Chapter 981 The Gift of Beirut

“Ai, why did I have to be cheap, to provoke the devil, now it ’s okay, I ’ve been caught in a place where the bird does n’t shit, and the happy days are gone forever. “…” said Sacred Domain Black Dragon: “Those Black Dragon younger sisters and big brothers in the family are sorry for you and can no longer pity you …”

Sacred Domain tyrannosaurus eyes twitched, roar Dao: “Shut up!”

Sacred Domain Black Dragon coldly said: “Yeah, I said to myself, what’s the problem with you?”

“Look at you” In this way, where is the pride of Dragon Race, it is ashamed of Dragon Race! “Sacred Domain Tyrannosaurus scolded.

Searing this, Sacred Domain Black Dragon said with a sneer: “Everyone is caught by that man, who is better than anyone? With the ability, you can try to escape by yourself! If you dare not , Just shut up for me! “

Sacred Domain Golden Dragon has a headache, looking at the two dragons fighting, helplessly said:” Do n’t be noisy, can you stop for a while? “

Sacred Domain Tyrannosaurus and Sacred Domain Black Dragon glanced at each other disgustingly, but did not continue to quarrel.

“Okay, no one talks about anyone. Today we have eight, each one has lost their big faces. If we let those Divine Dragon ancestors know that we lost our big face to Dragon Race, Maybe we will be expelled from Dragon Race! “Sacred Domain Thunder Dragon is a bit depressed, a look of depression.

Dragon Race is proud and not to be insulted. However, these Sacred Domain dragons have been caught here, like captive livestock, imprisoning them here, if those Senior Divine Dragon understood, Maybe it will skyrocket.

Sacred Domain Golden Dragon said: “It ca n’t be said that, after all, that person is obviously Divine Tier powerhouse, and it gives me the feeling that it is stronger than the Valkyrie and High Priest, we are just Sacred Domain demonic beast, it’s normal to beat, and acknowledge allegiance in a Divine Tier powerhouse is not insulting and dignified. “

Among demonic beasts, the law of the jungle is more practised.

The demonic beast respects the powerhouse, and Stewart is undoubtedly the true powerhouse!

It is not unacceptable to succumb to Divine Tier powerhouse like Stewart.

“Maybe people simply didn’t care about us.” Sacred Domain Black Dragon was silent for a while, said with a bitter smile: “That man is stronger than the God of War and High Priest, in Divine Tier powerhouse, It is considered a top-level expert. Although we are Sacred Domain demonic beast, in the final analysis, we may not be qualified to be the favorite of others … “

Listening to this, many Sacred Domain dragons are silent In the forest, one after another sighed inaudibly.

The Baruch family.

Front courtyard mansion.

Zhang Yu is sitting in the main house, and Hogg is sitting on the side.

Hillman, old steward, and the others, standing below.

They are holding tea and other things in their hands, and there is also a set of things needed for apprenticeship.

Lin Lei picked up the tea cup from the tray held by old steward Shiri, then walked forward with a discerning eye, stopped in front of Zhang Yu, then bowed down properly and handed the tea cup to Zhang Yu: “Teacher, please drink tea!”

“Good.” Zhang Yu ended up drinking the tea cup, and then lifted up lei, “drinking this cup of tea, from now on, you are My Honorary Disciple is here! “

” Yes, Teacher! “Lin Lei bowed respectfully.

Zhang Yu stared at Lin Lei with a smile and said, “Since you have become my Honorary Disciple, you are eligible to know my identity.”

Paused, he calmly said with a smile: “For the teacher surnamed Zhang Mingyu, it is Sky Academy Dean. In addition, before accepting you as the Honorary Disciple, the teacher also received five Honorary Disciple, the boss Ye Fan, the old Two Xiaoyan, the third old Li Xiaoyao, fourth child Tang Xuanzang, old five Sun Wukong, you Ranked Sixth. “

Stuart and the others are all a little surprised, didn’t expect Zhang Yu except lei , And five Honorary Disciple.

They are a little curious in their hearts, and do n’t know what kind of strengths Zhang Yu, the Honorary Disciple, have?

