Chapter 947 Eight Stars

Although many history books record the history of the Great Worlds and describe the powerhouses in detail, their specific strengths, compared with the cultivation realm of the Wild World, what realm is probably, but few people know, Now, it is an excellent opportunity for everyone to understand the comprehensive strength of each World more clearly.

Du Gubai God and the others are not stupid, they can naturally see everyone ’s ideas.

The reason why they insist on challenging the evil Heavenly Dao also has their own considerations.

After joining Sky Academy, they understood the existence of All Heavens Myriad Realms, and understood their respective World ’s position. Unfortunately, the World they are in connects with All Heavens Myriad Realms. Later, although the foundation is solid, the development has lagged behind the rest of the world.

Now is undoubtedly an opportunity to show power. In this way, it can not only show the strength of its own World, but also enhance its sense of presence, so that those Worlds that have connected to All Heavens Myriad Realms in the early days can be More attention is directed to the World where he is.

Only by being famous can we attract more attention and attract the talents and resources of All Heavens Myriad Realms!

Du Gubai God, Primal Chaos City Lord and the others all have this idea in mind, but everyone is silent about it and they are very tacit and keep silent and cooperate with each other.

Noisy voices were heard from time to time in the crowd, crowds whispered, looked towards Du Gubai and the eyes of the others, with both curiosity and expectation. I do n’t know these mysterious gangsters, What kind of battle strength does it have?

Time is slowly passing, but the independent space is not aware of the change of time, as if it is eternal.

Unconsciously, the evil Heavenly Dao has been awakened. With the help of the essence of divine medicine, its power has restored Peak.

As the black mist on it jumps slightly, like a head of ancient ominous beast waking up from a deep sleep, the suffocating magnificent heavenly power once again envelopes the independent space.

“Which of you will come first?” The evil Heavenly Dao’s vast voice slowly sounded without the slightest emotional fluctuations, giving people a sense of indifference to life.

Du Gubai stood up, with a light smile on his face: “I ’ll come first!”

Demon Lord, Ghost Lord, and Chen Zhan are also be eager to have a try, but since Du Gubai spoke first, they don’t have much to say.

The rest of the world ’s experts did not compete with Du Gubai. Whoever comes first does not actually affect anything. I just took this opportunity to learn about the strength of the World Powerhouse, it seems that There is no need to rush.

Primal Chaos City master and the others figured this out, voluntarily withdrew from the independent space Central Region, leaving the battlefield to Du Gubai and evil Heavenly Dao, so that they can do nothing and let go .

“Many thanks everyone succeeds!” Du Gubai cupped the hands to everyone, and then turned to look towards the evil Heavenly Dao: “In these years, I have not been lazy, and the battle strength is far better than that … … I do n’t know if you have made any progress in these years, I hope you do n’t let me down. ”

The evil Heavenly Dao looked at Du Gubai indifferently:” I hope you can still laugh after a while. “

Yu Guang glanced at the distant Demon Lord, Ghost Lord, Chen Zhan, Primal Chaos City Lord, Zhang Tao and the others, evil Heavenly Dao indifferently said: “nonsense, hurry up, I have no time to work with you Fighting! “It has so many opponents that it takes a lot of time even if it keeps accepting challenges all the time. Naturally, it doesn’t want to waste too much time on Du Gubai.

Seeing the evil Heavenly Dao does n’t seem to put himself in the eye at all, and Du Gubai is not angry, he is seriously nodded: “Since that is the case, then I will do what you want!”

Du Gubai day’s temperament will change rapidly after the words fall, and the ancient taboo God Du Gubai day, get serious!

The serious Du Gubai day is undoubtedly very terrifying, even the evil Heavenly Dao dare not ignore his existence!

