
Chapter 828 Legend of the Phantom Realm (2)

Bai Ling never thought that Fox Race would be so powerful. With the power of one family, it established an existence that is no less than fairyland!

She can’t believe it. Is there a legendary fantasy realm in this world?

An older but lesser-known magical realm than Xianyu!

Well, one less! I like to ask everyone to collect: () Zhai Shuyuan is the fastest to update.

“Old Ancestor, do you really believe in the existence of magical realm?” Bai Ling asked in a low voice, looking at Bai Jie who was emotional.

Although there is a throb in her mind, she is somewhat skeptical about the existence of the fantasy domain. Such illusory things are really hard to believe.

Fuck, it’s one more missing! Zhai Shu Yuan, the latest chapter updated soon!

Before Bai Ling spoke, she said, “I did n’t believe it before I met that Fox Race patriarch, or … doubtful. It wasn’t until that Fox Race patriarch took me to meet someone, I did n’t believe it. Believe it completely. “

“Who?” Bai Ling asked in confusion.

Bai Jie calmed down and said, “Illusion Domain Divine Fox!”

Bai Ling is a bit blindfolded, and his eyes are confused: “Aren’t you the Illusion Domain Divine Fox?”

Sun, I ca n’t watch it again! Remember for a second, Zhai Shuyuan ().

She has been fainted by Bai Jie’s words.

Bai Jie shook his head: “I’m not talking about myself, but … the ancestor of All Heavens and Myriad Realms Fox Race, the first generation of Illusion Domain Divine Fox!”

“The first generation of Illusion Domain Divine Fox?” Bai Ling still didn’t understand.

“Yes, countless years ago, the ancestor of the Fox Race who was expelled from the fantasy domain for violating the rules of the fantasy domain is the first generation Illusion Domain Divine Fox! My inheritance memory is from her! This endless World Most of the Fox Races are her descendants! Including you and me! “Bai Jie stared at Bai Ling with a serious face, obviously not joking.

Bai Ling gaped: “She is still alive?”

“No, the ancestor she has been dead for hundreds of millions of years, even … before the Void One was born, she was dead.” Bai Jie shook her head. “If she didn’t die, there would be no back The second generation of Illusion Domain Divine Fox, the third generation of Illusion Domain Divine Fox, let alone me … “The super Divine Beast in this world is unique, and any super Divine Beast cannot have two ends at the same time. This is also The reason Zhang Yu was able to construct Avatars such as greedy god dogs and magical foals, but couldn’t construct Illusion Domain Divine Fox Avatar.

“How did you meet her then?” Bai Ling was completely confused.

“Although she has died for countless years, there is still a Remnant Soul that has not been annihilated.” Bai Jie sighed and said, “You can’t imagine how powerful the first generation Illusion Domain Divine Fox is, even if she falls After countless years, the fleshhy body was decaying, but still exuding terrifying coercion. Only with the eight ranks can she be repressed barely and not exposed … and her Remnant Soul is much more terrifying than my Peak period, she I ca n’t even break the Illusion Technique I am using … Her Illusion Technique has definitely reached eight stars, but it ’s just because Divine Soul is incomplete that she ca n’t reach the level of eight stars that ’s all. ”

Her words are full of wonder.

Bai Ling is also shocked: “So amazing!”

“She was a True God Realm powerhouse during her lifetime, and she has achieved eight stars with Illusion Technique!” Bai Jie said with certainty: “Looking at the fairy realm, I am afraid that only a few Legendary heroes can beat it She … “

“Uh …” Bai Ling froze for a moment, then asked curiously: “Is she awesome at Dean?”

Bai Jie’s expression froze, and the corners of her mouth twitched slightly: “Of course Dean is more powerful.”

“None of them are as good as Dean. It doesn’t seem to be a big deal.” Bai Ling was disappointed.

“You this girl …” Bai Jie said ill-humoredly: “What kind of character is Dean? That is no less than the existence of a Legendary hero! All Heavens and Myriad Realms, silverless time and space, billions of souls, Only a few of these characters were born. How can other people talk to them on equal terms? Besides, although the ancestors of Fox Race can’t compare to Dean, except for Dean and several Legendary heroes, I’m afraid no one can say that they can beat her! Is n’t that great? ”

Bai Ling thought for a while and said, “Never mind.”

This makes people feel a little perfunctory.

For a while, Bai Jie was frustrated and wondered what to say.

“You just said, you met the ancestor of Fox Race, what did she say to you?” Bai Ling shifted the topic.

The ancestor of Fox Race, the first generation of Illusion Domain Divine Fox, has gone from a distant past to the present. I am afraid that in her eyes, there are not many secrets in the world?

Bai Jie’s expression became serious again, slowly said: “She didn’t tell me too much information, just said that the fantasy domain is not a legend, but it really exists. She is from the fantasy domain because she violates the fantasy domain. Rules, and was expelled from the magical domain … Regarding the situation of the magical domain, she did not tell me in detail, only a few words were mentioned, and they were all insignificant information. The core information of the magical domain, she I did n’t disclose … Also, how did she fall, and she did not say that she seemed very taboo about others mentioning it, and I did n’t dare to ask … “

However, just a few words also evoke Bai Jie’s infinite fantasy and yearning.

