Chapter 892 The sword refers to the general courtyard

The atmosphere in the teahouse is quite weird, and Pombo stands beside, afraid to speak.

Suddenly he regretted picking up this hot potato and serving a group of Transcendent Realm bosses, but it was not an easy task.

“Little Child Ye is true, obviously Dean asked him to entertain everyone, but he left the task to us …” Bomber secretly slandered.


Shrouding the Heavens branch mountainside.

Ye Fan went to the edge of the cliff and stopped.

Xiao Yan, Li Xiaoyao and Tang Xuanzang stopped immediately.

“First Senior Brother, you let us come, do you have anything to say?” Xiao Yan wondered.

For the first time, Li Xiaoyao and Tang Xuanzang saw two Senior Brothers, so they seemed more restrained.

Ye Fan did not answer Xiao Yan ’s question, but asked, “Do you all know the General Hospital?”

Xiao Yan looked at each other with some in mind. Confused, but still nodded.

“Xiao Yan, tell me what you think of the General Hospital,” Ye Fan said.

Xiao Yan thought for a while and said, “There is no doubt that the headquarter is the Place of Origin of Sky Academy, where there are the most powerful tutors, rich resources, and a group of terrifying geniuses. …… The main hospital is a terrifying place, but it is infinitely longing for you! This is the main hospital of my mind! ”

Ye Fan nodded, and then looked towards Li Xiaoyao, Tang Xuanzang, Tao “What about you? What do you think of the General Hospital?”

Li Xiaoyao hesitated and said, “I only know that the General Hospital’s comprehensive strength is very strong, and it is better than the sum of its branches! According to Second Senior Brother, the headquarters has a group of shocking and stunning geniuses. As far as I know, there is a person who is very similar to Second Senior Brother. The Cultivation Base has reached Evading Revolving Middle Realm. There is a person named Wu Mo , Cultivation Base has reached Evading Revolving lower realm, and has a prettier Pill Refining Technique, Academy about one li, multiple Tutors, and even Dea n, all paid great attention to him, and even pleased him. There is also a fox demon, and Cultivation Base is even reaching Evading Revolving Upper Realm. “

Paused, Li Xiaoyao’s expression was condensed:” The most important thing is That fox demon is an eight-star Illusion Technique teacher. It is said that she is fully performing Illusion Technique, and even Dean can’t carry it. The strength is strong and people are stunned! “

Relative Yu Xiaoyan and Ye Fan, Li Xiaoyao got closer to the people at Sky Academy and learned more information.

“Generally speaking, there are many talents and distinguished people in the General Hospital. Among them, the most outstanding students are even higher than the Tutor of the General Hospital, as much as Dean!” Li Xiaoyao thought of himself All the things I have seen before, when thinking about sword sage Yin Ruozuo and Wine Sword Immortal Mo went to the door to see Wu Mo, and sighed: “As for the Tutor of the General Hospital, as far as I know, there is a group of Super Divine Beast Tutors. Asia ’s Great World ’s Dean! Unimaginable, such a group of masters, what a terrifying force they would be … ”

Xiao Yan swallowed:” So terrible? ”

Although he visited Zhang Yu earlier and contacted Sky Academy earlier than Li Xiaoyao, his understanding of Sky Academy is far from Li Xiaoyao’s.

“I have seen the Wu Mo, Xiao Yan, and the fox demon Bai Ling.” Xiao Yan was a little shocked, “Unexpectedly, they are so powerful!”

Xiao Yan is a proud person. It is not easy to get a “very good” evaluation from his mouth.

Li Xiaoyao said: “I have been in contact with them for a while, and I probably know something that others do not know. For example, in the main hospital, there are three departments: Human Race, Monster Race, and Dragon Race. The Human Race department is divided into ten classes, a class specializing in cultivation, and nine classes with special occupations. “

” Special occupations? “Ye Fan came to interest,” Can the Third Junior Brother say clearly One point? “

” The so-called special profession is a profession evolved from Special Innate Talent, which can enhance strength, or can assist in cultivation, combat, etc., and is specifically divided into pill concocting, Refiner, The nine major occupations of Formation, Illusion Technique, Curse, Beast Taming, Organ, Music, Medicinal Cuisine include almost all people in the world, high-grade special professions, and their status is even higher than a high-level cultivator … “Li Xiaoyao knows nothing, Dr. Danger Land said, “There are currently eight levels of special occupations, ranging from one to eight stars, corresponding to our cultivator level. And the fox demon Bai Ling is an eight-star top Illusion Technique master, and Wu Mo is also a seven-star Pill Refining Master! ”

Tang Xuanzang was stunned, and could not help but opened the mouth wide: “Would that not mean that Bai Ling’s status is equal to the eighth-order True God Realm powerhouse?”

You must know that his predecessor in his eyes Teacher, Transcendent lower realm is coming!

The Dean of each Great World branch is also the strength of Transcendent Upper Realm!

“They are so powerful!” Xiao Yan felt within the body, the blood was boiling, and a chest fighting intent was burning in the chest.

Ye Fan’s expression is more dignified: “pill concocting, I will be a little, Refiner, I will be a little, even Formula, Illusion Technique, I will be a little, but I just have a bit of fur and can’t make it big Yazhitang. Unimaginable, Illusion Technique alone, is comparable to the eighth-order True God Realm powerhouse, what terrifying Illusion Technique is. “

Li Xiaoyao shook his head and said,” Not the same. “

Ye Fan, Xiao Yan, Tang Xuanzang immediately set their sights on Li Xiaoyao.