I saw Du Gubai holding “Duo Gu” in his hand, his eyes were like substance, locked in the evil Heavenly Dao, one after another, the horrible Divine Soul wave, moved towards all directions radiation, it was extremely pure Divine Soul Power, without any slight divine force, as one of the four strongest souls in the World of Divine Tomb, Divine Soul is his capital of survival and his most powerful source of strength.

Compared with Sun Wukong, Du Gubai ’s power is slightly weaker, but his calmness and self-confidence have never been better.

“I have been waiting for this day for a long time.” Du Gubai lifts the head slowly, and his eyes are like the disillusionment of the stars, “Through Thousand Tribulations, even if the soul flew away and scattered, my Spiritual Consciousness Rely on, fight for 100 life reincarnation, even if the six impermanences are impermanent, I will still live forever. Heavenly Dao, Heavenly Dao, the sky has lost its way, why should we bless the sky? ”

The “solitary lonely” in his hand seemed to be burning, releasing a hot flame, which was extremely hot.

In the next moment, Du Gubai held “Duo Gu” in the sky, and suddenly burst out. At that moment, “Duo Gu” bloomed gorgeous rays of light, as if illuminating the whole world, he with the body almost all The strength of Divine Soul is burned and poured into it. In that eternal moment, it shines.

This split contains his belief in invincibility and his Inextinguishable Intent, which has thousands of cycles!

This is the most shining moment in his life, and it is also an unreserved split he took all on one throw!

There is only one trick, but it is amazing the ages of the ages, and it is eternal!

The evil Heavenly Dao is very dignified. Even when facing Sun Wukong, it has not been so dignified. The attack of Du Gubai ’s take all on one throw actually made it feel no small threat. !

Of course, it ’s not that Du Gubai days are stronger than Sun Wukong. The real reason is that Du Gubai days infuse all the power into this move, almost hurting the enemy by a thousand self-impairment. Playing style, formidable power is more fierce than Sun Wukong’s attack, but this playing style is destined not to last. In terms of the battle strength of Du Gubai days, exhausting all the power is only enough to launch this move. After the move, there will be no battle strength.

Faced with such a lifeless play, the evil Heavenly Dao has no other choice but to mobilize more power and resist this move!

It has a black mist around its body, and its magnificent hands are like a scorching sun. The giant hands transformed into black mist are infused with a lot of power, blocking the way of “Duo Gu” marching forward. When the word spread, I saw “Dugu” crashing. The strength of Divine Soul contained in it broke out uncontrollably, actually bursting the dark giant hand of the evil Heavenly Dao.

The evil Heavenly Dao groaned, uttered a painful moan.

“Courting death!” The evil Heavenly Dao felt that his majesty was offended and could not help but burst a killing intent.

When I think of Wine Sword Immortal, the killing intent of the evil Heavenly Dao, it quickly disperses and forcibly suppresses the inner urge.

Du Gubai It was a bit unexpected. I did n’t expect the evil Heavenly Dao to endure it and did n’t continue to shoot.

“It’s a pity, it’s still defeated.” Du Gubai has some regrets in his heart. “With my own strength, it is still difficult to compete with Heavenly Dao …” His life-long power only hurt the evil. Heavenly Dao, but it is far from threatening his life, which makes him feel very sorry and helpless.

Unfortunately, the evil Heavenly Dao left the World of God ’s Tomb. Otherwise, he and the Demon Lord and the others have spent countless years laying down the power of the entire World of God ’s Tomb.

He shook his head and looked back at the evil Heavenly Dao, saying: “You should be thankful, thank you Wine Sword Immortal Senior for taking you away from the World of God ’s Tomb, otherwise … if there is no outside world Your intervention, your final ending, is undoubtedly extinction! “He has read” History of the Tomb of Gods “, knowing that in the original history, his entire group finally got what he wanted, killing the evil Heavenly Dao.

The evil Heavenly Dao has never seen “History of the Divine Tomb” and naturally does not understand the meaning of Du Gubai’s words.

Its voice still has no emotion, just like a machine: “Did you say it?”

