Chapter 920 The Tomb of the Gods

Jade Emperor is still more knowledgeable. Since he knows all his means and hole cards, he can’t help others, so naturally he will not make meaningless struggles.

It hurts the enemy one thousand and self-damages eight hundred. It hurts fast, but the consequences cannot be afforded by the Jade Emperor.

Moreover, it is true that self-harm is 800, but whether it can hurt one thousand enemies has to be marked with a question mark.

Seeing Jade Imperial Capital compromised, even if the mother was unwilling, she didn’t dare to say anything.

Jade Emperor is Three Sectors Supreme. She only assists in management. This kind of thing cannot be her turn unless Jade Emperor authorizes her.

Journey to the West World Tathagata Buddha said with a smile with satisfaction.

Yang Jian asked: “Dare to ask the Jade Emperor, how can I change it?”

Jade Emperor was silent for a moment, then said: “Just follow the” Treasure Let’s change the Tiantiao recorded in the History of Lotus Lanterns! So, can you be satisfied? “


The modified Tianzhu in “The History of the Lotus Lantern” is the result of compromise between the two parties. Yang Jian is naturally not very satisfied, but the new Tianzhu eventually surpasses the original Tianzhu, and he cannot really Push Jade Emperor to the point of either the fish dies or the net splits.

“Well, that’s it,” Yang Jian said.

Journey to the West World Tathagata Buddha folded his hands and said to jade cauldron True Master: “Amitabha, the donor of jade cauldron, can you still be satisfied with this result?”

Jade cauldron True Master haha ​​laughed: “Satisfied, too satisfied!”

“If you feel good, if you have any tasks to post in the future, please contact me in advance.” Journey to the West World Tathagata Buddha said with a slight smile: “I must be as normal today as possible to complete the task as much as possible … In addition, if you are free, you can also help me publicize it properly, such as thank you in advance.”

Cauldron True Master quickly nodded: “It must be!”

“Amitabha, you donors, we have a chance to meet again!” Journey to the West World Tathagata Buddha folded his hands and said goodbye to everyone.

Everyone in the great hall saluted: “Congratulations to the Buddha!” ​​

The Jade Emperor also stood up and said, “Slowly the Buddha!” ​​

Journey To the West World Tathagata Buddha smiled nodded, then the silhouette flickered and disappeared in the sight of everyone.

The Baolian Lantern World Tathagata Buddha also said goodbye to the Jade Emperor and the others: “Amitabha, Jade Emperor, your donors, I also leave.”

A short while later, Celestial Court great hall The crowd gradually dispersed, leaving only the Emperor Jade and the Queen Mother sitting alone in the high position.

“I lost!” Looking at the empty great hall, the Jade Emperor seemed to have suffered a huge blow, his heart was depressed, and he looked disheartened. “I lost a lot!” > p>

“Jade Emperor!” The queen mother looked at Jade Emperor anxiously, fearing that Jade Emperor could not think of it.

Jade Emperor shook his head: “I’m okay.”

He stood up and looked away from the great hall: “I lost my worries, but woke up! Maybe, this Not bad for you! ”

The Queen Mother startedled: “What’s the answer?”

“In the past, we all relied too heavily on Heavenly Dao, and thought that Heavenly Dao was irresistible, but today’s matter is a puppet. Lesson. ”Jade Emperor took a deep breath, and said solemnly:“ This world, after all, is strength is respected. Although expensive is Three Sectors Supreme, but I ’ve been lazy in cultivation for many years, and Cultivation Base has fallen a lot behind, which will lead to today. Humiliated. If the Cultivation Base is higher than the Journey to the West World Tathagata Buddha, and the mana is stronger than him, the result will be different. “

” This … “The Queen Mother bowed her head,” Indeed It ’s like this. ”

The Jade Emperor continued:“ I heard that the Jade Emperor of the Sword World of Naxen has also encountered such an incident. Later, it was hard to work and retreat, and even reached Transcendent lower not long ago. Realm. I asked myself, innate talent is no less than him, no less than any Jade Emperor of the World, I am confident that in the near future, I will also reach the Transcendent lower realm, and even have One day, there will be a great shore like Journey to the West World Tathagata Buddha! “

At this point, his eyes became stunned:” At that time, I will find Journey to the West World Tathagata Buddha, discuss the truth with him! “

Jade Emperor’s temperament has changed a little bit, and it is more severe and resolute.

