
Chapter 815 Bai Jie’s Enlistment (Part 1)

System no longer publishes the Pill Refining Master training task. Zhang Yu’s desire to become a nine-star Pill Refining Master is obviously no way to complete it.

Of course, even if there is a Jiuling Pill Refining Master and system still publishes training tasks, Zhang Yu cannot complete the task in a short time.

Because Wu Mo ’s Cultivation Base is limited, Divine Soul is not enough to support the impact of the eight-star Pill Refining Technique. If Zhang Yu forcibly performs the initiation technique, the final result may be that Wu Mo is directly given by the general knowledge of the torrent. Shocked into a fool, Divine Soul broke down completely.

Well, one less! I like to ask everyone to collect: () Zhai Shuyuan is the fastest to update.

Wu Mo’s situation has been witnessed by everyone, so there is no doubt about Zhang Yu’s words.

Wu Mo is a little bit ashamed to say: “I’m sorry, I’ve let you down!”

Fuck, it’s one more missing! Zhai Shu Yuan, the latest chapter updated soon!

paused, Zhang Yu continued: “Next, you need to spend more time on cultivation and raise Cultivation Base to Transcendent Realm as soon as possible. After you raise Cultivation Base to Transcendent Realm, I will teach you the eight-star Pill Refining Technique. At that time, with the eight-star Pill Refining Technique, this timeless flow of time and space will be at your disposal. Even those top powerhouses in Xianyu will treat you as a guest. “

Hearing this, everyone looked at Wu Mo with envy, even Bai Jie couldn’t calm down.

“I must live up to Dean’s expectations, and strive to practice Transcendent Realm in the shortest time!” Wu Mo clenched his fists firmly.

The eight-star Pill Refining Master in his twenties is probably enough to cause a sensation in the entire immortal realm.

Sun, I ca n’t watch it again! Remember for a second, Zhai Shuyuan ().

Everyone looked at Zhang Yu with respect, and the latter just created a seven-star Pill Refining Master, which was incredible.

Feeling everyone ’s gaze, Zhang Yu turned his head and glanced at Bai Ling, Xiao Yan, Deng Qiuchan, lightly said with a smile: “You do n’t have to envy Wu Mo, and now his Divine Soul has reached The limit I endured, in a short time, I will no longer perform maggot instillation on him, so, next, I will choose one of you and focus on training. “

Bai Ling, Xiao Yan, and Deng Qiuchan’s breathing was quick when they said this.

Wu Chen, Wu Xinxin, Zhou Xin’er, and Bai Jie looked at them with great envy. Wu Chen, Wu Xinxin, and Zhou Xin’er did not have special occupation innate talent, even if Zhang Yu instilled knowledge Information was given to them, and they couldn’t show it. Bai Jie, who is not currently a Sky Academy, and Illusion Technique level has reached seven stars, can be described as achieved perfection, even if Zhang Yu wants to help her, she does not have that ability, after all Zhang Yu himself is also a six-star Illusion Technique master, and his six-star Illusion Technique is only temporary. Only by training Bai Ling to become a six-star Illusion Technique master, he can obtain the permanent six-star Illusion Technique ability. And the temporary seven-star Illusion Technique.

“Would you like to discuss it, who will receive the training first?” Zhang Yu smiled at Bai Ling, Xiao Yan, and Deng Qiuchan.

Bai Ling looked at each other and smiled bitterly.

Zhang Yu, if you are not careful, you may provoke contradictions among the three.

After all, who doesn’t want to be a High Grade special professional early?

Silent for a moment, Bai Ling said, “It’s Dean, let’s do it!”

“Yes, Dean, you directly designate one person, we have no complaints!” Xiao Yan echoed: “Only you can choose to make everyone convinced.”

Zhang Yu looked towards Deng Qiuchan: “What about you?”

Deng Qiuchan respectfully said: “It’s all up to Dean! Whoever Dean chooses, I support it!”

The eyes of everyone gathered on Zhang Yu. They were very curious who Zhang Yu would choose eventually.

“In this case, let ’s train Bai Ling first.” Zhang Yu said: “Bai Ling ’s Illusion Technique has reached five stars. Training Bai Ling will help her become a seven-star Illusion Technique teacher in time. If, during this period, her Cultivation Base reaches Transcendent Realm, she can become an eight-star Illusion Technique teacher in one fell swoop. ”

Bai Ling is both surprising and unbelievable.

