Martial Mythology

Chapter 1689: South Heaven

   Chapter 1689 Southern Heaven Realm

  From eight stars to nine stars, it is not a simple barrier, but a long accumulation.

   is like the difference between a lake and the sea. How difficult is it to transform from a lake into a sea?

  The realization of good fortune is more like the rainwater stored in the dark clouds. When the storage capacity of rainwater on a certain day is even comparable to that of the sea, once the rainwater falls, the lake will naturally become the sea.

   What Zhang Yu needs to do now is to accumulate the understanding of good fortune to the level of the sea, and when the right time comes, he can become a nine-star muddy master in one fell swoop.

   In the dark.

Zhan Tiange manipulated the manned shuttle to shuttle silently through Hunmeng. Lin Beishan and Ge Erdan were also immersed in their own perceptions of good fortune. Xiaoxie was bored and had nothing to do, so he could only learn from everyone. Practice silently.

   Unlike normal cultivators, Xiaoxie's cultivation is not to comprehend the good fortune, but to devour the muddy fog, so that more muddy fog can be used by himself.

   In contrast, Xiaoxie's cultivation is simpler and the effect is immediate.

   "Boom!" Suddenly, the manned shuttle stopped for a while, and its speed dropped sharply.

   Zhang Yu and Lin Beishan woke up and looked at Zhan Tiange.

  Zhan Tiange didn't change his face, and said lightly: "It's okay, a few blind robbers who don't open their eyes."

When the    voice fell, his aura suddenly exploded, the shock made the surrounding fog tremble slightly, and a low voice in his mouth: "Go away!"

   The six-star mud controler headed by that was directly hit by a terrifying and mysterious impact of good fortune, turned into a puddle of flesh, and was quickly swallowed by the muddy fog. The whole process only lasted for one breath.

   With a cold snort, a wisp of good fortune and mystery instantly wiped out a six-star muddy controler and repulsed a group of muddy robbers.

  The power of the legendary giant is vividly displayed by Zhantiange!

   The fallen six-star muddy master, the Creator's will and blessings spread, and the natural evolution of good fortune is mysterious, slowly forming a good fortune world, and after many years, it will be another six-star tomb.

  In an instant, a group of muddy robbers scattered like birds in front of them, shouting in horror, "Eight-star Muddy Ruler! It's the Eight-star Muddy Controler!"

   They obviously didn't know that it was not just an eight-star muddy controler, but a legendary giant who moved the entire muddy fog... Zhantiange.

  Zhan Tiange's face was expressionless, as if he had killed an ant, his gaze casually glanced at the will of the Creator, which was scattered, and immediately continued to drive the manned shuttle forward, as if nothing had happened.

   "Gulu." Xiaoxie shook his body, "This guy is a bit powerful."

   It is a little envious of Zhantian Song, humming and killing a six-star muddy master, and frightening away a group of muddy robbers, what kind of prestige is this?

  Although it is the spirit of the fog, it is not afraid of any attack under the nine stars, but it can't do the same thing as Zhantiange to repel thousands of enemies!

  The manned shuttle was unobstructed all the way, and no robbers were encountered again.

   Ten years, a hundred years, a thousand years…

It took 1,500 years for the manned shuttle with the unique logo of Zhantiange to finally pass through the Upper Eastern Region and enter the Upper Southern Region. At this time, Zhang Yu's understanding of good fortune was also accumulated. To an extremely astonishing level, there is almost no gap with the Nine-Star Muddy Controler.

   He had a hunch that he was getting closer to the Nine Star Muddy Ruler!

  Perhaps it will take a few hundred more years to completely improve the understanding of good fortune to the realm of the nine-star muddy master!

Hunmeng does not count the years, and those who control the chaos usually only calculate the time in units of the Hunji. One Hunji is about twelve trillion years. Generally speaking, a normal monk needs about one Hunji to become a Hunji. Time, those arrogances are not within this range, but from the one-star muddy master to the eight-star muddy control, even the top talent such as Zhan Tiange, it took dozens of muddy seasons, and then used several more Hun Ji, only to become a legendary giant.

   Of course, some special occasions, such as god-level creation fossils, can also greatly shorten this time.

However, the treasures such as the god-level creation stone are limited, and the effect is also limited. It may be able to greatly increase the cultivation of muddy masters at a certain period, but this effect cannot be lasting, which is why the nine-star tomb is so sought after. After all, every visit to the tomb can only last for a certain period of time...

