Martial Mythology

Chapter 1624: Depressed Luo Chen

   Chapter 1624 Depressed Luo Chen

Everyone in the Changsheng Palace lowered their heads, and everyone dared to look at Zhang Yu, for fear of being stared at by Zhang Yu and asked to fight again.

   Even Jiang Wuxu, Ao Qing, and He Guan, the three six-star muddy controlers, lost their arrogance at all, and were tidied up obediently.

   Zhang Yu was a little unfinished, his eyes fell on everyone in the Changsheng Palace, and said: "How about you guys rest for a while, and then fight again?"

   In the face of Zhang Yu's proposal, everyone in the Changsheng Palace buried their heads even lower, and they hesitated and hesitated to answer.

   Who would dare to accept this?

   "Speaking of which, Brother Jiang, you are real, why did you fight this pervert for no reason?" Ao Qing's voice transmission blamed: "Even if your attitude is a little better, it won't cause us all to be abused so badly..."

  The corners of Jiang Wuxu's mouth twitched slightly, and he hummed: "I didn't know who was clamoring for a fight with him just now."

  Ao Qing suddenly stopped talking. If he had known that Zhang Yu was so powerful, how could he be so inflated?

   Seeing that everyone in the Changsheng Palace did not speak, Zhang Yu felt a little regretful, but it was impossible to force them to do something.

   shook his head, Zhang Yu quickly restrained the will of the creator, and removed the mystery of creation. The next moment, the world of creation quickly collapsed and disintegrated. In just a few breaths, everyone returned to the heaven of longevity.

   "Master Zhang!" As soon as Zhou Huo saw Zhang Yu's figure, he breathed a sigh of relief, "You're fine, that's great!"

  Nie Wushuang also sighed in relief.

   But when they looked away from Zhang Yu and looked at the powerful men of the Palace of Longevity, they were instantly dumbfounded.

   "This..." Zhou Huo stammered: "They, what happened to them?"

  Nie Wushuang's mind was a little stuck: "What's the situation?"

Feeling the gazes from Zhou Huo and Nie Wushuang, everyone in the Palace of Longevity wanted to die, but this time it was a shame. What face do you see?

   "Oh, they're all right, don't worry." Zhang Yu smiled and said, "We had a friendly discussion just now, no, they haven't recovered yet, they'll be fine in a while."

  The eyes of everyone in the Changsheng Palace were filled with resentment: "Are you sure it's a friendly discussion, not that we were unilaterally abused?"

  Although they disagreed with Zhang Yu's statement, the crowd surprisingly did not refute, or did not have the courage to refute.

   Zhou Huo and Nie Wu looked at each other.

   They never thought it would be like this.

   That is the Palace of Longevity!

   Three six-star turbulent masters, twenty-eight five-star turbulent masters, and three four-star turbulent masters!

   Such a lineup makes people tremble, but now, it seems, they have been abused instead?

   They couldn't believe it, was it because of their dazzling eyes, or what was going on? Why was Zhang Yu fine, but the powerhouses of the Longevity Palace were all covered in glory and looked very embarrassed?

   Could it be that all the people in the Changsheng Palace are no match for Zhang Yu alone?

  Thinking of this, Zhou Huo and Nie Wushuang's expressions changed instantly. They looked at Zhang Yu in shock: "Could it be, are you... the Seven Star Muddy Ruler?"

   "That's right." Zhang Yu smiled lightly.

Compared with the seven-star muddy master, he has a higher perception of good fortune, but he has a lower use of good fortune than the eight-star muddy man. Strictly speaking, it should be between the seven-star muddy man and the eight-star muddy man. a very special state.

   And a special state like him, it is estimated that it may never have appeared in the entire history of Hunmeng.

   A person's perception of creation is far better than the use of creation. This situation can only happen to a freak like Zhang Yu.

   Hearing Zhang Yu's answer, Zhou Huo and Nie Wushuang were completely shocked.

   "Seven Seven Seven... Stars?" Nie Wushuang gasped, looking at Zhang Yu as if he were looking at an immortal.

   Zhou Huo was also so shocked that he couldn't think anymore.

  How could they have imagined that the helper invited with 100 million rough stones would be the legendary Seven Star Muddy Ruler!

