Martial Mythology

Chapter 961: The ninth-order heaven?

   Chapter 961 Ninth-order heaven?

   Facing the envious and jealous gazes of Ni Shantian and his classmates, Mingquan smirked.

   "Let's do it for now, I'll come back to you in a while." Zhang Yu nodded slightly to Mingquan, and then floated away.

   After a while, Ni Jingtian said in a sour tone: "You are a prosperous boy this time! I hope you will not forget everyone in the future! Don't forget that you are a member of the curse class!"

   Mingquan smiled shyly: "Thank you Master Ni for your suggestion! Don't worry, I won't forget everyone!"

   "It's not too bad." Ni Shantian's unpleasant mood finally felt a little better.

   raised his head and looked at the evil spirit that filled the sky, Ni Shantian said: "Okay, let's continue to collect evil spirits, this ancient battlefield is one of the few treasures in the world of the tomb of the gods, don't waste this great opportunity!"

   For others, this is a Jedi, and even the strong in the Circulation Realm dare not set foot on it easily, but for the people of the curse class, this is definitely a supreme treasure, which can greatly help them improve the curse technique.

   finalized the candidate for the last star student. Zhang Yu met with his father Zhang Haoran again and learned about the development of the Cang Qiong Academy in detail before returning to the Cang Qiong Realm.

   Next, Zhang Yu put down other affairs and began to give birth to the eighth-order True God Realm wholeheartedly.

   At present, the breeding progress of the Panlong World has reached 90%, and it is not far from being formed. Perhaps with a little more effort, the Panlong World can be successfully conceived!

  Not far from the spiritual spring of the sky, the manor is always quiet.

  Zhang Yu sat cross-legged in a pavilion, and his spiritual sense sensed the birthing progress of Honghuang and other worlds.

   Prehistoric World Breeding Progress: 2%.

  Fengshen World Breeding Progress: 43%.

   The birth progress of the magic child world: 66%.

  The progress of star-changing world breeding: 79%.

  Panlong World Breeding Progress: 91%.

  Unconsciously, the breeding progress of Panlong World has improved a little bit, and the distance has been completely formed, and it has taken another step forward.

   Seeing this, Zhang Yu was also quite happy. After working hard for so long, the first world suspected of being the eighth-order True God Realm was finally born!

   However, Zhang Yu frowned slightly after noticing the progress of the prehistoric world.

   "2%..." Zhang Yu's expression couldn't help but become solemn, "It's been more than three years...the prehistoric world only gave birth to 2%."

   In his dantian space, there is still only a faint phantom in the prehistoric world, which is almost indistinguishable.

   In essence, it is still a vortex, and the vortex formed by the original energy has not undergone substantial changes.

  Compared to several other worlds, the formation progress of the prehistoric world is simply too slow, which is unbearably slow.

Zhang Yu knows that the stronger the world, the slower the speed of formation. This can be seen from the formation speed of the world of the gods, the world of the devil, the world of the stars and the world of the dragon. However, the world of the prehistoric world The breeding speed is really too slow, a bit ridiculously slow. Compared with the world of the gods, the world of the devil, the world of stars, and the world of the dragon, it doesn't seem to be an existence of an order of magnitude.

   Even the Conferred God World, which is the slowest of the other four worlds, gave birth to 43%, and the Prehistoric World only gave birth to a pitiful 2%. This gap is unimaginable!

Can the gap between the   -eighth-order True God Realm be so great?

   Zhang Yu was a little suspicious.

  Different True God Realms must be strong and weak, but the gap shouldn’t be that big, right?


   Zhang Yu's breathing was a little short, and his eyes narrowed slightly: "Unless the prehistoric world and the other four worlds are not of the same level at all!"

   The world of the gods, the world of magic children, the world of stars, and the world of Panlong are very likely to be the eighth-order real gods, so the prehistoric world is very likely to be the legendary ninth-order heaven!

   Long before these worlds were conceived, Zhang Yu thought of this possibility, but now as this possibility is getting higher and higher, Zhang Yu's heart can't help beating faster.

   "I might give birth to a ninth-order heaven? The legendary ninth-order heaven?" Zhang Yu's head was a little dizzy, and he couldn't believe it.

You must know that the ninth-order heaven has always existed only in legends. Even the people of the fairyland, those legendary heroes, no one has confirmed the existence of the ninth-order heaven, and now, Zhang Yu is probably giving birth to a ninth-order heaven. How not to get excited?

   took a deep breath, Zhang Yu tried to calm down his emotions, and told himself in his heart: "I can't be too happy too soon."

   After all, all this is just his speculation, and there is no concrete evidence to prove that the prehistoric world is the legendary ninth-order heaven.

   If he guesses right, he is naturally happy, but if he guesses wrong, then how much he hopes now, how much he will be disappointed in the future.

   What can be confirmed at present is that even if the prehistoric world is not the ninth-order heaven, it will definitely be able to reach the standard of the eighth-order true **** world.

   After a while, Zhang Yu stopped paying attention to the prehistoric world. He was afraid that the more he thought about it, the more disappointed he would be in the end.

   "Let's hurry up and breed the Coiling Dragon World first. It is not advisable to think too much about the ninth-order heaven." Zhang Yu shook his head, then calmed down and began to compile the annals of history seriously.

Time passed slowly. In the silent manor, more and more books appeared in front of Zhang Yu. Each book represented the history of a small world. Whenever the history accumulated to a certain amount, he would summon several clones. Come here, hand over the annals of history to them, and let them publicize it. When the small world is born, they will issue a mission and let the people from the main hospital or the major branches go to the strategy.

