Martial Mythology

Chapter 1681: Raise Gu

   Chapter 1681 Raising Gu

   "What happened later?" Zhang Yu asked.

Zhan Tiange said: "At that time, a little energy of the dead tomb penetrated into the villain's body, but it was quickly suppressed by the villain and did not pose much threat to the villain. Out of curiosity, the villain continued to move forward, and soon the villain was suppressed. When I came here, I saw the densely packed corpses."

   "You mean, thousands of centuries ago, this place was already covered with bones?"

   "Yes." Zhan Tiange obviously did not dare to lie, "The bones at that time were not so many, but they were not much different."

   Zhang Yu continued to ask: "Then how did you get infected later?"

  Zhan Tiange was silent for a while, and then said: "After the villain came here, he met a person. One, the eight-star giant!"

   As soon as these words came out, Zhang Yu, Lin Beishan and Ge Erdan were all a little surprised.

  The scene described by Zhantian Song was vaguely familiar to them. After thinking about it carefully, isn't this what happened to them after they entered the tomb of Alfus?

   In those days, what happened to Zhantiange was exactly the same as theirs?

"That eight-star giant has been completely infected by the aura of the tomb of death and has become a monster that only knows how to kill." Zhan Tiange took a deep breath and said, "As soon as he saw the villain, he went crazy at the villain. If a person is killed, if it is a one-on-one duel under fair conditions, the villain is naturally not afraid, but at that time, the villain had been invaded by the gas of the dead tomb before he came here, and his strength was slightly affected. The heart resisted the qi of the tomb of death from the outside world, and in the end was defeated, was completely invaded by the qi of the tomb of death, and turned into a monster exactly like that person."

He took a long sigh and said, "After being infected by the aura of the tomb of death, the villain also became a monster who only knew how to kill, and was no longer bound by the aura of the tomb of death. Died in the hands of the villain. It's just that the villain's consciousness has been swallowed up, and he doesn't know what he is doing at all. He just relies on instinct to hunt down all those who carry jade pendants, and all living things..."

   "Since then, the villain has become a monster in the eyes of others, killing everyone who comes here..."

   "Those corpses, although most of them have nothing to do with the villain, but many died in the hands of the villain."

   "If the adults hadn't appeared and helped the villains get rid of the tomb of death, I'm afraid that the villains would be here forever."

   Hearing Zhan Tiange's words, Zhang Yu, Lin Beishan, and Ge Erdan's expressions became more and more solemn.

  Although they have long discovered that there is a problem with the tomb of Alfus, they are more sure of this when they know that Zhantian Song has long existed.

"Under normal circumstances, after being completely infected by the aura of the tomb of death, consciousness is completely engulfed, and it is impossible to execute any order. They only see killing and destruction..." Lin Beishan said solemnly: "After Senior Tiange was infected, he It seems to have received the supreme will in the dark, to hunt down those who hold jade pendants, and then to obliterate all living creatures. This is obviously unreasonable. "

  Zhan Tiange said: "It is true."

   He recalled for a moment and said, "At that time, I was indeed influenced by a mysterious will, so I went to hunt down the person who held the jade pendant."

   "Zhan Tiange, you said that you also got a jade pendant back then, what about your jade pendant?" Zhang Yu asked.

   "Disappeared." Zhan Tiange shook his head and said, "After I was completely infected by the aura of the dead tomb, that jade pendant disappeared."

  Gerdan took out the jade pendant he had obtained, handed it to Zhan Tiange, and said, "Is it this one?"

However, Zhan Tiange shook his head and said, "No." The jade pendant he got was contaminated with his breath. Although that breath was overshadowed by the breath of the Nine-Star Muddy Master, and it was constantly diluted over the long years, even if it was no longer Dan, he can feel that this jade pendant does not have his breath, and naturally it will not be the one he obtained in the first place.

   "So, there should be more than one jade pendant." Zhang Yu thought of what Zhao Xing said before his death, "Even, the number may be more than we imagined!"

  The jade pendant is the key to open the tomb of Alfus, a nine-star tomb, need so many keys?

   "What is the purpose of Alvers?" Zhang Yu frowned.

