The terrible coercion has always enveloped the whole World of God ’s Tomb. Everyone knows that Heavenly Dao has truly awakened, and it is paying attention to everyone coldly.

For a long time, Heavenly Dao ’s voice sounded, with a trace of hesitation: “Who are you?”

It deduces the past and the future, but it does not find the existence of Wine Sword Immortal and the others The traces passed through, as if this group of people came out of nowhere. The most terrifying thing is that the Wine Sword Immortal people let it smell a dangerous breath and let it feel a hint of threat, while the rest of Sky Academy, although It is far from threatening its safety, but its strength cannot be underestimated. Such a group of masters did not leave any traces in the World of Gods Tomb.

“Our identity is not important, what is important is … our purpose.” Wine Sword Immortal faintly smiled, “Do you want to know?”

The horror power that permeates the sky Pressure, suddenly skyrocketing.

Heavenly Dao seemed to feel that his majesty was offended, and said angrily: “No matter what your purpose is, you must die today!”

“Do n’t be impatient, the more you It ’s impatience, the more guilty it becomes. ”Wine Sword Immortal said slowly:“ Although you may have guessed, but I still have to say it again, we set foot on this world, just to hunt you! Rest assured, we will not kill you At most, you are imprisoned, and then take you to a good place! “

Powerhouses secretly concerned, after hearing the words of Wine Sword Immortal, were a little shocked.

Heavenly Dao rage: “It ’s up to you?”

The whole chaos seems to boil, horrible coercion, crazy soaring, violent sound, and the Quartet universe trembles , As if to collapse.

“There is still us!”

At this moment, between Heaven and Earth sounded a bland voice.

The Du Gubai sky broke through the 9 Heavenly Layer and came to the mysterious nine days above, appearing in the sight of Wine Sword Immortal and the others.

The spirit of the old tomb-keeper was revitalized: “He is here too!”

Powerhouses that are secretly concerned, after seeing the silhouette, they also shuddered, and some people ’s souls All shuddered slightly, not knowing whether it was because of excitement or because of … fear.

He, Du Gubai, the reincarnation of the world, Myriad Tribulations Inextinguishable!

He is famous for a long time, and is said to have praised the endless years. It is the existence of Supreme in the eyes of the cultivator. It stands like a monument on the cultivation path, so that all later come to worship.

He, Taikoo ’s first taboo god, a character taboo in heaven, refused to mention his name.

Because of him, the fourth world of the legendary collapse!

Because of him, he has a broken world!

He is the leader of the battle of the sky, and the enemy of Heavenly Dao, but he has survived hundreds of disasters, and the battle spirit will never die. Even if he dies, the battle spirit is still burning, Undying and Inextinguishable Even Heavenly Dao couldn’t kill him completely …

“He didn’t die!” The entire Divine Tomb World, countless powerhouses secretly concerned, boiled.

Seeing him, as if seeing hope!

“And we!” After the appearance of loneliness and defeat, the silhouettes of Demon Lord, Ghost Lord, and Chen Zhan successively appeared.

Many people swallowed a spit and were dumbfounded: “Neither of them died?”

Compared to the fame of loneliness, ghost demon, and Demon Lord, Chen Zhan looks younger, but his strength is not weaker than the top three.

Heaven and Earth’s four strongest souls of war, all returned!

Then, more and more silhouettes appeared, each and everyone only existed in the legendary Fiendgod, even after one appeared another!

This scene has made many people look dumbfounded, as if returning to antiquity time, returning to the Great Ancient Era, the people who appeared continuously to join the squad, many of them are ancient Mythical characters, I can’t think of them, they are all alive, and their strength seems even more terrifying.

“The battle of cutting the sky, how can we be without us?” Looking towards Wine Sword Immortal, faintly smiled.

Heaving Heavenly Dao, saying it in his mouth, is like eating and drinking water. Such a bold and indifferent temperament shows a strange personality charm.

He is also curious about the identity of Wine Sword Immortal and the others, because he has reincarnate from the Great Ancient Era, but he has never seen or heard of the existence of Wine Sword Immortal entire group. A group of powerful and terrifying beings, he has no memory at all.

However, curiosity is curiosity, he did not struggle with this.

He just needs to know that the purpose of Wine Sword Immortal entire group is also to cut the sky!

Since everyone ’s position is the same, it ’s a friend!

“Although I do n’t know what your strength is, but if you think about it, it should n’t be worse than ours.” Lonely defeated sky said with a slight smile: “So, if everyone joins together, would n’t we be more sure to kill this evil Heavenly Dao? “

Ghost Lord and Demon Lord looked at each other, and then said:” We are already waiting for this day! “

> Heavenly battle solemnly:” Heavenly Dao Danghu! “

Wine Sword Immortal’s eyes swept over the loneliness and defeated several people, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly:” Heaven Defying Level peak. “

In the World of Gods Tomb, Heaven Defying Level The pinnacle is the highest realm that manpower can reach, which is Transcendent Upper Realm. The Realm of Heavenly Dao is actually at this level, only because of its special life form, so that its strength is stronger than the peak of Heaven Defying Level, but Compared to True God lower realm, it is worse.

He looked at the rest of the people beside the lonely defeated day. Although these people ’s Cultivation Base did not reach the peak of Heaven Defying Level, most of them reached the heaven level, and some of them reached Heaven Defying Level.

In general, compared to the lineup of the World War I in “History of the Tomb of the Divine Tomb,” the current loneliness and defeat of the entire group, the overall strength is much weaker.

“You courting death!” Heavenly Dao saw the lonely and the others appear, and they were frightened and angry.

Chaos King, Primal Chaos Child, Guangyuan, Taishang, Qingtian and the others seem to have understood Heavenly Dao ’s intentions, and walked out from the misty chaos, revealing the silhouette, each of them has Heaven Defying Level’s battle strength, shaking feet, and World are all about the existence of three shocks. Even if you fight against a few people who are alone and defeated, you can barely make a few moves.

Lonely and defeated frowned: “I will solve them.”

Ghost Lord, Demon Lord, and Chen Zhan looked at the lonely and defeated heaven without any objection.

“Not in a hurry.” Wine Sword Immortal slightly smiled: “I know that you are eager to cut the skies, but it is not easy to meet such an opponent, it is better to leave it to us at Sky Academy to practice, rest assured, I Guarantee, Heavenly Dao can’t run away. “

Paused, he said to Bai Jie and Bai Ling:” Bai Jie, you go play with Heavenly Dao, Bai Ling, you solve these small shrimps, no Ask? “

Bai Jie and Bai Ling glanced at each other, and then nodded together.

The two went directly out of the team and calmly walked towards Primal Chaos Abyss, where Bai Ling moved heading towards Qingtian, Chaos King and the others, and Bai Jie moved towards the chaos deeper, they The expression was calm, and it seemed very calm, as if simply did not know the terrifying of Heavenly Dao, nor the terrifying power that Qingtian and the others possessed.

“You let her deal with Heavenly Dao alone?” The Demon Lord was a little shocked, “Are you crazy?” Dao’s opponent!

Could it be such a joke?

Lonely defeated several people also did not understand Wine Sword Immortal’s approach, frowned slightly.

Wine Sword Immortal said with a smile: “Watch it with peace of mind, rest assured that they will be fine!”

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