Chapter 894: Breaking the Balance

fellow apprentices such as Ye Fan The first time they met, they got along very well and reached many common opinions, especially Li Xiaoyao and Tang Xuanzang. When they left, they were all excited. , Excited mood, since then, they can be regarded as backing, no longer alone.

Although Ye Fan and Xiao Yan’s Cultivation Base is not as good as the Tutor and Dean, it can’t be underestimated. It can completely protect and protect their growth.

After returning to their respective branches, Li Xiaoyao and Tang Xuanzang practiced intently instead of asking about outside affairs.

Xiao Yan also said goodbye to Ye Fan, returned to Doupo Branch and took a break.

After one day, the students from the major branches successively returned to their respective Worlds. There are only a few individuals who intend to practice for a while in Shrouding the Heavens World, exercise their will to fight, and hone their own Fighting skills, after all, Shrouding the Heavens World’s force value is generally relatively high, even for the equivalent Cultivation Base realm, Shrouding the Heavens World, the battle strength is more arrogant than other World people.

Not long after the excitement, the four major branches gradually calmed down.

But this calmness is superficial. In fact, under the false calmness, the waves are rough.

In each World, people from the rest of the World are gradually coming in. Some people are in order to change the environment and look for opportunities to break through. Some people are to walk around the sky to increase their knowledge and broaden their horizons. Looking for heavenly materials earthly treasures, but only if their true purpose is so, they are only their own understood.

In short, everyone goes to another World and has a valid reason, it is difficult to distinguish between true and false.

Among them, not necessarily under the banner of growing awareness, in fact, secretly soliciting talented people.

Competition has begun!

The contest between the four branches has begun from the moment the passage of the heavens opened!

Everyone knows it well, but no one has taken it apart …

The World of Fighting and Sword World quietly joined forces, the two branches began to share resources and information, and cultivated in secret The powerhouse outside the hospital has been deployed in various ways. For a time, even the Shrouding the Heavens branch has to avoid its edge. Some are difficult to parry, and it has to wait for the opportunity to counterattack. The Westward Journey of the Demons is the weakest party. Relying on the hard support of a big day, everyone in the branch also felt deeply weak and helpless.

For a while, the situation and wind direction of the four branches were turbulent.

The Doppled Branch and the Xianjian Branch have occupied an absolute advantage, and they have done their best. The Shrouding the Heavens Branch barely supports it. The Journey to the West and the Demons Branch is defeated and defeated in invisible confrontations. In the next battle, many geniuses in the Journey to the West and some heavenly materials earthly treasures were divided by the broken World and the Sword World. Even the Shrouding the Heavens Branch took the opportunity to share a cup to get a little benefit to make up for themselves. loss.

Shrouding the Heavens.

Facing the unfavorable situation, Azure Emperor proposed: “It would be better for us to join forces with Xiyou Jiangmo Branch!”

However, his proposal was opposed by everyone.

I saw the wasteland owner shaking his head and said, “I don’t exclude the Shrouding the Heavens branch from joining forces with other branches, but the Westward Journey to the Magic Branch is obviously not working! As for the reason, everyone must understand!”

“What shall we do?” Azure Emperor frowned, said: “You can’t just sit and watch the Xianjian Branch and Doubo Branch all the time on our heads, but do nothing? Just a few days, we shrouding the How many talents have Heavens World lost? Can we just keep watching? ”

He looked towards Heavenly Emperor without a beginning, and asked,” No beginning, what do you say? “

Wu Shi Heavenly Emperor groaned slightly, then said solemnly: “Wait!”

“Wait?” Everyone looked at Wu Shih Heavenly Emperor in doubt.

“The joint work of Xianjian Branch and Doupa Branch is indeed beyond our expectations, but we are not without a little bit of fighting back.” Heavenless Emperor calmly said: “In these days, we also start from Other Worlds have recruited some talent and can make up for some losses. Overall, we have not been affected much. ”

Paused, he continued: “Now, we are in a hurry and useless. The only way is to wait. Wait for a suitable opportunity.”

“What is a suitable opportunity?” Empress Mother of West asked curiously.

“Don’t look at the four major branches now seemingly arrogant, in fact, this is just a superficial phenomenon.” Wu Shi Heavenly Emperor said with a slight smile: “The real decision is actually four. Dean! If our Dean at Shrouding the Heavens Branch makes a breakthrough first, and the Cultivation Base overtakes the other three Dean points, then the situation will be reversed in an instant, and all the disadvantages will be rewritten. “

“But …” Azure Emperor said, “Finally Dean comes from Sword World after all, not the native people of our Shrouding the Heavens World … And I always feel that pinning hope on Fen Dean seems to be It’s not reliable. “

To put it plainly, he just felt that Wine Sword Immortal was not very reliable.

