Martial Mythology

Chapter 1637: Decide

   Chapter 1637 Decision

  Shang Yu's face was pale, his body was shaky, his whole figure seemed to have suffered a huge blow, and his cognition of things was subverted.

   In the face of Wu Yong's question after sentence, she could no longer maintain her original self-righteousness.

   "I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Shang Yu burst into tears, guilt and regret dominated her emotions, "I don't know, I really don't know that the businessmen hurt you so deeply..."

   The little things she thought were deeply hurting the self-esteem of the Great Yuzong powerhouses.

   Because she was never in that position, she naturally couldn't experience that feeling.

   As the saying goes, "Don't persuade others to be kind without doing it for others." Looking at the same thing from different positions may lead to two diametrically opposite results.

   Looking at Shang Yu's guilty and sad face, Wu Yong sighed lightly and said, "You don't need to say sorry, you and the sect master didn't feel sorry for us, it's the entire business that is sorry for us."

   The merchants are the culprits and the root cause of cholera, while Shanghe and Shangyu can only be said to be accomplices at best.

Wu Yong hesitated for a while, and then said again: "Actually, I knew about Zhao Xing's plans for the sect master, but I didn't know his specific plan, so he did not stop it. After the sect master has fallen, it is too late to stop... I don't know what other people think, but I, Wu Yong, don't want to repay the kindness and revenge, and don't want to be an ungrateful villain. Zhao Xing originally planned to kill you first, and then bloodbath the merchants. I secretly sent someone to inform you, and told Zhao Xing. Xing proposes to destroy the merchants first."

   He regards Shanghe as a benefactor, but it does not mean that he regards the entire merchant as a benefactor.

"After this step, I admit that I have done my best." Wu Yong's emotions gradually calmed down, "Of course, it is an indisputable fact that I surrendered to Zhao Xing, so you can indeed call me a traitor in the sense of justice. ."

   What he did is what he did, Wu Yong did not quibble about anything.

   He never felt that he was a good person, nor did he feel that he represented the righteous side. If he forcibly argued, it would only make people feel that he was ridiculous. He just did what he thought was right.

   "Okay, I'm done." Wu Yong watched Shang Yu quietly, "You can start now."

From the moment he saw Shang Yu, he already had the consciousness of being killed, and it was because of this that he had the courage to say those words, and now, he has made things clear and done well to prepare for death.

  Shang Yu didn't seem to hear Wu Yong's words, he stood there in confusion, and his whole person fell into self-doubt and self-denial.

  The truth revealed by Wu Yong has dealt a huge blow to her and completely subverted her cognition.

  Even Zhang Yu couldn't help shaking his head, the businessman was in such a situation, it was really his own fault.

   Among them, Shang He and Shang Yu, who play the roles of the suzerain and the young suzerain, are really not at fault?

  If it wasn't for Shang He and Shang Yu's connivance, how could the merchants have the guts to despise a six-star muddy master?

   Is it true that the six-star muddy master is a vegetarian?

   It is precisely because of the support of Shanghe that the merchants dare to trample on the dignity of a six-star muddy master again and again!

   Zhang Yu had no doubts that even if the Great Yuzong did not have Zhao Xing, such a thing would happen sooner or later, which was an inevitable result.

   Of course, Wu Yong's role in it is also not very glorious. As he said, no matter how many reasons and excuses he has, his betrayal is an indisputable fact.

   It's just that Wu Yong deserves more sympathy than merchants. In other words, the thousands of monks who were oppressed and trampled on their dignity are more worthy of sympathy.

"Right and wrong are never absolute." Zhang Yu said lightly: "Different positions will determine different results. Only from the perspective of a bystander can a more objective conclusion be drawn. Shang Yu, you can now Tell me your decision. This Wu Yong, kill or not kill?"

   looks like an inquiry, but it is actually Zhang Yu's test of Shang Yu.

  No matter how Shang Yu answered, he couldn't kill Wu Yong.

   After all, Wu Yong was not really involved in the calculation of her father!

   He just wanted to see if Shang Yu's mind had been completely distorted, and the three views could not be reversed.

  If Shang Yu asked him to do it, then he would give up Shang Yu, and with his strength, it would not be too difficult to recruit the four-star muddy master again.

  But if Shang Yu gave up his revenge against Wu Yong, at least it meant that Shang Yu was still saved.

   This painful experience, for Shang Yu, may be a disaster in his life, but also a baptism and redemption.

Zhang Yu is not interested in a person whose heart is completely blinded by hatred and negative emotions. He prefers to see the brilliance of human nature. If Shang Yu cannot recognize his own mistakes, or escape from his own mistakes, he can only express regret. , This person has no relationship with the Cang Qiong Academy.

for a long time.

  Shang Yu seemed to be drained of strength in an instant, his eyes no longer had color, and he said blankly: "You go."

   Zhang Yu was a little surprised.

  Shi Xuan also looked at Shang Yu in surprise.

  Wu Yong was a little unbelievable: " won't kill me?"

   He already had the consciousness of death, but Shang Yu didn't kill him?

"No matter how much you say sorry to you, the businessman can't make up for it, but the businessman has already paid the price for it." Shang Yu looked at Wu Yong with a complicated expression, including self-blame, guilt, resentment and dissatisfaction, but all kinds of The emotions finally turned into a sad sigh, "From now on, the grievances between you and me and the merchant will be written off, and you and I will have nothing to do with each other."

   Merchants did hurt them, but they paid a heavy price.

   This price is the lives of dozens of merchants, and it is a fresh life!

  The heavy price is enough to offset the mistakes made by the merchants.

   Wu Yong was silent for a while and said, "Young Sect Master. This is the last time I will call you Young Sect Master. I hope you will take care of yourself in the future."

   He bowed deeply to Shang Yu and turned to leave.

   "Wait." Zhang Yu's voice sounded, making Wu Yong sigh in his heart, after all, can't he escape death?

   I saw Zhang Yu staring at Wu Yong and said, "You can't leave yet."

   Wu Yong was startled, a little confused, is this killing or not killing?

"I don't care about other people in the Great Yu Sect, but Zhao Xing and his son must die." Zhang Yu didn't pay much attention to Zhao Xing, until now, he realized that Zhao Xing is terrible, and the seven-star muddy controler can Being plotted to die by Zhao Xing, Zhang Yu had to guard, "I have never been a murderer, but if Zhao Xing doesn't die, I will be uneasy."

   Zhao Xing is not a good bird anyway, and Zhang Yu won't feel guilty for killing him.

   Zhang Yu is not sure about the conduct of the rest of the people, but with Zhao Xing's wisdom, there are actually many choices, and there must be a way to leave the Great Yuzong decently and calmly.

   But Zhao Xing still chooses to plot the death of Shanghe and take over the power of the Great Yuzong. This is a hero!

   Judging from that letter, Zhang Yu can also be sure that Shang He has been eyeing him. If so, what else is there to say?

   It's done!

"In order to prevent you from tipping off, you should stay for the time being." Zhang Yu did not hide his distrust of Wu Yong at all, they had no friendship, so how could they trust, "When I solve Zhao Xing and his son , will set you free."

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