
Chapter 840 Wine Sword Immortal

Yuhang Town.

Silhouette of Zhang Yu with reappears on the streets of Yuhang Town.

Out of the street, Wine Sword Immortal was blindfolded, drunk, walking in a jersey, wobbly.

He doesn’t know why he came to this humble little place, perhaps because of fate, or coincidence. In short, in unconsciously, he came to this place, and it seemed that his fate had something to do with this place.

Pedestrians around him all covered his nose and walked away disgustedly.

Suddenly, Wine Sword Immortal stopped, and because he stopped too quickly, he almost fell.

In front of him, a man suddenly appeared, an ordinary-looking young man.

“Why is Little Brother blocking my way?” Wine Sword Immortal was free-spirited, unscrupulous, and blocked by his way. He almost hurt him and fell, but asked in confusion.

In Human World of Fairy Sword World, Wine Sword Immortal is also considered as a master. Although he does not have the way, the Cultivation Base is not as good as the sword master Yin Ruozhuo, the moon worship Sect Lord Shijie, and the aunt Mingyuan Qing. But it is extremely scary, similar to Heavenly Emperor of Shrouding the Heavens World, and even terrifying than Heavenly Emperor. He is full of firepower, even higher than Daoist’s battle strength.

Wine Sword Immortal Mo Yixi can be described as genius. Even if he is trapped in love, he still has no way of preaching. He still has terrifying battle strength, and Cultivation Base is only one step away from preaching.

And this step is not that he cannot step out, but that he is unwilling to step out.

As long as he is willing, he may be able to break through in the next second, To achieve the Dao and become Immortal, but he ca n’t let go of that obsession, preferring to be an ordinary person, free in the world, and not willing In the view of Jian Ruo Yin Ruozhuo’s inaction, in his opinion, being good is not the way he is going.

Zhang Yu stares at the sleepy-eyed Wine Sword Immortal, with a sense of appreciation in his eyes.

Wine Sword Immortal is one of his most admired people, which can be seen from his intentional construction of a Wine Sword Immortal clone.

“Wine Sword Immortal Mo Yixi.” Zhang Yu Wei said with a smile: “I figured that we have a fate, so I’m here waiting for you.”

While hearing Zhang Yu expressing his name, Wine Sword Immortal was a little surprised, but his mood didn’t fluctuate too much.

He was awake a little, so strangely said: “Do you know me?”

Looking at Zhang Yu a few times, he couldn’t help but wonder. He was sure that he hadn’t seen Zhang Yu, and couldn’t see what Zhang Yu was out of the ordinary, so he couldn’t figure out why the other party knew Yourself.

Although he fought the world with swords, traveled red dust, and his reputation passed to Great Tang for a time, but not many people have actually seen him.

“I know not only you, but also the sword master Yin Ruozhuo, and the moon worship Sect Lord …” Zhang Yu always had a faint smile on his face, “I know all the stories that happened between you, including … That night was absurd with your aunt Ming Yuanqing.

As soon as Zhang Yu’s words came here, he saw Wine Sword Immortal shivered, suddenly coughing, interrupting his voice.

I saw Wine Sword Immortal’s face flushed, his head was completely awake, his eyes stared at Zhang Yu: “Who the hell are you!”

He has been trapped in love over the years. The biggest worry is the absurdity of the night with his aunt Ming Yuanqing after being drunk many years ago. Although he has been drinking for many years, paralyzed himself with alcohol, and escaped from reality, he was very clear. Even the memories are so deep that you cannot forget them when you are drunk.

Originally, this matter was only known to him and his aunt Ming Yuanqing. It can be said that it was the biggest secret in his heart, but now it was told by Zhang Yu, how can he be calm?

“I don’t understand what you’re talking about.” Wine Sword Immortal’s face was a bit unnatural, and he denied: “Who is the aunt Mingyuan Qing? I don’t know!”

Zhang Yu faint smile: “Is that so? Would you like me to elaborate on it and help you recall it?”

Wine Sword Immortal frowns deeply, staring at Zhang Yu: “Who the hell is this? You came here to deliberately scold me?”

Wenyan, Zhang Yu shook the head, said: “Did I not say that? I counted our fate, so I’m here waiting for you to help you become enlightened. As for who I am, you can think that I am The owner of this piece of Heaven and Earth, this World is my responsibility!

“Good breath!” Wine Sword Immortal raised an eyebrow. “Even Xianting Jade Emperor, even the ancient Goddess 娲 Empress, don’t dare to say that, do you think you are better than Nuwa Empress? “Xianting Jade Emperor is the Lord of Heaven and Earth in the name. It governs the three realms of people, immortals, and prefectures. Its strength is not necessarily the strongest, but its authority is the greatest. It can even be used to a certain extent. The power of law and order, and Nuwa, is even greater. Some people say that she is the great god of creation, and some people say that she is the master of human race, which can be described as the real ancient god.

Zhang Yu is very calm, and his expression is still mild: “In this World, I really do better than them.”

He seems to be talking about an ordinary thing.

How powerful Nuwa of Great Desolate World is, Zhang Yu doesn’t know, and dare not say he is stronger, but in this World, Nuwa will definitely not be Zhang Yu’s opponent.