There is no beginning Heavenly Emperor indifferent expression, and said: “Of course we can’t pin all hope on Dean. What I mean by waiting, on the one hand, means dividing Dean Cultivation Base breakthrough on the other, and On the other hand, it is waiting for the start of a new World! “

He calmly said:” We do need partners, but the Journey to the West is clearly not the right partner. Therefore, we may wish to look a little further and move the West No, it does n’t mean that other branches do n’t work. When the new world opens and the new branch is established, we have a choice. For example, the World of God ’s Tomb, or the World after Ascension, etc., these all are what we can fight for Goal. “

Everyone’s eyes shined.

Under the reminder of Heavenly Emperor without a start, they reacted. Their eyes were limited to the four branches, but they did not think of other worlds, other branches.

Sky Academy has been developing and growing. The new World opens in continuously, and there will be more branches in the future. Continuously appear. Therefore, Shrouding the Heavens Branch does not need to be in a hurry. a little!

“Apart from this, we can also focus on those Tiny Worlds, such as The Deva, the Nāga, and the Eight Sections World, Shooting World, etc.” Heavenless Emperor neither Fast nor slow said: “In fact, rather than working with those Great Worlds, I am more inclined to work with these Tiny Worlds. We provide resources and they provide talents. In this way, both parties have great benefits, and we Shrouding The Heavens can always be in the leading position, so you do n’t have to worry about the customer being bullied. “

Great Accomplishment Saint Physique solemnly nodded and said:” Yes, working with the powerful World, the risks are not small. Short time It may be okay. Over time, conflicts will inevitably occur because of many benefits. When the time comes may be disadvantageous to Shrouding the Heavens, but if you cooperate with Tiny World, you don’t need to worry about these issues. “

“The scenery of Xianjian Branch and Doupo Branch is only temporary. We are weak now, and it is only temporary.” At first Heavenly Emperor laughed: “I believe, until the new world of each and everyone opens, our situation will eventually reverse.”

Empress Mother of West pondered then said: “putting it that way, we should Stop the action temporarily, accumulate resources, and wait until the critical moment to use it! “

” At present, this is the best choice. “Heavenly Emperor nodded,” Of course, if you dean Being able to take the lead in breaking through the Cultivation Base, then we do n’t have to be so cautiously, and we can do whatever we can. ”

Everyone is silent. For the less reliable Dean, it is difficult for them to pin their hopes on him. .

“We do n’t care about dividing Dean. But there is a problem, we must determine now.” Heavenly Emperor looked serious, “What kind of path will the Shrouding the Heavens branch take in the future?” As I said just now, is it possible to unite with the top Great World, join forces together, crush the heavens, or cooperate with Tiny World to make a long run and seek for the future? Cooperating with Great World, you can immediately enter the glory, but the disadvantage is to seek skin with tigers It is very easy to work for others with no benefit to oneself. If you cooperate with Tiny World, you will not be able to compete with the heavenly branches in a short period of time, or even become mediocre. But the advantage is that as long as you pass the most difficult stage, you can gain unlimited. The future! “

Azure Emperor asked:” Can’t the two be synchronized? “

Wuxi Heavenly Emperor shook his head:” Our resources are limited and we can’t have both. If you forcibly do this, the end result will inevitably be that both sides cannot be taken care of. In any case, you must have a focus and you can appropriately tilt resources. On the one side … Of course, if we take Dean Cultivation Base breakthrough and lead Dean, we can get more resources. However, we can consider the two to proceed simultaneously. It must not work now. “

” Since this is the case, Then we work with those Tiny Worlds. “Azure Emperor said,” We don’t need a momentary scenery! ” It does n’t matter whether you succeed or not. Winning the future is the real victory. ”

Heavenly Emperor looked towards the Empress, and asked,“ Truly man, what is your opinion? ”

The Empress’s voice was cold and cold: “You just have to decide, I support your opinions.”

“Since this is the case, it is so decided.” Wu Shi Heavenly Emperor laughed: “Equally divide Dean out, I I will report everyone’s opinions to Dean, I believe that Dean will respect our choice. “

After this day, Shrouding the Heavens Branch is even more low-key. But ask almost entirely cents Sword World, the Big Dipper break World over people are not worried about them from Shrouding the Heavens branch to recruit the number of days away, as if nothing to see, nothing to know in general.

The Journey to the West and the Demon Devil Branch is too busy taking care of itself and has no energy to shrouding the Heavens World to plunder talents or resources.

For a time, the Dopo and Xianjian branches were so powerful that they became the first in the heavens. Many people in the Shrouding the Heavens World and the Westward Journey to the Demon World flocked to Dopo and the Sword World. In unconsciously, the balance of the balance is broken, and the World and Fairy Sword World have become the hottest Worlds of the heavens, and have become the Holy Land for countless geniuses and forces.

The Westward Journey to the Magic Branch.

Looking at the Journey to the West and dropping magic world, the talent is steadily draining, so that the entire world is withering, the vicious circle, and Da Riru feel deeply weak: “I am too hard!”

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