Chapter 233 chapter three big six stars genius

Core Revolving Lower Realm Cultivation Base, using Martial Arts, that formidable power can be different.

Any Martial Arts has a different margin for the formidable power of the force and the force. The higher the Martial Arts level, the more skilled it is and the stronger the increase.

Situ Hao’s exhibition of Martial Arts, formidable power is definitely much stronger than the normal attack.

“Let’s come over.” Xie Feng calmly stared at Situ Hao, and her emotions did not fluctuate.

When everyone was nervously watching the two in the field, Zhang Yu quietly showed the senior Insight Technique to both of them.

[Situ Hao]

【Sex: Male】

[Age: three hundred and fifty-seven]

[Constitution Innate Talent : three star Low grade 】

[Perception Innate Talent :three star High Grade ]

[Special Innate Talent : None]

[Cultivation Base: Core Revolving Lower Realm]

[Status: Aging]

“Three hundred years old.” Zhang Yu has some accidents. According to Age, this Situ Hao has barely been called an old monster.

In general, Core Revolving Lower Realm powerhouse can live for more than four hundred years old, this Situ Hao, lifespan has come to an end, and only a few decades to live.

For decades, it may be a lifetime for the ordinary person, but not for the Core Revolving Realm powerhouse.

After reading Situ Hao’s information, Zhang Yu looked at Xie Feng’s information again. He had a hunch that Xie Feng should give him a surprise.

[Xie Feng]

【Sex: Male】

[Age: thirty-one years old]

[Constitution Innate Talent : three star Low grade 】

[Perception Innate Talent: Six Star Low grade]

[Special Innate Talent : None]

[Cultivation Base :Vortex high realm 】

Looking at the red and purple data, Zhang Yu’s eyes were bright and the breath was slightly rushed.

“Six stars!” Zhang Yu’s eyes widened and some unbelievable. “This Xie Feng, actually has a six-star innate talent?”

He knows that Xie Feng’s innate talent should not be low, but he absolutely did not expect that Xie Feng actually has an innate talent to reach six stars!

You know, no matter who, no matter what innate talent, as long as you can reach the six stars, are extremely rare genius, look at the entire Desolate Continent, such a genius, the number will not be too much.

“This person, be sure to get the Sky Academy!” Zhang Yu immediately had a decision.

In his eyes, four-star genius, barely regarded as a genius, five-star genius, is considered a true genius, and six-star genius, each is the pride of the sky, the tide of the times, once encountered, it can not let go.

Zhang Yu is in a very comfortable mood. Counting on Xie Feng, Sky Academy has three six-star geniuses!

Xiao Yan, Niu Xinghai, Xie Feng, each has a different type of six-star innate talent!

The strongest innate talent is still Xiao Yan, Niu Xinghai and Xie Feng’s innate talent should be both equally excellent…

He didn’t even think about whether Xie Feng would refuse to join the Sky Academy. This possibility does not exist!

“This genius that Dean looks at, even if it is a strong rob, you have to grab the Sky Academy.” I wonder if it was affected by the system, Zhang Yu unknowingly developed a quirk, a quirk of collecting genius. .

When it comes to system, Zhang Yu can’t help but feel a bit strange. This time, why didn’t the system release the task?

The idea came out in his mind, and the mechanical and electrical sound of the system sounded without warning: “system detected that Xie Feng has a six-star innate talent and is now releasing tasks.”

[Mainline Task 9: Recruit Xie Feng as a Sky Academy student]

[To build a great Academy, you need to be inclusive and inclusive. As Dean, the host has the responsibility and obligation to recruit a variety of geniuses for the Academy]

[Task Reward: Perception Innate Talent Improves One Star]

[Task time limit: half a year]

[Task failure: no penalty]

“Improve one star Perception Innate Talent?” Zhang Yu took advantage of the mission reward, and couldn’t talk about surprise or disappointment. “It’s about the same as I expected.”

At this time, there were two harsh screams in the field, which attracted Zhang Yu’s attention.



I saw Situ Hao and Xie Feng bursting out in the direction of each other almost at the same time, with the heavy knife and long sword of terrifying power, waving against each other.

“xiu.” When the heavy knife was about to slash on himself, Xie Feng’s body suddenly deflected at a strange angle, so that the heavy knife almost fell on his face, and the long in his hand Sword was also shunned by Situ Hao. After all, Situ Hao took a huge advantage in the Culture Base, and the speed was far from that comparable to Xie Feng.

Zhang Yu silently watched this scene, and had a preliminary judgment on the strength of the two: “This Xie Feng, the combat consciousness is extremely terrifying, and fights with the Core Revolving Lower Realm powerhouse. It does not fall into the wind. Situ Hao’s speed and strength The defense is stronger than Xie Feng. After the exhibition of Martial Arts, it is beyond the scope of Xie Feng, but even so, he still can’t help Xie Feng!”

In a short time, it is difficult for the two to distinguish between winning and losing.

This point, Zhang Yu is very sure!

In addition, Zhang Yu has an amazing discovery. This Xie Feng is too strong for the control of the spinning force. In the short-lived moment, Xie Feng consumes very little spinning force, but maximizes its performance. Formidable power !

