Martial Mythology

Chapter 911: routine

   Chapter 911 Routines

   The huge Lingshan fell into a dead silence.

   Everyone is like a sculpture, dumbfounded.

  The three world leaders joined forces, and they were not Bai Jie's combined enemies. It can be seen that this is a heavy blow to everyone in the three worlds.

   Outsiders only know that Bai Jie is very strong and unbelievably strong, while Tathagata Buddha and others know more about how terrifying Bai Jie is.

   Facing Bai Jie, they seemed to be facing the way of heaven, facing an existence that was absolutely irresistible!

   This makes them desperate!

   After a long time, Bai Jie slowly regained her senses, looked at the stunned crowd, and asked, "How is it, are you still fighting?"

   Hearing the words, Taishang Laojun, Bodhi Patriarch and others couldn't help laughing bitterly. Now they are all injured, even their weapons are damaged, how can they fight?

   The most important thing is that Tathagata Buddha, the first person in the Three Realms who had high hopes, is now seriously injured and unable to fight again.

   "What do you want!" Nezha asked out loud.

   "I've already said it very clearly, so I don't need to repeat it, right?" Bai Jie said lightly.

   Everyone looked at each other, and they were all silent.

   Taishang Laojun frowned: "What if we don't join?"

"Don't worry, no matter whether you join the Sky Academy or not, I won't do anything to you." Bai Jie said: "It's just that you really want to give up such a huge opportunity before you? , Others have tried every means to join the Sky Academy, but they have no chance..."

   After a pause, Bai Jie continued: "Besides, there are so many experts in Sky Academy, I won't move you, it doesn't mean others won't move you either."

   Hearing this, everyone couldn't help swallowing.

  No one wants to die, especially these immortals who have lived for countless years.

"To tell you the truth, the world of Journey to the West is highly valued by the dean. Therefore, Cang Qiong Academy will inevitably bring the world of Journey to the West under its control." Bai Jie's voice became a little colder, "You think, with your strength, , can it stop the entire Sky Academy?"

   They can't even beat Bai Jie, so how can they compete with the entire Sky Academy?

   "Is Sky Academy really so powerful?" At this moment, the Jade Emperor asked in a deep voice.

   "Do you think it is necessary for me to lie?" Bai Jie said disdainfully, "Just how powerful the Sky Academy is, you will naturally understand when you join the Sky Academy."

   Hearing this, everyone couldn't help shaking their hearts.

Bai Jie said again: "Don't you want to see the vast world outside? Don't you want to explore the Great Dao? If you stay in the world of Journey to the West forever, wouldn't it be like being trapped in a small pond? You, really Are you willing?"

   I have to say that Bai Jie's remarks had a great influence on Tathagata Buddha and others, and everyone had a deep feeling.

If they don't know the existence of the extraterritorial world, they don't feel anything, just live with it and be content with the status quo, but now, when they learn about the existence of the extraterritorial world, they find out that they are actually a frog in the bottom of a well, and they don't even have the real appearance of heaven and earth. See clearly.

   They have a lot of curiosity about extraterritorial worlds in their hearts, and they can't deceive themselves about this.

   However, it was difficult for them to make a decision for a while to let them join the Sky Academy immediately. After all, they don't know what is going on in the sky college and the world outside the territory. Everything is Bai Jie's words. If they rashly join the sky college, God knows what consequences will be caused.

   Their decision is related to the entire Three Realms, so naturally they cannot be neglected.

  This is an extremely difficult choice!

   "It's really stubborn." Bai Jie couldn't help shaking her head and sighing.

She was very angry, but she had nothing to do with the Tathagata Buddha and his party, because she knew the dean's temperament. If she dared to kill people in the world of Journey to the West, even if she finally completed the task, it is estimated that she would be punished very severely. , So, she could only show her prestige in front of them, but she didn't dare to actually kill.

   Bai Ling, who was secretly watching this scene, was also a little embarrassed: "Ancestor, what should I do?"

  If they fail to complete the task, they will be severely punished, they will not be able to receive new tasks within a year, and they will also be deducted from the benefits of the month.

  No matter what, they must complete the mission!

   "For today's plan, it seems that there is only one play." Bai Jie said through a voice transmission: "Girl, you will..."

   She shared her thoughts with Bai Ling and arranged each action step.

   After listening to Bai Jie's plan, Bai Ling hesitated: "This... Patriarch, how can I be so disrespectful to you?"

   "It's just acting, why be serious?" Bai Jie said: "The most urgent task is to complete the task first."

   "You really don't mind?" Bai Ling was still a little confused.

   "Okay, let's get started!" Bai Jie urged: "We have already delayed a lot of time, we can't delay it any longer!"

  Bai Ling was silent for a while, then took a deep breath and said, "Okay then. Ancestor, offended."

After the    sound transmission, Bai Ling closed his eyes and adjusted his temperament to make himself look as vicissitudes as possible.

   The next moment, Bai Ling's figure flashed and appeared in the sky above Daleiyin Temple, while performing the eight-star illusion.

  I saw white light shining on Bai Ling's body, with an ethereal and sacred temperament, an extremely terrifying aura, covering the entire Lingshan, like the manifestation of the heavenly way, the steady stream of mana, like a surging ocean, permeating the entire heaven and earth.



As soon as    Bai Ling appeared on the stage, he created a supreme and invincible influence without the slightest flaw!

  Eight-star illusion is also the first time to show its terrifying power!

   "Where is Bai Jie, the fox of the fantasy domain?" She was expressionless, and there was no emotional fluctuation in her voice.

   Everyone's eyes were attracted by Bai Ling, and the terrifying atmosphere around them made everyone's soul tremble.

