Chapter 950 Dazzling

The evil Heavenly Dao idea moves, one after another Heavenly Dao avatar, the first to launch an attack.

It was originally intended to be recuperated immediately, but it was only because of Bai Jie ’s face that he had to come forward to host the battle in person.

Bai Jie ’s face, it must give, the only way is to let Heavenly Dao dominate the attack and end the battle earlier.

“xiu …” I saw one after another Heavenly Dao in the field, the avatar was like a phantom, and suddenly rushed towards Xiao Yan, Wu Mo and the others, the speed is as fast as lightning, and one after another afterimage.

However, after all, they are only avatars. The highest Culture Base is only Evading Revolving Upper Realm. Compared with the evil Heavenly Dao, he fights with Sun Wukong, Du Gubai, Primal Chaos City, Heavenly Emperor and the others. At that time, the power was much smaller, and the visual impact was far less than the previous battle.

Xiao Yan, Wu Mo and the others seemed very calm, facing the attack of the Heavenly Dao doppelganger, calmly launched a counterattack.

In a moment, Xiao Yan and Wu Mo entire group were in battle with many Heavenly Dao avatars.

Although the scene was not intense, everyone around them held their breath and focused on Xiao Yan entire group without any distraction.

Du Gubai God, Primal Chaos City master and the others raised their eyebrows, their expressions gradually became solemn, and there was even a touch of shock in their eyes.

Shrouding the Heavens branch students are even more incredible: “How is it possible!” Incredible.

I saw that Xiao Yan, Wu Mo and the others, under the attack of the Heavenly Dao doppelganger, seemed to be at ease and did not fall out of the way. Especially Xiao Yan and Wu Mo, not only did not feel strenuous, On the contrary, Heavenly Dao is faintly pressed, as if they are the strong side.

Involuntarily, a word appeared in the minds of everyone: “evenly matched!”

Yes, the battle between Xiao Yan and Wu Mo and Heavenly Dao ’s avatar is exactly evenly matched status.

Even Lin Ming, Zhang Hengyang and the others, whose battle strength is weaker, are very calm in the face of the strong wind and swift rain attacks of the Heavenly Dao avatar, and they ca n’t see the slightest embarrassment.

“Their battle strength is so strong …” The students of Shrouding the Heavens branch were a little dumbfounded.

Chuan Ying, Ning Fei, Gai Jiu You, Divine King Jiang Taixu and the others also fell silent.

This, fake?

Have these Heavenly Dao avatars released water?

Even Du Gubai Tian, ​​Primal Chaos City, and many other bigwigs, this moment is also a little surprised: “What kind of battle strength is this? Nine stars? Heavenly Dao level?”

Many ordinary monks around were even more shocked, sucking in a cold breath: “hiss ……”

Is this the battle strength of the first generation of students in the legend?


Faced with such terrifying battle strength, no matter how proud a genius, at this moment, he has to lower his noble head and have to admit that the first generation of students are powerful.

In the sky, the evil Heavenly Dao also noticed the out of the ordinary of Xiao Yan and Wu Mo entire group.

It was a little shocked in its heart, and even some could not believe it: “They can compete with my avatars?”

You know, it is evil Heavenly Dao, and its avatars naturally have Heavenly Dao The level of battle strength is just that Cultivation Base realm is not as good as it’s all.

At this moment, this group of mysterious youngsters can actually be evenly matched with its avatars, so why does it feel so bad?

When did Jiuxing Battle Strength, and even Heavenly Dao-class battle strength powerhouse, flooded to such a degree?


The entire independent space has fallen into a strange silence!

In the field, Xiao Yan, Wu Mo entire group calm, and Heavenly Dao were entangled with each other without any loss.

At this moment, everyone ’s attention to Xiao Yan and the others has risen to an unparalleled height, even if they only have the Cultivation Base in the Evading Revolving environment.

The Evading Revolving environment powerhouse is not too weak at All Heavens Myriad Realms, but it is difficult to get into the eyes of a real gangster.

If you add a title of “nine-star battle strength” or even “Heavenly Dao-class battle strength” in front of the Evading Revolving powerhouse, then the effect is completely different.