“What is Sky Academy? Also, are Senior Brothers awesome?” lei asked curiously.

“haha, just entered as a teacher, so you have so many questions.” Zhang Yu laughed, “Sky Academy, you can understand it as an Academy, just like the Academy of your Kingdom of Lane It ’s the same, and I am Dean of Sky Academy. ”

Lin Lei opened his eyes and admired:” So, Teacher is as powerful as Ernst Academy Dean? “

In the eyes of Little Brat, Ernst Academy Dean is undoubtedly a very powerful character. In the entire Kingdom of Finlay, it is the existence of aloof and remote, and its status is more than that of the king. In the eyes of Wushan Town, things are like Legendary.

“Uh …” He heard Lin Lei mentioning himself and Dean mention on equal terms of a magical Academy, Zhang Yu’s expression was a little wonderful.

He touched lei ’s head and said mildly with a smile: “Sky Academy is much better than Ernst Academy, Ernst Academy is just a pretty good magic Academy in the Holy Alliance, Sky Academy, however, is a huge monster all over the All Heavens Myriad Realms. Both have no comparability at all. So let ’s just say that a random student in Sky Academy is much more powerful than Dean of Ernst Academy! “

lei was startled, his eyes widened: “So powerful!”

A student is more powerful than Ernst Academy Dean.

Please forgive this child ’s lack of words. In his little head, he really ca n’t think of any words that can describe the power of Sky Academy.

The only people on the scene who can understand it are Stewart and the four Supreme Gods.

They also did not know Zhang Yu ’s true identity until now.

“You are still young. When will you reach Divine Tier, you can barely understand what kind of existence Sky Academy is. Now it doesn’t make much sense to say more.” Zhang Yu said with a smile : “As for your five Senior Brothers, for the average person, they are quite powerful. Even in the supreme plane, few people are their opponents. However, they are still a section of the road before they become true experts. Let ’s go. Of course, even if you want to keep up with their footsteps, it will take a lot of time … “

Zhang Yu did not specifically mention Ye Fan ’s Cultivation Base realm, now Talking about these things, lei did not understand.

Lin Lei is very ambitious, and his face is full of confidence: “I will definitely catch up with them!”

“Good!” Zhang Yu likes this little Brat’s character very much This is also the main reason why he accepted lei as a discipline. “I hope you can maintain such self-confidence forever!”

lei blinked and said: “Teacher, Senior Brother Where are they? I can see Are they? “

” Not in a hurry. “Zhang Yu smiled and shook his head,” When will you reach Divine Tier, I will arrange for you to meet again. “

lei did not understand What does Divine Tier mean? He squeezed his fists and said firmly: “I will definitely reach Divine Tier as soon as possible!”

Hogg, Hillman and the others mouth twitched slightly, legendary Divine Tier, just Even the ancestors of the Baruch family dare not say that they can achieve it. This Little Brat is good. It dare to say that it will reach Divine Tier as soon as possible. I do n’t know where to come from.

“Yes.” Zhang Yu suddenly remembered something, he turned over the palm, a dragon-shaped long sword appeared in his hand, and said in his mouth: “Since you have entered my door, this is my As a teacher, I have to express it a little bit. This weapon was made by myself, and the formidable power is not small, in case it hurts you, I set up a Seal on it, when you have enough strength, You can unlock its Seal. Now, I will give it to you, I hope you can use its true power in the future. “

Hogg looked at the dragon-shaped long sword curiously, but Is not seen out of the ordinary.

However, Stewart ’s reaction was to startle them. I saw that Stewart ’s eyes were staring at the dragon-shaped long sword, his breathing was a bit thick, and there was a burning desire in his eyes, as if In general.

“Supreme Divine Artifact! Absolutely Supreme Divine Artifact!” Stewart’s eyes were fiery and his heart was trembling. “It’s almost exactly the same Supreme Divine Artifact that Dean Mister used to mortgage the money when he was in hell!”

That ’s Supreme Divine Artifact stronger than the main Divine Item!

Even the main gods and masters are very eager to get it!