“I once heard Dean say that our worlds are different from the General Hospital.” Li Xiaoyao said: “Although we can pill concocting, Refiner, and understand the formation, but actually , Not at all to grasp its essence, even if we have the talent of incomparable, we can not reach the end of this road, because we do not have that Special Innate Talent. “

He glanced at Xiao Yan , Said: “In” Broken History “, the Second Senior Brother will become the top Medicine Refining Master in the future, ranking Grade 9, but even so, it cannot be compared with the real Pill Refining Master …”

Xiao Yan raised an eyebrow: “Special profession, is it really so powerful?”

“You can believe it or not.” Li Xiaoyao shrugged and said, “Anyway Dean tells me so anyway. .Instead of wasting time studying pill concocting and refiner, it is better to practice it seriously. “

Xiao Yan is a little unconvinced, but this is exactly what Dean said. He could not refute.

Tang Xuanzang, like a salted fish, doesn’t make any remarks, so I listened to the three Senior Brothers honestly.

“The headquarter is full of talents, and some of them even make us feel ashamed.” Ye Fan said at this time: “Have you ever thought about why Teacher did not accept them as a honorary disciple, but instead Accept us as a honorary disciple? Maybe we do n’t have Special Innate Talent, but we ca n’t be arrogant. Teacher accepting us as a honorary disciple proves that we always have something to do. ”

Xiao Yan agrees:“ Yes! “

Li Xiaoyao also became confident:” Teacher’s vision is naturally the best! “

Tang Xuanzang has a little bit of imagination and dare not speak.

“Because of this, we need to work harder!” Ye Fan said a while later, “Think about it, the headquarters has monstruous talent genius such as Wu Mo and Bai Ling, and its status is no less than that. Dean, especially that Bai Ling, in a sense, is equivalent to True God Realm powerhouse, they are not Disciple of Teacher, and have achieved such terrifying achievements, and we, as the Honorary Disciple of Teacher, have been doing nothing. , Why does Teacher’s face exist? “

The mountain wind blows, and a few people feel a bit of cold.

Ye Fan watched the three Junior Brothers and said, “Even if Teacher doesn’t care, can you care about the joke in the world?”

“Xiao Yan, can you accept it?” Ye Fan’s eyes fell on Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan was silent for a moment, his fist clenched subconsciously, then released, and said, “It seems … somewhat difficult to accept.”

“Third Junior Brother, how about you?” Ye Fan looked towards Li Xiaoyao again.

“Of course I can’t accept it!” Li Xiaoyao without the slightest hesitation said, “Teacher is the most powerful character of All Heavens and Myriad Realms. It is the Legendary of the Sky Academy owner in mind. How can his discipline be done? Inferior to others? “Yep Fan was satisfied with nodded, and finally looked towards Tang Xuanzang:” What do you think of the fourth junior brother? ”

Seeing Ye Fan, Xiao Yan, and Li Xiaoyao are staring at themselves, Tang Xuanzang is a little nervous and stutters: “Emotionally, of course I can’t accept it. But, just …”

He wants Stop talking.

“Just what?” Ye Fan wondered.

“It’s just that I’m talented and incompetent. I’m far from being able to compare with the three Senior Brothers. I’m afraid they’ll drag everyone’s back and break the face of Teacher.” Tang Xuanzang knows Ye Fan’s How amazing is the innate talent. In the original history, their three people have achieved amazing achievements. The innate talent must be extremely terrifying. However, he himself, in the end, only relied on the true scriptures of the Great Sun Riku. It was with the help of Sun that he surrendered Sun Wukong, the king of Demon King. By contrast, he was naturally blushed with shame.

Ye Fan shook his head: “No, you are wrong!”

Tang Xuanzang startled.

“You are the Child of Destiny of Journey to the West, and this is certain.” Ye Fan said: “Child of Destiny, innate talent cannot be worse, even if the innate talent is not good, it will not be forever. Both innate talents are poor. Of course, the most important thing is that Teacher passed down Divine Art. There is no special requirement for innate talents … “

He looked at Tang Xuanzang steadily:” So, since From the moment you enter Teacher’s door, there is no difference between you and the three of us! “

Xiao Yan echoed:” Nice, fourth child, how long have you been practicing, and the Cultivation Base has reached Vortex Realm? Now, have you ever seen a cultivator that reached Vortex Realm in less than a month before? “Such cultivation speeds are even more amazing than Xiao Yan, Wu Mo and the others who just joined Sky Academy.

This cultivation speed may not be comparable to Xiao Yan and Ye Fan. Compared with Li Xiaoyao, the gap is more obvious, but compared to ordinary people, it is definitely a genius.

“As a teacher ’s honorary disciple, you must be confident!” Ye Fan said earnestly: “Our goal is not to compare with ordinary people, but … with the top talents of the General Hospital! For example, Bai Ling, Wu Mo, Xiao Yan and the others, that is our competitor! And this is also the main reason I let you talk over! “

In Shrouding the Heavens World, he is number one genius, even in All Heavens and Myriad Realms, he is a dazzling genius, but the real ones who are regarded as opponents are the geniuses of the General Academy!

His voice is calm, but full of firmness: “Only when we surpass those geniuses at the General Hospital, can we truly deserve the status of Teacher honorary disciple! If you even have this confidence and courage, No, it would be better to exit the Teacher’s door early and make room for the people who are really qualified and courageous! ” >

“Compete with Bai Ling, Xiao Yan, Wu Mo?” Li Xiaoyao also felt inexplicably surge of blood, “It seems that it is also a good thing to have such a powerful opponent!”

Tang Xuanzang took a spit, and felt an endless amount of pressure coming.

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