Chapter 890 Waves and Undercurrents

Wine Sword Immortal Doubtful, saying: “Are you sure you can do it?”

Solemnly vowed, “What kind of person am I, you still don’t Understand? You can sit, never stand, you can be lazy, and never work! “

” Reassurance, since we have said doesn’t cultivate, we will never practice. “Swallowing Heaven Beast is also a sense of righteousness, “We will not be deceived by the deity.”

Old Man Tian Ji stroked his long white beard and smiled: “It’s hard to get free , I have n’t had enough rest, how can I practice? It ’s you, Wine Sword Immortal, you did n’t hide and practice secretly? ”

For a while, the greedy wolf dog and Swallowing Heaven Beast also set their sights on It’s Wine Sword Immortal.

Wine Sword Immortal straightened his chest and said, “Who did you treat me as Wine Sword Immortal? You have n’t cultivated yet, how can I Wine Sword Immortal secretly hide and cultivate? This is not me Style style! “

” Really? “Old Man Tian Ji smiled,” That’s good! “

” Yeah, that’s good. ” At a glance, his face was full of bright smiles, looking very happy.

Everyone feels that they have made a profit. When others are still lazy, they secretly hide and practice. The Cultivation Base has improved a lot, although it is only a few days, but it is not small. Progress, if we continue to do so, we will be able to move faster in the future, and the gap will widen.

This wave of operations is not a loss!

These four guys, none of them are honest, they have any crooked ideas in their hearts, and only they know.

No, besides themselves, Zhang Yu knows.

It’s just that although Zhang Yu knows, but not at all comes out and breaks through them, he wants the Wine Sword Immortal to compete more fiercely.

Yes, there are still some things in our branch waiting for me to deal with, including the stories that the deity had to explain last time, and some details that need to be arranged, I will not talk with you. “Wine Sword Immortal said,” Three of you, talk first, and I’ll play with you when I’m done with things. “

Hearing this, the greedy wolf dog seems to be It suddenly reminded me of something, and said, “Yes, you don’t say it, I almost forgot, there are some things in our branch waiting for me to handle.”

“So clever.” Old Man Tian Ji laughed: “I have to rush back to deal with the problem of transmitting wormholes in Doupo Branch, so I can’t stay long.”

Swallowing Heaven Beast opened his mouth and then coughed: “Since everyone has something, It ’s boring for me to stay here alone. I ’ll just go back first. If you have anything, you can come to me at the Journey to the West and Demon Branch. ”

After a while, Old Man Tian Ji, greedy wolf god Dog, Swallowing Hea Ven Beast then resigned, and the reason for their return was to handle the affairs of the branch, or for any other purpose, it is unknown.

“Ye Fan, if you entertain everyone for me, I will not blend in.” Wine Sword Immortal said to Ye Fan, before Ye Fan responded, he disappeared instantly, the hurried It looks as if there is something important waiting for him to deal with.

In the Atrium Plaza, everyone from Doupo Branch, Xianjian Branch, and Journey to the West and Demons Branch all turned their eyes to Ye Fan.

“You are Ye Fan, Senior Brother Ye?” At this time, Li Xiaoyao asked curiously.

Ye Fan nodded, his eyes fell on Li Xiaoyao: “Li Xiaoyao?”

Li Xiaoyao excitedly nodded: “Yes, Senior Brother Ye, I am Li Xiaoyao!” Can Seeing Ye Fan here, Li Xiaoyao is extremely happy. After all, Ye Fan is the first disciple under Zhang Yu and his First Senior Brother. In some respects, the relationship is closer than the other students.

“And me, First Senior Brother, my name is Tang Xuanzang, and I am also the honorary disciple of Teacher!” Tang Xuanzang said quickly.

Ye Fan slightly nodded, saying, “Well, I know you, Teacher told me. Li Xiaoyao, Child of Destiny of Sword World, Tang Xuanzang, Child of Destiny of Westward Jade World.”

Paused, Ye Fan pointed to Xiao Yan aside, and said, “Yes, you come to recognize your Second Senior Brother, this is your Second Senior Brother, Xiao Yan, the child who broke the world of Destiny. “

Ye Fan tone barely fell, everyone’s eyes turned to Xiao Yan.

“He is Xiao Yan, the boy Flame Emperor?” Everyone at Shrouding the Heavens Branch looked curiously towards Xiao Yan, with curiosity and admiration in his eyes.

Looking at Xiao Yan, there is still a pale face, it is hard to imagine, this is the young man, facing Yun Lanzong and Na Lan Yanran, shouting “prosperity and decline never last, do not bully “The extremely youngster” unyielding words, showing a stern iron bone.

Li Xiaoyao and Tang Xuanzang, after joining Sky Academy, have also heard the story of Dou Po. There is a blind worship of Xiao Yan. They looked towards Xiao Yan’s eyes, full of worship, It’s like two little fans.

“Xiao Yan Senior Brother, I have always admired you since I heard your story. I never thought we would finally have a chance to meet you today!” Li Xiaoyao was very excited, “hehe, you know I do n’t know, in our Sword World, many people are yours … fans! “

Tang Xuanzang also worships:” Xiao Yan Senior Brother is a real hero! “

Compared with Ye Fan, they are obviously closer to Xiao Yan, because Xiao Yan’s experience makes them feel more grounded and heats their blood.