If the two have been so entangled, the loser must be Situ Hao!

Because Situ Hao’s spinning force is more, but it will be exhausted first!

When I came to such a conclusion, even Zhang Yu himself was a little surprised: “Good guy, six-star Perception Innate Talent, really scary!”

In the field, the two people’s dazzling series of attacks did not pose a threat to the other party.

But the audience around us is attracted to the attention, and the eyes are extremely hot.

“Unexpectedly, this Xie Feng can easily escape Situ Hao’s attack!”

On the edge of the square, in the Core Revolving Realm powerhouse, an old man in a white robe was amazed.

This old man is the president of the famous Pill Master Guild of Hedong Dongfu. The dryness is not only a Core Revolving Middle Realm powerhouse, but also a three star refining Pill Master, which has a low prestige throughout the week. In this Hedong government, it can be said that it is the most prestigious person, no one.

“In just two years, his strength has been stronger.” Another Core Revolving Middle Realm powerhouse, said He Tiantian.

Like the dryness, Xiang Hetian also has a low status, and is the president of the Beast Tamer Guild. His Culture Base is similar to the dryness, but his Beast Tamer ranks only two stars, and his status is naturally shorter than his own.

The remaining Core Revolving Lower Realm powerhouse is the famous Aristocratic Family Lin Family patriarch in Hedong.

“Urgent Master, Master, you think that this war, who will win?” Lin Jingming slightly pleased to ask.

Slightly smiled: “If you keep playing this way, Xie Feng’s winning face should be bigger. But…”

When he got here, he suddenly shook his head and stopped talking.

Xiang Hetian laughed and said: “But, Situ Hao is not stupid, and will not give Xie Feng a chance. At the beginning, Lin Jiang was because of the enemy, and Xie Feng was so frustrated that he eventually exhausted prematurely. There is no chance to escape. Situ Hao knows this and naturally will not make the same mistake. What’s more, Situ Hao is not young, and his physical strength may not last long.”

Situ Hao’s spinning force is more abundant, but his physical strength is not as good as Xie Feng. If he wants to win, he must quickly decide.

He stared at the two people who seemed to be fighting fiercely on the field, confidently saying: “Squatting, Situ Hao will soon be really moving!”

Hearing this, Lin Jingming turned his head and looked at the two people in the field. Is Situ Hao really going to move the real thing?

Just as he had just thought of this in his mind, Situ Hao, who was fighting fiercely with Xie Feng, suddenly flashed a few steps, stepping back a dozen steps and opening a distance with Xie Feng.

At this time, Situ Hao, looking lightly red, the original steady breathing, became a little rushed, breathing a few times in a row, only a little stable.

He looked up and looked at Xie Feng, who was indifferent, and praised: “To be honest, your strength is much stronger than I expected. It seems that if you don’t come up with true ability, you can’t help you.” The age is not small, and continuous high-intensity combat is a big burden for him.

Xie Feng is silent.

He is not good at words, only fighting can ignite his blood!

“You should know that my fame is a Blade Law.” For Xie Feng’s silence, Situ Hao did not care, and his face still had a smile on his face. “I practiced a knife since I was a child. Fortunately, I have a little innate talent. It’s a bit of a success to stop practicing, and recently, my accomplishments at Blade Law have taken another step.”

His mouth tilted slightly: “Xie Feng, you want to fight with me, but I want to win with you!”

Hearing this, Xie Feng’s eyes lifted slightly and he reacted for the first time.

“Xie Feng, you are a genius, just… a pity.” Situ Hao shook the head, “You shouldn’t challenge me! Because, this knife goes down, you are likely to die!”

Hear this, Xie Feng is not afraid, but the blood is boiling, and my heart is inexplicably excited.

The more he said, the more he said, the more he was eager to see Situ Hao’s next attack. The more he wanted to know, the more enthusiasm that Situ Hao had, and he actually said that the battle was a matter of both sides, unless the battle was a matter of both sides, unless The difference in strength is too great. Otherwise, if one party is willing to escape and hide, the other party may not have gotten him.

Around the square, everyone heard the words of Situ Hao, and the eyes were excited.

They don’t care about the life and death of Situ Hao and Xie Feng. They only care about whether the battle is exciting enough and whether they can learn from it.

For them, the more fierce the battle, the more excited they are.

“hu ……”

Situ Hao deep took a deep breath, the slightly thin old face, full of dignity and excitement.


A terrifying momentum, from the body of Situ Hao erupted, violent momentum, set off a stream of air, sharp wind, stinging people’s eardrum, a lot of spinning, along the Situ Hao within the body of the meridian, constantly Moved towards the heavy knife that his hands clasped and rushed away like a poisonous snake’s blade glow, swallowing at the edge of the knife tip, the nearby space seemed to be affected by a slight twist.

This guy, completely does not count the consumption of the spin!

With just a few breaths, he with the body’s spinning force, which consumes two-thirds!

There is no doubt that this move must be a trick of earth-shattering. Otherwise, Situ Hao will never dare to do this!

“Boom, bang, bang, bang, bang!”

The sound of the thundering sounds kept ringing, and the ground began to produce a slight explosion, raising dust.

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