The truth of the 474 chapter (on)

Listening to the half-faced words of Bai Yu, Chen Gu couldn’t help frowning: “Senior…”

When Chen Gu just opened his mouth, Bai Hao said, “Some things, you don’t need to know for a while, that Dean didn’t tell you, it must be the same as my thoughts.”

Paused, Bai Yu continued: “Okay, my thoughts are almost gone, Little Brat, I look forward to seeing you next time.”

“Right, you haven’t told me, your name.” Bai Hao suddenly said.

“My name is Chen Gu.”

“Chen Gu, I remember your name, I hope that when you meet next time, you are still alive!”

When the voice fell, the white thoughts began to slowly dissipate, and Bai Ling, who was originally suppressed, regained control of the body.

Bai Ling looked at Chen Gu nervously, whispered: “Teacher…”

Although her body is controlled by daylight, her consciousness is sober and can clearly sense what is happening outside.

After knowing that Illusion Domain Divine Fox is still alive, and that it will return to Desolate Small World in the future, Bai Ling’s heart is shocked, but Bai’s attitude towards Chen Gu is a bit embarrassing for Bai Ling…

“How is your body, is it okay?” Chen Gu did not care about Bai’s attitude towards himself, but asked Bai Ling with concern.

Bai Ling shook his head and said: “Disciple is not a big problem. Just, Illusion Domain Divine Fox Senior she…”

Chen Gu waved his hand and prevented Bai Ling from continuing. He said seriously: “Remember, about Illusion Domain Divine Fox Senior, don’t go out, you should never have seen it before, understand?”

Bai Ling did not understand, but still respectfully nodded promise.

“In this case, I will report to Dean truthfully.” Chen Gu looked down and said: “The rest, Dean decided. We don’t have to worry about it…”

He glanced at a group of little foxes and said to Bai Ling warned repeatedly: “In addition, you manage these little foxes and let them open the door.”

Bai Ling nodded : “Yes, Teacher!”

“What about him?” Bai Ling’s eyes fell on Zheng Beiqiu, who was shocked. His eyes flashed a killing intent. “In case, just remove the person now, lest the news leak out…”

Chen Gu is also a glimpse of Zheng Beiqiu, with a smile and a smile: “Don’t worry, Zheng Beiqiu’s Cultural Base has been abolished by me, and I can’t afford any wind and waves. Of course, if you want to kill him now, you can do it directly. He is now a waste man, and with your strength, it is enough to kill him easily.”

If Zheng Beiqiu’s Cultural Base has not been abolished, even if he is standing still and let Bai Ling attack, Bai Ling may not be able to kill him, but he is now a waste man, and he is unarmed, and he can kill anyone. he.

Just as Bai Ling hesitated to kill Zheng Beiqiu immediately, there was a voice outside the cave: “Chen, you want, we brought you!”

Hear this statement, Zheng Beiqiu complexity changed.

Chen Gu is eyes shined: “Go!”

He grabbed Zheng Beiqiu’s collar with one hand and lifted it up. Then he walked out of the cave with Bai Ling. Behind them, a group of little foxes followed suit, cautiously followed, seemingly afraid of annoying him.

Just out of the cave, Chen Gu saw Sage Luo Xuyang standing outside, at the foot of Sage Luo Xuyang, a humanoid monster with long hair and almost completely sunken eyes, squatting on the ground, Sage Luo Xuyang stepped on one foot and seemed to be struggling.

Unfortunately, the humanoid monster only had the Culture Base of Evading Revolving Lower Realm. No matter how struggling, it was stepped on by Sage Luo Xuyang, unable to move a single step.

“Maple!” Zheng Beiqiu seems to be stimulated, roar said: “You must kill me, don’t move my son!”

I don’t know where his strength came. Chen Gu was smashed with his collar. His eyes were covered with bloodshot, gnashing teeth, like a wild beast.

“You damn, your son is damn!” Sage Luo Xuyang eyes full of anger, icily said: “I was somewhat intolerant, but when we found your son, I want to kill him more than anyone!”

Chen Gu was surprised: “What did his son do to make you so angry?”

Sage Luo Xuyang took a deep breath, said solemnly: “This beast actually provoked a group of Reinging Great Demon, Evading Revolving Great Demon, and led them to the human city, using the hands of Monster Race to destroy a city! Millions of humans! Just because he is satisfying his perverted desires, millions of human beings have become victims! It has almost caused war between many Monster Races and human races in West Hills!”

“The ridiculous thing is that he turned this into a fun game…”

“If we stop it in time, we will control the situation and the consequences will be unimaginable!”

“But even so, my human race still sacrifices millions of people…”

Sage Luo Xuyang is more and more angry, and even some of them can’t control their killing intent.

I have to say that Zheng Beiqiu’s son is too poisonous and is simply a cold-blooded creature.

Fang Mu is also an expression that looks at the humanoid monster intricately. He said: “There is no magic to kill Zhu Ancheng. Later, Zheng Beiqiu’s son designed to destroy a human city and provoke the relationship between human race and Monster Race… Are these monsters all so abnormal?”

It seems that none of the people who are related to these monsters are normal.

Zheng Beiqiu father and son, the magic is lifeless, and the sky is not a good class.

At the thought of the human race, there are still more similar monsters hidden. Sage Luo Xuyang and the others are unable to breathe a chill, and inexplicably feel uneasy.