“But what does it have to do with us, even if what she said is true?” Bai Ling didn’t understand.

She does want to go to Magic Land to see what the ancestors of Fox Race and Holy Land really look like, but she can only think about that ’s all.

After all, she hasn’t been to Xianyu, how can she enter the more mysterious fantasy domain?

“Because … in addition to this, she also told me one thing!” Bai Jie’s voice suddenly trembled, “She told me how to return to the fantasy world!”


Yes, they are all descendants of the ancestors of Fox Race. Their ancestral land is in the magical realm. Therefore, the magical realm is their true hometown, and that is where they should go most.

Hearing this, Bai Ling’s breathing is also quick: “Return to the fantasy?”

Bai Jie is nodded, expressions all has a trace of fanaticism: “Yes, return to the magical land! Back to our real hometown!”

“How to go back?” Bai Ling almost blurted out.

“Aren’t you curious, why do I have to make you an eight-star Illusion Technique master?” Bai Jie stared at Bai Ling. In the latter’s surprised eyes, Bai Jie slowly said: “Yes, return to fantasy The way of the domain is to become an eight-star Illusion Technique master! The ancestor said before that she violated the rules of the fantasy domain and was expelled from the fantasy domain, but the Fox Race Senior of the fantasy domain also promised that if future descendants of the ancestors could become Master of the Eight Star Illusion Technique, and has a complete Illusion Domain Divine Fox bloodline, you can use Illusion Technique and bloodline to restart the gate of the fantasy domain, bring no more than ten clansman, and return to the fantasy domain!

Two conditions, one is to become an eight-star Illusion Technique master, and one is to have the full Illusion Domain Divine Fox bloodline.

Either condition is extremely demanding!

The first condition is to become an eight-star Illusion Technique master. The difficulty is self-evident. There are only a few characters in the whole fairyland who are suspected of the eight-star Illusion Technique master. None of them can be confirmed, and none of them is Fox Race. It can be seen how difficult it is for Fox Race to give birth to an eight-star Illusion Technique master, and the second condition is that it has the complete Illusion Domain Divine Fox bloodline, which is also very harsh, because the premise of the complete Illusion Domain Divine Fox bloodline is born The condition is that the previous generation of Illusion Domain Divine Fox has fallen, that is, the first ancestor of Fox Race does not fall, and the new complete Illusion Domain Divine Fox bloodline will not be born in one day.

“The ancestors told me that many generations of Illusion Domain Divine Fox have been born before me. Each generation has been led by people to see the ancestors in the past, but they eventually fell without exception, most of them died of evil. The spirit five clan fought, and some died in the immortal realm … “Bai Jie said:” My strength is not the strongest of all generations of Illusion Domain Divine Fox, but my Illusion Technique innate talent is all generations of Illusion Domain. The best of Divine Fox is the person who has the most hope to become the eight-star Illusion Technique master. Therefore, the ancestors told me so many secrets. “

“I thought that this day might not arrive for hundreds of millions of years, or it will never come.” Bai Jie looked towards Bai Ling, his eyes were excited, “But when I know you will soon have the hope of becoming eight When I was a Master of Illusion Technique, I knew that we were returning to the fantasy world, not fantasy! ”

For the first time, you are so close!

Bai Ling calmly said, “Old Ancestor, you may have made a mistake.” She was not at all dazzled by the joy of returning home, or she was not at all like Bai Jie about returning to the fantasy realm. Expect, in contrast, she has a more sense of belonging to Sky Academy.

“What’s up?”

“The ancestor means that you must be a master of the Eight-Star Illusion Technique, and at the same time possess the complete descendants of the Illusion Domain Divine Fox bloodline, in order to be able to open the gate of the magic domain.” Bai Ling looked at Bai Jie calmly , “Only when one person satisfies these two conditions at the same time can the door of the magic domain be opened, and we … are not the same person.”

She thought that Bai Jie would be greatly changed, and she would be very disappointed, but did n’t expect. Bai Jie had no response. It seemed that she knew that she would say so.

“Yes, you are right. You must meet two conditions at the same time to open the door of the magic domain.” Bai Jie nodded, agreeing with Bai Ling.

“Then you still?”

“But …” Bai Jie’s voice turned, “The ancestor mastered a rather secret secret technique, which can completely transfer the blood of one person to another, provided that they have the same origin, but we have had the same origin, so this question has no effect on us … do you know what it means? “

Bai Ling’s eyes stared round.

“As long as you become an eight-star Illusion Technique master …” Bai Jie took a deep breath, eyes full of firmness, “I asked the ancestor to perform the secret technique to transfer all my blood to you … to At that time, you will have both the eight-star Illusion Technique master and the complete Illusion Domain Divine Fox bloodline. The gate of the magic domain cannot stop you! “

Sun, I ca n’t watch it again! Remember for a second, Zhai Shuyuan ().

Bai Ling’s heart trembled suddenly. The price is too heavy!

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