An ordinary Evading Revolving environment powerhouse, I am afraid that those Transcendent Realm powerhouse simply will not care, after all, All Heavens Myriad Realms has a lot of Evading Revolving environment powerhouse, just Shrouding the Heavens Great World, a little bigger Among the forces, there are many Evading Revolving environment powerhouse.

But …

The nine-star battle strength Evading Revolving environment powerhouse, not to mention Shrouding the Heavens Great World, is to look at All Heavens Myriad Realms, it can also be counted on one’s fingers, or even It has not appeared so far. Not to mention, the more evil Heavenly Dao-level battle strength Evading Revolving environment powerhouse. Such a character, looking at All Heavens Myriad Realms, is definitely the top Heaven ’s Chosen, enough to make All Heavens Myriad Realms have any eyes on them.

“Is this the strength of the General Hospital?” In the independent space, countless powerhouses are silent.

For the first time, they experienced the terrifying of the General Hospital!

They are also the first to see the tip of the iceberg of the General Hospital!

The first-generation students have nine-star and even Heavenly Dao-level battle strength. The second-generation students are afraid that they will not be too different. Even if they have seven-star battle strength, it will not be surprising.

Shrouding the Heavens branch Chuan Ying and the others could not help bitterly laughed: “We are trying to compare this group of monsters to battle strength ……”

“They are a group of perverts!” golden- The winged little Peng King swallowed a spit and said in a daunting way: “We are all normal people, but we are more than abnormal, it is not our fault …”

This is a crime of non-war!

They have worked very hard, and they have almost developed the battle strength to the extreme. However, the enemy is too strong, and they cannot blame them if they lose.

Although they have n’t challenged the Heavenly Dao doppelganger yet and do n’t know their battle strength level, but looking at the evil-like battle strength of Xiao Yan and Wu Mo entire group, they do n’t think they can erupt so battle strength.

The result is already doomed!

“This group of kids, compared to when they were fighting in the Great World, the battle strength has improved a lot.” Bai Jie is also a little surprised, and also has some emotions: “So battle strength, even It is also a rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns in the fairy field. I am afraid that only those geniuses who claim to have the potential of Legendary can barely compete with them? “

She glanced, Shrouding the Heavens branch Chuan Ying, Ning Fei and the others, can’t help but sympathize with them: “tsk tsk, Shrouding the Heavens branch, these guys are courageous, dare to challenge this group of small perverts …”

It’s a pity that they picked the wrong opponent!

All parties in the World powerhouse are in a complex mood, shocked, envied, doubted, admired, and excited, such as mixed feelings, which is hard to say.

The great princes such as Great World, the Great Tomb, and Great World, which have just emerged, have been swept away with arrogance in their hearts.

The tip of the iceberg of the General Hospital has already calmed them down.

Of course, the most attacked is the evil Heavenly Dao, because it finds that its proud battle strength ca n’t cover this group of young boys, and it is boasted as if it is strong and invincible. Heavenly Dao-level power does not seem to be so rare.

“Where is a group of little perverts!” The evil Heavenly Dao inwardly grumbled in his heart, the originally exhausted spirit, seemed to be stimulated, and suddenly got up.

In a quiet, independent space, time is slowly passing by, and fierce fighting continues.

Xiao Yan, Wu Mo and the others, as always, without any fatigue, as if the consumption of strength of Divine Soul had no effect on them.

“It’s worthy of being the” Black Haze Man of Commander “!” Wu Mo admired in his heart, “battle strength is really a bit too strong …”

Same realm powerhouse, can It is not easy to insist on one move under his attack, and the Heavenly Dao avatar is the only one he has encountered so far that can barely contend with him in the same realm situation.

This is a rare opponent!

Since it is a rare opponent, it needs to be cherished!

Moreover, this is also an opportunity to increase the experience of dealing with the Black Mist, such an opportunity should not be wasted!

Thinking of this, Wu Mo could n’t help but reduce the strength of the attack. Each shot only came with a strand of strength of Divine Soul, delaying the fighting time as much as possible, grasping the opportunity of this rare opportunity, strength of Divine Soul is very It is difficult to recover. If you wantonly squander, I am afraid that you will not be able to challenge the Black Mist again for a long time.

