Chapter 152 The Poor Golden Rat [First More]

Initially novice village!

Everyone in Shicun saw it openly. Because many people came, the level of excitement was much higher than before, and there were constant masters from various forces coming, and the momentum did not scare them.

In the beginning, even if Venerable comes, it will be doubled into a blood-moving realm. No matter how terrible the aura is, it will eventually be the blood-moving realm. Everyone in Shicun seems to be walking in the form of ancient relics, and will not be shocked by this aura. To mind.

At most, it means seeing a new one, feeling wide open to see, and finally seeing someone from the outside world.

Very weak, weak can not help but not beaten!

Very good at playing, they have seen a lot of scenes like people pulling beasts.

There is also a group of old people who are not ashamed, surrounded by a group of graceful women in white clothes, waiting for them.

Many ancient heritage species look delicious.

There are many different races, three eyes, four ears, pointed ears, four legs, three heads, and green eyes…

Ahem, too much, they were dazzled and exclaimed again and again.

Of course, if there are too many people, conflicts will naturally arise, or the temptations of the big forces will continue.

After temptation, the people in Shicun are all barbarians, but they didn’t grow up on a vegetarian diet.

There were men, women and children from all levels who took aggressive actions and killed those provocateurs with their bare hands.

Xiaocao, this skin is wheat-colored, wearing animal skins, and her figure is as bumpy as a fourteen-year-old girl.

Shi Zhongyu passed to her the snake-shaped fist he had recently visualized. The little girl is the strongest among this group of girls, with a physical body reaching 80,000 jin.

Opposite her, a nine-meter-long, two-meter-high Archaic Legacy Golden-Eater Rat with a tail added to one end was murderous.

The two collided with physical strength just now, and the result turned out to be the same.

The blood of this golden rat is still very pure, at least a half-blooded beast.

As a result, it was eaten in the hands of a little girl.

The reason is that Xiaocao has a good luck, so I bought a good-looking stone, which turned out to be a piece of demigod gold.

As for where Jingbi came from, of course Shi Zhongyu gave it to him. After killing too many people, he casually took away some storage treasures, which naturally contained Jingbi.

The Golden Rat saw that he wanted to snatch the demigod gold. For their race, devouring powerful metal can speed up the transformation of their blood.

“Sister Xiaocao, kill it, the little Big Brother said, you can also eat barbecue here.”

Leopard girl whispered in the back.

“court death!”

The gold-eater’s silver eyes looked at the leopard girl, her whole body was bronze, with silver stripes on her body. When it was completely silver, it would formally transform into a pure-blooded beast.

The next moment, it disappeared directly in the same place, and the natural escape, the natural escape of the tribe, is extremely powerful, and it can travel freely in the gold and stone.

With a gentle push, Xiaocao pulled the Leopard girl away from her original position, and stomped one foot on the ground. In an instant, the street under her feet cracked. Where Leopard girl was standing, the Golden Rat screamed and ate a little stuffy. deficit.

Shi Zhongyu transformed himself into a melon-eating crowd, watching with gusto.

The teenagers in Shicun do not lack actual combat experience, what they lack is the comprehension of bone inscriptions.

After all, not everyone is small, talented, and can make rapid progress in his own understanding.


The Golden Rat gave up the sneak attack and directly rushed out arrogantly. The four sharp silver teeth at the position of the pointed mouth flashed cold and cold light, and rushed towards the grass.

Xiaocao made a fist of the snake, a faint golden light appeared on his body, and he leaped slightly to avoid the sharp edge, and did not collide with the golden rat head-on.


The Golden Rat snorted coldly, and the silver tail, with a sharp sound, drew towards the grass like a whip.

Xiaocao’s body sank suddenly, stepping on the back of the golden rat, and the silver tail was a little bit short of it, and she avoided it.


Xiaocao stepped on the golden rat, causing its body to sink suddenly and almost collapsed to the ground.

Just now!

Hu Niu, Leopard Girl and the others moved. In their hearts, there is no concept of fighting alone. Of course, hunting is the fastest and safest method to take prey.

Seven or eight girls, the worst of their physical bodies is 40,000 catties of brute force, besieging the Golden Rat, especially Hu Niu, and the strength of Leopard Girl is only a few thousand catties than Xiaocao.

The tail was grabbed, and the Golden Rat opened its mouth to bite.


A huge boulder hit him just in the mouth. It was Hu Niu who did it.

At the same time, Xiaocao leaped to the position of his head, and stepped on his legs vigorously, and instantly stepped on the most dangerous head of the golden rat into the street, causing the earth and rocks to crack.

The women shot, the Xingyi fist imprints used, banging on the golden rat, banging loudly.

The pure-blooded golden rat can rank in the forefront of the fierce beasts of the tiers. It has strong attack and defensive power. It is also good at fleeing and has almost no weakness.

Among the women, Xiaocao is even more threatening to her, who is also completely carrying her physical body and Xingyiquan.

Shi Zhongyu sighed slightly. Everyone in Shicun had his Xingyi Fist Seal to develop their physical potential and strengthen their physique, but they did not cultivate a powerful treasure. Unless they had weapons, they would not be able to take down the Golden Rat in a short time. Let it escape.

Shi Zhongyu moved his mind, and took out his dragon tooth spear, mace, and a yellow shield.

“Get the weapon!”

These three pieces were all ancient treasures obtained by the Baiduan Mountains, and he left them at will for the convenience of knocking on the sap, and now they just came in handy.

The girls were overjoyed when they saw the weapon thrown by Shi Zhongyu, Xiaocao took the Dragon Tooth Spear, and the Ascension suddenly became 70%.

Why the ancient ancestors created weapons to fight against fierce beasts.

Only humans with weapons in their hands can guard their homes and resist foreign enemies.

The Golden Rat is so angry that he can’t wait to swallow the old fellow who has changed in Shi Zhongyu in one bite.


At this moment, Hu Niu held a shield and stubbornly resisted the impact of the Golden Rat.

Leopard sister took a mace, aimed at the chrysanthemum of the golden rat, and stabbed in fiercely.

The painful eyes of the Golden Rat were about to protrude, and he opened his mouth and let out a miserable roar.

Xiaocao finally seized the opportunity, a spear thrust into its open mouth, and out of the head.

Looking around, War Practitioner has a weird face and silently mourns for the Golden Rat. Although it is not really dead, it is estimated that it will leave a shadow for a lifetime.

On the other hand, Shi Zhongyu silently exchanged his dragon tooth spear, and the other two, the shield was reserved for a few women to defend themselves, but he couldn’t get a mace. Such a weapon should be given to Leopard Girl!

The girls were beaming, and they shot and killed a beast’s remnant with their own hands. They already wanted to go to the barbecue eagerly.

“It’s really amazing. The dead body can really be kept. Isn’t this the Void God Realm? Only consciousness comes in.”

Leopard sister slid her mace and said curiously.

“Little girl, you don’t understand this. This is the rule of the Void God Realm. There will be rewards for killing prey. Moreover, after eating the flesh and blood of this Primordial Relic, it will naturally strengthen you. Above his body.”

Next to him, a kindly smiling old man walked out with a bird hiding on his shoulder, and said.

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