They vaguely felt that the breath was much more terrifying than the breath that Bai Jie had exuded before. Under such a terrifying aura, they felt that they were infinitely small, like a speck of dust, and there was no resistance in their hearts. heart of.

   People from all directions stared at Bai Ling in amazement, and then quickly lowered their heads, daring not to look at him, as if it was a form of blasphemy against God.

   Bai Jie pretended to be frightened, immediately lowered her head, and said respectfully, "Sir!"

   This scene made everyone terrified and inexplicable. God, what is the origin of this mysterious woman, even this peerless and terrifying demon girl is so respectful to her, calling her "adult".

   "Sir", combined with the terrifying atmosphere, made everyone naturally think of many things.

   "I asked you to establish a branch of Journey to the West, can you do it?" Bai Ling asked 'indifferently'.

  Bai Jie suddenly showed a terrified look, vivid, with a trembling voice in her voice: "I'm sorry, my lord, the Journey to the West Branch has not been completed yet..."

   Everyone around, including the Tathagata Buddha, felt a little bit of fear inexplicably.

   "It's not done yet?" Bai Ling's tone changed a little, conveying a hint of dissatisfaction, "It's been half a month, and it hasn't been done yet?"

"Please forgive me!" Bai Jie was so frightened that she was trembling and almost burst into tears, "It's not because my subordinates are not doing their best, but because the people in the world of Journey to the West are not cooperating, and my subordinates sincerely solicit them, but no one agrees... Sir Forgive your life, my lord, spare your life!" There was no flaw in that tearful voice.

   However, her performance scared the Tathagata Buddha and others quite a bit.

  The more afraid Bai Jie is, the more it brings out the power and ferocity of this mysterious woman!

  If she is not strong, how could Bai Jie be afraid?

  If she wasn't vicious, why did Bai Jie beg for mercy?

   Just because one thing is not done well, the life of a super strong that makes them unable to resist...

"You can't even handle such a trivial matter, what's the use of you?" Bai Ling's voice was like ice, which made people feel cold to the bone, "Looking at your attitude of admitting your mistake, I will spare your life, but, If the task is not completed, you should be punished. In this way, this seat will abolish your cultivation as a punishment!"

   The voice fell, Bai Ling waved his palm, and a dazzling divine light suddenly appeared.

The next moment, Bai Jie seemed to have suffered a fatal blow. Her breath suddenly became weak, and in just a few breaths, it disappeared completely. A mouthful of blood spurted out of her mouth, and then fell towards the bottom. It was smashed to pieces, forming a huge deep pit.

   "Pfft!" Bai Jie spat out another mouthful of blood, her face pale and weak.

   She didn't pass out immediately, but struggled to stand up and said terribly, "Thank you, sir, for your life!"


  The entire Lingshan Mountain, the entire Daleiyin Temple, fell into a dead silence.

   The powerful and invincible demon girl in the eyes of everyone was just hit by such a fluttering blow and abolished her cultivation base?

  God, this mysterious woman, don't you want to be so scary!

   Many people were sweating coldly, and some people even shivered. They were extremely afraid of this mysterious woman.

   "Guru." The Jade Emperor swallowed softly, and before he knew it, his back was soaked with cold sweat.

Too strong!

   is too brutal!

   They have no doubt that if they dare to go against the will of this mysterious woman, I am afraid that the other party will not hesitate to obliterate them.

   This mysterious woman, even her own capable subordinates, can do such a heavy hand, so how can she care about these irrelevant people?

   As everyone was terrified, Bai Ling's eyes swept across the crowd, and those icy eyes with no emotion fluctuations made everyone shiver, as if they were in an ice cellar, and the cold was piercing to the bone.

"Since the world of Journey to the West doesn't cooperate, there is no need for it to exist." Bai Ling said softly, as if she was narrating a very common thing. However, when her voice came to everyone's ears, it was almost Scare the crowd into a coma.

   They have no doubts whether Bai Ling has the strength to erase the world of Journey to the West, and also have no doubts whether Bai Ling has such courage. The experience of Bai Jie has proved this.

   Buddha, Taishang Laojun, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, Jade Emperor, etc., all of them froze, almost dumbfounded.

   Bai Jie saw that the time was almost up, she immediately pretended to be weak and shouted: "Wait!"

  Bai Ling frowned, looked at Bai Jie in the middle of the pit in the earth, and said blankly, "What do you want to say?"

"Sir!" Bai Jie took a deep breath and said bravely, "Please, Lord, give your subordinates another chance, and the subordinates promise to convince them to establish a branch of Journey to the West! For three days, the adults only need to give the subordinates another chance. In three days, if the subordinates cannot complete the task within three days, the subordinates are willing to sacrifice their lives!"

  The Buddha and the others also woke up, without any hesitation, they quickly said loudly: "I am willing to join the Journey to the West Branch! Please enlighten me!"

   Bailing watched the Tathagata Buddha and others without speaking.

   Maybe it was under huge psychological pressure, although Bai Ling just looked at them calmly, but they felt suffocated, almost breathless.

   "One day!" Bai Ling finally said, "I will give you one day to establish a branch and recruit students into the academy. If it can't be done, there is no need to exist in the world of Journey to the West."

The voice of    fell, and Bai Ling's figure slowly dissipated, as if it had never appeared before, and the breath that made everyone tremble also disappeared.

   "Huh..." As soon as Bai Ling left, everyone couldn't help but take a deep breath, and the feeling of suffocation finally disappeared.

Below   , Bai Jie lowered her head slightly, but the corners of her mouth were slightly raised: "Since ancient times, routines have won people's hearts..."

   This shocking deception is just a routine, which involves all the gods and Buddhas in the sky.

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