Martial Mythology

Chapter 1613: big shot

   Chapter 1613 Big Shots

"The people from Lingshenmen just came and said that the fine was too heavy before, and it was a clerk of the Department of Land Features who made an assertion. Now they have arrested the clerk and returned the fine to me, not only that. , they also gave me 2,000 fossils as compensation." Lao He smiled brightly and felt at ease.

   Jiang Lie couldn't believe it: "Old He, you haven't woken up yet? What a sweet dream in the daytime."

   What number of paths the Lingshen Gate is, as the captain of the Lingshen Gate patrol team, he is naturally very clear.

   "I knew you didn't believe it." Old He smiled and handed the ring to Jiang Lie, "Look, this is the creation stone they just sent."

   Jiang Lie was dubious, took the ring, looked at it, and was stunned: "Four thousand made fossils!"

  Old He waved his hand, took the ring back, and smiled: "How is it, do you believe it now?"

   Jiang Lie was a little lost. His intuition told him that things might not be that simple.

   "By the way, don't you usually dislike my place? Why didn't you come here today?" Lao He looked at Jiang Lie strangely.

After regaining his senses, Jiang Lie temporarily put down his doubts and said, "I heard that the people from the second patrol team are investigating you. It happened that I had a rest today, so I came here to ask what happened. For no reason, the people from the second team investigated you. what are you doing?"

   Lao He was startled: "You mean, the people from Lingshenmen are investigating me?"

   "You haven't done anything out of the ordinary recently, have you?" Jiang Lie asked seriously.

   "You and I have been friends for many years, don't you know me yet? What kind of character do I have? How can I do something out of the ordinary." Lao He couldn't help laughing and crying, "Even if I have that idea, I don't have the guts!"

   Jiang Lie nodded: "That's right, even if you have the courage, you may not have the strength."

   The corners of Lao He's mouth twitched slightly, which made his words a little bit sad.

"I've been wondering before, but now it seems that their investigation of you should be related to the previous fine. In this way, the explanation makes sense." Although Jiang Lie still felt a little wrong, he didn't think much about it, "Said Wake up, I don’t really understand the operation of Lingshenmen this time. I have stayed at Lingshenmen for so many years, and I have never seen a forged stone that entered the pocket of Lingshenmen spit out…”

   Hearing this, Lao He frowned: "According to what you said, there shouldn't be any conspiracy for Lingshenmen to do this?"

He wondered: "That's not right, that He Tong looks quite decent. From my knowledge, he shouldn't be the kind of person who steals and cheats..." Lao He doesn't have any other skills, just look at people But he has a very good set. Over the years, he rarely misses people when he sees them.

   "He Tong?" Jiang Lie was stunned for a moment.

   "Yes!" Lao He nodded, "The person who just came, claims to be the guard of the Spiritual God Gate, and his name is He Tong. Why, do you know this person?"

   Although Lingshenmen is very big and there are many people, it is not surprising that Jiang Lie has stayed in Lingshenmen for so many years, and he knows He Tong.

   "Do you remember what that He Tong looked like?" Jiang Lie's expression became serious.

  Old He didn't know why, but he still released a ray of energy to simulate He Tong's appearance.

   Jiang Lie was shocked and exclaimed: "He commander!"

   His exclamation startled several people in the yard.

"Lao He, do you know who this person is?" Jiang Lie stared at Lao He, and before Lao He could answer, he revealed the answer, "This person is the guard commander of the Spirit Gate... He Tong, He Commander! Commander He not only has a very high status in the Spiritual God Gate, but he is also a true creator! According to legend, Commander He has already begun to prepare for the task assessment of the one-star muddy master. Once he passes the assessment, Commander He will become a spiritual god. The third door handle has become second only to the door owner and the deputy door owner!"

  Old He's eyes almost popped out: "He, is he so powerful?"

He Tong's attitude towards him is very polite, even with a hint of respect, so that he thinks that He Tong is just an ordinary Guiyuan middle-level powerhouse, at most, his cultivation is a little higher than him, or he has cultivated something to hide his breath. The secret method, so he couldn't see through the other party's cultivation, but now it seems that the other party is a super expert at all!

  Looking at the entire Spirit God Realm, a person who is close to a one-star turbulent master and may even have the strength of a 1-star turbulent master can definitely be called a super master!

   "Commander He is amazing, there is no doubt about it." Jiang Lie took a deep breath, "It's just that I can't figure it out no matter what, how could a big man like Commander He come forward to be responsible for such a trivial matter..."

