
Chapter 866 Joining the Crowd

At this moment, billions of eyes gathered on the golden palm and the blue light, and everyone stopped moving, holding their breath.

“hong long long!”

The deafening sound instantly passed into everyone’s ears. The sound was so loud that after the sound disappeared, everyone seemed to be deaf. No other sounds could be heard, as if the entire world had changed. It has become a silent and silent World, which is displayed in the eyes of everyone, but also a silent picture.

next moment, the picture exploded.

The huge golden palm is shattered like a glazed glass. The blue light is much weaker, but it is still moved towards the real body from the sun, and the space is constantly shrinking to form an incomparable gigantic black hole. Like Deep Abyss vortex, it releases heartbreaking energy.

During the breath, the dark vortex hit the body of Da Riru.

In the silent picture, the huge Buddha shadow behind Dari Rulai seems to have been fatally damaged, like paper to disable to withstand a single blow, and it is instantly broken.

Night after that, the real body of Da Riru was also knocked out and knocked out, and a mouthful of golden blood spurted from his mouth.


Ao Wuyan opened his mouth wide and sent out a majestic dragon roar, shaking both Heaven and Earth slightly.

He watched Daru Rulai flying backwards with indifferent eyes, and uttered the words: “Rulai, you lose!” The voice was not loud, but it spread to every corner of the World, it seemed to be deep in the universe. , Can also hear his voice.

At this time, everyone just recovered their hearing from the deafening explosion, and just happened to hear this sentence by Ao Wuyan, each and everyone suddenly dumbstruck, their eyes were incredible.


The legendary Number One Powerhouse has never failed. The invincible Tathagata Buddha has lost! Lost to legendary Dragon Race Divine Dragon!

The image of Rulai Invincible is completely destroyed!

His image of Wei’an in people’s minds has since collapsed!

“The donor spell is so strong that I have more than one victory, and I lose no wrong.” After the silhouette of Da Rirui came to a halt, she folded her hands and said calmly, “If the donor wants to kill me, even if I do, I Never resist, just hope that the donor treats all creatures and creatures well, and must not do harm to nature.

His expression is very calm. If he loses, he loses. There is nothing to quibble on. Besides, he doesn’t care about winning or losing.

Even, he didn’t take his life or death seriously.

Of course, even if he refuses to give in, there is no other option, because he is seriously injured at this time, his mana is almost exhausted, and he can only barely maintain the float, other methods cannot be used at all.

Ao Wuyan’s body shrinks rapidly, Shape Transformation is a handsome, noble young man.

Hearing Da Riru’s words, he raised an eyebrow: “It’s time now, do you still think of all living things?”

When Da Riru came to speak, he said: “Although you are not as good as me, I still admire you.”

“What does the donor mean?”

“I Ao Wuyan has been to many Worlds, I have seen countless powerhouses, and there are all kinds of people, but if you have a mind, you can be ranked second!” Ao Wuyan stared at the big sun coming, his eyes were full of praise “” Being able to put aside your own life and death, and concern all beings, it is worthy of the title of “Buddha.”

“The donor has won a prize.” Da Ri Ru Lai looked calm and peaceful.

He really understands life and death, and his soul is clean and dustless. He is not comparable to those hypocritical monks.

However, Ao Wuyan said that he had a ranked second, but he was a little curious: “I don’t know who the donor said is the first person?”

Ao Wuyan’s smile narrowed, his expression looked very serious, with a respectful expression: “Of course Dean!”


“The so-called Dean is Sky Academy Dean!” Ao Wuyan said, “Dean is a near-perfect person, with truly invincible strength, broad mind, and transcendent wisdom. My Ao Wuyan is not convinced, but Only be convinced of Dean! “

Darui Rulai heard this and couldn’t help wondering what mysterious Dean mentioned by Ao Wuyan was. What kind of person actually convinced such a powerful person as Ao Wuyan?

It seems to see the curiosity of Da Riru, Ao Wuyan faint smile: “Dean is not in this world, and you don’t have to speculate what Dean is. His greatness is that we small people can figure it out. Do n’t say that you and me, who are ten or hundred times stronger than us, are no different from tiny ant in front of Dean. Of course, even though Dean still treats us equally, and does not despise us because of our weakness. “

The more he said that, the more Da Rirui became more curious about Dean.

“If there is a chance, I really want to meet that Dean.” Da Rirui smiled lightly, “Unfortunately, there is no chance.”

In his opinion, losing yourself means death.

Since ancient times, he has experienced countless Calamity Tribulation, witnessed the rise and fall of countless Immortal God, and has a deep understanding of the cruel laws of the world.

That’s why he can face death more calmly.

“Relax, I won’t kill you.” Ao Wuyan said indifferently: “I said before, I just wanted to fight with you and discuss the competition. Now that I’ve finished the fight, I naturally won’t Trouble you again. “His purpose has been achieved, everyone has seen the power of Dragon Race, and naturally there is no need to do more.

paused, Ao Wuyan’s voice turned: “However, if you promise me a condition.”

“Speak, please.”

“Presumably you can see that we are not from this world, but from another World.” Ao Wuyan has no doubt at all that the wisdom of the Sun Ri, can become the character of the Buddha, and wisdom is extremely comparable to others. “The purpose of our coming to this world is to establish a branch of the Sky Academy, which is … the Journey to the West and the Magic Branch. At present, the Journey to the West and the Magic Branch is still a few students. As this world Number One Powerhouse, you are also a Buddha. Whether it is strength, Personality, or identity, are excellent candidates for students. “

Darri Rulai startedled: “The donor wants me to join Sky Academy and become a student?”

“To be exact, it is the Sky Academy branch, the Journey to the West and the Magic Branch!” Ao Wuyan corrected: “Of course, the branch is also part of the Academy, and you are not wrong.”

“Dare to ask the donor, what kind of Academy is Sky Academy?” Da Riru asked.

“Sky Academy is a huge monster that spreads all Heavens Myriad Realms. It has endless valuable resources and aims to cultivate a large number of talented powerhouses, so that everyone in the Academy is like a dragon! Of course, the ultimate goal is Gather everyone ’s strengths together to fight against the demons in the sky! “Ao Wuyan seriously said:” The Sky Academy pursues pedagogy, treats all races equally, human beings, demons and ghosts, and Dragon Race. Anyone who meets the requirements can join Sky. Academy, learn the strongest cultivation technique in the world, and enjoy countless resources … “

“The Sky Academy is very strong. In addition to the unfathomable Dean, there are an unknown number of Transcendent Upper Realm powerhouses, Transcendent Middle Realm powerhouses like me. Nothing in Sky Academy counts … I even suspect, I’m afraid Dean also secretly solicited a batch of eighth-order True God Realm powerhouse, but he didn’t preach that’s all. “

“Transcendent Realm? True God Realm?” Dari asked, “Is this the name of the mana realm?”

Ao Wuyan nodded, said: “Yes, the so-called Transcendent Realm is a powerhouse like you and me, but you only have the Transcendent lower realm, and I am the Transcendent Middle Realm. Above this, there is the Transcendent Upper Realm. And True God Realm is a stronger existence than Transcendent Realm. That is True God who understands Time Law and can control the existence of the power of time taboo! ”

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