Martial Mythology

Chapter 1897: comfort

   Chapter 1897 Comfort

   Hearing Xi Yun's words, the coffin's expression darkened.

   His own situation, of course he understood.

   Being so badly injured, he is lucky to have survived, and there is no chance of recovery at all.

   It can be said that the spies of the day clan have not only damaged his body, will, and consciousness, but also his fiery heart.

   Coffin's heart twitched with pain when he thought that all the beautiful futures he had imagined were buried by the spies of the Celestial Clan.

   He could have had a great future, could have a great future!

  But now, everything is gone!

  Everything became his beautiful fantasy and disappeared.

   "Coffin boy, don't think too much." Luo Gao said: "I was also severely injured back then, and my origin was destroyed. Don't I live well now?"

  Coffin squeezed out a forced smile, but that smile didn't make anyone happy at all.

Luo Gao continued to comfort: "Fate is uncontrollable, no one knows that such an accident will happen, but since it happened, you should face it bravely. Compared with me, you are actually much luckier, at least, you are the sky. The leader of the team, now that the sky team is rising, you, the leader, will also gain countless benefits, even if your strength plummets, you can still live a very nourishing life in the future."

   For a person who yearns for the peak of Pan Yue's strength, the blow caused by losing the opportunity to continue to rise is unimaginable.

  Perhaps the benefits mentioned by Luo Gao are of great attraction to others, but to Coffin, they have no meaning.

He helped the Cangqiong team before because the Cangqiong team could help him earn more Hunmeng Origin Beads, and he could also improve his strength in this way, but now, he can no longer improve his strength, so the Hunmeng Origin Orb The beads meant little to him.

  Coffin's eyes are a little dark, as if the whole world has lost its color.

  Faced with Luo Gao and Xi Yun who were concerned about him, he could only force himself up and said, "Master Commander, Lord Luo Gao, don't worry, I'll be fine in a while, and time will heal everything."

  Although it is difficult to accept this reality now, over time, you will get used to it.

   His heart is not so fragile that he wants to seek death. After all, life always needs to continue, even if it is not for himself, but also for those who care about him.

   He is not a coward, and he will not go to death to escape from reality.

Speaking of which, he still admires Luo Gao very much. He didn't feel anything before, but now he has experienced what Luo Gao has experienced himself, and then he understands what kind of pain and despair it is. He doesn't know, what is Luo Gao? How did you get through.

  Xiyun opened his mouth, wanting to comfort a few words, but finally turned into a sigh.

   He looked at the coffin with a complicated expression, and said, "The Vault of Heaven team has completed two amazing commissions. The part that belongs to you will be sent to you later, take care of yourself."

   "Thank you, Lord Commander." Coffin forced a smile.

"Spy of the day clan, I will urge the supervisory army to investigate carefully. You can rest assured that no matter what, I will definitely find the murderer and get justice for you." Xiyun solemnly said: "One year, ten years, a hundred years... as long as If I am still alive, I will definitely pursue it to the end and never give up.”

  Coffin is very moved. He is only one of the many captains under Xiyun's hands. Xiyun can do this for him, why is he not satisfied?

   But he was moved, but he had no expectations for revenge in his heart.

   Even if the spy of the Celestial Clan is found, and even if he takes revenge, can everything go back to the past?

   Those eyes that were once full of light, as if they would never fail, are now full of gloom and gloom.

"Well, you rest first, and when you can move around, I will find a way to arrange a lord position for you." Xi Yun said: "Just like Lord Luo Gao, you can go to a village to be the lord." Under the leadership of Luo Jun, Xiyun still has this power.

  Coffin shook his head: "No need. Xiaoan Village is pretty good, I just stay here and don't want to go anywhere else."

Xiyun was silent for a while, and then said: "Well, since you want to stay in Xiao'an Village, you can stay here." After a pause, he said again: "If you have anything in the future, you can come to me, I'll help you out."

   "Thank you, Lord Commander." Xi Yun's attitude made Coffin feel a little better and felt a little warmer.

  Xiyun nodded and said, "I will send a new captain over in a few days, and then you will directly hand over affairs with him. The Legion Jade Seal will be kept by you for the time being."