   He couldn't figure it out even if he cut his head.

Shaking his head, since he can't figure it out, then don't think about it, Jiang Lie said: "Since it was Commander He who came forward, then this matter should not be a conspiracy. It's not that I look down on you. People like you and me are really not worthy of Commander He's conspiracy methods. What's more, Commander He is a person with strong principles. He is usually obsessed with cultivation, reclusive and very low-key. No conspiracy at all."

"I'm relieved to hear what you said." Old He breathed a sigh of relief, "It seems that this is just a coincidence, maybe Commander He has been busy recently, or maybe he just wanted to come out and relax, so he Just did it."

   Zhang Yu didn't interrupt from beginning to end, just listened quietly, but he felt that the conversation between Lao He and Jiang Lie was quite interesting.

He had considered whether to tell the truth, but considering that he had to live here for more than half a month, he didn't tell the truth in the end, because he was not sure whether Lao He would be able to tell the truth after he knew the truth. Get along with him in a normal state of mind?

   Just when everyone thought this was over, a voice came from outside the courtyard again: "Excuse me, is Mr. He at home?"

   "Is someone looking for you again?" Everyone's eyes immediately turned to Lao He.

   Jiang Lie felt that the voice was very familiar, and immediately looked out of the yard. When he saw it, his head was a little clouded. He was a big man whose status was comparable to Commander He, the director of the Department of Land Features... Jian Shan.

   "Lao He in Xia, I don't know if the adults are coming to the humble house, and I have lost a long way to welcome them. Please forgive me." As soon as Lao He saw the logo on Jian Shan's clothes, he became nervous.

  Jian Shan cupped her hands and said politely, "I'm from the Department of Land and Earth Properties of Lingshenmen, I'm here to learn about the situation. Regarding the fine and compensation, He Tong has negotiated with Mr. He just now, right?"

  Old He doesn't know Jian Shan's identity. After all, it is difficult for ordinary people to reach a character of Jian Shan's level, and many people don't even know his name.

   "We have negotiated. Lord He has already returned the fine to me and compensated for two thousand fossils." Old He said cautiously.

Jian Shan nodded, and then said: "That's right, after we discussed it, we felt that just compensating for 2,000 fossils would not show our sincerity, so we finally decided to add another compensation to show our sincerity. ."

   "No need, no need." The 4,000-year-old fossils have already made Lao He Na feel a little guilty and restless, how dare he accept other compensation.

   "Mr. He might as well listen to him and say it's not too late to refuse." Jian Shan said with a smile.

   " say it." Lao He said bluntly, thinking to himself, if it's a big deal, then reject it after hearing it, anyway, no matter what compensation, he will reject it.

Jian Shan restrained her smile and said solemnly: "The matter starts with the house, and naturally it should end with the house. Therefore, we decided to put the land within 100 kilometers around Mr. He's house as privately owned by Mr. He. From then on , Mr. He is the owner of this land, and has the right to dispose of this land, whether it is for sale or for building houses, etc., Spirit God Sect will not ask. I don’t know this compensation, is Mr. He satisfied?”

   Everyone was dumbfounded.

   Lao He was even more dizzy, as if in a dream.

   What kind of land is this, this is simply a huge fortune!

   These lands may not be able to be realized in the short term, but in the long run, they can definitely bring amazing wealth to Lao He!

  Old He knew very well that with his own strength and identity, he was not worthy of such wealth at all. Such compensation was exaggerated beyond the normal range, but he could not say the word refusal.

   "This is the land deed. The Department of Land and Property has signed it, and I hope Mr. He will keep it safe." Jian Shan handed the land deed to Lao He.

Lao He was in a trance and took the title deed in a daze. When he reacted and wanted to return the title deed, Jian Shan spoke first: "The compensation has been delivered, and the next task has been completed, so there is not much. Excuse me, I wish Mr. He a happy life. I'll say goodbye."

When the    voice fell, Jian Shan turned around and left without stopping.

   "Wait, my lord..." Lao He hurriedly chased after him, but when he got to the door, he couldn't see Jian Shan again.

  Old He returned to the yard nervously. The strangeness of the matter made him inexplicably uneasy.

  It wasn't until this time that Jiang Lie regained his senses. He took a deep breath and said in a hoarse voice, "This is the new director of the Department of Land Features... Mr. Jian Shan! At the same time, Director Jian is also a true creator!"

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