
Chapter 817 Bai Jie’s Secret

The seven-star Illusion Technique division has a higher status than the Transcendent Upper Realm powerhouse, killing invisible people, and the eight-star Illusion Technique division can be compared with the True God Realm powerhouse.

The immortal realm is huge, and there are hundreds of True God Realm powerhouses, but there are only a few dozen eight-star professionals. Obviously, eight-star professionals are more rare than True God Realm powerhouse. Each one has High status and admired by everyone.

Bai Jie has been a seven-star Illusion Technique teacher for many years, and it is for this reason that she understands how difficult it is for an Illusion Technique teacher to reach eight stars.

Well, one less! I like to ask everyone to collect: () Zhai Shuyuan is the fastest update.

Eight stars, not only is innate talent and hard work, luck is even more important.

Without the best innate talent, the best luck, and not enough effort, even if you live for hundreds of millions of years, you can’t reach eight stars.

Fuck, it’s one more missing! Zhai Shu Yuan, the latest chapter updated soon!

These ancient existences are full of special professionals, but few of them have reached eight stars.

“If there are no accidents, I have reached the end of my life. But you are different.” Bai Jie looked at Bai Ling seriously. “Child, you have luck that no one else can match. It is highly valued by Dean Mister. Cultivate, you will be the first eight-star Illusion Technique division of the Wild World Fox Race. Someday, you even have hope … “

At this point, Bai Jie stopped suddenly.

Bai Ling looked at Bai Jie doubtfully: “What hope? Old Ancestor, what are you talking about?”

Sun, I ca n’t watch it again! Remember for a second, Zhai Shuyuan ().

“Nothing.” Bai Jie was silent for a moment, then shook his head, and said solemnly: “In short, you must become an eight-star Illusion Technique master! Whatever you pay, you must do it! Otherwise, I will die , I wo n’t forgive you! “

hearing this, Bai Ling trembled in the bottom of her heart. She looked at Bai Jie. The latter’s expression was more serious than ever, which made her feel a lot of pressure.

Looking at Bai Ling’s silence, Bai Jie’s brows frowned slightly, and her eyes became a bit stern: “Don’t you want to?”

“No.” Bai Ling shook his head in a hurry, looking at Bai Jie timidly. “If Dean passes me the eight-star Illusion Technique, I can become an eight-star Illusion Technique master, but if Dean does not teach me the eight-star Illusion Technique, Technique, on my own … I don’t have the confidence to reach eight stars. “

Bai Jie’s expression calmed down and said, “I don’t at all require you to rely on your ability to reach eight stars. This possibility is almost zero … I just want to tell you, cherish the cultivation of Dean Mister, Never fail to live up to Dean Mister’s expectations, let alone make Dean Mister angry … “

“If that’s the case, I can do it.” Bai Ling seriously nodded, “Even if you don’t say Old Ancestor, I will do it!”

She hopes to help Zhang Yu more than anyone, and is more afraid of Zhang Yu being disappointed.

Bai Jie gently put out a breath, muttered in his mouth: “That’s good, that’s good …”

“Old Ancestor, why do you care so much that my Illusion Technique can reach eight stars?” Bai Ling asked curiously.

She can clearly perceive that Bai Jie is very concerned about whether her Illusion Technique can reach eight stars. This kind of care has far exceeded the expectations and attention of an elder to her younger generation.

“Some things, I can’t tell you yet, you just need to know whether your Illusion Technique can reach eight stars, which is of great significance to Fox Race in our Wild World!” Bai Jie calmed down his emotions , Slowly said: “Of course, it means as much to me!”

Bai Ling startled: “Fox Race in Wilderness World? Old Ancestor, how many times have you said, is it possible that Fox Race exists in other Worlds?”

Bai Jie said indifferently: “Time and space are vast and endless, with an endless World. Of course, Fox Race cannot be our only this lineage. In fact, Fox Race exists in most of the World, but it is just big. Most World Fox Races are even weaker than our this lineage. Some groups can’t even find a fox demon that can be transformed by Shape, but there are also more powerful Fox Race groups than us. At least, I ’ve seen A group with dozens of Transcendent Realm powerhouses, and talked to that Fox Race patriarch, and learned more secrets about Fox Race! “

“What secret?” Bai Ling asked.

“When your Illusion Technique reaches eight stars, I will naturally tell you.” Bai Jie glanced at her, said indifferently: “It’s too early to tell you now.”

Bai Ling wondered, “What’s the secret, so mysterious?”

Bai Jie looked at Bai Ling expressionlessly. Until Bai Ling stared at her hair, she calmly said: “Your current task is to raise the level of Illusion Technique as soon as possible. Don’t ask more. Ask me I wo n’t say. “

The more confidential Bai Jie is, the more curious Bai Ling is. Unfortunately, Bai Jie says nothing, and Bai Ling feels itchy but helpless.

“Well then, Old Ancestor, please point me to practice Illusion Technique first.” Bai Ling sighed, said.