At first they thought that Zhang Yu was a four-star muddler. Later, they found that Zhang Yu was more than four-star. Later, they found that Zhang Yu was suspected of being a six-star muddy man. They thought that six stars was Zhang Yu's limit, but it turned out that their Imagination is still too low.

   Seeing Zhou Huo and Nie Wushuang's gaffe, everyone in the Changsheng Palace couldn't help but be speechless. These two guys obviously came with Zhang Yu, but they didn't even know Zhang Yu's cultivation realm. Are they here to be funny?

  Jiang Wuxu took a deep breath and said, "Sir, if you want to see the Palace Master, you can come back after a while. If there is nothing else, I'll go back first."

   He changed his words. Before, he wanted to force Zhang Yu to stay, but now, he wished Zhang Yu, the **** of plague, to leave quickly.

  Can't be provoked, can you always hide?

   "Don't worry." Zhang Yu said with a smile: "Didn't I say it just now? This time I came here to see Big Brother Bagh just by the way, mainly for another matter."

   "Sir, please speak." Jiang Wuxu held his breath, for fear that Zhang Yu would make too many demands.

   "Which of you is the ancestor of the Luo family?" Zhang Yu glanced at everyone in the Longevity Palace and asked.

   As soon as these words came out, Luo Chen in the crowd suddenly shuddered, sweating coldly, he swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and said bravely: "I, I am."

In an instant, Zhang Yu's eyes fell on Luo Chen. Although his eyes were very gentle, even with a hint of kindness, Luo Chen, who was watching him, was inexplicably terrified, as if he was staring at something terrifying. As usual, the heart beats to the throat.

   Zhang Yu nodded slightly at him: "I have something, I'm afraid I need to trouble you."

  Luo Chen was a little flattered, but at the same time he was very confused. He had nothing to do with this mysterious seven-star muddler. What did the other party have to trouble him?

   "Nie Wushuang." Zhang Yu said to Nie Wushuang, "Your son caused this matter, so it's better for you to tell it yourself."

  Everyone's eyes immediately turned to Nie Wushuang.

Facing the gazes of so many big men, Nie Wushuang was so nervous that he couldn't speak. He tried hard to calm down. After a long while, he calmed down a little and said in a trembling voice, "Not long ago, kid..." Soon , he described Nie Wen's failure to smash the statue of the ancestor of the Luo family, "I also ask Lord Luo Chen to raise your hand and let the child go."

   Hearing this, Luo Chen was almost stunned: "That's it?"

   Zhang Yu made such a big move and abused all the people in the Changsheng Palace. He thought it was such a troublesome and serious matter. Who knows, it was just for such a trivial matter?

   He looked at Zhang Yu with a bit of sadness in his eyes: "You can just say no to such a trivial matter, why are you making such a big move?"

   Zhang Yu ignored Luo Chen's gaze and asked lightly, "Tell me, will this happen?"

   "Of course there's no problem." Luo Chen jolted and said immediately: "It's just a statue, if it's broken, it will be broken, it's no big deal."

  Zhang Yu nodded with satisfaction: "If that's the case, then you can go with us to the Luo family. After all, there is no evidence to say it. Unless you come forward in person, then the head of the Luo family may not listen to us."

  Luo Chen wanted to send this **** of plague away immediately, but he didn't dare to refuse, so he could only say: "Yes!"

   "Then... let's go." Zhang Yu immediately led Zhou Huo and Nie Wushuang to Luo's house.

  Luo Chen did not dare to neglect, and immediately followed.

  Jiang Wuxu and the others looked at each other: "No, we have to follow along. If I can't see the **** of plague leave with my own eyes, I will always feel uneasy in my heart."

   "Luo Chen's descendants are really dead brains." Ao Qing complained: "Isn't it just breaking a statue, why do you have to hold the man's son? As a result, we all suffer..."

   The people of the Longevity Palace quickly followed. They had to personally supervise the Luo family's release, and personally supervise the matter to be resolved. Otherwise, God knows if this pervert will be charged with the Longevity Palace?

   After a while, Zhang Yu, Zhou Huo, Nie Wushuang, and all the members of the Longevity Palace all came to the Luo family.

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