Chapter 147 Confirming what you have learned, nuclear reactor [fourth more]

Shi Zhongyu’s mind moved, and a silver-white sacred scorpion appeared from behind him, with soaring horns, and his eyebrows opened to open the eyes of judgment. The whole body was covered with scales, crystal clear, like the moonlight of water, and his body was burning all the time. White flames.

This is his cultivating 犴, and Shi Hao’s red-glowing 犴 looks like a species.

And Pixiu and Suanni looked at their three golden brothers, Suanni, who were silent.

Su Ma seemed to have been injured by a crit. He didn’t have the power to awaken his seal, so desolate!

It’s not wrong that Heavenly Dog is a fierce beast of the heavenly rank, but the precious technique is incomplete. In addition, Shi Zhongyu can’t understand the home, and the opponent Shi Hao has understood the power of the seal, and he must be his opponent.

Therefore, Shi Zhongyu simply summoned his initial treasure, 犴犴, the silver-white 犴犴 and the Chixia brilliant 犴犴 fought together in an instant.

Both the stone jade and the small point are full of enthusiasm. Suanni Precious Art and Suanni Precious Art are different in their condensed gods, but they can also learn from each other by fighting against each other.

Soon, Shi Zhongyu discovered that the strength of the township that Xiao Shihao’s Juya understood was stronger with the word “Town”.

However, the strength of the seal he realized was stronger with the word “Feng”.

One is suppression, and the other is the seal which is stronger and weaker. It’s really hard to comment. Only after one battle can the result be obtained.

Similarly, there are differences in the duel of Suanni’s treasures. The little Suanni’s purple thunder power is stronger than Shi Zhongyu in penetrating power.

And the silver lightning condensed by Suanni of Shizhongyu is even more radiant.


Pixiu sighed deeply. Fortunately, these two guys didn’t use any new treasures. At least Pixiu didn’t. As Dage, Face saved them.

In my heart, silently mourn the two hard-hit good brothers for three seconds.

Liu Shen saw the two boys hit and beat them, and they began to testify to each other. They were silent, saying where is the young and energetic, you two are not bear kids, why don’t you go ahead, forget it, don’t fight Is it for better Ascension strength?

Stone Village!

The men, women, and children in Shicun watching the movie were all dumbfounded, not knowing how much air-conditioning they had sucked back. At first, they were watching the myth and couldn’t see the movements of the two at all, only seeing the collision of silver and gold.

Then there was the collision between the purple gold and crimson, and it was hard to see the action of the two.

Now I can’t see clearly, Shi Zhongyu and Xiao Budian’s treasures are fighting, and the two of them each used the Xingyi fist imprint that they understood, and they came together.

Shicun was quiet, and there was only a hissing sound of inhaling air-conditioning!

As long as the old man Shi Lin Feng practiced Realm high enough, he could see the most clearly. In addition to shock, he was shocked. In the end, it all turned into tears and gratification.

Shi Yunfeng’s Cultivation Base is a bit close, but it’s just about transforming the spirit realm, but he barely understands some things. He is very calm. He has been very talented since he was a child. However, Shi Zhongyu has always been small and never nodded. It is reasonable to have such a combat power. middle.

The afterglow of the setting sun turned into a red haze, which dyed the stone village red, and the battle scene in Daliushu continued.

Shi Zhongyu and Xiao Budian are the kind of guys who are more fierce than fierce beasts. From the morning to now, they are just warming up.

What should the villagers simply do? Why, the village chief tells everyone to cook, and eat while watching him not fragrant?

Void God Realm!

Liushen told everyone who wanted to fight, they could fight and practice at will. There would be no life-threatening here. Unless they were severely injured, they would be kicked out of the Void God Realm, otherwise nothing would happen.

The battle between Shi Zhongyu and Xiao Budian, for most people in Shicun, couldn’t keep up with their movements and couldn’t see clearly.

However, the two brothers Suanni and Suanni have gained a lot. Their brothers suddenly felt very happy. Seeing these two guys fight, they can confirm what they have learned, Ascension’s own treasure.

After all, everyone’s treasures are of the same origin, and they are authentic pure-blooded beasts, okay?

Pixiu found out that the whole beast is not good. Why is it so? Could it be that Dage will be surpassed and suppressed by the two younger brothers in the future.

Do you want to show its original bones to those two guys? No, if you take the initiative to show your original bones to the human race, then it’s equivalent to being a beast, losing the face of your ancestors.

In the middle of the night!

“Small, be careful, Big Brother, I can’t show any real skills, it seems I can’t suppress you.”

Shi Zhongyu suddenly spoke for the first time in the battle, said.

“Little Big Brother, even if you take action, I am not afraid of you!”

Xiao Shihao is very confident and calm.


Shi Zhongyu’s waist was shining, and the eight kidney super motors were activated, and his combat power surged in an instant.

This is a routine operation. Shi Zhongyu’s ability to comprehend is based on the ability of adrenal hormones in later generations to speed up the blood flow of the human body, and all potentials are stimulated, and he figured it out by himself.

Xiao Budian was blasted out by Shi Zhongyu’s reckless fist, hit the ground, and plowed a deep trench.


Little bit, even though he was prepared, he was caught off guard by Shi Zhongyu’s sudden eruption.

However, he didn’t suffer much damage. At the critical moment, he used a Black Tortoise-shaped fist print, resisting half of the damage.

Tiny’s chest glowed. He didn’t activate the Supreme Bone Treasure Art. He just stimulated the heart with the Supreme Bone. This was something he figured out himself. He has been warming his heart with the Supreme Bone, hoping it will become stronger.

This is also the original idea for Nirvana to produce the third supreme bone in the original plot of Xiaobudian, but it is the initial idea to dissolve it and integrate it into the whole body.

Xiao Budian is a very thoughtful child. He didn’t meet Shi Zhongyu at the time. In order to break through the extreme realm of 100,000 catties, he didn’t know how much suffering he had suffered. He always cared about the strength of the physical body.

When Liu Shen pointed him to live toward death, Nirvana, Xiao Budian strengthened his conviction. His idea is simple. If the body becomes stronger, it will be better to breed new supreme bones.

Especially after seeing Shi Zhongyu’s fighting style of attacking his opponents, getting closer, and suddenly breaking out, pitting his opponents.

Xiao Budian is more concerned about the tempering of the physical body, he feels that the body is the most fundamental.

Only a strong body can nurture a stronger supreme bone, and a strong body can in turn nurture the spiritual will, and nurture the treasure.

All this was when Xiao Shihao broke through the extreme realm of 100,000 catties, the supreme bone reacted for the first time, reflecting his speculation.


The two began to fight again. Although Xiao Budian was still at a disadvantage, Shi Zhongyu stared at Xiao Budian’s glowing chest in surprise.

Is this a small nuclear reactor under steel? If he remembers correctly, the precious art contained in the little supreme bone should be Samsara. What is the situation now?

It doesn’t make sense, even if the small point becomes stronger, the power of the treasure will only increase, how can the power decrease instead.

Samsara, that is the heaven-defying technique that contains the principles of time. Shi Zhongyu is very jealous.

What is going on now!

Shi Zhongyu was clearly wrong. How did he know that he didn’t use the precious technique contained in Supreme Bone at all.

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