Fight the world.

Zhang Yu once again performed the Telepathic Technique.

At this time, Xiao Yan was promoted to the six-star Refiner division, and Zhang Yu was rewarded with the eight-star refiner technique.

With the torrent of information impacting Divine Soul, Zhang Yu is like a rock, unaffected by the slightest impact.

In an instant, he fully integrated the eight-star Refiner technique, the Refiner level, reached the top of the eight-star in one fell swoop.

“The way of Refiner is really mysterious!” Zhang Yu couldn’t help but secretly sigh, “No wonder that many Seven-Star Refiner Masters, throughout their lives, can’t break through and reach eight stars!”

Xiao Yan is really excited: “Six stars! Haha, I have become a six-star Refiner teacher!”

“Congratulations to Xiao Yan big brother!” Zhou Xin’er is also from the heart for Xiao Yan is happy.

“Is the Six-Star Refiner awesome?” Ou Shenfeng indifferently said: “Who is the same as the Six-Star Refiner …”

Xiao Yan suddenly looked, and immediately looked towards Ou Shenfeng: “Teacher, are you …”

I saw Ou Shenfeng said with a smile: “sorry, I became a six-star Refiner teacher ten days ago, but I didn’t tell you that’s all … … “

After all, your Teacher is still your Teacher!

Ou Shenfeng looked at Xiao Yan smugly, and you still couldn’t beat my expression after all.

“You became a six-star Refiner teacher more than ten days ago?” Xiao Yan said suspiciously, “Would you not fumble me?”

Ou Shenfeng eyebrows Pick, snorted, and said, “You little cub, dare to doubt the words of a teacher!”

He Yuguang glanced at Zhang Yu and said, “If you don’t believe me, you can ask Dean. Dean’s words You always believe it? “

Xiao Yan immediately set his sights on Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu used the Advanced Insight Technique to check the information of Ou Shenfeng. Sure enough, Ou Shenfeng has been promoted to the six-star Refiner division.

“Yes, your Teacher has indeed been promoted to the six-star Refiner division.” Zhang Yu said with a slight smile: “I wasn’t sure if it was ten days ago. But I think it should be about the same.”

Ou Shenfeng laughed: “How about, Xiaozi, didn’t I lie to you?”

“You’re great!” Xiao Yan shook his head, “It seems this bet, I Lost. “

Looking at the master and disciple, they laughed, and Zhang Yu felt quite funny, even envious.

Since he reached the Transcendent Realm, the people at the Sky Academy have become more and more in awe of him. Even the old students, including Lin Ming, Zhang Hengyang, Mao Zhanfeng and the others, have become more respectful to him, and then I can’t get back to that kind of fun.

“Okay, you talk, I won’t blend in.” Zhang Yu found that Xiao Yan and Ou Shenfeng seemed to be a little jealous of their existence, and could not help but talk. Wave your hand and leave.

Sky World.

Zhang Yu didn’t stay in Doubo World. After leaving, he returned directly to Sky World. Only here he was able to free and unconstrained, remove the mask of disguise, and be himself.

Feeling Sky World ’s fragile space wall barrier, Zhang Yu groaned a little, and finally gave up the idea of ​​trying to make the true Divine Item of Grade 8.

Grade 8 True Divine Item and Grade 8 True Divine Pill are one level. Successful refining will inevitably attract an extremely scary tribulation thunder.

Last time refining the tribulation thunder that Divine Pill brought to Grade 8 last time, made Sky World unrecognizable and devastating, which caused Zhang Yu to spend months to repair it. There is still a trace of psychology The shadow has a lesson from refining Grade 8 real Divine Pill. Zhang Yu can’t dare to refine the Grade 8 real Divine Item in Sky World.