“Mr. Stewart.” Hogg was startled and hurriedly whispered.

Stuart came back to his senses, looked at Hog several people, voice hoarsely said: “sorry, just a little lost self-control.” However, they are more and more curious in their hearts. How powerful is this dragon-shaped long sword? Even Stewart, the Divine Tier powerhouse, can’t keep calm after seeing it?

Lin Lei took the dragon-shaped long sword and said happily: “Thank you Teacher!”

Since the dragon-shaped long sword was sealed, there is no slight power, even the weight. Very light, like a wooden sword, but unlike the wooden sword, its texture is extremely tenacious, even the main Divine Item can’t hurt it. Exactly, lei is still young, and his strength has not been exercised. This dragon-shaped long sword is very suitable for him.

“You just like it.” Seeing Lin Lei holding the dragon-shaped long sword, he couldn’t put it down, Zhang Yu said with a smile with satisfaction.

Suddenly, a slightly old voice sounded outside the mansion without warning: “Little Beirut, please see Dean Mister!”

Zhang Yu raised an eyebrow: “Beirut? This guy?” How did you come here? “

” Dean Mister, you forgot, the villain just mentioned, what gift is Beirut Mister preparing to give you … “Stewart reminded.

Zhang Yu remembered that Stewart did say this, but he did n’t care.

Now that Beirut is here, he is not going to drive people away.

“Come in.” Zhang Yu said toward the outside.

Next moment, Beirut entered the mansion and came outside, he sorted out his clothes, and then walked in respectfully, stopped in front of Zhang Yu, and said, “See Dean Mister!

Hogg and the others looked at Beirut with curiosity, this person was out of the ordinary, I do n’t know what identity?

“Beirut, do you have anything?” Zhang Yu straight to the point, asked directly.

“I heard that Dean Mister is a guest in the Baruch family and intends to accept lei as Honorary Disciple, so I come here to present a gift to express my heart.” Beirut is very respectful and can’t see The majesty and dignity of the Lord God, that humble appearance, even made people think that he was just an ordinary old man.

Zhang Yu said with great interest: “What gift?”

Beirut immediately took out the gift that had been prepared, and said: “This is the three main Divine Spark, these four bottles Here, it is the blood essence of the four Divine Beast. Lei is a member of the Baruch family. I think it should be used. “

The four Divine Beast blood essence is nothing, but the three main Divine Spark, Even for Beirut, it was definitely bleeding.

You must know that three master Divine Spark can make three master gods!

That ’s a big gift!

Stewart ’s eyes were very hot, and his mouth was unable to bear swallowed a spit. For him, Divine Spark ’s appeal is no less than that of Supreme Divine Artifact. Divine Spark, because that represents a main god!

“Yeah, Beirut, you are willing to take out these things?” Zhang Yu looked at Beirut in surprise, “This is something that you only got at the risk of mortal danger. Are you sure you want to give it to me?”

Beirut respectfully said: “Yes!”

He is also very helpless, except for the main Divine Spark and the four Divine Beast blood essence, he has nothing else to do at all. He found an opportunity to please Zhang Yu, but he was unwilling to miss this opportunity, so he could only grind his teeth to take out the most precious things. If he could please Zhang Yu and get the shelter of Zhang Yu, then he would pay a big price. is worth it.

“Four Divine Beast blood essences can be left, as for the three main Divine Sparks, you should take it back.” Zhang Yu converged his smile, indifferently said.

Lord Divine Spark, Zhang Yu is not uncommon.

“This …” Beirut froze.

Strictly speaking, Lord Divine Spark is the most precious treasure, enough to make any High God crazy, even the Lord God and the Master are very eager, but now, he sends it to Zhang Yu, Zhang Yu turned down.

He did n’t know if Zhang Yu was really disdainful, or pretended to be polite, could not help probed: “Mister really do n’t want it?”

Zhang Yu looked at Beirut funny: “OK, do n’t I tried it. Although you take it back, I am not interested in it, and I will not use it for lei … As for your purpose, I can also guess that when I am busy with things here, I can help you solve the light. Question, before you wait patiently. “

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