Section 455 Zhang Fangmu

Why can the Quartet four people remain relatively calm in such a chaotic situation?

The reason is Dean!

So far, among the many human race top powerhouses, only four of them know how powerful Dean is, and only four of them have earned Dean’s promise!

Other top powerhouses, even in Desolate North, have heard about the legend of Dean, and I am afraid it is hard to realize how terrible Dean’s true strength is.

As long as Dean is still there, there will be no large-scale casualties in the human race. Whoever dares to do this will definitely die.

There is no doubt that Dean has the ability to sanction those top powerhouses, not to mention those newcomers who have just become top powerhouses. Even the long-known old monsters like the Dragon King are definitely not Dean’s opponents.

“The most urgent task is to complete the task of Dean’s account, other things, do your best, do not have to force.” Sage Luo Xuyang looked at the three people in front of him, his expression was very serious.

Other things, Sage Luo Xuyang can give in, but Dean can’t stop the task, if anyone stops, it is against him, and the enemy is four!

Pill Saint Cui Wei, Craftman Saint Hong Jinbao and Calligraphy Saint Yang Pei Ann are also seriously nodded. For this, several people have reached a consensus with great tacit agreement.

“Okay, everyone started to act, there is anything, feel free to come to Array Master Guild to find me.” Sage Luo Xuyang did not say anything more, now time is tight, let them not waste.

Didn’t wait for Pill Saint to open a few people, Sage Luo Xuyang a teleport, leaving the village directly.

Then, Craftman Saint Hong Jinbao also moved away. He was more anxious than Pill Saint Cui Wei. Because there is no clue to find someone, it doesn’t take long to find someone.

Waiting for St. and Craftman Saint to leave, Pill Saint Cui Wei was silent and asked Calligraphy Saint Yang Pei: “Calligraphy Saint, do you really believe in the holy? You are not afraid, who sold us someday? ”

Calligraphy Saint Yang Pei An in-depth look at Pill Saint Cui Wei, said: “Everyone has already formed an alliance, the St. is our alliance lord, some words, do not say it easily in the future.”

He did not answer Pill Saint’s words positively, but it can be seen that he is not really so trusting against Sage Luo Xuyang, but he is more willing to cooperate with Sage Luo Xuyang than other top powerhouses, just as he just did. Everyone knows that if there is any contradiction, what problems will arise, it is easy to solve some problems. The risk of being sold is not without, but it is better than working with those new top powerhouses.

Called by the two powers, Calligraphy Saint Yang Pei is very clear.

Pill Saint Cui Wei thoughtfully, he twitched his lips, said: “hypocrisy!”

As the voice fell, the space around Pill Saint Cui Wei fluctuated, and his silhouette disappeared from the garden.

“Is hypocrisy?” Calligraphy Saint Yang Pei smiled and smiled, and suddenly shook his head. “Maybe!”

Not to mention the sacred, that is, Pill Saint, Craftman Saint, Calligraphy Saint Yang Pei. An Du is not 100% trust, but never said it, it is not about hypocrisy, but the rules of being a human being. At the same time, he is also very clear. There are a few people in San, who are not completely trusting him.

Even the seemingly frivolous Pill Saint Cui Wei, I am afraid that there is a deeper city, and the real thoughts inside it may not be as naive as it is.

Top powerhouse, no one fool, a simple person, has long been a member of the tired bones.

“I am really hypocritical, hypocritical, and never more than me.” Calligraphy Saint Yang Pei Ann faintly smiled, staring at the sky, leisurely said.


After leaving the village, Sage Luo Xuyang did not stop, all the way to the teleport, back to the Array Master Guild as fast as possible.

Now that the new top powerhouse has sprung up, the Array Master Guild can be impacted at any time. As the true power of the Array Master Guild, the sacred nature is in the Array Master Guild to cope with all kinds of emergencies. .

Sage Luo Xuyang suddenly stopped at a distance of Array Master Guild, and looked at the direction of Array Master Guild in amazement.

Just now, when he thought of sweeping through Array Master Guild, he even felt a very strong atmosphere, and that breath was not weaker than him!

“Can’t help it so quickly?” Sage Luo Xuyang eyes slightly picked up. So far, the intermediate top powerhouse known by human race, except himself, is the only old monster that has lived nearly seven thousand years old. It is said that the old monster is the old Ancestor of the current emperor of the Qin Empire. The Qin Empire was made from an ordinary empire and became one of the hegemonic figures of the Heavenly Three Heavenly Emperor.

Take a deep breath, Sage Luo Xuyang teleport appears outside the Array Master Guild.

“Mister!” Array Master Guild President Hong Yu saw Sage Luo Xuyang, and secretly relieved, “You are finally back!”

Hong Yu also cultivated the low-grade castration Extreme Martial Arts, but he did not accumulate enough. Not only did he not become a top powerhouse, but the Culture Base fell slightly, barely maintaining the Culture Base of Evading Revolving high realm, and almost fell to Evading Revolving Middle Realm. went.

Sage Luo Xuyang ignored Hong Yu, but turned his eyes to a gazebo next to the Array Master Guild. On the wooden bench next to the gazebo, a rosy silver-haired old man sat leisurely, one hand With a teacup, when he noticed that Sage Luo Xuyang’s eyes were coming, the old man looked up and smiled at Sage Luo Xuyang, temperament and peace.