Sage Luo Xuyang forcibly restrained his emotions. He looked at Zheng Beiqiu coldly: “Zheng Beiqiu, if you don’t want your son to be tortured, it is best to tell us everything you know now.”

“hahaha…ha! torture me, the more you torture me, the more happy I am!” The humanoid monster stepped on the foot of Sage Luo Xuyang, screaming and laughing, a mad look, “your strength too weak, With tickles, dare not force it?”

This guy is a real madman, his mind is completely distorted. Compared with him, Zheng Beiqiu, who was originally like a madman, is simply normal.

Zheng Beiqiu gnashing teeth: “Let my son, I will tell you everything!”

“Impossible!” Sage Luo Xuyang said coldy: “Your son must die, whether you say it or not, he will die! Otherwise, the millions of innocent dead people, resentment qi is difficult!” His attitude Very resolute, there is no room for manoeuvre. “If you honestly explain, we can give your son a good time, but if you don’t say anything, I promise that in the future, I will learn a new one every day. Penalty, cast on your son!”

Hear this, Zheng Beiqiu is comfy complexion ashen.

He held the fist and looked at the humanoid monster, then closed his eyes and chose silence.

“Penal? Haha, yes, I like it!” The humanoid monster licked the blood left in the corner of his mouth. “Don’t waste time, hurry up, I can’t wait for it!”

Chen Gu looked at them quietly, and when he finished the humanoid monster, he shook his head: “It seems that this kid is really crazy.”

Bai Ling is indifferently watching Zheng Beiqiu father and son, brief remark.

Seeing that Zheng Beiqiu never let go, Sage Luo Xuyang lost patience, and his foot moved to the leg of the humanoid monster, stepping on it without any warning: “bang!”

For a while, the humanoid’s knees were forcibly smashed, giving an unusually harsh “ka-cha” sound.

The whole ground shook a little, and Sage Luo Xuyang and the ground of the humanoid monster directly collapsed several times to form a huge deep pit, even the nearby Fangmu, Pill Saint Cui Wei, Chen Gu, Bai Ling A slight impact, because the ground is tilted, slightly offset the body.

“hahaha! Cool!” The humanoid monster didn’t wrinkle, but instead smiled and laughed, “Come on!”

Sage Luo Xuyang gave him a deep look, indifferently said: “Reassured, time is long, will not let you down!”

Paused, Sage Luo Xuyang looked towards Pill Saint Cui Wei, asked: “Pill Saint, should you bring Healing Pill?”

Hear this, Pill Saint Cui Wei said with a smile : “There are only thirty, three, one of which is Healing Pill and thirty-two of Grace 5 Healing Pill. Although it is not guaranteed to cure his injury immediately, Let him live and jump, but he can also hang his life, and then he will not die easily.”

Zheng Beiqiu’s eyelids trembled, eyes opened, and the humanoid monster was crushed on the knees, screaming: “Stop!”

“Thinking about it?” Sage Luo Xuyang expressionlessly said: “It doesn’t matter if you don’t say it, we can just use it to see who can’t hold it first…”

Zheng Beiqiu bit his teeth painfully, his tongue was bitten and bleeding, but he didn’t care at all, as if he couldn’t feel the pain: “Give me a happy son, I will tell you everything I know!” He is obviously tall Estimated his endurance, his psychological defense has collapsed at the moment his son was tortured.

“Shut up, old fart, I don’t need you…” The humanoid monster snapped.

However, before he finished, he was shot by Chen Gu and his mouth was forcibly sealed.

After forcibly controlling the humanoid monster to calm down, Chen Gu looked up and looked at Zheng Beiqiu faintly: “Okay, let’s talk.”

Zheng Beiqiu closed his eyes, deep took a deep breath, as if in a memory, after a while, he only said solemnly: “You should know that the higher the Culture Base, the harder it is to give birth to the offspring. After I became a top powerhouse, it took two thousand years. Time, only the existence of Maple, but Maple did not inherit my innate talent, but like his mother, innate talent level, I am not willing, my Zheng Beiqiu’s son, how can it be a waste, how can die In front of me! So, I traveled all over the world, at all costs, just to find ways to improve the innate talent of Maple, so that he can become a top powerhouse one day!”

“Can a person’s innate talent, is it so easy to change? I want to do everything I can, in the end, but in vain. Seeing that Maple is getting old every day, I almost fell into despair, but I am disheartened. At that time, suddenly a mysterious man came to the door. The man was a top powerhouse. His strength was probably similar to that of Pill Saint. He claimed to be from a variant alliance, and said that the variant alliance has a way to help Maple improve innate talent, but it may Some sequelae, ask if I would like to try.”

Suddenly I learned that my son had the hope of improving the innate talent. Zheng Beiqiu’s mood at that time was so exciting that he could imagine.

“I dreamed that Maple’s innate talent would be promoted, so I would agree with the slightest hesitation. As for the aftereffects he said, I didn’t think much at the time. Soon after the man left, he found me again, and, Gave me a medicine pill, he said, that medicine pill can help Maple improve innate talent, provided that I have to promise that they regularly check the body of Maple and study the changes in Maple after taking medicine pill…”

“Who knows, after taking the medicine pill, our father and son’s nightmare begins!”


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