Bai Jie’s face showed a smile of satisfaction, saying: “You first apply all the Illusion Techniques you have mastered, and let people see your current Illusion Technique level. After I understand, I know what to do. Point you to practice. “With her seven-star Illusion Technique level, pointing to a five-star Illusion Technique master, there is still no problem. For her Illusion Technique level, she is very confident, looking at hundreds of seven-star Illusion Technique masters in the fairy domain, she can She has few competitors, and the only ones who truly outperform her are the eight-star Illusion Technique masters.

Wild World, Sky Academy.

Zhang Yu returned to Wilderness World after leaving Fight World.

He gave more than twenty Grade 7 Divine Pills, which had been refined in advance, to Zhang Haoran for exchange by students and tutors. Different Grade 7 Divine Pills have different values. Ordinary Grade 7 Divine Pills, such as Grade 7 Healing Pill, can be exchanged for only ten Spirit Stones, which are similar to Heaven and Earth Fortune Pill and Song of Life, but precious Grade 7 Divine Pill, it takes dozens or hundreds of Spirit Stones to redeem.

Of course, this is just the exchange price inside Sky Academy. In fact, the value of Spirit Stone in Xianyu is very high, and it is not much worse than Grade 7 Divine Pill. Even the top Grade 7 Divine Pill, Only more than ten Spirit Stones can be exchanged, and only Sky Academy can splurge on Spirit Stones so luxuriously.

If the people in Xianyu know that there is such a place, Grade 7 Divine Pill can be exchanged for ten or more Spirit Stones. I am afraid that the seven-star Pill Refining Master and even the eight-star Pill Refining Master have already swarmed, and can’t wait to send them. The savings of a lifetime, all medicine pill, in exchange for Spirit Stone.

Zhang Yu doesn’t know how much the exchange price he has set, even if he knows, he probably doesn’t care. After all, Sky Academy is not worse than Spirit Stone, but lacks resources such as Grade 7 Divine Pill and Grade 7 Divine Item. Rare is expensive. When the Sky Academy Spirit Stone floods into disaster, Grade 7 Divine Pill and Grade 7 Divine Item are unusually scarce or even completely absent. Then the value of the two will naturally change or even reverse.

“Yuer.” Shen Lulu watched Zhang Yu’s bunch of Grade 7 Divine Pill and was extremely shocked. “When did you become the Seven Star Pill Refining Master?”

She knows that Zhang Yu ’s pill concocting level is not bad, and even reaches the top level of six stars, otherwise it is impossible to make a top grade Grade 6 medicine pill like Heaven and Earth Fortune Pill, which can be used as Zhang Yu ’s When she got piles of Grade 7 Divine Pill, she knew that she had underestimated her son’s pill concocting level.

Grade 7 Divine Pill, only the Seven Star Pill Refining Master can be refined!

“Even for Spirit God World, in the long history and vast history, only dozens of seven-star Pill Refining Masters have been born, and most of the time, the most powerful Pill Refining Master of Spirit God World has only six stars, only The Seven Star Pill Refining Master will be born only when it is extremely brilliant. Our Zhang Family can also be regarded as an extremely ancient family of the Spirit God World. Even so, our Zhang Family has never given birth to a Seven Star Pill Refining Master … unexpectedly, My son, Zhang Haoran, has done what Old Ancestor never did! “Zhang Haoran’s face was filled with pride, and his words were full of pride.” Okay, okay! ” Incomparably, pats Zhang Yu’s shoulders hard to express inner joy.

Zhang Yu kept talking and didn’t know whether to say it or not.

Looking at Zhang Yu’s expression, Zhang Haoran said, “There is something to say straight away. What can’t you say between father and son?”

“Actually …” Zhang Yu gave a low cough and said, “I’m not a seven-star Pill Refining Master.”

Shen Lulu wondered, “How is it possible to make Grade 7 Divine Pill instead of the Seven-Star Pill Refining Master? Child, don’t make a joke.”

Zhang Haoran also did n’t believe it, and asked, “If you are not the Seven Star Pill Refining Master, where did these Grade 7 Divine Pill come from?”

“No, father, mother, you have misunderstood me.” Zhang Yu looked at the two old men, said with a slight smile: “I want to say that I am not a seven-star Pill Refining Master, but … Eight stars! ”

hearing this, Shen Lulu and Zhang Haoran opened their eyes together and looked at Zhang Yu in disbelief.

Shen Lulu stuttered: “Eight … eight stars?”

“Eight Star Pill Refining Master!” Zhang Haoran sucked in a cold breath of air, and his voice was a little trembling. “In the legend, the Eight Star Pill Refining Master that only exists in the fairy domain?” He came from Spirit God World, And Spirit God World is a top 7th grade Great World, and it has a little connection with Xianyu, so he knows a lot of information about Xianyu. Although he never visited Xianyu, he clearly remember Even in the vast immortal realm, there are only a few eight-star Pill Refining Masters, and the status of each eight-star Pill Refining Master is incredibly high. will.

In short, the eight-star Pill Refining Master has the same status as the True God Realm powerhouse and far outperforms the ordinary True God Realm powerhouse.

That’s the real Mister thing!

Sun, I ca n’t watch it again! Remember for a second, Zhai Shuyuan ().

“Did I hear it wrong …” Zhang Haoran could hardly believe his ears, “My son, is an eight-star Pill Refining Master?”

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