Chapter 968 Five Virtues Universe Star Clothes

A blessing in disguise!

Under the influence of the inexplicable Karma power, the chain of fate that was swept away by Shi Potian unexpectedly appeared in Yu Hong’s hand and continued to wrap around Shi Potian.

It’s very weird, Karma Daoze, notoriously disgusting.

Pros and cons of Five Elements!

Around Shi Hao’s body, the positive Five Elements and the anti-Five Elements turned into five-color big mills, slowly rotating and rolling, the big mills are like two huge Star halves, rotating “kaka”, the black and white chains are close, and they are directly crushed. Go in.

At the same time, Shi Potian’s right hand protruding from the sky, the five-color light, five fingers, representing Five Elements, the power of perfect integration, combined with the Buddha in the palm of the palm he learned under the Bodhi Tree, turned it into the most suitable for him. Supernatural powers.

You know, Shi Potian specializes in Five Elements, and Nirvana has awakened the talent of space that had died.

A palm sticks out, directly encloses the scissors, and takes it away in an instant, almost grabbing Yu Hong’s whole body into the palm of his hand.

A blessing in disguise!

Long fate!

Yu Hong once again used the unique magical power he cultivated. It was a blessing in disguise. It was a Karma-like magical power. When he was fighting, he was able to “allow the error rate” to give him a chance, but now it is unexpectedly useful.

Long fate is a kind of destiny, similar to curse-like magical powers, which can make opponents unlucky, and the error rate is greatly ascension.

This is Yu Hong’s supernatural power. When the two work together to fight with him, there are frequent accidents, with ten percent combat power, and seventy percent of the fighting power impossible.

Great Void Art!

This is also the magical power that Shi Zhongyu imparted to Shi Potian. With the help of his innate magical powers, he was imprinted in the void and integrated with the space. Xiantian was invincible.

Seeing that he had suppressed Big Scissors just now, he was almost taken back by the opponent inexplicably. Fortunately, this time, after entering, he was directly suppressed by Five Elements Mountain.

This can be regarded as a small shame, but after all, it has not been taken out. Use this half-step fairy king soldier to confront the enemy!

Five Elements Mountain, the original owner, exists at the level of a half-step fairy king, the five virtues are true immortals, but unfortunately they did not grow up and died in battle.

The Five Elements Mountain was acquired by the Immortal Venerable, which originally recognized Qin Changsheng. After all, the other party had the inheritance of his master and created the immortal power.

It is a pity that Qin Changsheng was afraid of being taken away, and preferred to create his own source, but also to dig out the bone of the fairy king.

This old guy was taken by Shi Zhongyu to Wuliangtian, and he lost his trace. It should be where he went to Closed Door Training, or he has left Wuliangtian.

After all, recently, the teleportation formations of Nine Heavens ten places have been repaired one by one. In order to cope with the next battle, even the old man Meng Tianzheng took the time to let a spiritual body run and repair the teleportation formation again.

Nine Heavens is thoroughly connected to the ten places, helping each world to develop, communicate, and grow.

After all, young people continue to have, at least, there are a group of little guys who also need to grow up a little bit. These are the hopes of the new generation of Nine Heavens.

There are some as big as Skyhorn Ants, Baby Dragons, and White Qilin. Of course, there is definitely no way to surpass them.

On the contrary, Shi Hao’s Little Brother Little Sister, the pair of twin star talents, natural, lunar, and sun talented Little Brother and Little Sister, are extremely talented.

The void collapsed!

At the same time, the stone broke through the sky, the force of the space solidified, and everything in the area was shattered like a mirror.

Such an attack is a large-scale, non-discriminatory attack, the most restraining Yu Hong’s supernatural powers.

Yu Hong reluctantly resisted this strike, the light of destiny and the fragments of Karma Dao flew around on his body, blocking the fatal blow.

The Five Virtues Mudras!

Shi Potian shot again, with his big hand sticking out, the five colors of brilliance flowed, covering the sky and obscuring the sun, and headed towards Yu Hong’s suppression, like a small thousand world suppressed.

It was another large-scale attack. Shi Potian was also a militant. He had fought with Shi Zhongyu’s followers. He immediately noticed that the opponent’s way was difficult, and immediately changed his strategy.

every dog ​​has his day!

The rhyme of Yu Tuo’s body flowed, brushing, and the figure disappeared in the same place. He unexpectedly caught the loophole in this palm and escaped.

The void collapsed!

Shi Hao didn’t mean to stop. It was another large-scale attack that shook Yu Hong’s whole body. Fortunately, he had the Zhanyi bodyguard on him, which blocked it.

The two of them fought, very disgusting. At first, the weapons were unusable. The five-color light, once they were brushed over, the weapons that could not be resisted would be snatched away.

Especially after the Karma shears were lost, Yu Hong simply put away the weapon and stopped using it.

The Five Virtues Mudras!

It is covered by a palm again, covering the sky, sealing the world, and connecting the earth with the power of Five Elements. If suppressed, there is absolutely no way to escape.

Karma cut it!

He stretched out his scissors and cut into the void, click, another loophole was cut out by him, and he avoided it.

Yu Hong was frustrated, his supernatural powers were mainly weird and difficult, but when he ran into the bear boy Shi Potian, his strength was reduced for ten times and he was directly amplified.

Karma cut it!


Yu Hong shot again, the power of Karma locked the Shibatian, cut it out, enveloped the void, penetrated in, and cooperated with the power of fate to break the fusion of Shibatian and the void, and forced it out.

However, The next moment, the attack fell on the Five Elements mill, and in the hole in the middle of the rock-shattered body, the whole person slammed directly into Yu Hong!

Void imprisoned!

This move, but his first generation of Nirvana talent supernatural powers, Shi Potian has consulted Xiao Chen about the way of space.

Life should never be broken!

Yu Hong unexpectedly found a loophole in the void imprisonment once again under the influence of fate’s supernatural powers, and fled instantly.

Great Void Art!

Shi Potian’s figure instantly disappeared in the same place, shuttled through the void, appeared behind Yu Hong, the Five Virtues Realm!


With him as the center, a five-color brilliance flowed, forming a five-color continent, which enveloped Yu Hong.

Cause and effect!

Yu Hong escaped faster than expected, and appeared in the place where Shi Potian first stood as if the venue was exchanged.

In Shi Potian’s eyes, this guy’s combat power was average, and his escape skills were simply incoherent. He felt that unless Shi Zhongyu met this kid, even if Xiao Chen and his brother Shi Hao met, they would feel a headache.

Fate is coming soon!

Fatal blow!

The next moment, Yu Hong pinched the seal and used the forbidden magical powers of the Immortal King Yu Tuo, all of which were fate-type attacks. With one finger point, it was zoomed infinitely, as if it turned into a pillar of heaven and crushed down, pressing towards the stone breaking the sky. , What is locked is the weakest part of his body.

This strike, Yu Hong has been preparing for a long time, can be described as a lore.

Five Virtues Universe Star Clothes!

After a layer of Five Elements on Shi Potian’s body was successfully integrated, combined with the Universe Star array taught by Shi Zhongyu, a perfect defense method was formed. The baby had a bright white halo, but there was no dead angle defense at 360 degrees. The moment of activation, it turned into The transparent mask covered his body.


A harsh blow fell on Shi Potian’s body, but it failed to trigger the forbidden supernatural powers and was perfectly defended.

Shi Potian has already felt that the blow is exactly where his weakness lies. You must remember it, and strive to correct and erase all these weaknesses. A battle with this Yu Tuo made him discover a lot of Cultivation Technique loopholes. Now Even his own weaknesses were also pointed out.

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