Chapter 452

“No, how can a character like Ye Tiandi listen to my call?” Zhang Yu’s brow suddenly wrinkles, Shrouding the Heavens World, every Heavenly Emperor is an invincible powerhouse that suppresses an era, let alone Ye Tiandi, fierce Person Heavenly Emperor This kind of amazing existence is an ordinary Heavenly Emperor, and it is not likely to obey the commands of others. It is an insult to them.

Zhang Yu turned his head and thought, calmed down again, what if he didn’t obey? The entire Shrouding the Heavens world was created by him. He is the existence of Supreme in Shrouding the Heavens. If anyone dares to confront him, his single thought head can destroy the entire Shrouding the Heavens world. Why worry?

A shrouding the Heavens world that’s all, it will be destroyed, Zhang Yu does not think there is any pity, as long as the enchantment technique is used, he can create more Worlds in the future, Fighting Horse World, Journey World, Hong Meng World, Great Desolate World, etc., as long as he is willing, willing to spend time, what kind of World can’t create?

Shrouding the Heavens is more like a guinea pig, a pioneer who provides experience to Zhang Yu, so more time will be born.

It is imperative to first upgrade the Culture Base to Evading Revolving Perfection, become a top powerhouse, or go beyond Evading Revolving to another unknown height. With enough Culture Base, Zhang Yu has more confidence to create. More World, otherwise, even if he has more ideas, like illusion, it is all empty talk.

I figured this out, and Zhang Yu didn’t think about it anymore, and practiced it again.

Next to Lingquan, Zhang Yu, Dean, and Ao Xiaoyu’s breath are growing rapidly. The fastest promotion is Ao Xiaoyu, followed by Dean, and finally Zhang Yu, but this is normal, Zhang Yu Cultivation Base has reached Evading Revolving high realm. Every time you raise a little Culture Base, you need Predator’s massive Spiritual Qi. The same Spiritual Qi is enough to make many Parting Revolving and even Evading Revolving powerhouse. For Zhang Yu, it is only drop in the ocean.

“I also have Sky World. Otherwise, even with my cultivation speed, I am afraid it will take at least a few years to reach Evading Revolving Perfection…” Zhang Yu felt secretly.

Sky World’s Spiritual Qi is ten times more intense than Desolate Small World. As a result, Zhang Yu’s Culture Base is up to ten times faster than before. Under normal circumstances, it may take several years for him to reach Evading Revolving Perfection. However, in Sky World, he can reach Evading Revolving Perfection in a few months.

At the time of Zhang Yu’s sleepless nights, he did not know that Deserte Small World had undergone earth-shaking changes in a short period of time.

A deep mountain, a cluster of bamboo trees, a rude thatched house faintly discernible.

A fence around the thatched cottage gives a feeling of peace and simplicity.

At the moment, in the fence circle, an old man dressed in burlap was sitting on a flat, smooth stone with his eyes closed, his eyes closed, his body smelling a thick, breathless, unfathomable.

No one knows the identity of the old man, and no one knows how long the old man has lived here. There are very few mountain people nearby. There are only a dozen people in the whole mountain. But these dozen families do not know the old man. Identity, they only know that since they were born, the old man has lived here for a long time. Even their fathers and grandparents have seen the old man. They have dealt with the old man for generations.

It seems that the old man already existed when their ancestors settled here.

Old man is very harmonious, most of the time is practicing, occasionally accepting the invitation of the mountain people, going to their home to eat stopped meals, and even taking time to point out their cultivation, but their qualifications are dull, the Culture Base is generally only Vortex Realm, Core Revolving Realm In a few cases, they can reach Spirit Revolving Realm, but even so, they can still compete in the mountains of this Monster Beast.

The strange thing is that from more than ten days ago, after a person who smelted the Pill Master Guild came, they passed a mysterious cultivation technique, and the old man was like a demon, practicing day and night, counting today, has been eleven consecutively The sky didn’t blink, it seemed to be a sculpture. The gray cloth was also covered with dust, and there were dozens of bamboo leaves on the body.

Old man The momentum is completely convergent, and occasionally it will reveal a hint of breath. If his chest is occasionally ups and downs, I am afraid that everyone will mistakenly think that he has fallen.

The young man who came to give dinner to the old man looked at the distance for a while and walked back with the basket full of food.

“Is Old Feng still practicing?” Just after returning home, a middle-aged man in the room moved toward the young man.

Obviously, Old Feng in middle-aged mouth is the old man who is quietly practicing in the bamboo forest. No one knows the name of the old man. I only know that since their birth, their father and grandfather have called the old man. It seems that this name is from their ancestors and has never changed. They have never changed. I have been used to it already.

The young man nodded, said: “It has been eleven days.”

The middle-aged silence was a moment, and immediately shook his head: “For Old Feng, it is nothing to eat or drink for eleven days. OK, you don’t have to go in the afternoon, and then send it tomorrow…” In the eyes of the mountain people The old man is no different from the gods, or the old man is the Guardian God of Yandang Mountain. As long as there is an old man, they are not afraid of any disaster, even if Spirit Revolving Realm Great Demon and Parting Revolving Great Demon strike, they There is no fear.