“Eighth-order True God World …” Zhang Yu is more and more eager to create an eighth-order True God World.

Only the eighth-order True God World can carry the tribulation thunder brought by Grade 8 True Divine Pill and Grade 8 True Divine Item!

After shaking his head, Zhang Yu checked the progress of Dantian World.

After seeing the situation of Dantian World clearly, Zhang Yu’s spirit was revived: “Everything is formed!”

In the unconsciously, the tomb world, the global Gaowu world, and the sun god world , After World Ascension, Predator Starry Sky World, Great Sage Equal of Heaven Sun Wukong World, all have taken shape!

“Six top 7th grade Great World!” Zhang Yu’s breathing speeded up a bit, “After the six worlds have been attacked, you can consider incubating the eighth-level true World!” > p>

Until now, he is looking forward to this day, and now he finally sees hope.

“Let’s take a look at the newly hatched Worlds first.” Zhang Yu immediately appeared a dark twisted vortex in front of him. He stepped on his feet and walked directly into vortex.

In the tomb world, Zhang Yu emerged from a dark twisted vortex. When his body completely left the vortex, the vortex gradually closed and eventually disappeared.

Zhang Yu is in a mountain surrounded by verdant hills and limpid water. There is a strong Spirit Qi, but the Spirit Qi here is a bit confusing. It has all attributes and has a subtle nature. The difference, this is the special environment unique to the World of Gods Tomb. Here, the Oriental Buddha and the Fiendgod in the West collide with bright sparks, and different civilizations interpret their own splendor.

“This is the Fiendgod Cemetery?” Zhang Yu looked at the cemetery like a garden below and recognized the place.

The protagonist of this World is walking out of the Fiendgod Cemetery. A person who should have died many years ago has been resurrected in this era.

Zhang Yu releases the sense of divine, sweeping the entire world of the tomb of God, the hidden powerhouse, the ancient Divine Soul, including the evil Heavenly Dao, as if stripped of his clothes. Below, it’s clear.

“So many Transcendent Upper Realm powerhouses.” Zhang Yu was a little surprised. “Heavenly Dao has reached the pinnacle of Transcendent, which is only one step away from the eighth-order True God Realm.”

Very strong!

Zhang Yu obviously feels that the overall strength of the tomb of God is extremely powerful. Compared to Journey to the West World and Journey to the West, the world is much stronger. There are many Transcendent Realm powerhouses here. Hundreds of people, under Transcendent, the Evading Revolving Realm powerhouse is even more powerful, even the ordinary person has extraordinary power.

This is a truly top 7th grade Great World, a powerhouse as clouds World!

Zhang Yu thought to himself: “This World of God’s Tomb, even if placed in the Fairyland, should be regarded as a relatively powerful top 7th grade Great World, right?”

I checked God After the situation at Tomb World, Zhang Yu quietly left without disturbing anyone.

Next, he took a look at the situation of the remaining top 7th grade Great Worlds, and then found that after the ascension, the World and the global Gaowu World were not inferior to the tomb world, only Yang Shen World and Great Sage Equal of Heaven Sun Wukong World are slightly weaker, but Predator Starry Sky World is even stronger than God Tomb World, and much stronger, if not for the existence of the eighth-order True God Realm powerhouse, Zhang Yu even I wonder if Predator Star World will be an eighth-order true God World. Otherwise, why are there so many Transcendent Realm powerhouses?

“Ten thousands of Transcendent Realm powerhouses are vast and immense, more than a hundred times larger than Shrouding the Heavens World …” Zhang Yu couldn’t help but marvel, “This World, could it have been promoted to the eighth level of God?” Is the edge of the World? “

Obviously, these new 7th grade Great Worlds, except for the Yangshen World and the Great Sage Equal of Heaven Sun Wukong World, are not easy to do. Especially the Predator Starry Sky World is vast and immense, and there is still a realm in the world, and even Zhang Yu feels a little headache.

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