The key to unlocking the tomb can only be refined by the owner of the tomb. In other words, these jade pendants are all refined by Alfus. As far as Zhang Yu knows, the number of jade pendants should be no less than three pieces. , there may even be as many as ten or a hundred pieces. Alfus refines so many jade pendants, and almost all those who hold jade pendants died in the tomb of Alfus. Only Geerdan and Zhantiange were arrested. Yu rescued.

  Zhantian Song said: "Alfus's behavior seems to be deliberately bringing in the Harmony and killing them!"

   "What's in it for him?" Lin Beishan wondered, "Didn't he fall long ago? Could he be resurrected after killing these people?"

   "His purpose shouldn't be as simple as killing these muddlers." Zhang Yu pondered: "Don't you think that this situation is more like raising Gu?"

   "Raising Gu?" Everyone was puzzled.

"The so-called raising Gu is probably putting all kinds of poisonous insects in a jar and letting them bite each other. The last one that crawled out alive is the Gu." Zhang Yu said: "Don't you think that Alfus's behavior has nothing to do with it? Is raising gu very similar?"

   When everyone heard it, they thought it was quite interesting at first, but when the Gu was replaced by a human, they felt horrified.

"According to what Zhan Tiange said, before him, the most powerful one here was an eight-star giant. Later, Zhan Tiange killed that eight-star giant and became the new master here..." Zhang Yu said solemnly: "If you push forward according to the same routine, does it mean that before the eight-star giant, there is another master who was killed by the eight-star giant, and then the eight-star giant became the master."

   "In other words, there are so many corpses on the ground, maybe many of them once dominated a period of time, until one day they encountered a being stronger than them..."

"However, this way of raising Gu also has its limits. Zhan Tiange should be regarded as the strongest existence under the nine stars, that is, the strongest Gu worm. With the blessing of the death tomb, it is difficult for anyone to be able to. Compete with him. That is to say, no one will be able to replace Zhantiange's position in the future, and the newcomers will all become the nourishment of the tomb..."

   "As for why Alfus chose a top powerhouse, and why he wanted to kill so many muddlers, I can't figure it out for the time being."

  Although Zhang Yu's guesses are not necessarily correct, this possibility does exist.

   When everyone heard Zhang Yu's words, their hairs stood up and they shuddered.

It is worthy of being the Nine-star Muddy Ruler. Even if he has fallen, he still counts countless arrogances and kills countless muddy controlers. Looking at the corpses around him, it is hard to imagine how many muddy controlers are buried here. It is definitely one. Astronomical numbers!

   As soon as he thought that he could almost sink here forever, and his hands were stained with the blood of countless muddy masters, Zhan Tiange couldn't help but tremble in his heart.

"It seems that where we are now, we are still at the edge of the tomb of Alvers." Zhang Yu looked forward, and saw nothing except the bare earth and rocks, and his perception was greatly limited, "Go ahead, maybe The answer will be revealed.”

   Zhang Yu looked at Zhan Tiange, Lin Beishan, and Ge Erdan, and asked, "Do you still have the courage to continue?"

   Lin Beishan and Ge Erdan were a little scared, but Zhan Tiange was not at all afraid: "Of course!"

He said: "The purpose of my coming to Alfus' Tomb was to find an opportunity to break through. As a result, not only did I fail to break through, but I was infected by the aura of the dead tomb and became a monster... Alfus calculated us like this, I How can you just leave like this?" Even if the opponent is a Nine-Star Muddy Controler, Zhan Tiange still has the courage to fight against it, "A dead Nine-Star Muddy Controler should not come out to make trouble again." He was not reconciled. Just leave.

   Hearing Zhan Tiange's words, Lin Beishan and Ge Erdan swallowed the words that came to their lips.

   Just leaving like this, does it seem too cowardly?

  Lin Beishan is better, he can decide whether to stay or not, but Ge Erdan can't even decide whether to stay or not himself, Zhang Yu didn't speak, he didn't dare to leave.

   "Very good." Zhang Yu nodded with satisfaction, with an expression of admiration: "You are braver than I thought."

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