Yes, Wu Mo and the others are more concerned about the identity of the evil Heavenly Dao Black Mist, rather than their Heavenly Dao identity.

It ’s not just Wu Mo, Xiao Yan, Wu Chen, Wu Xinxin and the others, but also with the same idea, with inexplicable tacit understanding, quietly controlling the rhythm of the battle and prolonging the fighting time as much as possible. Accumulate fighting experience with Black Mist!

Therefore, it is not the Heavenly Dao doppelganger, but Wu Mo and the others!

They did not show the strongest battle strength. Every attack, they have a good balance, and they fight, fearing that the Heavenly Dao avatar will be destroyed, but even so, the Heavenly Dao avatar cannot take any advantage.

In the eyes of outsiders, their split with Heavenly Dao is evenly matched, but in fact, the split of Heavenly Dao is simply not their opponent.

The time passed by, and in a blink of an eye, three hours passed.

Heavenly Dao ’s doppelganger ’s power is gradually exhausted, and there is little left, but Xiao Yan and Wu Mo entire group are still lively dragon and animated tiger ……

If at first everyone is just shocked Words, then now it is more and more suspicious, they suspect that these Heavenly Dao avatars are released!

“If their strength is stronger than the Heavenly Dao clone, they should have beaten the Heavenly Dao clone. If they are not as powerful as the Heavenly Dao clone, they should have lost long ago. How can they keep evenly matched? “Everyone couldn’t help but doubt, but this doubt is not unfounded, because this strange situation really does not conform to common sense,” Will the evil Heavenly Dao really release water? “

Many Heavenly Dao avatars were completely exhausted and turned into black mist. When they merged into the evil Heavenly Dao, the heavenly powerhouses were all stared wide-eyed: “Too fake?” , All lost?

If Xiao Yan entire group just persists longer, and even fights with Heavenly Dao, everyone can barely accept, but now, what is this situation? Xiao Yan entire group defeated the Heavenly Dao avatar! And not one, everyone! Everyone defeated their respective Heavenly Dao doppelgangers!

Heaven Defying Level powerhouse?

A group of Heaven Defying Level powerhouse?

Xiao Yan did not notice the change in the look of the powerhouses in the heavens. He quite regretfully said: “I thought that the black haze man can persist for a long time, didn’t expect, and lost so quickly … “The look of regret is as if he had defeated himself.”

Wu Mo, Wu Chen and the others felt the same about Xiao Yan, and all were nodded: “It ’s a pity!”

The sky, the evil Heavenly Dao was hit a bit and lost. Now, all Heavenly Dao avatars have lost!

Everyone thought it was secretly releasing water, but only it knew that it did n’t release any water at all. Every avatar showed its pinnacle ’s battle strength. Xiao Yan, Wu Mo and the others, yes With their own battle strength, dignified is defeating its avatars. In other words, Xiao Yan and Wu Mo entire group are true Heaven Defying Level powerhouse.

However, there are more than a dozen Heaven Defying Level powerhouses, which makes the evil Heavenly Dao somewhat difficult to accept.

Once upon a time, no one in the World Tombs and millions of creatures of God ’s Tomb could compete with it. Even Du Gubai and Demon Lord were astonishing forever, and only had eight-star battle strength. It is in the eyes, but the appearance of Xiao Yan and Wu Mo entire group completely smashed its pride.

The current Xiao Yan and Wu Mo entire group are naturally not their opponents.

In the future, when Xiao Yan and Wu Mo entire group ’s Cultivation Base reach Transcendent Upper Realm, it has no doubt that this group of guys can even kill themselves!

“I am Heavenly Dao! Have the battle strength of Transcendent Upper Realm!” The evil Heavenly Dao is almost going to collapse, unable to accept this cruel reality, “I am so powerful, I might be realm powerhouse spike? “

I saw the evil Heavenly Dao, and the whole body of black mist shook violently, and that Huanghuang Tianwei was also out of control. a feeling of.

Under such a tremendous blow, the evil Heavenly Dao is actually about to collapse its mind, and its consciousness is about to die.

“What’s wrong with it?” Zhutian powerhouses are a little ignorant, and they don’t understand what evil Heavenly Dao is crazy about.

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