“Please be careful!” Wine Sword Immortal complexion sank, “Nuwa Empress has sheltered the Three Realms, and is better than heaven, and the Emperor Xianting is in charge of the Three Realms, and it is not to be humiliated … If you say such nonsense, my Wine Sword Immortal , I must not ask you for advice! “Shushan Xianjian School is the head of Human World seventy two cultivation Great Sect, Shushan Sect Master swordsman Yin Ruozhuo, and it is called the Three Realms Number One Powerhouse, but still obeys the orders of Xianting Jade Emperor, receives The control of Xianting. As the Junior Brother of the Sect Master, Wine Sword Immortal naturally safeguards Xianting’s reputation.

“Hehe, it’s interesting.” Zhang Yu laughed. “You, the future, dare not ask me for advice, but now you, dare to speak like this …”

Wine Sword Immortal didn’t quite understand what Zhang Yu meant.

But Zhang Yu not at all explained that both of his hands were wrapped around his chest, and he smiled and looked at Wine Sword Immortal: “I’m standing here, you can do it. If I move, just be me Lose. If I lose, looked towards Xianting Jade Emperor and Nuwa Empress apologize. “

Wine Sword Immortal was a little stunned. Zhang Yu’s calmness and self-confidence made him a bit incomprehensible.

You know, his battle strength is far better than the average cultivator. It is not much better than Daoist. Even his Senior Brother Sword Master is rude, and dare not resist his attack without fighting, this person is it possible that is better than his Senior Brother?

“It’s impossible! Senior Brother’s strength is unfathomable, but it’s the Number One Powerhouse in the Three Realms. Moon worship may not be his opponent. How can it suddenly come up with a person stronger than him in this world?” Wine Sword Immortal instantly annihilated the thought in his heart, “this person … I’m afraid I’m cheating me!”

He lifts the head, his eyes lock on Zhang Yu, and he is ready to go.

Zhang Yu is still calm, with a smile on his face, a look of found mystery.

“dressing up as God, playing the devil!” Wine Sword Immortal moved suddenly.

I saw his silhouette, which instantly turned into a phantom, in an instant, he had already arrived in front of Zhang Yu, with a palm of strong great magic force, which was lined up on Zhang Yu’s chest, and Zhang Yu, It really didn’t move, letting Wine Sword Immortal’s attack fall on himself.


With the sound of a loud noise, powerful power waves exploded, and the ground beneath them exploded into a deep pit. Hundreds of bluestone floors were lifted by a huge storm, forming a row, moved towards All around splash, individual pedestrians have been accidentally injured. Although it is not fatal, it is inevitable to hurt the muscles and bones.

Looking at Zhang Yu with a smile, unscathed, Wine Sword Immortal complexion greatly changed: “really strong!”

Although he did not exert his full strength just now, the formidable power of that palm was also extremely powerful, but such a powerful palm did not hurt Zhang Yu at all …

“Come with me if you have the ability!” Wine Sword Immortal Yu Guang swept around the pedestrians in case the pedestrians were hit. He decisively chose a different place, but didn’t wait for Zhang Yu’s reply. , Directly flew to the place far from the streets of Yuhang Town, the goal is a hill in the distance.

Zhang Yu watched the silhouette of Wine Sword Immortal flying away, and his face became brighter and brighter.

Until Wine Sword Immortal flew a long distance, Zhang Yu lightly pats the dust on his body, and then the silhouette flashes and disappears in place.

Pedestrians in the neighborhood, as if hitting the body-fixing spell, looked at the scene dumbly. After they left for a long time, all the people woke up like dreams, then each and everyone knelt down and worshiped sincerely. , With awe and excitement.

“Divine Immortal!”

“Divine Immortal is manifested!”

“We met Divine Immortal!”

“Bless Divine Immortal!”

Ignorant people have no other way to express their awe and worship of Immortal God than to worship ignorantly.

On the hill outside Yuhang Town.

Wine Sword Immortal stopped at the top of the hill, turned around, and looked towards behind, but didn’t see the silhouette of Zhang Yu, he couldn’t help but wonder: “Run?”

“What are you running?” He tone barely fell, saw a blur, a silhouette appeared in front of him without warning, and asked him with a smile.

Wine Sword Immortal shrinks his eyes and pupils, but is fearless. He instantly grasps the hilt of the sword. With the sound of a crisp sword, he no longer retains a powerful mana, which erupts completely. For the center, moved towards all directions, the long sword in its hands, as if given life, trembled gently, giving out a pleasant sword whistle, the center of the storm, Wine Sword Immortal ’s long dark hair swayed slightly, adding A little free and uninhibited.

I saw him throwing the long sword into the sky, his face was unprecedentedly dignified, his hands were holding on to the decree, and he poured his mana into the long sword without any reservation, and his mouth also gave a very stuffy drink. : “Myriad Swords Art!”

Shushan protecting sect-Myriad Swords Art!

In the face of the unpredictable Zhang Yu, he didn’t dare to belittle it. As soon as he came up, he zoomed in directly. If even Myriad Swords Art couldn’t help Zhang Yu, then those other means would not have to be used at all, simply It is a waste of mana and time.

“xiu, 咻, xiu …”

in the sky Suddenly there are close and numerous sword shadows, one after another sword shadow, and criss-crossed, as if to divide the sky, and then under the control of Wine Sword Immortal, close and numerous sword shadows. The incredible speed, like one after another, was drawn to Zhang Yu. The huge momentum made the whole hill tremble slightly, as if it could not bear the momentum, and it might collapse at any time.

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