Martial Mythology

Chapter 1592: Excited superdimensional warriors!

   Chapter 1592 Excited Ultra-Dimensional Warriors!

   "Report to everyone, sir, I, I am Huo Yan." Even though he had already made up his mind to sacrifice himself, Huo Yan's voice could not help but tremble in front of this group of mysterious people beyond cognition.

   The existence of the number one cosmos-level warrior Ding Wandu treated so respectfully, no matter how slow Huo Yan was, he should have guessed the identity of these mysterious people.

   Apart from the legendary ninth-level civilization, there is no second possibility!

For the creatures of the original universe, the ninth-level civilization is definitely a legendary existence. They have only heard the legend of the ninth-level civilization, but they have never seen the ninth-level civilization, and they have never even seen the images of the ninth-level civilization. Some people even suspect that the ninth-level civilization does not exist at all. The so-called ninth-level civilization is the biggest scam in the original universe.

   But the appearance of these mysterious people changed everyone's mind.

   The legendary ninth-level civilization really exists!

  The legendary super-dimensional warrior also really exists!

Ding Wan's humble servant-like attitude and the huge wormhole all prove that this group of mysterious characters shrouded in divine light come from distant legends, and their identity must have only one possibility, and that is beyond the cosmic dimension The existence of the great super-dimensional warrior!

   Inside and outside the big dwarf star, everyone held their breath and dared not make a sound.

   Huo Yan, who was named by the ninth-level civilization, became the focus of the entire primordial universe!

   Duo'an's spirit was also a little dazed. He couldn't believe the scene in front of him: "This kid has something to do with the legendary ninth-level civilization?"

   For a while, Duoan was a little confused.

"Don't be nervous." The middle-aged man, who was as majestic as the emperor of the sky, had a gentle smile on his face, which made people feel like a spring breeze. His emotions seemed to be able to arouse the rules of the universe, and had a strong infectious power. It was under that gentle smile that he relaxed, "We came to you, just to verify one thing from you. I hope you can answer honestly."

  Huo Yan's mind was chaotic like a paste, he subconsciously nodded: "Sir, please speak."

   The middle-aged man is the controller of the most powerful ninth-level civilization in the Xuanhuang world, and the peak super-dimensional warrior in the entire multi-dimensional universe is second only to Lei Wu... Chell.

   "I want to know, what is your relationship with the solar system? Do you know where the solar system is?" Cheer looked at Huo Yan expectantly.

   The rest of the super-dimensional warriors also focused on Huo Yan, and Huo Yan's answer would affect the fate of all ninth-level civilizations!

   If it weren't for that, they wouldn't have rushed over before things were fully confirmed.

"Solar system..." Huo Yan was stunned. He didn't expect this group of legendary beings to come to the big dwarf star. He named himself just to ask about the solar system. He carefully glanced at dozens of super-dimensional warriors, not knowing. Is it his own illusion? He faintly felt that this group of super-dimensional warriors seemed to be a little nervous.

After a little pondering, Huo Yan answered honestly: "Our human civilization on Earth is the solar system that was born trillions of years ago, and it is the only civilization in the solar system, but I don't know if the solar system you are talking about refers to our civilization. The solar system that was born." He was very nervous, because it was really difficult for him to connect the solar system with the legendary ninth-level civilization.

   He doubted that the solar system mentioned by these legendary beings was not the solar system he knew at all.

   After all, the solar system is too ordinary, and it was destroyed trillions of years ago.

   "Trillion years ago?" Chell's eyes lit up, and his intuition told himself that this time, they had a high probability of finding the right person.

  Many super-dimensional warriors looked at each other, and couldn't help but get excited. The crisis of the ninth-level civilization is hoped to be resolved.

  Cheer took a deep breath and suppressed his inner excitement. As the most powerful super-dimensional warrior in the multi-dimensional universe, it is necessary for him to maintain his majestic image. No matter how excited he is, he cannot show it at will.

"Do you still remember what the solar system looked like a trillion years ago?" Chell's voice became more and more gentle, and it was related to the survival of the ninth-level civilization. He couldn't be too cautious, "If you can, I hope you can draw The starry sky pattern of the solar system trillions of years ago."

In front of Huo Yan, he did not show the lofty attitude that an ultra-dimensional warrior should have. On the contrary, his attitude towards Huo Yan was very kind, just like the kindness of the elders to the younger generation, which made countless people secretly envy.

   Huo Yan was startled, and then said nervously, "I, I don't know."

Hearing this, Chell couldn't help frowning, and there was a hint of disappointment in his eyes. Although the existing evidence showed that the solar system Huo Yan mentioned was probably the solar system they were looking for, but without the most direct evidence, they could not completely After confirming the result, naturally, it cannot be reported to the creator just like that.

   "I know." Instructor Yama said under pressure at this time, "I know the starry sky map of the solar system trillions of years ago." The crisis of human civilization on earth has not been resolved, and he has to stand up and find a way to save human civilization on earth.

  Chel's eyes lit up: "Quick, draw it and let's see it."

   Instructor Yama bit the bullet and said: "It's okay to draw it, but I hope the adults will promise me a condition."

   Everyone admired Instructor Yama's courage and secretly sweated for him.

   Dare to put conditions on the legendary super-dimensional warrior, Instructor Yama is definitely the first person in the original universe!