   In addition to being busy compiling the annals of history, Zhang Yu also finds time every month to empower the students of the curse class, Mingquan, without delay.

  Unconsciously, half a year has passed.

   In the past six months, Zhang Yu can't remember how many history books he has compiled and how many small worlds he has nurtured.

He only knows that in today's Dantian space, the number of small worlds has reached tens of thousands. , soaring to an astronomical number, almost every moment, there are creatures from the small world flying to the big worlds, making the heavens and the world appear more prosperous and prosperous.

   During this process, Zhang Yu also discovered a problem.

   In some small worlds, although the individual combat power is average, the number of all creatures has exploded, and the potential even exceeds that of some seventh-order big worlds!

   Especially those cosmic small worlds, the promotion of the world's breeding is no less than some seventh-order big worlds!

With this discovery, Zhang Yu began to deliberately breed some small cosmic worlds, and the effect was quite gratifying. As for some beautiful universes, Zhang Yu wisely chose to give up, because those cosmic worlds are undoubtedly seventh-order big worlds, such as extinction. The world where Ba etc. is located, or the super body world, must be the seventh-order world. Right now, he has no time to set up a teleportation wormhole, so he will not consider it for the time being.

   In contrast, the cosmic small world under the sixth order is the most cost-effective small world.

   On this day, when Zhang Yuzheng was compiling the history of a small world, his body trembled as if he was suddenly struck by lightning.

   In the next moment, his divine soul began to soar wildly as if it had undergone thousands of trials, and an inexplicable willpower was quietly emitted, and the entire sky world seemed to become illusory, full of overlapping shadows.

   "En?" Zhang Yu was startled, then quickly restrained his breath, locking the power of his body and the power of will.

He didn't know what was going on, he only felt that suddenly, his strength began to increase sharply, as if he had broken some kind of shackles. At the same time, he felt that he seemed to be able to control time more freely, that kind of freedom Compared with the previous one, he controlled it through the will of the world, and he seemed more comfortable, without any jerky and no difficulty, as if he had taken the main seat from the guest seat.

At this moment, Zhang Yu even had an illusion, as if he could cross the endless turbulence of time and space in an instant, and a wisp of coercion could crush hundreds of millions of worlds. Invincible.

too strong!

   That kind of extreme power makes people fascinated, as if the whole world is under his control!

   The legendary hero in the legend is probably nothing more than this, right?

   At the same time, Zhang Yu received a voice transmission: "This deity!"

   That sound transmission also contained an inexplicable power of will.

   Zhang Yu's figure flashed, appearing in a dead, cold universe, in space.

   I saw the dean's clone looking at Zhang Yu excitedly: "I have broken through to the realm of the true god!"

   "Breakthrough?" Zhang Yu was a little surprised. Although the Dean's clone has already touched the threshold of the True God Realm, the heavens and the world simply do not meet the conditions for breaking through the True God Realm. Why can the Dean's clone break through?

   Could it be…

   Zhang Yu thought of a possibility and couldn't help but get excited.

He immediately released his spiritual sense, covering the dantian space, only to see that the world of Panlong, which was lingering in reality, was finally fully conceived. From the projection of the world, it became a real world, a world more powerful than any previous world. world!

"Sure enough, the Panlong World has been conceived!" Zhang Yu couldn't help showing an expectant smile on his face. "So, the Panlong World must be the eighth-order True God Realm!" Only when the heavens and the world are born Only in the real eighth-order True God Realm will someone break through to the True God Realm.

  No, strictly speaking, only by entering the eighth-order True God Realm can there be a possibility of a breakthrough.

   However, Zhang Yu is different, his clone is also very special, even if he is far away from the eighth-order True God Realm, he can still break through.

   The premise is that his cultivation base has accumulated enough, and his understanding of the law also reaches the standard.

   "Eighth-order True God Realm!" Zhang Yu's voice couldn't help but tremble.

   He waited too long for this day!

   For a person like him, it is undoubtedly an extremely difficult thing to insist on doing one thing for several years, which shows how much he yearns and expects for the eighth-order True God Realm.

   Now, his hard work has finally paid off, and his hard work has not been in vain.

"I just didn't expect that when the eighth-order True God Realm was conceived, my power seemed to have transformed, and it increased more than ten times... This kind of power improvement is compared to the tens or hundreds of seventh-order great worlds. The power is even more exaggerated!" Zhang Yu didn't know how strong he was, but he was certain that under the legendary heroes, I am afraid that no one was his opponent.

   As for whether the legendary hero can beat himself, I am afraid that he will only know after he has beaten it.

   In any case, Zhang Yu is very satisfied with the surge in strength. Even if he can't beat the legendary hero, he will not be disappointed.

   "How about it, are you interested in going to the True God Realm?" Zhang Yu looked at the dean's clone with a smile and invited him.

   Dean's avatar's eyes lit up: "Panlong?"

   Zhang Yu nodded and said with a smile: "Yes, it is Panlong True God Realm!"

"Go, of course!" Dean's clone excitedly said: "Now that my strength has reached the real **** realm, it is meaningless to practice in the world of covering the sky. Only by going to the eighth-order real **** realm can I continue to improve my strength! This deity, Hurry up!" He looked even more anxious than Zhang Yu.

   Zhang Yu laughed and said, "Well, let's take a good look at what the legendary eighth-order True God Realm looks like!"

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