Some older people pay more attention to Ye Fan. Compared with the unyielding Xiao Yan, the mature and stable Ye Fan is more restrained and understands Tibetan sharpness. Such people are more threatening. It is even more daunting.

“That …” Xiao Yan was a little embarrassed. After experiencing the divorce, Xiao Yan has matured a lot. Now, after hearing the touts of two Junior Brothers, he didn’t know how to respond.

In particular, the worship and eager eyes that many youngsters around him have thrown at him have made him feel a little difficult to fight.

He couldn’t help laughing: “When did I, Xiao Yan, have such a great reputation in All Heavens and Myriad Realms?”

“If you feel about Shrouding the Heavens World, If you are interested, you can walk around. “Ye Fan timely made a clearance for Xiao Yan and smiled.” Shrouding the Heavens World is very big, and there are many differences from the World where you are. Maybe you will have some unexpected gains. Of course, If you don’t want to walk around, you can stroll around Shrouding the Heavens branch, sit down and taste our Shrouding the Heavens World tea, Bloomberg, fellow students, please help me entertain everyone. “

Bloomberg eyes shined, then raised his chest and said to everyone: “I am in charge of the people who stay in the branch, black and yellow, Divine King Jiang, you take them to travel outside.”

After a while, Most people left Shrouding the Heavens to visit the strange World on this side.

Xiao Xuan, Gu Yuan, Zhu Kun, who broke through the branch, Yin Ruozhuo, the sword sage of Xianjian Branch, Wine Sword Immortal, Lord of the Moon Devoted Church, the aunt Mingyuan Qing, and the great sun coming from the Westward Demon Branch. , Stayed, followed Pombo, went to a tea house.

The Tutors of the Shrouding the Heavens branch, such as the Emperor and Wu Shi, returned to their respective places for repair after seeing the people from each branch, and did not intend to blend in.

When everyone left, Ye Fan said to Xiao Yan, Li Xiaoyao, and Tang Xuanzang: “Three Junior Brothers, please follow me.”

Xiao Yansan People without the slightest hesitation keep up with Ye Fan.

Obviously, unlike the major branches, the four of them belong to a small circle, and this small circle is Dean’s honorary disciple. This is their identity to stand out from the masses, and it is also their glory. It is this identity that makes them closer and more connected than the other students.


Tea House.

As soon as the crowds were seated, sword master Yin Ruozhuo said with emotion: “Unexpectedly, Dean at the Shrouding the Heavens branch is really a Junior Brother you!”

Xiao Xuan, Gu Yuan , Zhukun, Lord of the Moon Devoted Church and the others turned their attention to Wine Sword Immortal, with strange looks.

The Wine Sword Immortal who just left is different from the Wine Sword Immortal in front of him, except that the temperament is slightly different, and the Cultivation Base is more profound mystery, which makes people see the depth, there is almost nothing else. The difference.

“He’s him, I’m me.” Wine Sword Immortal also wants to understand this now, “Although we are essentially the same person, after all, we are in different times. We are all independent individuals. Connected the two of us. I think that those people in the Monster Race Department and Human Race Department of the General Hospital did not at all really treat me as Dean, only because I have a little relationship with Dean, so I gave face, Call me for Dean. “

He weighs a few pounds or two, and he is very clear.

Jian Sheng Yin Ruozhuo was nodded, and said, “Yes, small things, maybe everyone will give you a little bit of noodles, it should be to give this real Dean face, but if it involves important things, this After all, identity is still unreliable … “

Seeing Wine Sword Immortal figured it out, he was sighed in relief, fearing that Wine Sword Immortal would rely on his future identity and overswell.

Xiao Xuan and the others did not speak, but observing the sword master Yin Ruozhuo and the others secretly.

Even the sword sage Yin Ruozhuo, while speaking, observed the people at Dou Po Branch and the Westward Journey Demon Branch quietly, analyzing their respective strengths, and so on.

“This Xianjian branch cannot be underestimated.” Xiao Xuan, Gu Yuan, and Zhu Kun looked at each other, all seeing the dignity in each other’s eyes.

“Whether it is Xianjian Branch or Doupo Branch, you can’t belittle it!” Da Riru faced like sinking water, a calm look, but in his heart, there were waves. There are at least three Transcendents, and the Immortal Sword Branch has at least four … and the sword sage Yin Ruozuo and Moon Devoted Church Master Shi Jieren are even Transcendent Middle Realm powerhouse! “

After comparison, the Rirui suddenly found that among the four branches, the Westward Journey of the Devil was actually the weakest existence.

Not only are the Transcendents in the Journey to the West and Demons Branch the least, but they are also the weakest!

It can be said that in addition to the Dean, the entire Westward Journey of Demonstration is only his Transcendent. However, this Transcendent is only a Transcendent lower realm, which makes him feel a sense of being alone. .

In other branches, there are several Transcendents who support the facade, but the Journey to the West and the Magic Branch has only one Transcendent ………

The day is like a pin-up, and the momentum is not weak. 30%.

“If you knew this, you shouldn’t suppress the monkey’s head for five hundred years!” Da Rirui had a trace of remorse in her heart. Being a Transcendent person won’t leave me alone with this pressure! “Of course, he just thought about it. Even if time goes back and everything returns, he won’t let go of the suppression of Sun Wukong, otherwise, Sun Wukong Transcendent will I am afraid that the first person to deal with is him.

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