  Everyone in the human civilization on earth is extremely nervous, for fear that this adult will wipe out the human civilization on the earth in a fit of anger, but no one complained about Instructor Yama, because he did this to save the human civilization on the earth.

   "What conditions?" To everyone's surprise, instead of being angry, Chell seemed very patient.

   Instructor Yama took a deep breath and said: "My condition is that I hope that the adults can shelter our earth's human civilization and protect us from the invasion of the Tercos civilization."

   After he finished speaking, he looked at Chell carefully, for fear that the conditions he proposed would offend the super-dimensional warrior.

   "Tercos civilization?" Chell was a little puzzled.

"The Tercos civilization is a seventh-level civilization in our original universe." Ding Wan explained respectfully: "The two over there are the people of the Tercos civilization, the one on the left is called Doan Tercos, and the one on the right is called Linko Tercos, they are all cosmic-level warriors, and Dogan is the eighth-ranked cosmic-level warrior in the original universe."

   All eyes were on Doan and Linke.

   "It's over!" Lin Ke was sweating like rain, his face was pale, and his body was shaking slightly.

   Duo An was filled with mixed flavors, and there was a hint of bitterness on his face.

  Chel thoughtful, then smiled lightly: "If it's just this condition, I can promise you."

   After a pause, Chell said to Dogan, "You heard it too, I've protected the human civilization on Earth. In the future, I won't be able to embarrass the human civilization on Earth any more, right?"

   Duo Anxin is very unwilling, but the great super-dimensional warriors have spoken, can he refuse?

"Yes." Duo An was very aggrieved, but he didn't have the courage to refuse, otherwise, not only him, his wife, but also the entire Tercos civilization would suffer a devastating disaster, not to mention the super-dimensional warriors, Even the number one cosmos-level warrior, Ding Wan, has the power to wipe out the Telcos family.

   He mourned in his heart: "My daughter, I'm sorry, but your father is incompetent and can't avenge you."

  Cher didn't care about Doan's thoughts. Seeing that Doan was so knowledgeable, he showed a satisfied smile, and then looked at Instructor Yama: "Can you draw the starry sky map of the solar system trillions of years ago now?"

   Instructor Yama said respectfully: "Yes!"

Without any hesitation, he immediately drew the starry sky map of the solar system trillions of years ago in his memory. It is the hometown of human civilization on Earth, and the place where their civilization was born. Even after trillions of years ago, those histories have been passed down, and To be firmly remembered by them, as if engraved in their souls, will always be remembered.

   Watching the starry sky map of the solar system take shape little by little, in the end, the patterns in their minds almost completely overlapped, and all the super-dimensional warriors were excited.

   "Yes, that's it!"

   "Found! Solar System!"


The eyes of many super-dimensional warriors are a little red, and they can hardly restrain their inner excitement. God knows what kind of pressure they are under these days. If the solar system cannot be found within the time specified by the creator, all the ninth-level civilization will be wiped. Except, you can imagine how hesitant they are in their hearts.

   Now, they finally found the solar system and solved the crisis!

   The people around them looked at each other in dismay. They couldn't understand why these great beings were so rude?

   Is there anything special about this solar system?

   "Okay!" Cheer was also excited, with a more friendly smile on his face, "Our mission is basically completed. Next, we just need to tell the Creator truthfully."

   He said to a super-dimensional warrior beside him: "Gal. Contact Leiwu quickly and ask him to take you to the Creator, and report everything here to the Creator."

   "Yes!" Gal nodded, and there was an undisguised excitement in his words.

Soon, Gal left the original universe, and Chell and others continued to sit here. They finally found the clues of the solar system. Naturally, they would not allow the last time to go wrong. What kind of accident happened, they were busy working for nothing, and they absolutely did not allow this kind of situation.

   With the protection of a group of super-dimensional warriors, unless the creator or Lei Wu personally takes action, no one in the entire Xuanhuang world can harm the human civilization on earth.


  An ordinary universe in the super-dimensional universe, Zhang Yu closed his eyes tightly, immersed in the profound understanding of creation.

After a period of comprehension, he has a deeper understanding of the mystery of good fortune. Perhaps there is still a slight gap with Bagels in the application of the mystery of good fortune, but in the understanding of the mystery of good fortune, he now has confidence and Bagels. Competing with each other, even if it is still a little short, the gap is very limited.

   Suddenly, Zhang Yu stopped his good fortune perception and opened his eyes.

   I saw Hong's clone appearing in front of him.

   "Master Zhang, fortunately not to be disgraced, the clue to the solar system has been found!" Hong bowed respectfully.

   Zhang Yu's calm heart suddenly became turbulent.

   Hundreds of millions of years or even longer have passed since he passed through the first world. Today, there is finally news of the solar system!

   On this day, he waited too long.

"Let's go, take me there right away!" Zhang Yu was so excited that he couldn't even control his breath. He was looking forward to meeting his compatriots in Huaxia, but he was afraid that Huaxia had already been annihilated in that vast history. He was nervous and excited, and the thoughts that had been suppressed for trillions of years surged like a raging tide, almost drowning his sanity.

  Hong did not hesitate to construct a wormhole immediately.

   In the next moment, a wormhole appeared in the sky of the big dwarf star that could almost engulf the entire big dwarf star. The wormhole was like a huge vortex that completely covered the big dwarf star.

   Hundreds of millions of creatures, including many super-dimensional warriors and cosmic warriors, all looked at the giant vortex with shock.

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