Du Gubai looked at the evil Heavenly Dao deeply, and then said very cheerfully: ” That ’s it! “

He came here, in addition to proclaiming the power of the Divine Tomb World, and brushing on the presence of the Divine Tomb World, the only purpose is to satisfy his obsession, now with evil Heavenly Dao’s first battle, his obsession was also satisfied, and his heart was greatly relieved, and his thoughts were open.

“Go away when you are finished!” Evil Heavenly Dao indifferently said: “Du Gubai, battle strength, eight stars! Who is the next challenger?”

Eight star battle strength.

Everyone heard the evil Heavenly Dao’s evaluation of the battle strength of Du Gubai days, but couldn’t help but doubt that the outbreak of Du Gubai days moment was even more terrifying than Sun Wukong. Why is the eight-star battle strength?

It ’s just surprising that Du Gubai seemed to agree with this battle strength evaluation, said with a slight smile: “Is the eight-star battle strength? haha, yes, one higher than I expected Star, not bad! “He originally thought he only had seven-star battle strength, didn’t expect, and the evil Heavenly Dao gave a one-star higher than he expected, which is undoubtedly a good result.

Many Transcendent Upper Realm powerhouses are secretly nodded in their hearts, and they agree with this result.

“Let me come next.” The Demon Lord walked out of the crowd and looked at the evil Heavenly Dao. “Would you like to recuperate?”

The evil Heavenly Dao said indifferently: “No need, hurry up Let’s get started! “

Although it was injured a little, it was not a big deal. Compared with the cost of fighting Sun Wukong, the impact of this cost just now is almost negligible.

The Demon Lord is not polite, and immediately strikes, fighting the evil Heavenly Dao.

Under the watch of countless lines of sight, Demon Lord and the evil Heavenly Dao Scripture battled for a while, and finally lost.

He looks very graceful, even if he loses, he still has a gentle smile: “I lost.”

The evil Heavenly Dao has gone through two battles in a row, showing slightly There is a trace of fatigue, but it still maintains its majestic image, indifferently said: “Your battle strength is eight stars! The next challenger …” It just wants to finish playing quickly, and then take a good rest, after all, with so many experts Even if it is stronger, it is very exhausting. Even if it does not consume much power, it is still mentally exhausted.

“I’m coming!” The ghost owner stepped forward without any politeness.

After some battles, the ghost master ’s battle strength rating also came out, eight stars!

The last shot of the Chen battle, the result is also no different from Du Gubai’s few people, it is still eight stars!

I can see that the Tomb of the World has produced four Transcendent Upper Realm powerhouses with eight star battle strengths in succession, and everyone around them has been calmed down. One Transcendent Upper Realm powerhouse with eight star battle strengths is enough to deter All Heavens Myriad Realms, now there are four at once, unimaginable, how powerful is the God Tomb World.

That ’s eight-star battle strength!

Seven-star battle strength Transcendent Upper Realm powerhouse, you can rank among the ranks of All Heavens Myriad Realms Peak level expert, and the World of God Tomb pops up four at once, showing its background and strength!

Journey to the West, which was originally regarded as a threat by countless people, is a posthumous world. In front of the World of God Tomb, it seems that it is not enough to look at.

Journey to the West The posthumous world has a nine-star battle strength Sun Wukong, a three-star battle strength Tathagata Buddha, and a two-star battle strength skyless Buddha, compared to many early Great World, Journey to the West, the posthumous World is undoubtedly the most powerful existence, and is regarded by many World as the biggest competitors, but now, the status of the Journey to the West posthumous World seems to be no longer guaranteed.

With a Sun Wukong alone, even if his personal strength is stronger, I am afraid that it is difficult to compete with the world of the tomb of expert as clouds!

Primal Chaos City, Zhang Tao and the others, who were originally in a relaxed mood, are also feeling heavy at the moment, and the importance they have attached to the World of God ’s Tomb has raised a grade!

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