside and outside the big dwarf, countless creatures are boiling!

   At the same time, in the center of the ruins of Fuxing Palace, Doan frowned slightly. He raised his head and looked at the sky, his eyes traversing the endless distance: "Wen Luo? Why is he here?"

   The next moment, Wen Luo, Bo Haidong, and Linke Tercos arrived at the big dwarf star, appeared in front of Doan, and restrained their breath.

   "Elder Duoan." Linko Tercos swept across the great dwarf star with his mind, seeing that the great dwarf star was generally fine, he could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

  Wen Luo said with a smile: "Doan, long time no see."

   Bo Haidong said politely: "Mr. Doan."

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