   After a while, Xiyun left.

  Luo Gao said with emotion: "It seems that your commander is also very good to you, just like the commander I was when I was in the Scarlet Firmament Army."

   Speaking of this, Luo Gao couldn't help but sigh, thinking back then, he was also a commander of the Scarlet Heaven Army that was very important to the commander of the Scarlet Heaven Army.

"The legion, it's normal." Coffin said calmly: "Although the three major legions inevitably have some flies and gossips, but in general, most of them still have the friendship of war comrades, and they can be entrusted with life and death. The commander is not only good to me, but also to every member of his team. A captain, he is very important, no matter who is in trouble, the commander will not stand by."

   "That said, but you are different." Luo Gao said, "You are the leader of the Sky Team. Commander Xiyun attaches more importance to you than other Tianluo army commanders."

   "Team Sky..." Coffin looked at Luo Gao suspiciously, "I know Team Sky is amazing, but why do you keep mentioning Team Sky?"

Hearing this, Luo Gao was stunned for a moment, and then reacted: "It seems that you don't know yet, as soon as the Cang Qiong team was formed, they completed an expedited support mission, and also went to the front line of the battlefield, infiltrated the Tianzu site, annihilated Tens of thousands of the Celestial Clan army! Not only that, the Sky Clan team has also severely damaged the Celestial Clan's little commander, Si Ming, and even... the Master Dean also hit the Celestial Clan Army Chief Randall!"

  Coffin widened his eyes and was stunned.

   He knows that Team Sky is powerful, and he also knows that Lord Dean has the strength of a legion commander, but... such a record is too scary, right?

  I was only in a coma for a while, how does it feel that the whole world has changed?

Seeing that the coffin had recovered a little bit of energy, and seemed to be very interested in the sky team, Luo Gao continued: "You may not believe it when you say it, not long ago, even our great monarch personally asked about the sky team. He even sent the Captain of the Legion of Ge Ye to personally visit Team Sky..."

   In the eyes of people who don't know the truth, Chi Xiao not only has no hostility to the Cang Qiong team, but he values ​​the Cang Qiong team very much.

   Ge Ye went to investigate the actions of the sky team, and it became a visit to the sky team.

  Coffin's eyes widened and his head was a little clouded: "Team Sky, so powerful?"

   At first, he only saw that Team Sky was very powerful and hoped to cooperate with each other, but he did not expect to form such a terrifying team in the end.

   "Doesn't that mean that the Demon God team has all been compared?" Coffin couldn't believe it, the Demon God team was the only Death God-level team in the Scarlet Sky Realm!

   "It can be said that." Luo Gao nodded, "From the attitude of the monarch, the sky team is obviously much more important than the demon team."

After talking about the Cang Qiong team, Luo Gao comforted the coffin a few more words, hoping that the coffin would cheer up as soon as possible, and finally said: "You should cultivate first, and when you can move around, just stay in the village, and use the relationship between you and the sky team. Relationship, apart from the spies of the Celestial Clan, no one in the entire Scarlet Sky Realm should dare to touch you."

   From this point of view, it was a wise decision for Coffin to stay in Xiaoan Village.

   After saying goodbye to the coffin, Luo Gao came outside the house and said to many members of the Tianluo Army: "You guys take good care of the coffin boy, I'll go first."

   "Lord Luo Gao walk slowly." The members of the Tianluo Army sent Luo Gao out of the station.


   "Lord Luo Gao." As soon as Luo Gao returned to the village street, Shi Qi rushed over and asked with concern, "How is Sir Coffin?"

  Luo Gao sighed: "My life was saved, but the foundation was destroyed, I'm afraid in the future..."

   He shook his head, then looked at Shi Qi, and said, "Soon, the coffin boy will come to live. When that time comes, you can visit him more, so that he won't be able to think about it alone..."

  Shi Qi was silent for a while, and then said seriously: "Master Coffin is very caring for us, and even more helpful. When Master Coffin comes to live, I will accompany Master Coffin."

   "Let's not talk about the coffin boy. Is there still no movement over the ascension passage?" Luo Gao asked: "Is there still no one in the sky team?"

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