   It cannot be said that Zhang Yu has become an eight-star muddy master in a short period of time like Zhang Yu, but it is definitely very rare.

   In just a few thousand years, there has never been a person who has been promoted from an eight-star turbulent master to a nine-star turbulent master.

The particularity of the Dantian world completely distinguishes Zhang Yu from other muddy controlers, and also allows Zhang Yu to easily do things that other muddy controlers cannot. Yu, on the other hand, is studying the creation of his own world, which is the essential difference.

   When the manned shuttle approached a ninth-order world again, Zhan Tiange said: "The South Heaven Realm is here."

"Nantianjie?" Zhang Yu checked the Hunmeng map that Bagels showed him, and found that the existence of Nantianjie was marked on it. Its sign on the map was even more striking than Abandoning Heaven Realm. An extremely powerful ninth-order world.

Lin Beishan took a deep breath and said, "It is said that the ninth-order world ranked No. 1 in the upper southern region gathers most of the powerhouses in the upper southern region, and there are no less than a hundred top-level eight-star muddy masters alone. And there are many big forces stationed in... Back then, when I participated in the eight-star muddy control test mission, I hesitated whether to come to the South Heaven Realm. Later, considering that the situation here is too complicated, I finally chose another ninth-order world..."

  Gerdan said: "I have been to the Southern Heaven Realm. However, the people here do not seem to be very friendly to our Muddy Rulers in the Upper Eastern Territory."

   "Is there?" Lin Beishan was startled, "Why didn't I hear about it?"

"You've been in seclusion for too long, so of course you don't know." Gerdan said, "I didn't know until I got here, that Bagels participated in the eight-star muddy control test mission in the South Heaven Realm back then. How can I say it? Geers was indeed very strong, he was young and energetic at the time, and his temper was a bit crazy, he offended many people, and even the bully controlers of the young generation in the Southern Heaven Realm couldn't raise their heads..."

Speaking of this, Geldan smiled bitterly: "If they can't fight Bagles, they can only take other people's anger... Therefore, our muddy controlers in the upper east, who come to the southern heaven, will inevitably be angry. There is no way. , who made Bagels bully them back then?"

"It's not ordinary people who can be targeted by them." Lin Beishan looked at Ge Erdan, "Under the eight stars, I am afraid they are not interested in targeting you. You can be targeted by them, which is enough to prove your talent and strength. Perhaps, you should feel honored."

  Gerdan rolled his eyes: "This kind of honor is not worth it."

After a pause, Geldan said again: "To be honest, if it weren't for the presence of the Dean and Senior Tiange this time, I would never have come to the Southern Heaven Realm alone. Those guys are really ugly... Speaking of which, I don't know. How badly did Bagels bully them back then, and still hold on to them after so many years."

   "Is there a Nine-Star Muddy Ruler in this Southern Heaven Realm?" Zhang Yu asked.

   "This..." Lin Beishan and Ge Erdan looked at each other, then shook their heads: "I don't know."

Zhan Tiange said: "The South Heaven Realm ranks first in the entire Hunmeng, and has experienced an incomparably long period of time. It can be said to be one of the oldest ninth-order worlds in Hunmeng, and has a fortune world similar to the Nine Stars Tomb. To say that there are no nine-star muddy controlers here... I don't believe it. However, with our strength, even if the nine-star muddy controlers stood in front of us, we would not be able to identify them."

  Unless the nine-star muddy masters reveal their identity and strength, who can tell which one is the nine-star muddy controler?

   "Let's go." Zhang Yu walked on the downloader's shuttle and said, "Find someone to find out the location of the Safflower Palace."

  Zhan Tiange quickly followed, and the whole person seemed very relaxed and casual, as if the ninth-order world they were about to enter was just a very ordinary ninth-order world.

  Lin Beishan and Ge Erdan looked solemn and followed behind Zhang Yu and Zhan Tiange honestly.

Because I heard Zhan Tiange say that there are likely to be nine-star muddy controlers in the southern sky, Xiaoxie is more low-key than ever. After all, nine-star muddy controlers can obliterate its existence. Indiscriminately, insisting on destroying this muddy spirit, it has nowhere to cry.

   After entering the Southern Heaven Realm, Lin Beishan suddenly said: "Little brother, haven't you got the Badge of the Eight-star Chaos Master? Otherwise, how about getting the Badge of the Eight-star Chaos Master here?"

   Zhang Yu was noncommittal: "Let's inquire about the Safflower Palace first. If there is still time later, you can take the Eight-star Muddy Ruler badge by the way."

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