A close look at the old man, Sage Luo Xuyang is even more shocked, the latter’s heavy breath, even he feels a little inferior.

This is definitely an intermediate top powerhouse!

Even if there is no fight, Sage Luo Xuyang does not doubt the strength of the old man. The heavy atmosphere is absolutely impossible to install!

I saw Sage Luo Xuyang looking calmly toward the pavilion, said sole solemnly: “Win the ancient?”

Qin Wudi won the ancient, rumors have been degraded thousands of years ago, but who would have thought that he was still alive, not only alive, but also became an intermediate top powerhouse, one of the top powerhouses of human race (explain, don’t follow history The Daqin on the link together, Qin Shihuang is 嬴surnamed Zhao, the book of the Qin Empire is surnamed Ying win, so as not to get complicated, many people do not understand).

“How come?” old man looked at Sage Luo Xuyang with great interest.

“The currently known intermediate powerhouse, except me, only Qin Wudi won the ancient, you are not winning the ancient, who is winning the ancient?” Sage Luo Xuyang Although some doubts, this person temperament is not as strong as the legendary But he is still very sure about his identity.

Because in addition to winning the ancients, he really can’t think of who is in line with the identity of the intermediate top powerhouse.

After all, the intermediate top powerhouse is not a Chinese cabbage. It comes out from time to time. In his opinion, it is incredible to be able to win a mid-level top powerhouse. It is unlikely that the second one will happen.

“Intermediate top powerhouse?” old man startled, some doubts.

Sage Luo Xuyang silenced and said: “top powerhouse also divides into third, sixth and ninth rank, etc. Currently, the top powerhouse known by continent is mostly low-level top powerhouse, such as Pill Saint Cui Wei, Craftman Saint Hong Jinbao, Calligraphy Saint Yang Pei Ann, and these top powerhouses that have emerged recently, and then up, is the intermediate top powerhouse, you and me are at this level, followed by the advanced top powerhouse, such as the previous Demon King Chen Gu The strongest is the Peak top powerhouse. It has been the Dragon King, and it is at this level. The Belon Senior, thousands of years ago, is also at this level!”

He doesn’t mind giving the “winning ancient” science a top powerhouse classification, at least let “win the ancient” understand that he is also a mid-level top powerhouse, so that “win the ancient” has some taboos.

“originally is this way.” old man nodded, could not help but sighed: “Unexpectedly, top powerhouse also has high and low points, more unexpected, I am half-bone of the people who have become an intermediate top powerhouse…” If not Sage Luo Xuyang said that he couldn’t believe it. He turned out to be a mid-level top powerhouse, more powerful than the average top powerhouse.

“Say, you have come here, what is the purpose?” Sage Luo Xuyang is very vigilant. “The situation is sensitive now. If you come to me, you are not afraid of other top powerhouse misunderstandings?”

Sage Luo Xuyang is a mid-level top powerhouse. The “winning ancient” is also a mid-level top powerhouse. If the two join forces, they are naturally afraid of any threat. Sage Luo Xuyang does not believe in “winning the ancients”. He has investigated sect people. In history, the “winning ancient” character is extremely overbearing and powerful. If you cooperate with such people, the final result may be that you are not left with bones.

Although the old man in front of the eyes is calm and easy to make people feel good, Sage Luo Xuyang is not blinded by this illusion. Maybe this is the “winning ancient” deliberate disguise, which is not difficult for a top powerhouse. .

A great emperor who is respected by countless people, his wisdom and wrists should not be underestimated. If you cooperate with such people, you will accidentally take the other side’s way. If the other party’s strength is weak, such as Calligraphy Saint Yang Pei, it will be returned. Nothing, but the other side is very strong, no worse than him.

“If I really win the ancients, naturally I can’t see you alone, but unfortunately, I am not winning the old.” old man said with a slight smile: “I came to see you, there is no other meaning, just think See for yourself, now what is the human race top powerhouse, by the way, why do you popularize the low-level version of Extreme Martial Arts to human race… just didn’t expect that, besides me, there are so many new tops. Powerhouse, it seems that I did not guess wrong, the low-level version of Extreme Martial Arts, really is a very extraordinary cultivation technique!”

A cultivation technique directly creates a large number of top powerhouses. Who dares to smash it?

Sage Luo Xuyang frowned: “You are not winning the ancient?”

His heart was a little shocked. Among the human race, there was a third intermediate powerhouse?

“If I really win the old age, do you think I will deny it?” old man faintly smiled, when he was in seclusion, it was the flourishing period of the Qin Empire. At that time, the Emperor of the Qin Empire was winning the ancients, although not directly winning. Gu has dealt with it, but he knows more or less about winning the ancients. He knows how proud and powerful people are in winning the world. Such people do not bother to lie.

Sage Luo Xuyang silenced and agreed with the old man’s statement, but he did not relax his vigilance, but solemnly asked: “Who are you?”

“Is this question important?” old man smiled freely.

Sage Luo Xuyang stares at the old man, brief remark.

Old man is slightly addicted, said: “My name is Fangmu!”

“Fangmu?” Sage Luo Xuyang frowned, the name, faintly familiar, but could not remember.

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