“Good.” Young people should answer.

“Dinner.” The middle-aged pointed to the wooden bench and immediately sat down and asked: “Cultivate the cultivation technique taught by the Pill Master Guild. Have you cultivated?”

“The cultivation has been more than ten days. But…” The young man wants to stop talking.


“My Culture Base has not only not improved, but has fallen a lot.” The young man hesitated and said: “The spinning force is several times better than before, and the cultivation speed is several times faster than before. About a month, I can restore the previous Culture Base. Hey, did I cultivate setback?”

Since practicing the low-grade castration Extreme Martial Arts, his cultivation speed has been several times faster, and it has made him feel a little flustered.

You must know that the cultivation technique he used to practice is the cultivation technique that Old Feng passed to him. The cultivation technique itself is an extremely powerful cultivation technique. The cultivation speed is much faster than the general cultivation technique. Now, turn After repairing the low-grade castration version of Extreme Martial Arts, his cultivation speed has actually increased several times on the basis of the original. How can he not panic?

I heard that some cultivation techniques have cultivated deviation. The faster the entry, the worse the death. The young people are worried that they have encountered this situation.

“Normal.” Middle-aged calmly said: “Old Feng said that this cultivation technique is extremely miraculous, and it is the first in history. It has no special place in nature. Otherwise, Old Feng will not be treasured. When the person who refines the Pill Master Guild goes, he begins to retreat…”

Hear this, the young man sighed in relief, since the father said so, it is definitely right.

Just as he was about to ask questions again, a gust of wind suddenly blew. At the same time, a terror of momentum carrying Huanghuang Tianwei instantly shrouded the entire Yandang Mountain, even further away. The stock momentum shocked, countless grass shiver coldly, as if in the general representation of the allegiance.

Young people and middle-aged people are almost suffocated by this momentum, unable to move a single step.

too strong!

This momentum is even stronger than Pill Saint, Calligraphy Saint, Craftman Saint, and is not inferior to the St.

Fortunately, this momentum has been released, and in a short period of time, it disappeared again, as if it had never appeared before.

“Old Feng!” The middle-aged and the young people got up at the same time almost at the same time. They looked at each other and immediately put down the tableware and rushed to the place where the bamboo forest was located at the fastest speed.

In a short while, middle-aged and young people came to the bamboo forest. Around them, there were also many plain-dressed people, both men and women. The head of it was a white-haired old man with a majestic eyebrows. Man’s Cultural Base is in Spirit Revolving high realm. It is the most powerful cultivator in Yandang Village. It is also the village head of Yandang Village. Its prestige in Yandang Village is second only to Old Feng.

The dozens of people are quietly guarded outside the bamboo forest, both expecting and worrying.

“Long old!” The young man is close to the village head and whispers something to ask.

But when he just spoke, Long Lao waved his hand and whispered seriously: “Quiet!”

The young man shut his mouth and didn’t dare to speak again.

Suddenly, there was a commotion in the crowd. I saw that everyone’s eyes were on the direction of the bamboo forest. Young people and middle-aged people, including the village chief, were also eager to cast their eyes.

“Old Feng!” everyone paid a respectful ceremony and shouted in unison.

“Since everyone is here, the old man will announce it by the way, for thousands of years, one day, the fat man of the old man and the Yandang Mountain has been exhausted. Today, the old man will leave the Yandang Mountain. He will be self-contained in the future.” Old Feng The face is ruddy, as if the whole person is a few decades younger, and there is a light smile on the face.

When you hear Old Feng, everyone outside the bamboo forest is complexion greatly changed.

Young people excitedly said: “Old Feng, you are our Guardian God in Yandang Mountain. If you are gone, what about Yandang Mountain? Please, don’t go, Yandang Mountain can’t bear you, all the villagers can’t bear you!”

His words are full of disappointment.

“Cultivation Base is not weak enough to deal with the surrounding Monster Beast, old man left or not, no effect.” Old Feng faintly smiled, “The world is full of banquets, old man, although he is not willing to Yandang Mountain, but ultimately belongs to Outsiders, the hometown of the old man, is not here, and it is impossible to stay here forever.”

When the voice fell, Old Feng no longer talked, and the silhouette flashed, and disappeared from the sight of everyone.

Instant Move !

This is the ability of the top powerhouse to control and is the hallmark of the top powerhouse!

In the sky thousands of miles away, with the surrounding space fluctuating, the silhouette of Old Feng appeared out of thin air, only to see him staring down to the ground below, muttering in his mouth: “Is this the Instant Move?”

As the saying goes, it’s a shame to die.

Old Feng’s lifespan is not much, can breakthrough before dying, become the top powerhouse of the continuation of the contingent Peak, he has no regrets!

If the sacred and the others are here, it can be seen at a glance that Old Feng has not only become a top powerhouse, but also crossed the low-level top powerhouse in one fell swoop, becoming the intermediate top powerhouse with the sacred shoulder!

This super-old monster that has lived for more than 9000 years, accumulated for nearly 10,000 years, terrifying, shocking, and stuck in Evading Revolving high realm for many years, a breakthrough, driving in the low-level top powerhouse On the whole human race, no one can overpower him.

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