Her absolutely did not expect that Dean would choose herself, and the chance of one third fell upon her.

Bai Jie hurriedly pulled her clothes and reminded: “Thank you Dean Mister yet!”

“Thank you Dean!” Bai Ling awakened and said gratefully to Zhang Yu saluted.

Xiao Yan and Deng Qiuchan showed a little disappointment in their eyes, but Zhang Yu has already made a choice, and they can only support it.

Zhang Yu waved his hand, looked at the crowd, and said, “Are you guys very confused, why did I choose to train Bai Ling first?”

The crowd looked at each other, and then they were nodded. They were really curious about what Zhang Yu’s selection criteria were.

Zhang Yu explained patiently: “Actually, no matter who I cultivate, for me, there is actually no difference. I chose Bai Ling because of her Illusion Technique level, which has already reached five stars, only two Three times of empowerment, her Illusion Technique level can reach seven stars, or even eight stars. It takes more time to train you. Now the situation facing Sky Academy, you should have some understanding, the sooner you develop a A top special professional is more beneficial to Sky Academy. So I choose to train Bai Ling first, not you two. “

The crowd suddenly realized.

Xiao Yan and Deng Qiuchan, who were still a little disappointed, heard Zhang Yu’s explanation and felt relieved.

It is true that the special occupation level of the two of them is too low, one is a two-star Refiner division, and the other is a one-star Beast Tamer. If they are to be trained as top-level special occupations, it will take longer. Bai Ling has already reached the five-star Illusion Technique division. With a little training, he can quickly be promoted to a six-star Illusion Technique division, a seven-star Illusion Technique division, or even an eight-star Illusion Technique division.

If there is an eight-star Illusion Technique teacher sitting in the Sky Academy, the security of the Sky Academy will undoubtedly be greatly improved, and the benefits are self-evident.

No one questioned Zhang Yu’s decision. They believed that Zhang Yu’s decision was necessarily the best.

“I will focus on cultivating you for the next period of time.” Zhang Yu’s eyes fell on Bai Ling. “Just now I have performed cymbal instillation. Although it has little effect on me, it cannot be performed in a short time. So, in a month, I will perform 醍醐 initiation on you and teach you the more brilliant Illusion Technique … Of course, you can continue to appreciate the Illusion Technique in the meantime, if you can become six on your own ability Star Illusion Technique Master, not only saves me some effort, but also can become a Seven Star Illusion Technique Master as soon as possible. “

He just said casually that if Bai Ling can become a six-star Illusion Technique master within a month, it is naturally the best. If not, he will not be disappointed.

Bai Ling looked at Zhang Yu and said, “I will work hard!”

She only knows that if she becomes a six-star Illusion Technique teacher earlier, she can save a lot of energy for Zhang Yu.

For that, she gave everything.

Looking at Bai Ling’s solemn appearance, Zhang Yu lightly coughed, “That, I just said it casually, you don’t have to take it too seriously.” The slightly hot eyes of the latter made him a little uneasy. comfortable.

Bai Ling didn’t speak. Although Zhang Yu said it casually, in her mind, this matter is more important than everything else.

She has always been very clear that Zhang Yu is under a lot of pressure, but she has low strength and can’t help Zhang Yu at all. The only thing she can do is to minimize the trouble of Zhang Yu, at least, Can’t hold back Zhang Yu, this is what she can do. Apart from this, she can’t do anything else.

“Well, Wu Mo, the seven-star Pill Refining Technique I instilled in you, which focuses on the part of Danjie.” Zhang Yu shifted the topic and said to Wu Mo: “When pill concocting in the future, You must be careful about Danjie. With your current strength, you ca n’t afford the formidable power of Danjie. If you are accidentally affected, no one can save you … ”

Wu Mo felt a moment in his heart, and firmly remembered Zhang Yu’s words, saying, “I remember, thank Dean for reminding me!”

“Okay, nothing else, I will go first, you practice it yourself, I will not disturb you.” Zhang Yu said.

At this time, Bai Jie hurriedly shouted, “Wait!”

For a moment, everyone’s eyes focused on Bai Jie.

Zhang Yu also stopped, pretending that he didn’t know what he meant, and asked in confusion: “What, do you have anything?”

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